1. A pharmacy analyst supervises the state of a refractometer. For its

1. A pharmacy analyst supervises the state of a refractometer. For its calibration he
needs some distilled water. The distilled water must have the following value of the
refractive index:
A 1,3330
B 1,3110
C 1,3220
D 1,3440
E 1,3550
The refractive index of water at 20 °C equal to 1.3330.
2. A pharmaceutical company produces cordiamin solution. During the quality
control its quantitative content was determined by means of refractometry. For this
purpose an analytical chemist measured:
A Index of refraction
B Viscosity
C Density
D Intensity of absorption
E Angle of rotation
The refractometric method of analysis is based on measuring the refractive index
of the analyte.
Concentration of solution is calculated by formula:
C- is concentration (%);
n0 -is refractive index of the solvent;
n - is refractive index of the solution;
F - is correction factor.
3. Under the analytical normative documents, atropine sulfate should be titrated with
perchloric acid solution in the anhydrous acetic acid medium in the presence of the
following indicator:
A Crystal violet
B Thymol blue
C Phenolphtalein
D Methyl orange
E Methylene blue
For quantitative determination of tropine sulphate acidimetry in non-aqueous medium
is used applying 0,1 M perchloric acid solution, indicator is crystal violet. S=1.
4. Under the analytical normative documents, prior to direct bromatometric
determination of arsenous acid anhydride the following substance should be added to
the analyzed solution:
A Potassium bromide
B Potassium nitrate
C Sodium chloride
D Sodium thiosulfate
E Sodium hydroxide
Arsenous acid anhydride is determinate quantitatively by bromatometric method, direct
titration using methyl red as an indicator. At the end-point indicator becomes colourless due to its
Carry out a blank titration.
5. An analytical chemist working at a pharmacy identifies oxacillin sodium salt. As a
reagent he uses hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution in presence of sodium
hydroxide solution and copper nitrate solution. What structural fragment of a drug
molecule can be detected by means of these reagents?
A Beta-lactam cycle
B Thiazolidine cycle
C Isoxazole cycle
D Furan cycle
E Thiadiazole cycle
Oxacillin sodium belongs to β-lactam antibiotics. Due to the presence of β-lactam
cycle it reacts with hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution in presence of sodium
hydroxide solution and copper or iron salts. In case of formation of copper
penicillino-hydroxamate a green colour develops, when iron
penicillinohydroxamate is formed a red colour develops:
6. Diethyl ether relates to simple ethers. Prior to its identification by using the boiling
temperature an analytical chemist must ensure that there are no:
A Peroxides
B Reducing substances
C Alcohols
D Non-volatile residue
E Carboxylic acids
Before determining the boiling temperature first determine the content of the
peroxides (add KI and starch solutions – no colour is produced):
H5C2–O–O–C2H5 + 2KI + H2O → I2 + H5C2–O–C2H5 + 2KOH
In the presence of peroxides specified boiling temperature determination can not be
carry out.
7. In order to detect peroxides in the anesthetic ether an analytical chemist should use
the following reagent:
A Potassium iodide
B Potassium chloride
C Potassium permanganate
D Sodium thiosulfate
E Sodium hydroxide
Determination of peroxides in “Aether anaestheticus”: add KI and starch
solutions – no colour is produced.
H5C2–O–O–C2H5 + 2KI + H2O → I2 + H5C2–O–C2H5 + 2KOH
8. In order to identify a polyatomic glycerin alcohol a pharmacy analyst carries out
dehydration reaction with potassium hydrosulfate. The generated hereat product has a
strong characteristic smell and gives blue colour to the filter paper moistened with
1% solution of sodium nitroprusside and with piperidine. What product is it?
A Acrolein
B Diethyl ethe
C Acetic acid
D Ethanol
E Chloroform
Glycerin is heated with potassium hydrogen sulphate in an evaporating bowl.
Vapours of acrolein are evolved which gives blue colour to the filter paper moistened
with 1% solution of sodium nitroprusside and with piperidine:
9. A pharmaceutical analyst of an analytical laboratory performs quantitative
determination of silver nitrate by thiocyanatometry. What indicator is used in this
A Iron (III) ammonium sulphate
B Sodium eosinate
C Potassium chromate
D Phenolphtalein
E Starch
Quantitative determination of silver nitrate: Thiocyanatometric titration after
dissolving the preparation in water and acidifying with dilute nitric acid, using ferric
ammonium sulphate solution as indicator until a reddish-yellow colour is obtained:
AgNO3 + NH4SCN → AgSCN↓ + NH4NO3
3NH4SCN + FeNH4(SO4)2 → Fe(SCN)3 + 2(NH4)2SO4
10. A pharmacy analyst analizes distilled water. For this purpose he brings some
amount of the sample material to the boiling point, adds 0,02 M solution of potassium
permanganate and diluted sulfuric acid. After 5 minutes of boiling the pink colour of
the produced solution should not change. The pharmacy analyst tries to detect the
following admixture:
A Chemical reducing agent
B Carbon dioxide
C Nitrates
D Sulfates
E Heavy metals
According to the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine the following test for oxidisable
substances is carried out: to distilled water add dilute sulphuric acid and 0.02 M
potassium permanganate and boil for 5 min; the solution remains faintly pink.
11. An analytical laboratory received calcium gluconate for analysis. What method is
used for its quantification?
A Chelatometry
B Bromatometry
C Iodometry
D Mercurimetric determination
E Nitritometric determination
The quantitative determination of calcium gluconate is conducted by chelatometric
method, direct titration using calconecarboxylic acid as indicator:
Titrant is 0,1M sodium edetate, medium is strong sodium hydroxide solution. Solution is
titrated until the colour changes from violet to full blue:
12. An analytical laboratory carries out quantitative analysis of sodium citrate by
method of ion-exchanging chromatography on a cationite. What titrated solution is to
be used for the following titration of generated citric acid?
A Sodium hydroxide
B Iodine
C Potassium iodate
D Hydrochloric acid
E Trilon B
The content of sodium citrate in the drug can be determined by ion-exchange
chromatography on a cationite:
Citric acid is neutralised with an alkali (NaOH), the indicator is methyl orange:
13. A chemist of the production unit for ampouled medicinal preparations analyzes
injectable solution of calcium chloride. According to the requirements, the analyzed
solution should be colorless. To meet this requirement, the analyte should be
compared to:
A Water
B Alcohol
C Acetone
D Hydrochloric acid
E Chloroform
A solution is colourless if it has the appearance of water or the solvent or is not more
intensely coloured than reference solution B9.
14. A pharmacy analyst can verify presence of iron cation (II) in a drug formulation
by means of the following solution:
A Ammonium sulfide
B Sodium chloride
C Magnesium sulfate
D Potassium bromide
E Sodium phosphate
One of the qualitative reaction of iron cation (II) is reaction with ammonium sulfide
– a black precipitate is formed:
Fe2+ + (NH4)2S = FeS↓ + 2NH4+
15.Quantitative determination of pyridine derivatives is performed by acidimetry in
nonaqueous medium. What titrant is used for this purpose?
A Perchlorate acid
B Sulfuric acid
C Nitric acid
D Sodium hydroxide
E Sodium thiosulfate
For quantitative determination of pyridine derivatives acidimetry in nonaqueous
medium is used. For this purpose 0,1 M perchloric acid solution is used as a titrant.
The end point is established potentiometrically or using crystal violet as indicator.
For example, phthivazid:
16. When the glucose is heated with the copper-tartrate reagent (Fehling's reagent) the
brick-red precipitate settles down. It indicates presence of the following group:
A Aldehyde
B Ketonic
C Carboxyl
D Etherific
E Amide
Due to the presence of aldehyde group glucose gives a brick-red precipitate on
heating with copper-tartrate reagent (Fehling's reagent):
17. In order to detect the presence of thiosulfate ions a pharmaceutical analyst added
the excess reagent. The resulting reaction produced a white precipitate which was
slowly turning yellow, then brown, and black. What solution was added?
A Silver nitrate
B Barium chloride
C Ammonium oxalate
D Lead (II) acetate
E Diphenylamine
With excess of silver nitrate solution thiosulfate ion forms white ppt, that rapidly
turns yellow. When left standing, the precipitate becomes black:
18. Quantitative analysis of boric acid can be performed by alkalimetric titration in
the presence of:
A Mannitol
B Ethyl alcohol
C Ammonia buffer
D Mercury (II) acetate
E Nitric acid
Boric acid is determinate quantitatively by alkalimetry, direct titration in the presence of
polyatomic alcohols (according to the SPhU mannitol is used), indicator – phenolphthalein:
If boric acid is titrated with an alkali the formed salt of metaboric acid hydrolyzes:
2NaBO2 + 4H2O → 2H3BO3 + 2NaOH
As a result, the reaction of the solution becomes alkaline considerably before the
equivalence point is reached. This is why direct titration of boric acid with an alkali with the
required accuracy is almost impossible. To enhance the acidic properties of boric acid, it is
reacted with polyatomic alcohols to form complexes having stronger acidic properties than
boric acid itself.
19. In order to identify a drug an analytical chemist of the State Inspectorate for
Quality Control of Medicines carries out the reaction with ninhydrin solution. Specify
the drug to be identified:
A Methionine
B Cortisone acetate
C Paracetamol
D Streptocide
E Ascorbic acid
Among the presented pharmaceutical substances there is only one which is derivative
of aliphatic amino acids and reacts with ninhydrin. It is Methionine (Methioninum):
The product of this reaction has a blue-violet colour, which is used for identification:
ammonium salt of diketohydrindene
ketohydrine amine
blue-violet colouring
20. An analyst of a pharmaceutical storehouse received the substance of hydrogen
peroxide for analysis. Quantitative determination of this drug should be performed by
permanganatometric method. According to the analytical normative document,
titration should be carried out till the solution turns:
A Pink
B Green
C Yellow
D Dark blue
E Colourless
Quantitative analysis of hydrogen peroxide is performed by permanganatometric method,
direct titration of an acidified hydrogen peroxide solution with a solution of potassium
permanganate untill the titration end point is reached, i. e. when the solution acquires a pale
pink colour, S = 2,5:
21. According to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, a
pharmacy analyst determines iron admixture in a preparation by means of citric and
thioglycolic acids. What staining indicates presence of this admixture?
A Pink
B Green
C Yellow
D Blue
E Black
Detection of iron admixtures is based on the reaction with thioglycollic acid in the
presence of citric acid solution:
22. Anesthesin relates to substances with local anesthetic activity and is a derivative of
the following acid:
A Para-aminobenzoic
B Para-aminosalicylic
C Para-aminobenzolsulfonic
D Para-chlorbenzoic
E Para-aminophthalic
Anesthesin (Anaesthesinum)
Benzocaine (Benzocainum)
Ethyl para-aminobenzoate
23. According to the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, in order to test a substance for
the highest level of magnesium impurities an analytical chemist must use the
following solution:
A Hydroxyquinoline
B Resorcin
C Pyridine
D Formaldehyde
E Benzaldehyde
Magnesium impurities are determined by reaction with 8-hydroxyquinoline in
chloroform. An intense yellow colour of solution must be not more intense than of
reference (standart) solution.
24. An analytical laboratory received substance of citric acid for the analysis.
According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia, citric acid can
be determined by method
A Alkalimetry
B Iodometry
C Acidimetry
D Bromatometry
E Iodochlorometry
According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia, citric acid is
determined by alkalimetric method. Titrate with 1 M sodium hydroxide, using
phenolphthalein as indicator.
25. According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia, the amount
of calcium gluconate can be determined by the chelatometric method. What solution
should be used as a titrant?
A Sodium edetate
B Potassium permanganate
C Iodine monochloride
D Argentum nitrate
E Hydrochloric acid
The quantitative determination of calcium gluconate is conducted by chelatometric
method, direct titration using calconecarboxylic acid as indicator:
Titrant is 0,1M sodium edetate, medium is strong sodium hydroxide solution. Solution is
titrated until the colour changes from violet to full blue:
26. Codeine can be derived for medical purposes out of a plant alkaloid by means of
semisynthetic method. Name this alkaloid:
A Morphine
B Papaverine
C Berberine
D Protopine
E Chelidonine
Codeine is opium alkaloid whiсh can be obtained by semisynthetic method from
27. An analytical chemist of the quality control department of a pharmaceutical plant
has to determine the average weight of glibenclamide tablets. How many tablets
should be tested for this purpose?
A 20
B 10
D 50
E 30
For determination of average weight of tablets weigh each of 20 tablets individually on an
analytical scales. Calculate the middle mass of one tablet according to the formula:
mmiddle =
і 1
mmiddle – middle mass of one tablet, g;
mі – mass of individual tablet, g;
n – number of tablets.
28. In order to identify deoxycorticosterone acetate a pharmaceutical analyst
performed a steroid cycle reaction which produced cherry-red color and green
fluorescence. What reagent was
A Concentrated sulfuric acid
B Iodine solution
C Iron (III) chloride solution
D Chloroform
E Potassium hydroxide solution
Desoxycorticosterone acetate (Desoxycorticosteroni acetas)
3,20-dioxopregn-4-en-21-yl acetate
Steroid cycle in Desoxycorticosterone acetate is identified by reaction with con
sulfuric acid: at dissolving of substance in sulphuric acid and following addition of
water a dark-red colour with a greenish-brown fluorescence develops, On adding of
chloroform an lower layer becomes yellow and upper layer is coloured into green.
29. An analytical laboratory received a sample of alpha-aminobutyric acid for
analysis. What reagent should be used by the analyst in order to identify this
A Ninhydrin
B Sodium nitrate
C Benzene
D Aniline
E Calcium bromide
All aliphatic amino acids react with ninhydrin. The product of this reaction has a blueviolet colour, which is used for identification:
ammonium salt of diketohydrindene
ketohydrine amine
blue-violet colouring
30. During the analysis of diethyl ether (Aether medicinales) you can determine
presence of aldehydes as a specific admixture. Which of the following reragents can
be used for determining presence of aldehyde admixture?
A Potassium tetraiodomercurate alkaline
B Phenolphtalein
C Iron (III) cloride
D Acetic acid
E Potassium sulfate
Admixtures of acetone and aldehydes are determined in diethyl ether (Aether
anaestheticus) with alkaline potassium tetraiodomercurate solution (Nessler’s reagent).
The lower layer shows only a slight opalescence:
31. Which of the following antibiotics can be identified by means of the maltol
formation test?
A Streptomycin sulfate
B Doxycycline hydrochloride
C Amoxicillin
D Lincomycin hydrochloride
E Kanamycin monosulfate
Streptomycin sulphate (Streptomycini sulfas)
Streptomycin consists of aglycone streptidine and sugar streptobiosamine.
Streptomycin solutions are stable in weak acidic medium and are easily hydrolized to
streptidine and streptobiosamine in strong acidic and especially alkaline medium. Then
streptobiosamine is broken down to N-methyl-L-glucosamine and L-streptose.
Maltol test is carried out due to the ability of streptose to convert to maltol in alkaline
medium by dehydration and isomerism. Maltol reacts with Iron (III) chloride in acidic
medium and gives a purple colour.
32. Prior hydrolysis is necessary in case of quantitative determination of the
following drug by the nitritometric titration:
A Paracetamol
B Anesthesin
C Procaine hydrochloride
D Sodium p-aminosalicylate
E Dicaine
Paracetamol can be analysed quantitatively by nitritometry after preliminary acid
hydrolysis, direct titration, indicator is iodine starch paper:
33. Quantitative analysis of drugs containing primary aromatic amine can be
performed by means of nitritometric method. Which of the following preparations
can be determined by the nitritometric method without preliminary acid hydrolysis?
A Sulfadimine
B Phthalazol
C Phthazin
D Paracetamol
E Soluble streptocid
Sulfadimezine (Sulfadimezinum)
Due to the presence unsubstituted primary aromatic amino group sulfadimezine can
be analyzed by nitritometry without preliminary acidic hydrolysis.
Nitritometry, direct titration using 0,1 M NaNO2 as a titrant, indicator – internal or
external. S=1.
34. White precipitate produced by the reaction of morphine hydrochloride with
ammonia solution dissolves in sodium hydroxide solution due to the presence of the
following group in the structure of morphine hydrochloride:
A Phenolic hydroxyl
B Carboxyl group
C Aldehyde group
D Alcoholic hydroxyl
E Keto group
Morphine hydrochloride due to the presence in its structure phenolic hydroxyl in
reaction with ammonia hydroxide solution forms a white crystalline precipitate,
which is soluble in NaOH solution:
35. A pharmaceutical analyst identifies the substance of potassium acetate. What
reagent confirms the presence of potassium cation in the analyte?
A Tartaric acid
B Sodium hydroxide
C Potassium permanganate
D Iron (III) chloride
E Zinc oxide
Potassium cation can be deteminated in potassium acetate by the reaction with solution
of tartaric acid in the presence of sodium acetate – a white crystalline precipitate is formed:
36. An analytical chemist makes a test for the presence of sodium thiosulphate. Select
a reagent which allows to detect the thiosulphate ion:
A Hydrochloric acid
B Sodium bromide
C Potassium iodide
D Sodium hydroxide
E Magnesium sulfate
Sodium thiosulphate can be decomposed by hydrochloric acid with the precipitation
of sulphur (yellow) and liberation of gas which gives a blue colour to starch
iodine paper (thiosulfate-ion):
37. According to SPhU, formaldehyde can be identified when a sample is reacted
with chromotropic acid solution in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid. What
colour is formed by this reaction?
A Violet
B Yellow
C Blue
D Green
E Brown
Formaldehyde reacts with chromotropic acid in the presence of sulfuric acid. A violet
colour develops within 5 min;
38. An analytical chemist determines the admixture of sulphates in the boric acid.
What is the main reagent to be added?
A Barium chloride
B Sodium sulphide
C Potassium ferrocyanide
D Silver nitrate
E Ammonium oxalate
Admixture of sulphates in boric acid is determined in reaction with barium chloride.
After 5 min, any opalescence in the test solution is not more intense than that in the
Ba2+ + SO42- → BaSO4 ↓
39. What solution is used for the detection of iron (II) ions under the SPhU
A Potassium ferricyanide
B Ammonia
C Lanthanum nitrate
D Sodium hydroxide
E Silver nitrate
Fe2+ ions are determinate by the reaction with potassium ferricyanide solution – a blue
precipitate is formed:
40. An analytical laboratory has been commissioned to prove the presence of
ethylenediamine in aminophylline. Which of the following reagents makes it possible
to detect ethylenediamine?
A Copper (II) sulfate
B Sodium hydroxide
C Concentrated sulfuric acid
D Silver nitrate
E Barium chloride
Ethylenediamine in aminophylline is determined with copper (II) sulphate solution. A
bright violet colour appears:
41. An analyst of the National drug quality control inspection identifies
"Sulfametoxazol" by adding the solutions of hydrochloric acid, sodium nitrite and
beta-naphthol to the preparation. Thereat intense red colour is observed. What
functional group is identified by this reaction?
A Primary aromatic amino
B Secondary aromatic amino
C Sulpho group
D Carboxyl group
E Aldehyde group
Sulfametoxazol (Sulfametoxazolum)
Due to the presence of primary aromatic amino group sulfamethoxazol gives a
reaction of diazotation with a following azo coupling. Sodium nitrite, HCl and βnaphthol are added to solution of substance and an intense red colour develops (azo
42. In order to detect an admixture of potassium in medical preparations a pharmacy
analyst should carry out a reaction with:
A Sodium tetraphenylborate
B Sodium tetraborate
C Boric acid
D Sulfuric acid
E Salicylic acid
In order to detect an admixture of potassium in medical preparations a pharmacy
analyst should carry out a reaction with:
A Sodium tetraphenylborate
B Sodium tetraborate
C Boric acid
D Sulfuric acid
E Salicylic acid
Detection of potassium admixtures is based on the reaction with sodium
After 5 min, any opalescence in the test solution is not more intense than that in the
43. Under the SPh of Ukraine, one of the reactions for the detection of calcium cation
presence in drugs is the reaction with:
A Glyoxal-hydroxyanil
B Hydroxyquinoline
C Hydroxylamine
D Alizarin
E Sulfuric acid
Under the SPh of Ukraine, one of the reactions for the detection of calcium cation
presence in drugs is the reaction with solution of glyoxal-hydroxyanil in the presence of
sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and chloroform – the chloroform layer is coloured red:
44. An analyst of the National drug quality control inspection carries out quantitative
analysis of "Resorcin" substance by method of bromatometry (back titration). What
indicator is used by doing so?
A Starch
B Ammonium iron (III) sulfate
C Potassium chromate
D Phenolphtalein
E Sodium eozinat
Resorcinol is analysed quantitatively by bromatometry (back titration). Dissolve the
substance in water; add KBr and KBrO3 solution, chloroform and hydrochloric acid.
Add KI solution and titrate with sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as
KBrO3 + 5KBr + 6HCl → 3Br2 + 6KCl + 3H2O
Br2 + 2KI → I2 + 2KBr
I2 + 2Na2S2O3 → 2NaI + Na2S4O6
45. An expert of an analytical laboratory is determining Nitrofural. What quantitative
titrimetric method can be applied?
A Iodometry
B Permanganatometry
C Alkalimetry
D Argentometry
E Nitritometry
For quantitative determination of nitrofural back Iodometry in alkaline medium is
used, indicator – starch. S=1/2. The sample of preparation is dissolved on heating in
water in the measuring flask in the presence of Sodium chloride. The access of 0,01N
Iodine solution and alkali is added to some volume of solution.
In alkaline medium Iodine forms iodide and hypoiodide:
I2 + NaOH → NaI + NaIO + H2O
Iodine, which have been released after acidification is titrated by Sodium thiosulfate.
NaI + NaIO + H2SO4 → I2 + Na2SO4 + H2O
I2 + 2Na2S2O3 → 2NaI + Na2S4O6
Blank titration is carried out.
46. Quantitative determination of silver nitrate is done by method of
thiocyanatometry. What indicator is used in this case?
A Iron (III) ammonium sulphate
B Phenolphtalein
C Potassium chromate
D Methylene blue
E Sodium eosinate
Quantitative determination of silver nitrate: Thiocyanatometric titration after
dissolving the preparation in water and acidifying with dilute nitric acid, using ferric
ammonium sulphate solution as indicator until a reddish-yellow colour is obtained:
AgNO3 + NH4SCN → AgSCN↓ + NH4NO3
3NH4SCN + FeNH4(SO4)2 → Fe(SCN)3 + 2(NH4)2SO4
47. An analytical chemist was identifying xeroform in reaction with sodium sulphide.
As a result of reaction a black solid dropped out. What ion was detected?
A Bismuth
B Lead
C Zinc
D Copper
E Silver
Xeroform (Xeroformium)
One of the qualitative reaction of xeroform is the reaction on Bi3+ with sodium
sulphide – a black ppt. is formed:
2Bi3+ + 3S2– → Bi2S3↓
48. A pharmacy analyst is determining one of the following drugs by the
nintritometric method. What drug is it?
A Norsulfazole
B Ftivazide
C Analgin
D Ammonium chloride
E Atropine sulfate
Norsulfazole (Norsulfazolum)
Due to the presence of primary aromatic amino group sulfamethoxazol gives a
reaction of diazotation with a following azo coupling. Sodium nitrite, HCl and βnaphthol are added to solution of substance and an intense red colour develops (azo
49. Specify the reaction to the ester-type drugs that is tolerated by the State
Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine:
A Formation of iron hydroxamates
B Formation of azo dye
C Formation of indophenol
D Formation of 3-bromphenol
EReaction to the ester-type drugs is that of forming iron (III) hydroxamates which have
a bluish-red or red colour:
50. Streptocide, sulfacyl sodium, norsulfazole or sulfadimezinum can be identified by
means of the reaction to form:
A Azo dye
B Murexide
C Iodoform
D Fluorescein
EStreptocide, sulfacyl sodium, norsulfazole and sulfadimezinum are sulfanylamides.
The group reaction for sulfanylamides is reaction of diazotation with a following azo
coupling. Sodium nitrite, HCl and β-naphthol are added to solution of substance and
an intense red colour develops (azo dye).
51. A chemist of an analytic laboratory has to prepare turbidity standards according to
the requirements of Pharmacopoeia. What substances are to be used as the reference?
A Hexamethylenetetramine and hydrazine sulphate
B Calcium sulphate and glycerin
C Sodium chloride and calcium nitrate
D Potassium chloride and barium sulphate
E Furacilinum and calcium chloride
For the preparation of reference suspension use solutions of hexamethylenetetramine and
hydrazine sulphate, the interaction of which is formed primary opalescent suspension. This
suspension is stable for 2 months, provided it is stored in a glass container free from surface
52. A pharmacist-analyst is measuring the quantity of an adrenaline tartrate substance
by method of acid-base titration in nonaqueous solvents. Which indicator is to be
used in this case according to the requirements of the Ukrainian State
A Crystal violet
B Methyl orange
C Phenolphtalein
D Thymolphthalein
E Eriochrome black
According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia, quantitative
analysis of Adrenaline tartrate is carried out by acidimetry in non-aqueous medium
using as a titrant 0,1 M perchloric acid solution, indicator is crystal violet. S=1.
53. Which of the following drugs can be quantified by an analytical chemist by
ceriometry method?
A Vicasolum
B Acetylsalicylic acid
C Sodium benzoate
D Phenyl salycylate
E Phenobarbital
Ceriometry (direct titration) is used for quantitative determination of Vicasolum
(vitamin K). After interaction with sodium hydroxide 2-methyl-1,4dioxynaphthoquinone is formed, then it is reduced to 2-methyl-1,4-dioxynaphthalin,
which is titrated with 0,1 M cerium sulphate to green colour (the indicatior is
ferroine). S=1/2.
54. An analytical chemist determines the quantity of a drug by the method of indirect
bromatometry. Which of the following titrated solutions is to be used?
A Sodium thiosulfate
B Calcium bromate
C Sodium edetate
D Sodium nitrite
E Silver nitrate
The procedure of quantitative determination of drugs by indirect bromatometry:
potassium bromide, an acid and an excess of a titrated potassium bromate solution
are added to the analyte solution. The excess of bromine is determined iodimetrically:
Titrate with sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as indicator.
55. In order to identify a drug an analytical chemist of the State Inspectorate for
Quality Control performs a lignin test. Specify this drug:
A Streptocid
B Ascorbic acid
C Cortisone acetate
D Methionine
E Analgin
Lignin test is used for rapid analysis of sulfanylamides. In the result of acidic
hydrolysis of lignin aromatic aldehydes are formed that react with primary aromatic
amino group of sulfanylamides with a formation of Shiff bases. Solution of
preparation and 1 drop of HCl is put on the paper.An orange-yellow spot develops.
56. An expert of an analytical laboratory is determining Ca 2+ in the substance of
calcium pantothenate. Specify the method of analysis:
A Chelatometry
B Nitritometry
C Argentometry
D Permanganatometry
E Iodometry
Ca2+ content in calcium pantothenate (8,2-8,6%) is determined by chelatometry using
as a itrant 0,1M sodium edetate, calconecarboxylic acid is an indicator:
Solution is titrated until the colour changes from violet to full blue:
57. A pharmacist-analyst carries out quantitative analysis of procaine hydrochloride.
Which of the following solutions is to be used?
A Sodium nitrite
B Sodium thiosulfate
C Sodium edetate
D Potassium bromate
E Argentum nitricum
According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia the content of
procaine hydrochloride is determined by nitritometry, using as a titrant 0,1 M sodium
nitrite solution with the indicator consisting of tropeolin-00 mixed with methylene
blue or neutral red.
Carry out a blank titration.
58. A pharmacy analyst carries out purity test of the drug substance "Sodium
thiosulfate". Violet colour, that comes from reaction with sodium nitroprusside,
indicates the presence of the following admixture:
A Specific sulfides admixture
B Sulphates admixture
C Sulfur admixture
D Sodium chloride admixture
E Iodides admixture
Sulphides admixture in sodium thiosulphate is detected with sodium nitroprusside solution:
The solution does not become violet.
59. An analytical chemist working at an analytical laboratory identifies a drug by the
sulfite ions according to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine.
What reagent gets decolorized during this assay?
A Iodine solution
B Iron (III) chloride solution
C Ammonia solution
D Potassium iodide solution
E Potassium nitrate solution
60. An analytical laboratory received "Adrenalini tartras" substance for analysis.
According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia, quantitative
analysis of this substance can be carried out by method of:
A Acidimetry in non-aqueous medium
B Acidimetry in aqueous medium
C Iodometry
D Nitritometry
E Bromatometry
According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia, quantitative
analysis of Adrenaline tartrate is carried out by acidimetry in non-aqueous medium
using as a titrant 0,1 M perchloric acid solution, indicator is crystal violet. S=1.
61. An analytical laboratory received "Aether anaestheticus" for analysis. What
reagent should be used for detecting acetone and aldehyde impurities according to the
State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine?
A Alkaline solution of potassium tetraiodomercurate
B Ammonium solution of argentum nitrate
C Aqueous solution of potassium iodide
D Sodium hydrosulfite solution
E Hydroxylamine solution
Admixtures of acetone and aldehydes are determined in diethyl ether (Aether
anaestheticus) with alkaline potassium tetraiodomercurate solution (Nessler’s
reagent). The lower layer shows only a slight opalescence:
62. Qualitative reaction for phenol is the reaction with bromine water. What
compound is produced as a result of the interaction of phenol with bromine water and
drops out as a white solid?
A 2,4,6-tribromophenol
B 2-bromophenol
C 3-bromophenol
D 4-bromophenol
E 2,4-dibromophenol
One of the qualitative reaction of phenol is reaction with bromine water – a white
precipitate of 2,4,6-tribromphenol is formed:
63. The basic structure of steroid hormones is hydrocarbon skeleton - cyclopentane
perhydrophenanthrene. What natural compound is used for testosterone propionate
A Cholesterol
B Indole
C Naphthalene
D Phenanthrene
E Anthracene
Testosterone propionate (Testosteroni propionas)
Testosterone is an androgen steroid hormone. In the body the cholesterol is used for
its production.
64. According to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, a
pharmacy analyst should determine procaine hydrochloride by nitritometric method.
What indicator is to be used for this purpose?
A Neutral red
B Methyl red
C Crystal violet
D Xylenol orange
E Acid chrome blue
Procaine hydrochloride (Procaini hydrochloridum)
Novocaine (Novocainum)
According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia the content of
procaine hydrochloride is determined by nitritometry, using as a titrant 0,1 M sodium
nitrite solution with the indicator consisting of tropeolin-00 mixed with methylene
blue or neutral red:
Carry out a blank titration.
65. According to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, a
pharmacy analyst should determine fluorouracil by method of nonaqueous titration.
What titrated solution is to be used?
A Tetrabutyl ammonium hydroxide
B Sodium nitrite
C Potassium bromate
D Ammonium thiocyanate
E Sodium edetate
Pharmacopoeian method of assay of fluorouracil is alkalimetry in non-aqueous
media, direct titration, indicator – thymol blue, S=1. As a titrant a solution of
tetrabuthylammonium hydroxide in DMFA medium is used. Blank titration is carried
66. According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia, a pharmacy
analyst is determining calcium gluconate quantity by method of complexometric
titration. What indicator is to be used?
A Calconcarboxylic acid
B Methyl red
C Crystal violet
D Thymolphthalein
E Tropeoline 00
The quantitative determination of calcium gluconate is conducted by chelatometric
method, direct titration using calconecarboxylic acid as indicator:
Titrant is 0,1M sodium edetate, medium is strong sodium hydroxide solution. Solution is
titrated until the colour changes from violet to full blue:
67. An analytical chemist analyses the substance of ethylmorphine hydrochloride.
The substance purity is tested by method of semi-microanalysis. What reagent is used
to determine the water admixture?
A Iodosulphurous
B Biuretic
C Methoxyphenyl acetic acid
D Molibdeno-vanadium
E Hypophosphite
The semi-micro determination of water is based upon the quantitative reaction of
water with sulphur dioxide and iodine in a suitable anhydrous medium in the
presence of a base with sufficient buffering capacity.
68. According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia, a certain
drug is being measured by method of chelatometric titration. What drug is it?
A Calcium chloride
B Potassium citrate
C Potassium chloride
D Sodium benzoate
E Sodium thiosulfate
The complexometric method allows quantitative determination of substances, which
contain doubly and triply charged ions of metals (such as Ca 2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Bi3+, Al3+,
Hg2+, etc.).
The State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine recommends the quantitative determination of
Calcium chloride by chelatometric method, direct titration using calconecarboxylic
acid as indicator:
Titrant is 0,1M sodium edetate, medium is strong sodium hydroxide solution. Solution is
titrated until the colour changes from violet to full blue:
69. In order to identify ouabain (strophanthine G), a drug from the group of cardiac
glycosides, an analytical chemist must prove the presence of a steroid cycle. What
acid should be used as a reagent?
A Sulfuric
B Oxalic
C Citric
D Formic
E Chromotropic
Ouabain (strophanthine G) belongs to the group of cardiac glycosides. Cardiac
glycosides have in their base a steroid cycle, which is determined by the reaction with
sulfuric acid.
Ouabain (Strophanthine G)
70. An analytical laboratory has to analyze ferrous sulfate heptahydrate according to
the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. A test portion of the substance should be titrated
with the following solution:
A Ammonium cerium sulfate
B Silver nitrate
C Ammonium thiocyanate
D Sodium edetate
E Potassium bromate
According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia the quantitative
determination of ferrum sulphate heptohydrate is conducted by cerimetric titration
after dissolving the preparation in the previously prepared mixture of sodium hydrogen
carbonate, water and sulphuric acid. Titrate with 0,1 M ammonium cerium nitrate
(ammonium cerium sulfate), indicator is ferroin. Solution is titrated until the red colour
3FeSO4 + 3(NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 → Fe2(SO4)3 + Fe(NO3)3 + 3Ce(NO3)3 + 6NH4NO3
71. An analytical chemist determines the quantitative content of caffeine by method
of acidometry in nonaqueous media in compliance with the State Pharmacopoeia of
Ukraine. What solution is used as a titrant?
A Perchloric acid
B Sodium edetate
C Potassium bromate
D Sodium hydroxide
E Sodium nitrite
Non-aqueous titration in the medium of a mixture of acetic acid and acetic anhydride
is used for quantification of caffeine. 0,1 M solution of perchloric acid is used as a
titrant, the end-point is determined potentiometrically; S=1.
72. A pharmacy analyst identifies sodium hydrocarbonate. What indicator can
confirm the presence of alkalescent medium reaction in the sodium hydrocarbonate
A Phenolphtalein
B Starch
C Tropeolin 00
D Ferroin
E Naphtholbenzein
To water solution of sodium hydrocarbonate add phenolphthalein – pale pink color is
produced (alkalescent medium reaction). Gas is evolved and the solution becomes red
after heating:
73. An analyst is measuring sodium benzoate in the anhydrous medium by the
acidimetric method according to the requirements of the Ukrainian State
Pharmacopoeia. What reagent had to be used as a solvent?
A Anhydrous acetic acid
B Pyridine
C Water
D Dimethyl formamide
E Methanol
Sodium benzoate is measured by the acidimetric method in non-aqueous media
(direct titration). Anhydrous acetic acid is used as a solvent. Titrate with with
perchloric acid until a green colour is obtained, indicator is naphtholbenzein solution:
74. A pharmacy analyst is measuring mercury dichloride by method of indirect
chelatometry. Excess of titrated solution of sodium edetate can be titrated by means
of the following titrated solution:
A Zinc sulfate
B Sodium hydroxide
C Sodium thiosulfate
D Potassium bromate
E Sodium methylate
The quantitative determination of mercury dichloride is conducted by chelatometric
method, displacement titration. At first sodium edetate solution and buffer solution pH
10.9 are added. Mercury ions form complexes with the titrant:
Then mordant black, used as indicator, is added, and the excess of sodium edetate is
titrated with zinc sulphate solution until the colour changes to purple (first titration).
Then potassium iodide is added to destroy complex Hg-EDTA, and equivalent to mercuric
chloride quantity of sodium edetate is titrated with zinc sulphate (second titration).
For the calculation volume of zinc sulphate solution used in the second titration is
taken. Calculation is made with reference to the dried substance.
75. Calcium lactate can be quantitatively determined by chelatometric method.
According to the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia, the following substance should be
used as indicator:
A Calconcarbon acid
B Diphenylcarbazone
C Naphthol benzein
D Phenolphthalein
E Tropeolin 00
According to the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia the quantitative determination of
calcium lactate is conducted by chelatometric method, direct titration using
calconecarboxylic acid as indicator:
Titrant is 0,1M sodium edetate, medium is strong sodium hydroxide solution. Solution is
titrated until the colour changes from violet to full blue:
76. Substance of calcium pangamate is to be studied in n analytical laboratory.
Calcium cation forms a white precipitate with the following reagent:
A Ammonium oxalate
B Sodium chloride
C Potassium permanganate
D Potassium bromide
E Sodium cobaltinitrite
Calcium cation forms a white precipitate with Ammonium oxalate a white precipitate,
which dissolves in mineral acids:
77. A chemist of an analytical laboratory studies procaine hydrochloride according to
the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. What method is
recommended by the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine for the quantitative analysis of
this preparation?
A Nitritometry
B Bromatometry
C Acidimetry
D Alkalimetry
E Chelatometry
Procaine hydrochloride (Procaini hydrochloridum)
Novocaine (Novocainum)
According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia the content of
procaine hydrochloride is determined by nitritometry with the indicator consisting of
tropeolin-00 mixed with methylene blue or neutral red:
Carry out a blank titration.
78. As main reagent in test for phosphates admixtures the Ukrainian State
recommends to use:
A Sulfomolybdenum
B Cupric tartrate
C Thioacetamide
D Acetylacetone
E Hypophosphite
Detection of admixtures of phosphates is based on the reaction with sulphomolybdic
reagent in the presence of stannous chloride solution:
After 10 min, any blue colour in the test solution is not more intense than that in the
79. A common method for quantitative determination of drugs from the group of
alkali metal halogenides is:
A Argentometry
B Permanganatometry
C Chelatometry
D Alkalimetry
E Nitritometry
Argentometry allows quantitative determinate chlorides, bromides and iodides. It is
based on reaction of halogenide ions with volumetric solution of silver nitrate:
Ag+ + Cl– → AgCl↓
Ag+ + Br– → AgBr↓
Ag+ + I– → AgI↓
Therefore argentometry is a general method of quantitative determination of
halogenides of alkaline metals.
80. Salicylates are widely applied in medical practice as anti-inflammatory drugs. For
quantitative analysis of salicylic acid the following method is applied:
A Alkalimetry
B Nitritometry
C Argentometry
D Permanganatometry
E Chelatometry
Salicylic acid is determined by alkalimetric method, direct titration. Dissolve the
substance in ethanol (96 per cent), add water. Titrate with sodium hydroxide, using
phenol red solution as indicator:
81. Select the reductant required for the determination of arsenic impurity in drugs
(method 2):
A Sodium hypophosphite
B Hydrochloric acid solution
C Sodium sulfite solution
D Sodium hydroxide solution
E Potassium iodide solution
Method 2 detection of arsenic impurity is based on the reactions with
hypophosphorous reagent:
After heating on the water-bath, any colour in the test solution is not more intense
than that in the standard.
82. Theobromine and theophylline can be determined by alkalimetric method
according to the substituent. What acid is to be titrated with sodium hydroxide?
A Nitric
B Chydrochloric
C Sulfuric
D Acetic
E Phosphoric
Indirect alkalimetry is used for quantitative determination of theobromine and
theophylline. After addition of 0,1 M AgNO3 solution a nitric acid is formed which
is titrated by 0,1 M NaOH, an indicator is bromothymol blue. S=1.
83. According to the requirements of the Ukrainian State Pharmacopoeia
(Supplement 1), a pharmacy analyst has to carry out quantitative analysis of
potassium iodide by means of the following method:
A Iodatometry
B Complexonometry
C Acidimetry
D Alkalimetry
E Nitritometry
The State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (Supplement 1) recommends the quantitative
determination of potassium iodide by iodatometric method, direct titration in the
presence of hydrochloric acid. Titrate until the colour of the solution changes from red to
yellow, add chloroform and titrate until the chloroform layer is decolourised, s = 2:
84. A pharmacy has sulfonamide biseptol on sale. What chemical compounds are the
main components of this drug?
A Sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim
B Sulfazin, salazodimethoxinum
C Sulgin, norsulfazol
D Phthalazolum, sulfadimezin
E Urosulfan, sulfapiridazin
Biseptol (Co-trimoxazole) is a combined sulfanylamide drug which contains
sulfamethoxazol and derivative of diaminopyrimidine – trimethoprim.
85. In course of isoniazid identification a pharmacy analyst boiled thoroughly the
substance with 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene. The substance turned yellow, after adding
alkaline solution it turned first violet and then brownish-red. As a result of this
reaction the following aldehyde derivative is produced:
A Glutaconic
B Gluconic
C Glutamic
D Glyoxylic
E Hexanic
Isoniazid (Isoniazidum)
Isoniazid contains in its structure pyridine cycle, which can be determined with 2,4dinitrochlorobenzene. The substance turns to yellow, after adding alkaline solution it
turns first to violet and then to brownish-red due to formation of glutaconic
86. In order to verify identity of tropan derivatives, Vitali's reaction is applied. For
that purpose the medications should be first decomposed with nitric acid and then
treated with alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide and acetone. What effect will
be observed?
A The solution will turn purple
B The solution will turn green
C Emission of gas bubbles
D Setting of black precipitate
E Setting of white precipitate
Vitali test: to a substance examined a fuming nitric acid is added and evaporated to
dryness in a water-bath. The residue is dissolved in acetone and a solution of
potassium hydroxide in methanol is added. A violet colour develops:
87. Which of the mentioned below drugs has the following chemical name: naminobenzoic acid diethylaminoethyl ester hydrochloride:
A Novocaine
B Dimedrol
C Streptocid
D Tetracaine
E Streptomycin
Procaine hydrochloride (Procaini hydrochloridum)
Novocaine (Novocainum)
According to the structural formula of novocaine we can write its chemical name: paminobenzoic acid diethylaminoethyl ester hydrochloride.
88. Quantitative determination of nitrofural (furacilin) can be done by method of
spectrophotometry. A pharmacy analyst can calculate quantity by measuring:
A Optical density
B Refractive index
C Rotation angle
D pH of solution
E Fusion temperature
One of the method of assay of nitrofural is spectrophotometry in 50% solution of
sulfuric acid.
Spectrophotometry is a physicochemical method of analysis which is based on the
determination of optical density (absorbance – A). Measured absorbance is
proportional to the pass length (b), through which radiation passes and to the
concentration of substance in solution in accordance with aquation:
89. Analgin substance has been sent for analysis. What method allows to evaluate
quantitative content of analgin?
A Iodometry
B Acidimetry
C Alkalimetry
D Chelatometry
E Permanganatometry
Analgin (Methamizole sodium) is determined quantitatively by direct iodometry,
indicator is starch. The solution of substance is acidified and then is titrated by Iodine
solution to appearance of blue color, which is not disappeared during 2 minutes. S=1.
90. An analytical laboratory is studying substance of calcium lactate. In presence of
ammonium chloride calcium cation forms white crystalline precipitation with the
following reagent:
A Potassium ferrocyanide
B Sodium chloride
C Potassium permanganate
D Sodium tetraborate
E Sodium cobaltnitrite
An official reaction for Ca2+ is that with potassium ferrocyanide solution in
medium of acetic acid in the presence of ammonium chloride – a white, crystalline
precipitate is formed:
91. Analytical laboratories oten use 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution, which is
normally blue and can be decolourized by the reducing agents. What drug can be
identified by means of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution?
A Ascorbic acid
B Salicylic acid
C Nicotinic acid
D Benzoic acid
E Acetylsalicylic acid
Ascorbic acid discharges a blue colour of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution:
92. A pharmacy analyst of the laboratory at the National drug quality control
inspection is conducting quantitative determination of caffeine by method of acidbase titration in the anhydrous solvents according to the requirements of National
Pharmacopeia of Ukraine. What titrated solution is to be used?
A Perchloric acid
B Sodium methylate
C Sodium hydroxide
D Sodium edetate
E Potassium bromate
Non-aqueous titration in the medium of a mixture of acetic acid and acetic anhydride
is used for quantification of caffeine. 0,1 M solution of perchloric acid is used as a
titrant, the end-point is determined potentiometrically; S=1.
93. Pharmaceutical chemistry studies methods of drug synthesis. Interaction of
anesthesin with beta-diethylaminoethanol in presence of sodium alcoholate with
following acidation with hydrochloric acid results in origination of:
A Procaine hydrochloride
B Procainamide hydrochloride
C Tetracaine hydrochloride
D Xycain
E Trimecaine hydrochloride
Procaine hydrochloride (novocaine) is synthesized by the re-esterification of
ethyl para-aminobenzoate (anesthesin) with beta-diethylaminoethanol in the presence
of a sodium alcoholate (an alcoholysis reaction):
base of procaine
The simultaneously formed ethanol is readily distilled off because its boiling point is
considerably lower than that of the diethylaminoethanol. The obtained base of
novocaine is next transformed into the chloride by the action of a calculated amount
of an alcohol solution of hydrochloric acid.
94. After a sulfamide preparation was heated with salicylic acid in presence of
concentrated sulfuric acid, it turned crimson. What drug is analyzed?
A Soluble streptocid
B Streptocid
C Sulfaguine
D Ethazol
E Phtalazol
Soluble streptocide on heating with salicylic acid in presence of concentrated sulfuric
acid gives a crimson colour.
95. Which of the following reagents should be added to the isoniazid to achieve blue
colour and precipitation that turns light-green and emits gases when heated?
A Copper sulfate solution
B Silver nitrate solution
C Alkaline solution
D Hydrochloric acid solution
E Iron (III) chloride solution
Isoniazid with a solution of copper sulfate gives a blue precipitate and a blue
coloration, which by subsequent heating become light green, then yellowish-green
color and gas bubbles escape: