
Example assessment & marking criteria
Assessment type:
Exam – multiple choice, short answer & essay questions
EED110 Child Development: The Early Years
In this subject students will use the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), with specific reference to the five
learning outcomes for children from birth to 5 years, and apply these through the lens of child development. The
subject includes examination of prenatal, brain, physical, cognitive, language, psychosocial, and moral
development, in infants, toddlers and pre-school children. Theories of development, current research, methods of
observation, recording, and reporting, and experiences with children will be used to extend understanding of
children’s growth and development and demonstrate knowledge.
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
 be able to consider how developmental aspects (attachment, trust, relationships (family, peer, carer), and
moral development) are observed in young children;
 be able to reflect on how in practice, children connect with others through language, their own sensory and
perceptual development, and experiences in their environment;
 understands how cognitive and physical development contribute to a child's physical health, feelings of
happiness, resilience, self-help, and successful social functioning;
 understand how to best support and encourage a child to explore, experiment, collaborate, and problem
solve in an active learning environment;
 understand the various ways that infants, toddlers, and young children communicate including gestures,
sounds, language, and assisted communication; and through a range of modes such as music, movement,
visual arts, media and drama, talking, listening, viewing, reading, and writing;
 understand the biological foundations of childhood including genetics and prenatal development, students
will consider the impact these aspects have on the development of a child.
Subject learning
(NB: this will change
to learning outcomes
in 201430):
Assessment task:
Task description:
2. Child development examination
Students will demonstrate their understanding of theories of child development, observations in an early childhood
setting, and application of theory and policy through the completion of an examination. Students will be assessed
on their knowledge, application and explanation of major theories of child development, key influences on child
development, and application of this knowledge to practice.
Students will be required to:
 answer multiple choice questions by selecting the best option from four available choices to
demonstrate developmental knowledge
 provide short answer responses to a range of brief scenarios that require links to theory and practice
 write an essay to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a particular concept through links made to theory and
Marking criteria & standards of performance
knowledge - multiple
choice questions
Students will be
required to complete a
series of multiple
choice questions by
selecting the most
appropriate response
from a selection of
four choices.
Questions will assess
knowledge across the
domains, periods,
theories, practical
applications &
concepts of child
development in the
early years studied in
the subject in weeks
9-14. Throughout the
session the Test
Centre will be utilised
to provide you with the
opportunity to prepare
for this component of
the examination by
completing a series of
practice questions on
the examinable topics.
This criteria is
weighted at 20% of
the overall subject
High Distinction
To meet this level you will
attain a cumulative mark
between 85%-100% for this
section of the examination.
A mark in this range
indicates that you have
selected the best answer
option from four available
choices for each question
with no more than 3
incorrect answers in this
component of the
examination. Overall,
in meeting this level you will
demonstrate exceptional
knowledge across all the
domains, periods, theories,
practical applications &
concepts of child
development in the early
years that you have studied
in the subject in weeks 9-14.
The number of correct
answers will show that you
have consistently high
understandings across the
comprehensive range of key
influences on child
development presented
throughout the subject in the
teaching, readings &
the Test Centre content.
To meet this level you will attain
a cumulative mark between
75%-84% for this section of the
examination. A mark in this
range indicates that you have
selected the best answer option
from four available choices for
each question with no more than
5 incorrect answers in this
component of the examination.
Overall, In meeting this level you
will demonstrate a
comprehensive knowledge
across the domains, periods,
theories, practical applications &
concepts of child development in
the early years that you have
studied in the subject in weeks
9-14. The number of correct
answers will indicate that overall
you have a high understanding
of the key influences on child
development presented in the
subject through the teaching
content, readings & the Test
Centre. Depending on the
questions answered incorrectly,
one of the domains of
development assessed may be
understood at a basic level
whilst all others are at a high
To meet this level you will attain
a cumulative mark between
65%-74% for this section of the
examination. A mark in this
range indicates that you have
selected the best answer option
from four available choices for
each question with no more
than 7 incorrect answers in this
component of the examination.
Overall, In meeting this level
you will demonstrate a sound
knowledge across the domains,
periods, theories, practical
applications & concepts of child
development in the early years
that you have studied in the
subject in weeks 9-14. The
number of correct answers will
indicate that overall you have a
sound understanding of the key
influences on child development
presented in the subject through
the teaching content, readings &
the Test Centre. Depending on
the questions answered
incorrectly, one or two of the
domains of development
assessed may be understood at
a basic level whilst all others are
at a high level.
To meet this level you will attain
a cumulative mark between
50%-64% for this section of the
examination. A mark in this
range indicates that you have
selected the best answer option
from four available choices for
each question with no more
than 10 incorrect answers in this
component of the examination.
Overall, In meeting this level
you will demonstrate a basic
knowledge across the domains,
periods, theories, practical
applications & concepts of child
development in the early years
that you have studied in the
subject in weeks 9-14. The
number of correct answers will
indicate that overall you have a
basic understanding of the key
influences on child development
presented in the subject through
the teaching content, readings &
the Test Centre. The number of
incorrect answers indicate that
at least two domains are
understood at a basic level or
above & no more than two
domains may be at a limited
understanding level.
At this level you will attain a
cumulative mark between 0%49% for this section of the
examination. A mark in this
range indicates that you have
selected the best answer option
from four available choices for
less than half of the questions,
with 11 or more incorrect
answers in this component of
the examination. At this level
you will not have demonstrated
a basic knowledge across all
the domains, periods, theories,
practical applications &
concepts of child development
in the early years that you have
studied in the subject in weeks
9-14. The number of incorrect
answers will indicate that overall
you have a limited
understanding of the key
influences on child development
presented in the subject through
the teaching content, readings &
the Test Centre. Whilst one or
two domains may be
understood at a basic level or
above, limited understanding is
demonstrated in all other
domains. Many questions will
have been incorrectly answered
or not answered.
knowledge &
application - short
answer questions
In response to each of
the short answer
questions, students
will be required to
incorporate theoretical
knowledge & refer to
their practicum
experiences to
demonstrate their
understanding of
theory & practice. 4
short answer
questions with 5
marks available for
each will assess
synthesis of
knowledge &
understanding of how
theory aligns with
practice. This criteria
is weighted at 20% of
the overall subject
To meet this level you will
attain a cumulative mark
between 85%-100% for this
section of the examination
that consists of 4 short
answer questions with 5
marks available for each. A
mark in this range (no less
than 17 marks) indicates
that you have answered at
three of the four questions to
a high or exceptional level &
no more than one question
is answered at a basic
level. Overall, in meeting this
level you will demonstrate
exceptional understanding,
synthesis of knowledge &
critical engagement with
theory & understanding
across all the domains,
periods, theories, practical
applications & concepts of
child development in the
early years that you have
studied in the subject in
weeks 9-14. While one
domain of development may
benefit from further study,
the number of correct
answers will show that you
have consistently high
understandings across the
comprehensive range of key
influences on child
development presented
throughout the subject in the
teaching, readings &
the Test Centre content.
To meet this level you will attain
a cumulative mark between
75%-84% for this section of the
examination that consists of 4
short answer questions with 5
marks available for each. A
mark in this range (no less than
15 marks) indicates that you
have answered at least two of
the four questions to a high level
level or above & no more than
one question is answered to a
basic or limited level. Overall,
in meeting this level you will
demonstrate a comprehensive
understanding, synthesis of
knowledge & critical
engagement with theory &
understanding across all the
domains, periods, theories,
practical applications & concepts
of child development in the early
years that you have studied in
the subject in weeks 9-14. While
one domain of development may
require more study, the number
of correct answers will show that
overall, you have consistently
demonstrated well-considered
understandings of how theory
aligns with practice across the
comprehensive range of key
influences on child development
presented throughout the
subject in the teaching, readings
& within the Test
Centre content.
To meet this level you will attain
a cumulative mark between
65%-74% for this section of the
examination that consists of 4
short answer questions with 5
marks available for each. A
mark in this range (no less than
13 marks) indicates that you
have answered at least one of
the four questions to a high
level or above & no more than
two questions are answered to
a basic or limited level. Overall,
in meeting this level you will
demonstrate a sound
understanding, synthesis of
knowledge & critical
engagement with theory &
understanding across all the
domains, periods, theories,
practical applications &
concepts of child development
in the early years that you have
studied in the subject in weeks
9-14. While it may be beneficial
to further study one or two
domains of development, the
number of correct answers will
show that overall, you have
consistently demonstrated
sound understandings of how
theory aligns with practice
across key influences on child
development presented
throughout the subject in the
teaching, readings & within
the Test Centre content.
To meet this level you will attain
a cumulative mark between
50%-64% for this section of the
examination that consists of 4
short answer questions with 5
marks available for each. A
mark in this range (no less than
10 marks) indicates that you
have answered at least two of
the four questions to a basic
level or above & no more than
two questions are answered to
a limited level. Overall,
in meeting this level you will
demonstrate a basic
understanding, synthesis of
knowledge & critical
engagement with theory &
understanding across all the
domains, periods, theories,
practical applications &
concepts of child development
in the early years that you have
studied in the subject in weeks
9-14. While it may be beneficial
to further study two or three
domains of development, the
number of correct answers will
show that overall, you have
consistently demonstrated basic
understandings of how theory
aligns with practice across key
influences on child development
presented throughout the
subject in the teaching, readings
& within the Test
Centre content.
At this level you will attain a
cumulative mark between 0%49% for this section of the
examination that consists of 4
short answer questions with 5
marks available for each. A
mark in this range (less than 10
marks - less than half the
available marks) indicates that
you have answered at least two
of the four questions below a
basic level & demonstrated
limited understanding in at least
two areas of study. Overall,
in meeting this level you will
demonstrate a limited
understanding, synthesis of
knowledge & critical
engagement with theory &
understanding across all the
domains, periods, theories,
practical applications &
concepts of child development
in the early years that you have
studied in the subject in weeks
9-14. At least two domains of
development require more
study. The number of incorrect
answers demonstrate that
overall, you have inconsistently
demonstrated understandings of
how theory aligns with practice
across key influences on child
development presented
throughout the subject in the
teaching, readings & within
the Test Centre content.
theory & practice
issue – essay
In the essay
response, students
will be required to
apply & integrate
three or more major
concepts introduced in
the subject to explain
children's learning &
development in a
particular theoretical
domain. The response
will need to explicitly
* understanding of
major theoretical
concepts in your
chosen domain
* knowledge of
the Early Years
Learning Framework
* application of
relevant personal
This criteria is
weighted at 20% of
the overall subject
To meet this level you will
attain a cumulative mark
between 85%-100% for this
section of the examination
that consists of an essay
response that demonstrates
application & integration of
three or more major
concepts introduced in the
subject to explain children's
learning & development in a
particular theoretical
domain. A mark in this range
(no less than 17 marks)
indicates that you
have demonstrated
exceptional understanding of
major theoretical concepts in
your chosen domain
& knowledge of the Early
Years Learning Framework
(EYLF). Your essay will
demonstrate a deep level of
critical engagement with
theory & concepts covered
in the subject & the
application of personal
insights to the topic studied.
The essay will consider how
theory & the EYLF align with
the essay topic & will
demonstrate a superior
synthesis of theory &
practice. At this level the
essay will demonstrate
exceptional & innovative
ability for critical scrutiny &
reflection. All paragraphs will
be well constructed &
To meet this level you will attain
a cumulative mark between
75%-84% for this section of the
examination that consists
of an essay response that
demonstrates application &
integration of three or more
major concepts introduced in the
subject to explain children's
learning & development in a
particular theoretical domain. A
mark in this range (no less than
15 marks) indicates that you
have demonstrated
comprehensive understanding of
major theoretical concepts in
your chosen domain
& knowledge of the Early Years
Learning Framework (EYLF).
Your essay will demonstrate
critical engagement with theory
& concepts covered in the
subject & the application of
personal insights to the topic
studied. The essay will consider
how theory & the EYLF align
with the essay topic & will
demonstrate a superior
synthesis of theory &
practice. At this level the essay,
overall will demonstrate critical
scrutiny & reflection. At this
level, one aspect of the essay
theory/domain, understanding of
the EYLF or personal insights)
may have benefited from further
exploration. All paragraphs will
be well constructed & thought
To meet this level you will attain
a cumulative mark between
65%-74% for this section of the
examination that consists
of an essay response that
demonstrates application &
integration of three or more
major concepts introduced in
the subject to explain children's
learning & development in a
particular theoretical domain. A
mark in this range (no less than
13 marks) indicates that you
have demonstrated a
sound understanding of major
theoretical concepts in your
chosen domain & knowledge of
the Early Years Learning
Framework (EYLF). Your essay
will demonstrate engagement
with theory & concepts covered
in the subject & the application
of personal insights to the topic
studied. The essay will consider
how theory & the EYLF align
with the essay topic & will
describe, reflect & link theory &
practice. At this level,
two aspects of the essay
theory/domain, understanding of
the EYLF or personal insights)
may have benefited from further
exploration or the application &
the linkage between these
aspects may have benefited
from further reflection. At least
one aspect of the essay will be
demonstrated at a high
To meet this level you will attain
a cumulative mark between
50%-64% for this section of the
examination that consists
of an essay response that
demonstrates application &
integration of three or more
major concepts introduced in
the subject to explain children's
learning & development in a
particular theoretical domain. A
mark in this range (no less than
10 marks) indicates that you
have demonstrated a
basic understanding of major
theoretical concepts in your
chosen domain & knowledge of
the Early Years Learning
Framework (EYLF). Your essay
will demonstrate adequate
engagement with theory &
concepts covered in the subject.
The essay will describe relevant
theory & sections of the
EYLF. At this level, all
the aspects of the essay will be
covered (chosen
theory/domain, understanding of
the EYLF & personal insights)
but two or more of these
aspects may have benefited
from further exploration & the
application & the linkage
between these aspects may
have needed further
reflection. Paragraphs include
related information but may not
be constructed well. A few
grammatical spelling or
At this level you will attain a
cumulative mark between 0%49% for this section of the
examination that consists
of an essay response that
demonstrates application &
integration of three or more
major concepts introduced in
the subject to explain children's
learning & development in a
particular theoretical domain. A
mark in this range (no less than
10 marks) indicates that you
have demonstrated a
limited understanding of major
theoretical concepts in your
chosen domain & knowledge of
the Early Years Learning
Framework (EYLF). Your essay
will demonstrate inadequate
engagement with theory &
concepts covered in the subject.
The essay does not or poorly
describes relevant theory &
sections of the EYLF. At this
level, the three aspects of the
essay (chosen
theory/domain, understanding of
the EYLF & personal insights)
have either not been included or
not fully explored. Additionally,
there may be inadequate or
limited linkage between the
essay aspects. Paragraphs do
not include related information
&/or may not be constructed
well. Many grammatical,
spelling &/or punctuation errors
are evident.
thought out demonstrating a
high competence in literacy
standards with no
grammatical, spelling or
punctuation errors.
out demonstrating a high
competence in literacy
standards with minimal
grammatical, spelling or
punctuation errors.
level. Most paragraphs include
introductory sentence,
explanations or details, &
concluding sentence. Almost no
grammatical, spelling or
punctuation errors.
punctuation errors are evident.