Mulab - ADAM - Leonardo da Vinci Projects and Products Portal

General for all
Here are a few potential additions based on Rick’s suggestion that we include some references to the operating
Aims of the Project
This Partnership Agreement is underpinned by considerable shared values and common purpose. Partners will
work closely with WAC to achieve the aims of the project which are to:
Develop a common European framework of competencies for mentors and support workers in the non
formal learning sector in the creative industries
Provide vocational support to disadvantaged and disaffected young people
Transfer learning from the successful Leonardo ‘CrossWorker’ project
Enable participating young people to ‘STEP’ up and become mentors and support workers themselves
Cooperation and Communication
To ensure effective cooperation and communication with WAC and the other Leonardo STEP project partners
Developing good formal and informal relationships with Leonardo STEP project partners that build trust
and share responsibility, whilst respecting difference
Promoting a culture of trust and a mutual respect for each other’s roles and responsibilities
Ensuring ‘top level’ commitment to the project
Being committed to work with and learn from other partners
In the event of a conflict, being committed to working with partners in an open, honest and transparent
manner and seeking positive, constructive solutions based on partners’ previous experience
Participating actively in Steering Group meetings
Providing regular communication and contact with WAC and other project partners as required to
ensure the effective delivery of the project – this will include ongoing informal day-today contact as well as
formal reporting requirements in line with the Partnership Agreement
Being committed to ensuring high quality outcomes throughout the development of the project
Equality and Diversity
In participating in this project, partners will commit fully to opposing the existence of discrimination against
individuals and groups in society on grounds of race, nationality, gender, disability, religion, sexuality, age,
marital status and other factors and therefore operate within the equality laws and good practice described by
the Equalities and Human Rights Commission and reflecting the equalities and diversity policies held by each of
the Leonardo STEP project partners.
Provide information on project activities, expenditure etc as required
Jan – Jun 09
Participate in other workshops and conferences
Promotional work with regional, national and European sectoral networks/organisations T ba
Provide input into testing of initial framework: 6-9 mentors / support workers shadowing / supporting in turn 2
‘crossworker’ young people
Provide input and participate in second test as above
Incorporate information on project website
Incorporate information on partner websites
Detailed input into content - data, case studies, examples from each country’s practice (including translation
where appropriate)
March to August 09
Attend conferences and workshops
Arrange dissemination events (2 at European level and 4 at partner level)
Meetings with regional training and skills organisations
Liaise with strategic and policy organisations in skills arena, nationally and at European
Develop information-collecting framework
Review of materials and information supplied by partners
Desk research - review of current and previous cross-workers in other sectors Ongoing to Jan 2010
Collate comparative analysis to provide competency outlines with WAC
Support WAC with initial development of competency framework arising from comparative study for mentors
and support workers / ‘crossworker’ framework. To include: training modules, case studies, mentor guides
pedagogical designs etc.
Mar to Aug 09
Review pedagogical experience with WAC
Provide information on project activities, expenditure etc as required
Jan to Jun 09
Participate in other workshops and conferences
Promotional work with regional, national and European sectoral networks/organisations Tba
Provide input into testing of initial framework: 6-9 mentors / support workers shadowing / supporting in turn 2
‘crossworker’ young people
Provide input and participate in second test as above
Incorporate information on project website
Incorporate information on partner websites
Detailed input into content - data, case studies, examples from each country’s practice (including translation
where appropriate)
March to August 09
Attend conferences and workshops
Arrange dissemination events (2 at European level and 4 at partner level)
Meetings with regional training and skills organisations
Liaise with strategic and policy organisations in skills arena, nationally and at European
Provide information on project activities, expenditure etc as required
Jan – Jun 09
Participate in other workshops and conferences
Promotional work with regional, national and European sectoral networks/organisations Tba
Provide input into testing of initial framework: 6-9 mentors / support workers shadowing / supporting in turn 2
‘crossworker’ young people
Provide input and participate in second test as above
Incorporate information on project website
Incorporate information on partner websites
Detailed input into content - data, case studies, examples from each country’s practice (including translation
where appropriate)
March to August 09
Attend conferences and workshops
Arrange dissemination events (2 at European level and 4 at partner level)
Meetings with regional training and skills organisations
Liaise with strategic and policy organisations in skills arena, nationally and at European
Attend international Creative Clusters conference, Glasgow, and promote STEP November 08
Provide information on project activities, expenditure etc as required
Jan – Jun 09
Participate in other workshops and conferences
Promotional work with regional, national and European sectoral networks/organisations Tba
Provide input into testing of initial framework: 6-9 mentors / support workers shadowing / supporting in turn 2
‘crossworker’ young people
Provide input and participate in second test as above
Incorporate information on project website
Incorporate information on partner websites
Detailed input into content - data, case studies, examples from each country’s practice (including translation
where appropriate)
March to August 09
Attend conferences and workshops
Arrange dissemination events (2 at European level and 4 at partner level)
Meetings with regional training and skills organisations
Liaise with strategic and policy organisations in skills arena, nationally and at European
Develop project delivery timeline and milestones
Nov 08
Develop Quality and Evaluation Framework
Dec 08
Conduct risk analysis
Dec 08
Collate feedback reports from partners and participants to inform evaluation and reporting
Produce 4 quality and evaluation reports
Dates Tba
Commission external evaluation
Jan to March 09
Review of test against quality assurance indicators and evaluation of partner experience
Participate in other workshops and conferences
Promotional work with regional, national and European sectoral networks/organisations
Review of test against quality assurance indicators and evaluation of partner experience
Detailed input into content - data, case studies, examples from each country’s practice (including translation
where appropriate)
March to August 09
Project Management Responsibilities
Draft Terms of Reference for the Steering Group – including timing of all meetings and scope of sub-groups
Develop partnership agreements (in line with Leonardo recommendations)
Develop project delivery plan (to PRINCE 2 standards)
Project co-ordination, to include communication with partners in between meetings with reference to the
overall workplan, budget, financial administration and quantitative feedback to ensure that progress remains
on target (partners to produce monitoring and progress reports)
Facilitate steering group meetings and liaise with ‘host’ in each case regarding itinerary, accommodation,
directions and travel, social dimension
Undertake internal evaluation of the project alongside project coordination and produce management
summaries of this activity for Steering Group meetings
Administer financial and administrative claims, including the drafting of the interim and final reports to
Leonardo for agreement by WAC
Manage sub-contracting of central project marketing
Provide information on project activities, expenditure etc as required
Jan to Jun 09
Develop project brochure
Jan to Mar 09
Distribute brochure
April 09
Web-based marketing
Participate in other workshops and conferences
Promotional work with regional, national and European sectoral networks/organisations Tba
Provide input into testing of initial framework: 6-9 mentors / support workers shadowing / supporting
in turn 2 ‘crossworker’ young people
Provide input and participate in second test as above
Incorporate information on project website
Incorporate information on partner websites
Detailed input into content - data, case studies, examples from each country’s practice (including
translation where appropriate)
March to August 09
Attend conferences and workshops
Arrange dissemination events (2 at European level and 4 at partner level)
Meetings with regional training and skills organisations
Liaise with strategic and policy organisations in skills arena, nationally and at European
II.18.1 If any amount is unduly paid to the beneficiary or if recovery is justified under the terms
of the agreement, the beneficiary undertakes to repay the NA the sum in question on
whatever terms and by whatever date it may specify.
II.18.2 If the beneficiary fails to pay by the date set by the NA, the sum due shall bear interest at
the rate indicated in Article II.16.3. Interest on late payment shall cover the period
Guide for NAs – Annex II-d-viii – LDV TOI grant agreement – Version 7/7/2008 – EN
Agreement UK/08/22/28 LLP-LdV/TOI/163_138
between the date set for payment, exclusive, and the date when the NA receives full
payment of the amount owed, inclusive. This provision shall not apply to recipients of a
grant which are public authorities of the Member States of the European Union.
Any partial payment shall first be entered against charges and interest on late payment
and then against the principal.
II.18.3 If payment has not been made by the due date, sums owed to the NA may be recovered
by offsetting them against any sums owed to the beneficiary by the NA, after informing
him accordingly by registered letter with advice of delivery or equivalent, or by calling in
the financial guarantee provided in accordance with Article II.15.1. The beneficiary's
prior consent shall not be required.
II.18.4 Bank charges occasioned by the recovery of the sums owed to the NA shall be borne
solely by the beneficiary.
II.18.5 The beneficiary understands that the non compliance with the request of repayment of the
amount in question may result in legal action against him by the NA in accordance with
national legislation The NA may adopt an enforceable decision formally establishing an
amount as receivable in the County Court or the Small Claims Court.
II.19.1 The beneficiary undertakes to provide any detailed information requested by the NA or
by any other outside body authorised by the NA to check that the action and the
provisions of the agreement are being properly implemented.
II.19.2 The beneficiary shall keep at the NA's disposal all original documents relating to the
agreement, especially accounting and tax records including records on the actual receipts
and expenditure of the action, or, in exceptional and duly justified cases, certified copies
of original documents related to the agreement on any appropriate medium which ensures
their integrity in line with applicable national legislation, for a period of five years from
the date of payment of the balance.
II.19.3 The beneficiary agrees that the NA or the Commission may have an audit of the use
made of the grant carried out either directly by its own staff or by any other outside body
authorised to do so on its behalf. Such audits may be carried out throughout the period of
implementation of the agreement until the balance is paid and for a period of five years
from the date of payment of the balance. Where appropriate, the audit findings may lead
to recovery decisions by the NA.
II.19.4. Where the checks on the event generating the lump sum or flat-rate financing reveal that
the event has not occurred and an undue payment has been made to the beneficiary, the
NA shall be entitled to recover up to the amount of the lump sum or flat-rate financing.
Where the beneficiary has made false declarations, the NA may impose financial
corrections in accordance with Article 12.
II.19.5 The beneficiary undertakes to allow the NA and/or the Commission staff and outside
personnel authorised by the NA /the Commission the appropriate right of access to sites
and premises where the action is carried out and to all the information, including
information in electronic format, needed in order to conduct such audits.
II.19.6 By virtue of Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 and Regulation (EC)
No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and the Council, the European Anti-Fraud
Office (OLAF) may also carry out on-the-spot checks and inspections in accordance with
the procedures laid down by Community law for the protection of the financial interests
of the European Communities against fraud and other irregularities. Where appropriate,
the inspection findings may lead to recovery decisions by the NA.
II.19.7 The European Court of Auditors shall have the same rights as the NA, notably right of
access, as regards checks and audits.