PP SLIDE: representative craniates: hagfish http://shiftingbaselines.org/blog/458373hagfish.jpg; surfing dolphins: http://www.colorhealing.com/Photos%20folder/dolphinsurfing.jpg; flying macaw: http://p.webshots.com/ProThumbs/63/55763_wallpaper400.jpg; sea dragon: http://www.tnaqua.org/Membership/Photo_Gallery/Sea_Dragon.jpg PP SLIDE: IACUC = Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee ensures that research animals are treated humanely when they are vertebrates; reviews research projects involving vertebrates; inspects facilities to ensure that research animals have proper care; committee includes professors, staff from various offices, the public, a veterinarian (service since 2004) PP SLIDE: vertebrates as a percentage of animal diversity: http://www.texasento.net/bio_pie.gif PP SLIDE: amnh biodiversity pie chart from http://www.texasento.net/ PP SLIDE: size differences among large and small vertebrates; elephant shrew: http://www.africanfauna.com/images/capeelephantshrew.jpg; whale: http://www.shellbackdon.com/images/whale.jpg PP SLIDE: diversity of habitats: freshwater systems, mountains, grasslands, forest, marine PP SLIDE: predators and prey: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol309/issue5739/cover.dtl PP SLIDE: sit and wait predator; Bushmaster, Lachesis muta, http://www.escapeartist.com/efam/55/bushmaster.jpg PP SLIDE: active solitary forager; Black and Yellow Poison Frog, Dendrobates leucomelas PP SLIDE: active cooperative forager; Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus PP SLIDE: herbivore, African Elephant, Loxodonta africans PP SLIDE: turtle courtship: http://www.tufts.edu/alumni/magazine/winter2007/images/features/fea-season2.jpg PP SLIDE: parental care; bird on nest: http://www.frogwood.org/images/bird-nesting.jpg PP SLIDE: Craniate Reproduction: Most craniates are bisexual with males and females that produce sperm and ova, respectively; Sperm are shed into coelom or via excretory ducts associated with kidney; Sexual dimorphism is pronounced or non-existent; Some fishes are hermaphrodites (like urochordates); protogynous - female first, become functional males; protandrous - male first, become functional females; some switch more than once; Parthenogenic Animals: fishes, amphibians, reptiles, snakes PP SLIDE: Reproductive mode: Reproductive Mode = Site of reproduction + mode of development; Mode of Development includes: ovum size, clutch size, rate of development, duration of development, size & stage at hatching, and parental care PP SLIDE: Non-amniote eggs (frogs & fishes); Amniote eggs (amniotes): http://www.kingsnake.com/westindian/eleutherodactyluscoqui5.JPG; http://kentsimmons.uwinnipeg.ca/16cm05/1116/chordate.htm PP SLIDE: Amniote egg structure: http://kentsimmons.uwinnipeg.ca/16cm05/1116/chordate.htm PP SLIDE: Smilodon (fossil sabre-toothed cat): http://www.marshallsart.com/images/ipaleo/paleopg21/Smilodon.jpg PP SLIDE: Velociraptor (recoonstruction): http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/velociraptor.jpg PP SLIDE: Distribution of taxa in pie chart: http://cal.man.ac.uk/student_projects/2003/mnzo0mlk/lectur2.jpg (see textbook) PP SLIDE: Vertebrate skull: http://www.kheper.net/evolution/procolophonia/Scutosaurus-top.gif PP SLIDE: SKELETOMUSCULAR SYSTEM - I Notochord large in hagfish & cyclostomes; transitory in most vertebrates (intervertebral disks); Vertebral column replaces notochord; Endoskeleton cartilaginous in primitive vertebrates; mineralized in vertebrates; Mineralized exoskeleton derived from bony dermal elements (bone, enamel, dentine); Skeletal elements: cartilage, bone, enamel, dentine, enameloid, cementum; Cartilage from chondroblasts; bone from osteoblasts PP SLIDE: SKELETOMUSCULAR SYSTEM - II Dermal bone & endochondral bone; Dermal bone forms in skin without cartilage precursor; most skull bones are dermal bones; Early vertebrates had a bony exoskeleton and cartilaginous endoskeleton; Axial muscles composed of myomeres folded in three dimensions; span several body segments; Sequential muscle blocks overlap and produce undulations; Amphioxus has V-shaped myomeres and vertebrates have W-shaped myomeres PP SLIDE: SKELETOMUSCULAR SYSTEM - III Vertebrate myomeres divided into hypaxial and epaxial portions by the horizontal septum; Aquatic craniates have a caudal fin with cartilaginous radial elements; Vertebrates have dorsal and anal fins with radial muscles that cause undulatory movement of fin web; Paired pectoral fins in gnathostomes and fossil jawless forms; Gnathostomes have paired pectoral and pelvic fins; limbs in tetrapods PP SLIDE: SKELETOMUSCULAR SYSTEM - IV Axial skeleton - skull and vertebral column; Skull = chondrocranium, splanchnocranium, dermatocranium; Chondrocranium + splanchnocranium from neural crest; dermatocranium from dermal bone; Visceral skeleton includes gill arches & cranial elements derived from neural crest; Appendicular skeleton include fins + girdles/ limbs + girdles; Muscles involved in locomotion, feeding, eye movements PP SLIDE: INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Skin is largest organ of body; separates organism from environments; Skin derived from ectoderm (epidermis) and mesoderm & neural crest (dermis); Collagen main fiber of skin; Dermis blood flow regulated by nervous system & hormones; Sense organs detect temperature, pressure & pain (dermis); Hypodermis (mesoderm) between dermis & muscle; subcutaneous fat; mammals with striated muscles in hypodermis; Skin: bony scales (fish), epidermal scales (squamates), feathers (birds), hair (mammals) PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM I Nervous system + endocrine system; Brain has three parts: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain (pg 40); Brain diagram:; http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/EmbryonicBrain.png/300pxEmbryonicBrain.png PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM II Three divisions of the brain are subdivided Hindbrain: rhombencephalon & metencephalon Midbrain: mesencephalon Forebrain: diencephalon & telencephalon Myelencephalon --> medulla oblongata + pons, Metencephalon --> cerebellum; Telencephalon --> cerebrum; neocortex in tetrabods; Cranial nerves I (olfactory), II (optic), V (trigeminal), VII (facial), VIII (auditory), IX (glossopharyngeal, and X (vagus) are present in all craniates; Cranial nerves I &II are outgrowths of the brain PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM III Vertebrates characterized by CN III (oculomotor), IV (trochlear),and VI (abducens); Brain continuous with spinal cord posterior to rhombencephalon; Spinal cord responsible for reflexes; Central Nervous System (CNS - brain + spinal cord) vs Peripheral Nervous System (PNS - spinal nerves); Vertebrates have somatic (voluntary) and visceral (nonvoluntary) nervous systems; Spinal nerves with 4 types of fibers: somatic motor (to body), somatic sensory (from body), visceral motor (muscles & glands), and visceral sensory (from gut & blood vessels) PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM IV Special senses: taste, touch, smell, vision, hearing; Special sense development depends on environment (water vs. air); Smell, vision, hearing associated with brain development; chick embryo: http://biology.clc.uc.edu/fankhauser/Labs/Anatomy_&_Physiology/A&P202/Brain_Deve lopment/chick_embryo_40x_PC231462_lbd.JPG PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM V Anterior most placode develops into olfactory organ; unpaired in primitive craniates, paired in Vertebrata; Middle placodes are optic placodes that develop into eyes; photoreceptors that develop as lateral outgrowths of the brain; Neural part of eye is photoreceptive; lens, intrinsic muscles and eyelids develop from skin & connective tissues; Posterior placodes develop into mechanoreceptors (hearing, balance, perception of movement); Inner ear sensory cells are enclosed in cavity filled with endolymph in semicircular canals (pg. 41); Lateral sensory system (lost in most terrestrial vertebrates) includes lateralis nerve fibers (CN VIII) & neuromasts PP SLIDE: Lateral line system components in a bony fish: http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=4067&rendTypeId=4 PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM VI Olfactory organ opens into nasopharyngeal duct that is filled with respiratory water; Nasopharyngeal duct contacts diencephalon and induces formation of hypophysis (pituitary organ); Hypophysis has a neural (neurohypophysis) and glandular (adenohypophysis) components; Pituitary is simple in hagfishes, complex in vertebrates PP SLIDE: PITUITARY & BRAIN RELATIONSHIP: http://www.becomehealthynow.com/images/organs/nervous/glakgar_pit_hypothalamus.j pg; PITUITARY HISTOLOGICAL PREPARATION, LONGITUDINAL SECTION: http://education.vetmed.vt.edu/Curriculum/VM8054/Labs/Lab24/IMAGES/PITUITARY %20REGIONS.jpg PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM VII Craniates possess unique tissue known as neural crest; Neural crest derived from ectoderm; dorsal most portion of neural tube; http://missinglink.ucsf.edu/lm/IDS_101_embryology_basics/images/neural_tube_cross_s ection.gif PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM VIII (part I) Neural crest cells migrate and differentiate into a variety of tissues; NC fate depends on path of migration PP SLIDE: Mouse embryo showing fate of neural crest migration: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/wibr/research/dev/wr/figure1b.gif PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM VIII (part I) Trunk, cranial, cardiac neural crest cells; proteins determine movements; Dorsolateral pathway (trunk) --> melaocytes; Ventrolateral pathway (trunk) --> dorsal root, sympathetic neurons, aderenomedullary cells, Schwann cells; Cranial NC --> cartilage, bone, craninal neurons, glia, connective tissue of face; cells move into pharyngeal arches & pouches PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM IX - PART I NC cells in pharyngeal arch I become lower jaw, incus, malleus, stapes & frontonasal processes (bones of face); NC cells in PA II become hyoid cartilages of neck; Cells in arch III & IV become thymus, parathyroid, & thyroid; NC cells interact with HOX genes to generate structures of head PP SLIDE: http://connection.lww.com/products/sadler/images/figurelarge15-6.jpg PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM IX - PART II Cardiac NC form endothelium of aortic arches, septum between aorta & pulmonary artery, cardiac cells; NC involved in formation of dermal skeleton (scales, teeth, dermal bones PP SLIDE: INTEGRATIVE SYSTEM X Endocrine glands --> ductless; Release hormones that act on target organs; Hypothalamus & pituitary are regulators of the system; Hormones from pituitary & hypothalamus travel in blood to target endocrine glands causing them to release hormones ; Hormones from endocrine glands affect homeostasis; most are regulated by negative feedback loops PP SLIDE: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Mouth to anus (see textbook); Releases nutrients from consumed food in presence of oxygen; Vert ancestors were probably filter feeders (amphioxus & larval lampreys; Most verts particulate feeders that take food as bite sized pieces; Variety of feeding modes; basic construction is similar:; Mouth --> esophagus --> stomach --> small intestine --> large intestine --> rectum --> anus; Accessory glands: liver, gallbladder, pancreas PP SLIDE: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM OF A RABBIT: http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/digest_3.gif PP SLIDE: RESPIRATORY SYSTEM I Gills made of gill filaments; http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC736E/AC736E117.gif; http://www.meer.org/fishbody-teeth-gills-2a.gif PP SLIDE: RESPIRATORY SYSTEM II Primary & secondary gill lamellae are sites of gas exchange; Hagfish - gills have no skeletal support and are located in pharyngeal pouches; Gills derived from endoderm; ectoderm also involved in jawed vertebrates; Lungs in some fishes & most tetrapods are site of gas exchange PP SLIDE: CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Arteries, capillaries, veins & chambered pumping heart; capillary bed is site of material exchange; Transportation of materials throughout body; Vertebrates with a closed circulatory system; Some craniates with venous hearts in head and tail to assist venous circulation --> these are missing in vertebrates; Hagfish: heart pumps venous blood anteriorly to be oxygenated, oxygenated blood flows anteriorly to head & posteriorly to organs & trunk; Portal system: vein --> capillary bed --> vein; hepatic portal vein present in all vertebrates PP SLIDE: Diagram of circulatory system: http://www.biologyreference.com/images/biol_01_img0083.jpg PP SLIDE: EXCRETORY SYSTEM Removal of nitrogenous wastes and regulation of water & salt balance (Na, Cl, Ca, Mg, K, bicarbonate & phosphate); Kidneys are the organs and the nephron is the functional unit; Three kidney regions: pronephros, mesonephros & metanephros; Pronephros functional in embryos & maybe in hagfish; Opisthonephric kidneys in adult fishes & amphibians; Amniotes have metanephric kidney drained by ureter; Urine - nitrogenous wastes & other materials PP SLIDE: REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Gonads (ovaries/testes) are primary sexual organs; produce gametes & hormones; Mammals are the only vertebrate with testes held outside the body cavity; Testes produce sperm; testosterone; Ovaries - produce ova; progesterone & estrogen; Male accessory sexual organs: epididymis, prostate & urethra; Female accessory organs: fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina PP SLIDE: VERTEBRATE PHYLOGENY http://kentsimmons.uwinnipeg.ca/16cm05/1116/chordate.htm PP SLIDE: CHANGES IN OPINION REGARDING VERTEBRATE RELATIONSHIPS Linneaus: Craniata = Vertebrates; hagfish = intestinal worms Dumeril (1806): Hagfish + lampreys = Cyclostomi Cope: Agnatha = cyclostomes + jawless fossils; Gnathotomata = jawed vertebrates Janvier (1978): Craniata (hagfish, lampreys, gnathostomes) + Vertebrata (lampreys + ganthostomes)