Week 9.2 5/28/09 Molecular Epidemiology Lab (4) Lab (3) Review: DNA Extraction from Buccal Cell Step 3 – Purification (1) Extract DNA Part II – Purification (2) Dissolve DNA with storage buffer DNA Extraction from Saliva Step 2 – Extraction and Purification (1) Extract and purify DNA with Oragene Purifier kit (2) Dissolve DNA with storage buffer General overview for Lab (4): (1) Measuring DNA concentration and the quality of DNA (2) Set up for PCR GST M1, T1, beta-globin (3) PCR Amplification Time Frame of Lab (4): Time Event Note 10:00 ~ 10:05 Introduction Introduction what we will do today 10:05 ~ 10:15 Introduction What is Spectrophotometer, how to calculate DNA concentration and how to measure the quality of DNA using Spectrophotometer 10:15 ~ 10:30 Dilute DNA 10 l of DNA + 90 l of sterile water 10:30 ~ 10:50 Using Measure DNA concentration and the quality of Spectrophotometer DNA 10:50 ~ 11:00 Break 11:00 ~ 11:20 Introduction 11:20 ~ 11:40 PCR mix prepare 11:40 ~ 11:50 PCR set up What is PCR Week 9.2 5/28/09 Instruction of Measuring DNA Concentration and the quality of DNA using Spectrophotometer 1. Dilute 10 l of DNA with 90 l of sterile water in a 500 l microcentrifuge tube 2. Pipet this solution into the cuvette 3. Obtain measurements from spectrophotometer Measuring DNA Concentration a. obtain the spectrophotometer measurement at 260nm b. calculate: DNA concentration in μg/ml = 50 μg/ml x OD260 x 10 1000 μl /ml 10 is the dilution factor 1 OD = 50 μg/ml for double stranded DNA 1 OD = 40 μg/ml for single stranded DNA Measuring the quality of DNA a. obtain the ratio of OD260/ OD280 b. if the ratio > 1.8 then the DNA quality is good if the ratio < 1.8 then the DNA quality is poor Week 9.2 5/28/09 Instruction of PCR assay of GSTM1/T1 1. in a sterile 0.2ml microfuge tube, mix in the following order: H2O 8.2 l 10x buffer 2.0 l dNTPS 1.0 l DMSO 1.0 l GSTT1 F 1.0 l GSTT1 B 1.0 l GSTM1 F 1.0 l GSTM1 B 1.0 l -globin F 1.0 l -globin B 1.0 l DNA 1.5 l Taq DNA polymerase 0.3 l overall 20 l 2. Carryout amplification as described. Cycle Denaturation Annealing Extension First cycle Subsequent cycle (35 cycle) 5min at 94C 1min at 94C 1min at 62C 1min at 72C Last cycle 5min at 72C Storage 4C **Many researchers used a 2-5 minutes first denaturing step before the actual cycling starts. This is supposed to help denature the targeted DNA better. **An annealing time of 30-60 seconds was sufficient for all primer pairs tested so far. ** The additional 5 minutes of extension time can help finish the elongation of most PCR products initiated during the last cycle