Making space for nature in National Parks: action to create resilient ecological networks Report from a discussion workshop on 14 April 2011 1 Contents Chapter Page 1. Introduction 3 2. Summary of Key Messages 3 3. Presentations 5 4. Questions and discussion – main points 5 5. What I liked; what concerned me? 6 6. What is already happening? 9 7. What should we start? 10 8. Mapping a network 12 9. Developing an action plan – what can we do next? 13 10. Next steps 15 Annex 1 – List of abbreviations 16 Annex 2 – List of participants 17 Annex 3 – Feedback on the event 18 Annex 4 – Map exercise results 19 Annex 5 – Press release 20 Disclaimer: This report aims to provide a full record of the workshop outputs from all participants. The views and comments it contains are therefore not necessarily those of the authors or sponsoring organisations. 2 Making space for nature in National Parks: action to create resilient ecological networks 1. Introduction The Campaign for National Parks1 hosted a discussion workshop on 14th April 2011 which brought together around 50 key players to think about how the recommendations from the “Making Space for Nature” report2 could be implemented in National Parks. Keynote speakers, including Sir John Lawton, were followed by an afternoon of lively discussion and debate. There was much shared thinking and ambition across the group. This report records the ideas collected at the workshop, and summarises the key messages arising. 2. Summary of Key Messages Ambition Our ambition is that National Parks become core components of resilient and sustainable ecological networks – increasing native wildlife’s chances of successfully adapting to climate change, and, at the same time, improving the delivery of vital ecosystem services for people. This ambition expands the scale and scope of the many exciting partnership projects which are already achieving wins for wildlife in protected landscapes3. Potential National Parks have huge potential to deliver ecological networks and wildlife sites that are Better, Bigger, More and Joined-up! The majority of this land will currently be under some form of agricultural, forestry or game management therefore habitat improvement and creation will need to reward land managers, and ideally become a vital part of sustainable land management systems. i) Better (Improve quality of current wildlife sites) It can be done! The condition of designated wildlife sites (SSSIs) in National Parks has improved dramatically over the last decade. Habitat outside of these sites has the potential to improve to a similar level given the right support. ii) Bigger (Increase size of current wildlife sites) Large-scale habitat and landscape management is possible in National Parks. They hold the largest remaining tracts of semi-natural habitat in England – a legacy of their much lower population densities and less intensive agricultural management. iii) More (Create new sites) 1 With support from ENPAA, RSPB, Natural England, National Trust 2 3 E.g. see 3 National Parks have huge opportunity for habitat creation – particularly native woodland in river catchments, wetlands like peat habitats and grazing marsh, and upland and lowland grazed heath. iv) Joined-Up (Enhance connections) National Parks were established as places of escape and enjoyment for the people of England. The transport routes that people use to get to and from National Parks could be mirrored by long distance wildlife “corridors”, to help species movements in response to a changing climate. This would help to make ecological connections between National Parks and other places that are important for wildlife. Opportunities and Challenges We identified a number of significant opportunities and also challenges, in terms of achieving the potential of National Parks, including: Developing new partnerships for large-scale delivery across whole landscapes – capitalising on the potential of National Park Authorities as a catalyst for action; Funding for habitat creation and restoration, and developing new markets for ecosystem services; Communicating the ambition and potential with farmers, land managers and communities, and empowering them to deliver it; Ensuring there are supportive Government policies and delivery mechanisms in place e.g. through planning policy, CAP, the Natural Environment White Paper and England Biodiversity Strategy. Actions to take forward Fresh thinking and action is needed to achieve this ambitious vision, which builds on much existing good practice and projects found in protected landscapes. As a group we identified several important actions we and others could work on over the coming months and years to generate support for “Making Space for Nature” (MSFN) across Government and within communities, and make it easier to achieve ecological networks. Initial actions include: 1. Partnerships within National Parks to develop their own vision for ecological networks – including creating local opportunity maps, and exploring the potential for Ecological Restoration Zones; 2. Existing landscape-scale initiatives to identify key gaps and synergies with other initiatives, and build on these by strengthening existing partnerships and forging new ones; 3. Developing ideas for how the new CAP framework (2014+) and the emerging National Planning Policy Framework could help implement ecological networks; 4 4. Making greater use of economic valuation information and mechanisms to support the case for ecological networks and the services they provide. E.g. water company payments for habitat restoration in catchments, and capturing payments for land management from tourism spend; 5. Communicating the ecological restoration ambition creatively with farmers, land mangers and local communities, in ways which explore how this ambition could benefit local people and their businesses. 5 3. Presentations Sir John Lawton was asked to describe the ‘Making space for nature’ report, its recommendations and the implications for National Parks. This was followed up by speakers who were asked to consider the implications of the report for people, land managers, Government policy and funding opportunities. John Lawton Adrian Phillips NT Claire Collyer CLA Gareth Morgan RSPB Sarah Webster Defra 4. Questions and discussion – main points i. There should be more realistic criteria for favourable condition on SSSIs – taking into account climatic and other variation across the country. Flexibility does exist within the current system – depends how it is applied locally. ii. Large scale projects require long-term funding to secure adequate restoration – how can this be achieved? HLF has recently contributed £70m to landscape scale habitat restoration partnership. iii. From 2014 to 2020 we need to use the CAP to best effect to help to achieve this agenda. This is a transitional stage where we should be making use of tools like “subsidy envelops”, and preparing land managers for a much smaller CAP subsidy post 2020. We need farm businesses to re-orientate towards more economically realistic farming systems that support the environmental objectives of National Parks. iv. How will the IUCN review of Category 5 protected area designations be impacted by action on MSFN? If National Parks and AONBs drive forward their role in nature conservation then it would help to maintain this international recognition and status. v. Will there be opportunities for sharing the MSFN approach with Wales? The legal and planning situation is different in Wales so the individual recommendations would not be the same, but the principles for bigger, better, more and joined sites should apply (and also in Scotland). John Lawton indicated he would be happy to have discussions with Wales. vi. Will ecological networks mean there will be more restrictions (to protect wildlife) on people exploring the countryside? There may need to be some restrictions for highly sensitive species, but overall there should be more benefits (a more interesting wildlife rich environment) for ‘explorers’, than drawbacks. An increased emphasis on ecological networks does not diminish the importance of access to open countryside. vii. Can we better align agri-environment scheme requirements and objectives with farming systems? There is increasing support for farmer payments that support beneficial systems of farming, rather than individual practices, although this will not work everywhere. The restriction of calculating payments based on income forgone is still an issue for many National Park farmers. 6 viii. There seem to be opportunities for water companies to help as they are big landowners? More water companies are properly recognising the value of ecosystem services, and considering paying landowners for land management that leads to cleaner water. ix. Is society ready for MSFN? There is a big communication job to be done to make people aware of the threats to wildlife and the challenges and opportunities of restoring habitats and ecological functioning. Large scale and co-operation are needed to make this work. The Catchment Sensitive Farming pilot areas are a great example. x. Should ERZ’s be everywhere or concentrated in particular places? We have limited resources – we need to concentrate them where we will achieve the greatest successes for the resources (e.g. most wildlife protected, important ecological processes re-established etc). We should not forget the international picture when it comes to allocating resources. In global terms it might be better to focus on the rainforests or European traditional agriculture areas. In the UK National Parks would be a worthy focus. xi. How much of a concern are “biodiversity off-sets” as a financing mechanism for nature? Biodiversity off-sets should not become a ‘licence to trash’. They will only work if they are tightly regulated. xii. Ecosystem services are very often non-market values – we need to develop ways of capturing these values so that those involved in their provision can be rewarded. Workshop sessions 5. What I liked; what concerned me? Participants were asked to individually note what they liked, and what concerned them, about the Making Space for Nature report and/ or the other presentations. These have been grouped under different sub-headings. [Numbers in brackets e.g. ‘(x2)’ relate to numbers of individuals who said the same thing]: What I liked? What concerned me? Scope and vision of MSFN (x7) Better, bigger, more, joined: Simplicity and clarity of the message; Easy to understand, explain and sell. Wonderfully simple and makes so much sense; 4-word exec summary; Whole scope of the report is good – this has had a chance to influence the NEWP; Overall conclusion that we need bigger and better areas for nature (and people); Step-change in habitat restoration and creation; Will for change to be ‘stepped-up’ – expectation needs to be delivered and maintained; Welcome the increased focus on landscape function Issues with the vision Potential lost opportunity for cross-border learning (Wales/ Scotland/ England); Risk that follow-up is focussed on ERZs so other recommendations get lost; Will this result in portioning of the countryside into well-funded ERZs and food production areas? NPs are already core areas therefore may miss out on ERZ funding; Implication that nature is a secondary concern to National Parks – not true; Criteria for SSSI becomes irrelevant as 7 for ecosystem services; Natural processed becoming more important; Focus on bigger areas; Ecological restoration zones; Scale of opportunity – collaboration to achieve multiple benefits; species move; End point not clear; Lack of clarity on where we need to prioritise effort; Use of aggressive language (battles/ brigade/ war etc); Positive reception from Government (x2) Report has been well-received by ministers – this should be used to raise public awareness as well; Government recognition of the need for landscape restoration and value of ecosystem services; On-going support from Government? Will Treasury and other Government departments act to support this? How will policy commitments e.g. NEWP translate into action; Cuts to statutory budgets will mean nature conservation suffers as it is a low priority; How do we secure ‘buy-in’ from other Government Depts (Treasury and DCLG); Worry about influence Defra has on other departments; Link to People (x2) Good for nature can be good for people– biodiversity is relevant; (x2) Positive reception from a diverse audience for the report; Opportunity for rivers to provide connectivity for wildlife right into the heart of cities; Planning system Need for Defra to influence National Link with economics Planning Policy framework to incorporate Everyone mentioned the economic side; basis for addressing ecological issues; There is a need for consumers to put real value on Natural England need to prepare briefing food, water, carbon biodiversity ... and be prepared to modules for planners/ councillors; pay for it; Biodiversity off-sets will be a threat to semiRecognition that food security and environmental natural habitats if they become a substitute security are inter-dependent; for the planning system; (x2) Ecosystem services – a useful way to value our natural environment; Lack of funding/ tools to make action Increasing awareness of links between biodiversity happen and socio-economic objectives (‘ecosystem services’); Mechanisms for incentives are not clear – Less money = less gardening of the natural need to work fast; environment; Still can’t see where money is coming from; Govt might sign up but has no money to Opportunities for funding deliver; (x3) Up to 2020, some money will be available from Far less funding from 2020 through CAP; CAP – how we spend it is crucial; Landscape and habitat management is Opportunity to get more environmental benefits from important but not necessarily economically farm subsidies (not just CAP reform); viable to pursue; Scope for bids for heritage lottery funding; Worries around diversification built on nature tourism – need ‘new’ cash; Opportunities for new partnerships Lack of tools to influence a step-change – Potential opportunities for new local partnerships to weaker planning system, less funding = less deliver biodiversity enhancement; Greater integration of organisations and spatial action control; Tools for NPs as exemplars over and above other areas? – a real opportunity; NPAs as brokers and convenors or new partnerships; Localism vs national vision Potential role of NPAs as facilitators; Localism – how do we square the national There are real example of making this happen (e.g. vision with what local communities want? 8 Adrian Phillips presentation); Putting farmers and landowners at the heart (x2) Empowering farmers to deliver conservation; Bottom-up action – land owners and managers coming together; Looking for business and environment ‘win-wins’ to get farmers ‘hooked’; Consensus that farmers and landowners should be at the heart of landscape scale work; Landowners and managers are essential in the process – it is their land; Need for land management engagement and ownership of solutions; (x 2) “West Cambridgeshire Hundreds” farmer-led initiative (what was the driver for this?); Initiatives led by farmers to join habitats up at a landscape scale; Ecological potential and role of NPs Potential for NPs to be included in ERZs; NPs (and hopefully AONBs) committing to putting ecological restoration into practice; “Longer, wider, greener” sustainable transport corridors from towns to wildlife rich landscapes; Long distance wildlife corridors along recreational and transport routes; National Parks and AONB can do this – we need to go up a gear; National Parks seen as central to Bigger, better, more, joined (‘BBMJ’); Emerging agreement/ recognition that protected landscapes have a key role to play; Joined-up – corridors and connectivity; Favourite quotes “If the roof leaks, fix the roof – don’t build a conservatory” (i.e. do what’s needed); “Concentrate efforts where ‘biggest bang for your buck’”; 9 Localism – if biodiversity doesn’t mean much to people it will slip down the agenda; Engaging people Declining contact between people and nature (nature deficit); Need to better engage people with this agenda – don’t make assumptions that this is what they want; How do we empower individuals to make things happen; Land management (x2) Environmental management and productive farming don’t have to compete – smart land use rather than segregation; How to better engage land managers; There are few farmers here; How to implement at a large scale where ownership is very fragmented; Is the food security argument a red herring? CAP CAP already delivering some environmental behaviour change – need to build on this; Delivered improvement through crosscompliance – it is not money for old rope; Risk of un-doing environmental gains of existing agri-environment schemes by changes of emphasis in new (post 2013) AES; Need to avoid over-prescriptive schemes – need to deliver positive yet flexible outcomes; How do we monitor the outcomes of agrienvironment options so that we know whether landscape-scale is working? 6. What is already happening? Groups (6 groups x 8 people each) were asked to come up with examples of what was already happening to take us towards the recommendations in MSFN, and say why it was working. [Numbers in brackets e.g. ‘(x2)’ relate to numbers of groups who said the same thing]. Web links to various projects have been added for further information. What is already happening? (x3) National Park management plans are good process for engagement – they could take MSFN ideas and develop how to implement them (they can be locally biased and will need national input too) NPAs are good at considering other elements like education or archaeology Catchment approach is better that using administrative boundaries – always use the most appropriate geographical scale for the outcomes Joint project (FC/ MOD/ NNPA/ RSPB/ NT/ NWT) – woodland, riverine, heather and bog restoration for black grouse GWCT seminar engaging with private landowners. Needs good facilitation e.g. by FWAG. See Moors for the Future partnership – biodiversity is a part of this, but ecosystem services is the key. It is a holistic project that includes private land owners and their resources. See Lake District – simulation of different woodland cover levels in the landscape to see what people find acceptable (x2) Lake District National Park Partnership - agreed land management outcomes and opportunity mapping. See Self-recruitment of farmer groups to co-ordinate agri-environment initiatives and secure motivation Planning protection for contiguous semi-natural habitats Linking Skipwith Common and Lower Derwent Valley NNRs with agri-environment schemes. Flood risk management projects (funded by Defra) e.g. Slowing the Flow at Pickering; See$FILE/Pickering_invitatio n_factsheet.pdf (x2) Upland Ecosystem service Pilots (NE and partnerships) – contributing to understanding of payments for ecosystem services and spatial planning for ecosystem services. See 20Services_Ruth%20Waters.pdf Organisational priorities: Living Landscapes (Wildlife Trusts), see; Futurescapes (RSPB), see; Landscape scale (NT), see 10 (x2) Partnership delivery of landscape scale projects: Peatscapes; Yorkshire Peat Partnership, see; Fix the Fells, see; Moors for the Future (see above); Wild Ennerdale etc Making research happen – hosting conferences; influencing funding bids (to NERC etc) Long term research and evidence for management practices that are effective at large scales Branding wildlife e.g. Limestone Country project. See (English) National Parks vision to improve biodiversity has been approved by Government. See; and Development of National Character Area description and objectives by NE and stakeholders, see Public investment through Environmental Stewardship Private investment e.g. water companies “2020 Vision for a wilder Britain” project – engaging people with National Parks 7. What should we start? Groups were asked to identify what we should start doing to better achieve the recommendations in MSFN. [Numbers in brackets e.g. ‘(x2)’ relate to numbers of groups who said the same thing]. These have been grouped into 3 main (yet related) headings: a. Communicating: developing a ‘local’ vision; inspiring and enabling action Need to communicate the big picture of the ‘Lawton’ report – even within NPAs. Don’t assume people know the big picture; In each National Park or sub-level valley or catchment, get as many people together to create a vision with shared outcomes; Get beneficiaries together to understand and help to make connections e.g. to downstream areas affected by flooding; Turn National Park management plan into action – identify key lead person to take forward; Think about how ecological restoration concept fits with other agenda, especially food security. Try to find common ground and communicate with those progressing these 11 other agendas; Sell ecosystem services; Use regular bills (water, energy, food) to make links with NP ecosystem services; Earlier engagement with private landowners – National Parks can do; Get the message across to land owners; Inspire, engage and connect with people; Respond to opportunities e.g. work with the keen farmers; Communicate how landscape and biodiversity changes over time; Engage with people by expressing changes to their immediate locality – not the wider landscape; Empower people to take the ideas forward “What can you do?” – early adopters; Re-connect citizens with nature; b. Habitat restoration and management at a larger scale Use existing exemplar projects in NPs as a catalyst to achieve more – both within and outside NP boundaries; Sharing of ideas beyond National Park boundaries; National Parks need to link with authorities outside their boundaries; Joint working between NPAs and AONBs – to give a larger area of focus; Less competition between bodies trying to achieve similar goals; Large-scale land management to enable natural processes; Breakdown political geographical boundaries – work at delivery scales that make sense to ecological networks; MOD look to how they link to the surrounding landscapes, not just within own estate (also relevant to other big estates) – large scale funding may help to make these links in an area; Develop restored habitat areas between National Parks to create stepping stones and linkages; Map all the small projects happening on one area to see where connections could be made; Ensure the outcomes of landscape scale projects / agri-environment schemes are monitored so we know how well they are working; Clarifying and reducing the complexity of existing initiatives; Look at aspects beyond ecosystem services; (x2) Deliver more in areas outside SSSIs – avoid two-tier management; 12 Science of habitat networks – how close do individual sites need to be to be effectively connected?; Need to build and value the skills set used to manage new habitats; Explain what MSFN report means for planning; Develop green infrastructure through urban areas and along transport corridors; Define ‘wild land’ and achieve policy support for it; Tackle invasive species; c. Developing new funding streams and payments for ecosystem services; change the economics and focus of the CAP; (x2) Focus CAP money on creating ecological networks (e.g. use the ‘envelope’ mechanism); Re-focus agri-environment economics (income forgone issue); Post 2014 CAP – we need a new definition of eligible land to allow ERZ/ other MSFN recommendations to happen whilst still rewarding farmers through the CAP; CAP post 2020 – sharpen the tools now; Build on the good legacy of agri-environment, celebrate achievements; Look for alternatives to CAP whilst focussing funding at priorities in the meantime; (x2) Tighter targeting and prioritisation of agri-environment; Develop a payment system to benefit those delivering ecosystem goods and services; Need to get visitors to pay for what they get – e.g. bed tax; Identify economically sustainable projects like wood burners or deer management for venison initiatives; Branded products – e.g. South Downs quality branding; Explore new markets; establish new market mechanisms (e.g. carbon trading for peatland restoration); Encourage sustainability entrepreneurs; Recognition and funding for projects in NPs; Use Localism agenda to allow NPAs to manage local authority budget; 8. Mapping a network Groups were provided with a map of an area of a National Park (roughly 10 x 10 km) and asked to draw onto it a ‘coherent ecological network’. The network had to benefit wildlife, and, to take into account other likely objectives such as landscape; historic environment; water resources; carbon storage; local community needs; leisure use; and the land owner’s objectives. 13 They were asked to ‘fit in’ roughly 1000 ha of new habitat creation and/or restoration of existing habitat. This was equivalent to ten 1km squares (including linear features) or 10% of the map area. They were asked to identify where they would put habitat restoration or creation options and say what types they are/ how they will be managed/ and why. They were asked to think about: o What are the big opportunities? o What are the major constraints? o What was most difficult to agree? o Who will benefit? o If you only had the resources to do half of this (500 ha) what would your priorities be? The results of this exercise are pictured in Annex 4. 9. Developing an action plan – what can we do next? Groups were asked to look back at the recommendations and say which are priorities to take forward and how should they be done, who should do it. They were asked to consider action at the National Park Level and wider e.g. national / strategic/ structural. These have been grouped under broad headings for action: a. Develop the vision for MSFN in particular places: Each National Park (partner based – not just NPA) to produce a response to MSFN priorities – including information on how they will work towards ‘better’, and well as ‘bigger, more and joined-up’; Explore the potential for ERZs – including in National Parks and AONBs; National Parks could be the first tranche of ERZs; National Parks could join together to enter the bidding process – or lobby Government not to have to bid; (x2) Develop an “opportunities map” for each National Park that would implement MSFN recommendations – base this on National Character Areas using data from the MAGIC system – for funding opportunities it is useful to see a spatial map; Include action for biodiversity in the NE/ ENPAA shared outcomes agreement; Identify what success looks like, and monitor outcomes in getting there. b. Generate support for MSFN, and make it easier to achieve ecological networks: 14 i. Through policy or funding change Undertake a collective review of the tools we have for delivering biodiversity; Develop ideas for the new CAP framework – what do we want from CAP post 2014 to support MSFN? Influence the emerging national planning policy framework now; Everyone to study NEWP and come back with a list of actions; Establish ways of paying for sustainable management of habitats – branding products etc; Continue to develop economic valuation information to support the case for ERZ and delivery of biodiversity; Develop a common understanding of legislative requirements for land managers and a common application for funding. ii. Through community support Encourage everyone to read MSFN! Welcome the publication of the Government’s response to MSFN and urge landowner commitment to taking action (GWCT); Communicate MSFN ideas with local communities; Sense-check landowner engagement; Develop storylines and vision to work with landowners and citizens; Develop Park specific stories – to celebrate the now and develop a road map to 2020; Develop a communication plan to discuss these ideas with farmers, landowners, moorland owners. c. Deliver more on the ground: Reduce the complexity and competition around landscape scale projects – map the benefits different schemes are trying to achieve – identify gaps to make it easier to combine different schemes; Work to join up the concepts of IBDAs/ ERZs/ RSPBs Futurescapes etc; Encompass MSFN ideas in all management plans locally; Work to raise the management of non-SSSIs in National Parks – first work out where the sources of financing are – Natural England schemes, public and private investment; Prioritise better management of semi-natural habitats over creation; Find opportunities for quick wins (e.g. large areas with few owners); Outside NPs – establish means of co-ordinating activity (e.g. between County Councils/ Wildlife Trusts etc); Encourage the National Trust to develop more ‘landscape scale initiatives’; Monitor the outcomes and learn from the results. Influence OFWAT to allow actions on non-owned land; Review OFWAT framework to allow biodiversity to become a legitimate objective of spend (even where unrelated to water quality); Aim for consistency of approach to catchment management across water companies. d. Actions for specific places or organisations: i. National Park Authorities: NPAs hold a gathering to identify and share all projects already going on – rationalise and build on these; Hold national discussion between ENPAA and NAAONB on how best to access HLF in the long term – e.g. co-ordinated bids nationally etc. ii. Yorkshire: YDS to encourage YDNPA/ YDMT to consider options for continuation of the successful “Haytime” project (e.g. through PR/ fundraising/ volunteer support); Talk to North York Moors NPA re ‘CAN DO’ area, and woodland restoration project. 15 iii. Lake District: Up our game in the Lake District on Ecological Restoration Zones; Communicate more, bigger, better, joined up to the farming community in Cumbria; Approach neighbours to see if we can extend the philosophy of wild land that is bigger and better connected (Wild Ennerdale, Lake District). iv. Broads: Develop a biodiversity delivery plan with conservation partners in the Broads. 10. Next steps Campaign for National Parks, working with everyone represented at the event, will take forward the outcomes of this workshop by: o Issuing a press release immediately after the event (see Annex 5) o Drawing up a report summarising ideas and messages coming forward (this report), and distribute/ communicate this widely amongst key stakeholders operating in National Parks and further afield o Integrating these messages into our campaigning work with Defra, other Government departments like CLG, DECC, DfT etc, to help achieve the ambition identified o Working with National Park Authorities and others to facilitate and encourage the step change needed on the ground o Considering a follow-up event in the South Downs National Park to explore some of these issues in more detail. 16 Annexes Annex 1: List of abbreviations AONB = Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty CAP = Common Agricultural Policy Defra = Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs ENPAA = English National Park Authorities Association ERZ = Ecological Restoration Zone FC = Forestry Commission FWAG = Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group GWCT = Game and Wildlife Conservancy Trust HLF = Heritage Lottery Fund IBDA = Integrated Biodiversity Delivery Area MSFN = Making Space for Nature report MOD = Ministry of Defence NAAONB = National Association of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty NE = Natural England NERC = Natural Environment Research Council NEWP = Natural Environment White Paper NPA = National Park Authority NT = National Trust NWT = Northumberland Wildlife Trust OFWAT = the water services regulation authority in England and Wales SSSIs = Sites of Special Scientific Interest YDS = Yorkshire Dales Society YDNPA = Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority YDMT = Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust 17 Annex 2: List of participants Name Organisation 1. Adrian Phillips National Trust 2. 3. Andrea Graham Andrea Kelly NFU Broads Authority 4. Anne Robinson CNP Chair 5. Ben Rayner PDNPA member 6. Catherine Flitcroft BMC 7. Chris Dean Moors for the Future 8. Chris Reid CNP 9. Claire Collyer 10. David Henshilwood CLA 11. David Shaw 12. Emily Brennan NE South Downs NPA 13. Frances Winder Woodland Trust 14. Gareth Browning FC (North West) 15. Gareth Morgan RSPB 16. Gill Thompson Northumberland NPA 17. Hugh Thornton Yorkshire Dales Society 18. Irene Evison CNP trustee 19. Jean Johnston NE (NW) 20. John Anfield CNP trustee 21. John Gorst Unites Utilities NE (Landscape) 22. John Lawton 23. Julia Aglionby 24. Julian Harlow NE (Economist) 25. Maddy Jago NE (Director - landscape and biodiversity) 26. Mark Robins RSPB 27. Meriel Martin ENPAA 28. Moira Owen MOD 29. Nancy Stedman NE (Y&H) 30. Nick Atkinson Woodland Trust 31. Nigel Stone Exmoor NPA 32. Pamela Abbott NE (facilitator) 33. Pat Thompson RSPB 34. Paul Hamblin ENPAA 35. Paul Jackson Howardian Hills AONB and NAAONB Board Vice Chairman 36. Peter Barfoot NYM NPA 37. Anne Armitstead NE (Y&H) 38. Rachel Pickering NYM NPA 39. Rhodri Thomas 40. Richard Leafe 41. Rona Charles Peak District NPA LDNPA NYM NPA 18 42. Ruth Chambers 43. Sarah Webster CNP Defra 44. Simon Pryor 45. Steven Turnbull 46. Tom Dearnley Forestry Commission John Muir Trust FC (North East) 47. Tom Oliver 48. Tony MitchellJones GWCT NE (Biodiversity) Annex 3: Feedback on the event I liked: The event as a whole – especially the clarity of presentations; Speakers were excellent – and set up the context for discussions very well; Good representation and slots for organisations and interests; Well organised, good speakers, thought provoking, good facilitator – and lots of interesting people to talk with; Good mix of people, well organised and chaired; Open discussion – good mix of speakers; Excellently-led open-minded discussion; Interesting and thought provoking discussion with good networking; Good mix of participants; Good update and networking – thanks!; Format of day with ‘cabaret’ style discussion worked really well; Good participation and atmosphere – good opportunity for everyone to contribute; Map exercise made it real; Importance of follow-up circulation of material to delegates; Great to see CNP taking a positive hand in taking this agenda forward; Excited by the huge potential; “I liked the enthusiasm that the Lawton report has liberated”; All seem to be moving in the same direction – now we need to make it happen; Recognition of multipurpose benefits of woodland in the landscape; Biscuits were brilliant! I’d change: Could have moved people to different tables after lunch to give opportunity for new conversations; Presentations and question sessions were useful and should have had more time; Too many facilitators; Need practical solutions to communicate messages outside of conservation community; More landowning interests needed; More of these meetings needed with NP landscape leads; More focus on what is already going on in NPs; Less focus on central Government; NP purposes misrepresented in speech; Room not an ideal shape. 19 Annex 4: Map exercise results Each group was asked to develop spatial plans for an ecological network in a 10x10km square area of a National Park (either South Downs or Lake District) by adding approximately 1000 ha of restored or newly created habitat to the existing habitats. Results are shown below. 20 Annex 5: CNP Press release following the workshop event (14th April) National Parks at the heart of a new wildlife agenda National Parks will become the beating heart of a new vision for wildlife recovery – as set out in a review by top wildlife experts. Professor Sir John Lawton, who chaired the independent review panel ‘Making Space for Nature’, was talking to an audience at the Campaign for National Parks’ seminar today in York. He laid down this challenge: “We want to see everyone working together to make National Parks, from the Lake District to Dartmoor, exhibit their huge potential for the recovery of wildlife and ecosystems. Our wildlife and habitats, on which we all depend, are under severe pressure: from climate change, land use development, and intensive farming practices. Existing protected areas for wildlife, like nature reserves, are not enough. “We need wildlife sites which are bigger, better connected and managed in ways that help their species to adapt to the changing climate. National Parks have much to offer in showing how this can be done.” This challenge threw open a lively discussion amongst the audience of farmers, voluntary sector and community groups, businesses, scientists and Government agencies, keen to identify actions to take forward this vital agenda in National Parks. After the event, Anne Robinson, Chair of the Campaign for National Parks, said, “We are thrilled with the enthusiasm we have seen from people who clearly care deeply about the future of National Parks and their wildlife. We hope that the Government is listening, and that the forthcoming White Paper on the Natural Environment and the new England Biodiversity Strategy will be ambitious and supportive of this vision for wildlife recovery and the important role that National Parks can play.” Professor Adrian Phillips, a trustee of the National Trust, said, “Our experiences of nature within beautiful landscapes like National Parks, provides food for our souls. The fate of our society is closely bound to the fate of nature. We let it slip away at our peril.” Claire Collyer, representing the Country Land and Business Association, intimated that “Land owners and land managers within National Parks are keen to rise to this challenge – after all they are the ones with the skills and expertise to make the networks a reality. Land managers must be rewarded adequately for the work they do for wildlife, either through the market place or with grants.” Gareth Morgan of the RSPB drew attention to the likely reductions in Government and EU grants for farmers: “To pay for wildlife recovery on the scale suggested by the ‘Making Space for Nature’ review, we will need a massive stretch of current resources. However, by coupling public grants with payments from the private sector, we could start to make this happen”. John Gorst, from United Utilities, helpfully pointed out that “The quality of the water we supply to customers is closely linked to how the land is managed. Good management for water, like tree planting and livestock grazing levels that reduce soil erosion, is also good for wildlife. On our owned catchments we are working with farmers and investing in farm businesses to change their practices to improve water quality”. Richard Leafe, who runs the Lake District National Park Authority, identified the importance of creative partnerships to make action for wildlife happen. “There is a groundswell of opinion in the Lakes around the vital importance of nature and the environment to our daily lives. We are committed to the vision set out in the review and want to work with and through the Lake District National Park Partnership to make this happen.” 21