Niches of two polysaccharide-degrading Polaribacter isolates from the North Sea during a spring diatom bloom Peng Xing1,2,$, Richard L. Hahnke1,$,†, Frank Unfried1,3, Stephanie Markert3, Sixing 5 Huang1,†, Tristan Barbeyron4, Jens Harder1, Dörte Becher5, Thomas Schweder3,6, Frank Oliver Glöckner1,7, Rudolf I. Amann1, Hanno Teeling1* 1 10 2 † 15 3 4 5 20 6 7 25 30 Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Celsiusstraße 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 210008 Nanjing, People’s Republic of China Current address: Leibniz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Inhoffenstraße 7B, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany Institute of Marine Biotechnology e.V., Walther-Rathenau-Straße 49A, 17489 Greifswald, Germany UPMC University Paris 6 and CNRS, UMR 7139 Marine Plants and Biomolecules, Station Biologique de Roscoff, 29682 Roscoff, Bretagne, France Institute of Microbiology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 15, 17487 Greifswald, Germany Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University, Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 3, 17487 Greifswald, Germany Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen, Germany $ These authors contributed equally to this work. * Corresponding author: Hanno Teeling, Max-Planck-Institute Microbiology, Celsiusstraße 1, 28359 Bremen Tel.: +49 421 2028 976; Fax: +49 421 2028 870 Running title: Niches of two North Sea Polaribacter isolates for Marine Supplementary Information Contents Supplementary Text. Estimation of in situ abundances by metagenome read-recruitment / Degradation of monosaccharides / Adaptations to micro-oxic and 35 anoxic conditions / Assimilation of nitrogen and sulfur / Gliding motility; Supplementary Figure S1 Growth curves of Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_49. Supplementary Figure S2 Variation of abundant GH families in 27 marine Flavobacteriaceae genomes. Supplementary Figure S3 CAZyme category comparison between Polaribacter spp. 40 and other Flavobacteriaceae. Supplementary Figure S4 Putative PULs of Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_49. Supplementary Figure S5 Putative PULs of Polaribacter sp. Hel1_85. Supplementary Figure S6 MEROPS peptidase families in 27 marine Flavobacteriaceae. 45 Supplementary Figure S7 MEROPS category comparison between Polaribacter spp. and other Flavobacteriaceae. Supplementary Figure S8 Tree of bacteriorhodopsin sequences for Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_49 and relatives. Supplementary Figure S9 Conserved DNA photolyase/cryptochrome gene clusters 50 among three proteorhodopsin-containing Polaribacter strains. Supplementary Figure S10 Relationships between mannitol dehydrogenase, bacteriorhodopsin and sulfatase gene copy numbers and genome size in 27 Flavobacteriaceae. Supplementary Figure S11 Rnf operon of Polaribacter sp. Hel1_85. 55 Supplementary Figure S12 Clustered assimilatory nitrate reduction genes in Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_49 and sp. Hel_I_85. Supplementary Table S1 Substrate utilization of Polaribacter strains. Supplementary Table S2 Manually annotated CAZymes and sulfatases in Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_49 and sp. Hel1_85. 60 Supplementary Table S3 Reference Flavobacteriaceae and their peptidase and CAZyme gene frequencies according to automated annotation. Supplementary Table S4 Features of currently available Polaribacter genomes. Supplementary Table S5 ANI- and dDDH-based comparison of sequenced Polaribacter strains. 65 Supplementary Table S6 Proteome data for Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_49. Supplementary Table S7 Recruitment of metagenomic reads by the genomes of Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_4 and s. Hel1_85. Supplementary Table S8 Gliding motility genes in sequenced Polaribacter strains. 70 Supplementary Text Estimation of in situ abundances by metagenome read-recruitment We used the genomes of Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_49 and Hel1_85 for the recruitment of reads from 26 metagenomes of sea surface bacterioplankton from the English Channel and the North Sea (Table S7). The English Channel metagenomes 75 were obtained from eight samples taken in 2008 at the long-term sample station L4 in the framework of the Western Channel Observatory Microbial Metagenomics Study (Gilbert et al., 2010). The North Sea metagenomes were obtained from 18 samples taken in 2008 - 2012 at the isolation site of Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_49 and Hel1_85 - the long-term sample station "Kabeltonne" near the island Helgoland. These 80 publically available metagenomes were produced in the framework of the Microbial Interactions in Marine Systems (MIMAS) project (Teeling et al., 2012) and the Coastal Microbe Taxonomic & Genomic Observatory (COGITO) community sequencing project of the DOE Joint Genome Institute. Reads were quality filtered prior to mapping. Illumina reads were filtered using a 85 script from Murat Eren ( alyze-illumina-quality-minoche) that implements criteria suggested by Minoche et al. (2010), and 454 reads were de-duplicated and filtered using prinseq v.0.20.4 (Schmieder & Edwards, 2011) (parameters: -derep 12345 -min_len 150 -max_len 450 -trim_qual_left 30 -trim_qual_right 30 -min_qual_score 10). Reads were subsequently 90 mapped onto both Polaribacter genomes using smalt v.0.7.6 (parameters for indexing: -k 20 -s 10) and only reads were retained with a minimum of 95% nucleotide identity to one of the genomes. The proportion of recruited reads by either genome was below 1% for all 26 metagenomes (Supplementary Table S7). Abundances were highest in the 2010 95 North Sea metagenomes during a phytoplankton bloom 12 days before (2010/04/08) and 14 days after (2010/05/04) the isolation date of both strains (2010/04/20). The maximum abundance of Polaribacter sp. Hel1_33_49 was detected on 2010/05/04 with 0.5% recruited reads, which covered 99.1% of the genome with an average depth of coverage of 59.6 x. 100 Degradation of monosaccharides Both North Sea Polaribacter strains have complete genes for the Embden Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathway and Krebs cycle. Fructose can be converted to fructose-6-phosphate, and galactose can be converted to glucose-1-phosphate and 105 subsequently funneled into glycolysis. Both strains also harbor a predicted keto-deoxy-phosphogluconate aldolase, the key enzyme of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway, but lack the oxidative part of the pentose phosphate pathway. Adaptations to micro-oxic and anoxic conditions 110 All Polaribacter type strains are capable of fermentation (Bernardet, 2010), but Polaribacter sp. MED152 is a strict aerobe (González et al., 2008). Based on gene repertoires, strains Hel1_33_49 and Hel1_85 can perform mixed acid fermentations and produce lactate, formate, acetate, acetaldehyde, ethanol, oxaloacetate and succinate. Strain Hel1_85 has further adaptations to low-oxygen conditions as they 115 might occur on biofilms on algae. It features genes for high oxygen affinity cytochrome bd- and cbb3-type terminal oxidases. The latter is also present in strain MED152 (González et al., 2008), but absent from the strain Hel1_33_49 and Polaribacter irgensii 23-PT. Polaribacter sp. Hel1_85 is the only known Polaribacter species that features the 120 rnfCDGEAB operon. Phylogenetic analysis of this operon suggested lateral transfer from a gammaproteobacterial species (Supplementary Figure S11). The rnf operon encodes a membrane-bound electron transport complex that couples the ferredoxin and pyridine dinucleotide pools (Buckel & Thauer, 2013). The exergonic oxidation of reduced ferredoxin with pyridine dinucleotides can be coupled to translocation of 125 either protons or sodium ions across the cytoplasmic membrane and might enable strain Hel1_85 to gain additional energy from reduced ferredoxin under oxygen-limiting or anoxic conditions. Assimilation of nitrogen and sulfur 130 Polaribacter strains Hel1_33_49 and Hel1_85 each grow on amino acids as a sole nitrogen source, but also have genes for assimilatory nitrate reduction. These genes are co-localized in a cluster similar to that in Flavobacterium johnsoniae UW101T (Supplementary Figure S12) but are not present in other sequenced Polaribacter genomes. In contrast, genes for assimilatory sulfate reduction are present in all 135 sequenced Polaribacter genomes. Gliding motility Gliding enables bacteria to (i) move on rather dry surfaces, (ii) penetrate into and migrate within complex organic matrices to reach polymeric, non-diffusible substrates, 140 and (iii) move in fluidic environments without loosing contact to the substratum (Reichenbach, 1981). Flavobacteria have been frequently found attached to aggregates (Kirchman, 2002; Gómez-Pereira et al., 2010) and described either as non-motile or to move by gliding (Bernardet, 2010). Most of the essential genes for Bacteroidetes-type gliding motility were identified 145 in the pelagic Polaribacter spp. Hel1_33_49, Hel1_85 and MED152 and the sea ice isolate P. irgensii 23-PT (McBride & Zhu, 2013), including genes for the Por secretion system (gldKLMN, sprAET), the GldI peptidoprolyl isomerase, the GldAFG ATP-binding cassette transporter, and the proteins GldBCDEFGH (Supplementary Table S8). Despite its genomic potential for gliding, P. irgensii 23-PT has been 150 described as non-gliding (Gosink et al., 1998; Yoon et al., 2006). One possible explanation is that all four investigated Polaribacter genomes contain adhesins (Supplementary Table S8), which might have recognition functions to ensure that gliding is only induced in the presence of specific substrates. Gliding motility was observed on agar plates for strain Hel1_85 (Hahnke & Harder, 2013), gliding for strain 155 Hel1_33_49 could be demonstrated using the hanging-drop technique (Skerman, 1967). 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