Perspectives in Nutrition, 8th Edition Chapter 7 Outline: Proteins After studying this chapter, you will be able to: 1. Define essential and nonessential amino acids and explain why adequate amounts of each of the essential amino acids are required for protein synthesis. 2. Distinguish between high-quality and low-quality proteins and list sources of each. 3. Describe how 2 low-quality proteins can be complementary to each other to provide the required amounts of essential amino acids. 4. Explain the methods used to measure the protein quality of foods, including assessment of biological value. 5. List the factors that influence protein needs. Calculate the RDA for protein for a healthy adult with a given body weight. 6. Explain positive nitrogen balance, negative nitrogen balance, and nitrogen equilibrium and list the conditions under which they occur. 7. Describe how protein is digested and absorbed in the body. 8. List the primary functions of protein in the body. 9. Describe how protein-energy malnutrition can eventually lead to disease in the body. 10. Describe the symptoms and treatment of food allergies. 11. Develop a vegetarian diet plan that meets the body's protein needs. 7.1 Structure of Proteins A. Amino acids 1. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (some also contain sulfur; see Figure 7-2) a. Amino group b. Carboxyl group c. Hydrogen molecule d. R group (side chain) differentiates one amino acid from another 2. Building blocks of proteins 3. 20 amino acids are required for human function at all life stages a. Non-essential amino acids can be synthesized by the body and do not need to be obtained in the diet (11) B. C. b. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained in the diet (9) c. Conditionally essential amino acids may become essential during infancy, disease, or trauma i. Tyrosine for people with PKU ii. Glutamine and arginine for trauma patients Synthesis of Nonessential Amino Acids (see Figure 7-3) 1. Transamination: transfer of an amino group from 1 amino acid to a carbon skeleton to form a new amino acid 2. Deamination: loss of amino group from an amino acid a. Amino group is usually incorporated into urea by liver and excreted by kidneys b. Remaining carbon skeleton can be used for fuel or synthesized into other compounds Amino Acid Composition: Complete and Incomplete Proteins 1. Complete (high-quality) proteins contain sufficient amounts of all 9 essential amino acids to support protein synthesis in the body (e.g., all animal proteins, with the exception of gelatin) 2. Incomplete (low-quality) proteins are lacking at least 1 of the 9 essential amino acids (e.g., all plant proteins, with the exception of soy protein) 3. Cells require a pool of amino acids for synthesis of body proteins 4. Limiting amino acid: absence of 1 essential amino acid restricts protein synthesis 5. a. Legumes: methionine, tryptophan b. Nuts and seeds: lysine c. Grains: lysine Complementary proteins: combination of various sources of low-quality proteins to supply all 9 essential amino acids a. Legumes + grains, nuts, or seeds b. Mixed diets generally provide high-quality protein 7.2 c. Complementary proteins need not be consumed at same meal, but can be balanced throughout the day d. Adding a small amount of high-quality protein to low-quality protein provides a full complement of essential amino acids Sources of Protein A. General 1. B. Dietary sources (65 - 100 g/d) a. Typical American diets supply 70% of protein from animal sources b. Worldwide diets supply only 35% of protein from animal sources c. Plants can provide ample dietary protein with benefits of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, while avoiding cholesterol and saturated fat 2. Recycling of body proteins (250 - 300 g/d) 3. Tips to increase intake of plant sources of protein a. Try veggie burger b. Top salads with nuts c. Add nuts to bread, muffin, or pancake batter d. Consume edamame or roasted soy beans for snacks e. Use peanut butter instead of butter or cream cheese f. Use soy milk g. Substitute beans for meat in tacos h. Make stir-fry with tofu, cashews, and vegetables Evaluation of Food Protein Quality 1. General a. Indicate ability of food protein to support body growth and maintenance b. Digestibility i. Animal proteins: 90 - 100% ii. 2. 3. 4. 5. Plant proteins: 70% c. Amino acid composition d. Applies only to conditions in which protein intakes are equal to or less than protein required for essential amino acids e. As protein intake increases, efficiency of protein use decreases because excess amino acids cannot be readily stored and are primarily degraded for use as energy Biological Value (BV) a. Measure of how efficiently an absorbed food protein is converted to body tissue protein b. Determined by comparing nitrogen retention in body to nitrogen content of food protein c. Higher BVs result when food’s amino acid composition is similar to body’s amino acid composition d. Egg white protein BV = 100 e. Most animal proteins have high BV Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) a. Compares weight gained by growing laboratory animal consuming a standardized amount of a given protein compared to weight gained by an animal consuming a reference protein (e.g., casein) b. Animal proteins have higher PER than plant proteins c. Method is used in labeling of foods intended for infants Chemical Score a. Amount of each amino acid in a gram of a given food protein is divided by the ideal amount for each amino acid in a reference food protein (e.g., egg whites) b. Lowest (limiting) amino acid ratio is chemical score, range from 0 - 1.0 Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) a. Most widely used measure of protein quality b. Multiply food’s chemical score by its digestibility 7.3 c. Ranges from 0 - 1 d. For nutrition labeling, protein content (% Daily Value) is reduced if PDCAAS <1; rarely reported on food labels because PDCAAS is expensive to determine Recommended Intakes of Protein A. Protein balance 1. Equilibrium: protein intake replaces protein losses from urine, feces, sweat, skin cells, hair, and nails 2. Negative protein balance: intake < losses, leading to depletion of blood proteins, skeletal muscles, and organs (brain resists protein breakdown) 3. 4. B. a. Inadequate diet b. Illness or injury c. Diseases (e.g., Cushing’s disease, AIDS) that increase protein breakdown Positive protein balance: intake > losses; requires anabolic hormones (e.g., insulin, growth hormone, testosterone) in addition to adequate protein intake a. Growth b. Recovery from injury, trauma, or illness Measured as nitrogen balance a. Nitrogen makes up 16% amino acid weight b. Nitrogen (g) x 6.25 = Protein (g) c. Measurement is only practical in hospital or research environments d. More convenient to estimate protein needs based on RDA Dietary Reference Intake for Protein 1. For most adults, RDA for protein = 0.8 g/kg/d based on healthy weight 2. RDA does not address additional protein requirements for recovery from illness or injury (0.8 - 2.0 g/kg) or for highly trained athletes (0.8 - 1.7 g/kg) 3. Typical American diet supplies ample protein to meet RDA 4. 7.4 Excess protein cannot be stored as such; carbon skeletons are used for other purposes or used to meet energy needs Protein Digestion and Absorption A. Digestion (see figure 7-11) 1. Begins with cooking, which denatures proteins and softens connective tissues in meat 2. Stomach 3. B. a. HCl denatures proteins b. Pepsinogen pepsin, which begins to break long polypeptide chains into shorter peptides through hydrolysis reactions Small intestine a. CCK released from intestinal walls stimulates pancreas b. Pancreas secretes enzymes to hydrolyze peptides and polypeptides into amino acids i. Protease ii. Trypsin iii. Chymotrypsin iv. Carboxypeptidase Absorption 1. Short peptides and amino acids are actively absorbed into small intestinal cells 2. Inside small intestinal cells, any short peptides are broken down to amino acids by peptidase enzymes 3. Amino acids enter portal vein and travel to liver a. Protein synthesis b. Energy needs c. Conversion to carbohydrate or fat d. Release into bloodstream for transport to other cells 4. 7.5 Except during infancy, intact proteins are usually not absorbed; delay introduction of commonly allergenic foods to infants Functions of Proteins A. Producing Vital Body Structures 1. Only when adequate carbohydrate and fat are consumed can amino acids be used for synthesis of body proteins 2. Structural proteins make up 1/3 of body protein; provide matrix for bone, muscle, and connective tissue 3. B. C. Collagen b. Actin c. Myosin During growth, proteins are synthesized; during malnutrition or disease, protein synthesis declines and wasting occurs Maintaining Fluid Balance 1. Albumin and globulin remain in bloodstream and counteract the force of blood pressure that forces body fluids into interstitial spaces 2. With inadequate protein intake, blood protein levels decline and excessive fluid collects in tissues (edema) Contributing to Acid-Base Balance 1. 2. D. a. pH describes acid-base balance a. low pH is more acidic b. high pH is more alkaline Proteins act as buffers: maintain acid-base balance by accepting and releasing hydrogen ions as needed Forming Hormones, Enzymes, and Neurotransmitters 1. Hormones: chemical messengers, regulate body functions 2. Enzymes: facilitate chemical reactions 3. Neurotransmitters: chemical messengers E. F. 7.6 b. Norepinephrine synthesized from tyrosine c. Serotonin synthesized from tryptophan 1. Antibodies bind to antigens (foreign proteins) and prevent their attack on target cells 2. Without sufficient protein, immune system is compromised (anergy) and ability to fight infection is reduced Transporting Nutrients 2. H. Dopamine synthesized from tyrosine Contributing to Immune Function 1. G. a. Carry nutrients through bloodstream a. Hemoglobin carries oxygen b. Lipoproteins transport lipid molecules Allow nutrients to cross cell membranes a. Retinol binding protein: carrier for vitamin A b. Transferrin: carrier of iron c. Ferritin: storage of iron d. Ceruloplasmin: carrier for copper Forming Glucose 1. If carbohydrate intake is inadequate to maintain blood glucose levels, liver and kidneys make glucose from amino acids in body tissues (gluconeogenesis) 2. Chronic use of amino acids for gluconeogenesis leads to cachexia (muscle wasting) Providing Energy 1. Under most conditions, body uses fats and carbohydrates for energy 2. Proteins are a costly source of energy Health Concerns Related to Protein Intake A. Protein-Energy Malnutrition 1. General a. Protein deficiency usually occurs in combination with deficiencies of other nutrients b. Most common in developing areas of world c. Most devastating for children i. Poor growth ii. Diarrhea iii. Infections iv. Diseases v. Early death d. 2. High-risk populations i. Poverty ii. Isolation iii. Substance abuse iv. Anorexia nervosa v. Debilitating diseases (e.g., AIDS or cancer) vi. Hospitalized patients, due to poor health, low dietary intakes, and increased protein needs Kwashiorkor: marginal calorie intake with deficient protein intake a. “The disease that the first child gets when the new child comes” due to abrupt shift from breast milk to starchy roots and gruels b. Bulk of diet limits energy and protein intake c. Increased protein needs due to parasites and other infections d. Characteristics i. Edema ii. Mild to moderate weight loss iii. Growth impairment iv. Fatty liver v. Apathy vi. Diarrhea vii. Listlessness viii. Infections ix. 3. B. Withdrawal from environment Marasmus: chronic protein and energy deficiency a. “To waste away” b. Usually occurs in infants who are not breastfed or are weaned early; formula is improperly diluted, use of unsafe water supplies c. Most common in large cities of developing countries d. Characteristics i. Extreme weight loss ii. Muscle and fat wasting (skin and bones appearance) iii. Impaired growth iv. Poor cognitive development High-Protein Diets 1. Diets supplying >35% energy from protein 2. Overburden kidneys’ capacity to excrete nitrogen wastes (greatest concern for those with impaired kidney function) 3. Inadequate fluid intake may increase the risk of dehydration 4. High intake of animal proteins may present several problems a. Low fiber intake b. Low vitamin C, E, and folate intake c. Low magnesium and potassium intake d. Low phytochemical intake 7.7 e. High saturated fat and cholesterol intake f. May increase risk for cardiovascular disease g. High intakes of red meat or cured meats may increase risk for certain types of cancer h. Increase urinary calcium losses, influencing risk of osteoporosis; most likely a concern for those with marginal calcium intakes i. Protein and amino acid supplementation by athletes may result in amino acid imbalances and toxicity risk Food Protein Allergies A. B. C. Some food proteins (allergens) cause hypersensitivity reactions and trigger immune response 1. Mild reactions: runny nose, sneezing, itching skin, hives, digestive upset 2. Anaphylaxis: decreased blood pressure, respiratory distress, possibly death Common food allergens 1. Peanuts/tree nuts 2. Milk products 3. Soy products 4. Wheat 5. Eggs 6. Fish/shellfish Avoiding food allergens 1. 2. For all ages a. Food labeling b. Know menu ingredients c. Sanitation of food preparation environment and serving dishes/utensils to prevent cross-contamination with allergenic foods To prevent development of allergies in infants and children D. 7.8 a. Maternal dietary restrictions during pregnancy (e.g., avoiding peanuts and tree nuts during last three months of pregnancy) may play a role, but likely insignificant b. Maternal dietary restriction during lactation c. Exclusively breastfeed or formula feed for first 6 months d. Delay introduction of cow’s milk until 1 year e. Delay introduction of egg whites until 2 years f. Delay introduction of peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish until 3 years Statistics 1. 11 million Americans have food allergies 2. Number of children with peanut allergies has doubled from 1997 to 2002 3. 80% of young children with food allergies outgrow them before 3 years of age Vegetarian Diets A. B. Statistics 1. 2.5% and 4% of adults in US and Canada, respectively, follow vegetarian diets 2. 20 - 25% of Americans eat at least 4 meatless meals/week Rationale 1. Religion 2. Philosophy 3. Ecology a. 4. Raising meat protein requires 40% of world’s grain production Health a. Increased antioxidant nutrients b. Increased fiber c. Decreased saturated fat and cholesterol d. C. D. Many health agencies promote vegetarian diets as a way to reduce risk for chronic diseases Types of plant-based diets 1. Vegan: only plant foods 2. Lacto-vegetarians: exclude meat, poultry, eggs, and fish, but do consume milk and milk products 3. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians: exclude meat, poultry, and fish, but do consume milk products and eggs Vegetarian diets require careful planning to ensure high-BV protein (i.e., complementary proteins) and other key micronutrients 1. Riboflavin 2. Vitamin D 3. Vitamin B-12 4. Calcium 5. Iron 6. Zinc E. Use of fortified breakfast cereal and other fortified foods may close any nutritional gaps F. Special Concerns for Infants and Children 1. 2. With use of complementary proteins and good sources of problem nutrients, nutritional requirements of vegetarian and vegan infants and children can be met a. Iron b. Vitamin B-12 c. Vitamin D d. Zinc e. Calcium Bulk of high-fiber diet may lead to early satiety, thus limiting energy intake a. May substitute some refined grains, fruit juices, and peeled fruit for high fiber foods b. 7.9 Include concentrated sources of energy i. Fortified soy milk ii. Nuts iii. Dried fruits iv. Avocados Expert Perspective: Nutrition and Immunity A. B. Innate (non-specific) immunity 1. Present at birth 2. First barrier against antigens 3. General, non-specific response 4. Components a. Physical barriers (e.g., skin, mucous membranes) b. Chemical secretions (e.g., HCl) c. Physiological barriers (e.g., fever) d. Phagocytic cells Acquired (specific) immunity 1. Initiated by recognition of specific antigen 2. Develops throughout lifespan 3. Adaptive immunity 4. Bone marrow and thymus produce antibodies (immunoglobulins) and other specialized immune cells to destroy antigens C. Breastfeeding is recommended for infants to transfer immune components (e.g., immunoglobulins and lactoferrin) from mother to infant D. Importance of nutrition for immune function 1. Malnutrition leads to loss of antigen-producing tissue, decreased number and effectiveness of antibodies, and a breakdown of physical barriers to antigens 2. Severe PEM with accompanying micronutrient deficiencies, infections, and diarrhea impair immunity 3. Nutrients that increase immune protection during critical illness and trauma (immunomodulators) 4. a. Arginine b. Glutamine c. EFAs Maintaining optimal nutritional status supports immune function