ПОСОЛЬСТВО УКРАЇНИ В ТУРЕЦЬКІЙ РЕСПУБЛІЦІ Санджак Махаллесі, вул. 512, №17, Чанкая / Анкара, 06550 Туреччина EMBASSY OF UKRAINE UKRAYNA BÜYÜKELÇİLİĞİ tel: 441 54 99, 440 52 89, fax: 440 68 15 Konsolosluk Şubesi tel/fax: 440 53 00 е-mail: emb_tr@mfa.gov.ua ukremb@turksatkablo.net www.mfa.gov.ua/turkey Sancak Mahallesi, 512. Sokak No: 17, Çankaya / Ankara, 06550, Türkiye 13 Mayıs 2009. № 61310/36-200-1342 Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği Kopya: Dış Ekonomik İlişkeler Kurulu İstanbul Ticaret Odası Ankara Ticaret Odası Konu: Türk işadamlar dikkatine Donetsk bölgesindeki (Ukrayna) yatırım teklifleri hakkında bilgileri gönderiyoruz. Ukrayna firmalarla işbirliği kurmayı isteyen Türk işadamlarına bu bilgileri bildirmeyi rica ederiz. Koşulları ekte bulabilirsiniz. Saygılarımla, /imza/ Ticaret ve Ekonomi Misyonu Başkan Yardımcısı İgor VARAKSİN №№ The Name of the project Place of realization The sum of the investment Metallurgy 1. 2. Technical re-equipment of pipe and rolling manufacture Manufacture of ferromolybdenum and molybdenum wire Artemovsk Konstantinovka 54,5 mln.USD 16 mln.USD 3. 4. Manufacture of fire-resistant hermetics and sorbents from graphite The organization manufacture of wiring armatures and spare parts for modern minute sort and wire mill Building a factory on manufacture of the polished sheet glass by a method «FLOAT» Construction Construction of a line on manufacture of ferro-concrete products Construction of the second turn of a factory on manufacture of an obverse and ceramic brick Creation of a new factory on manufacture of breeze block and foam concrete Donetsk Donetsk 2,94 mln.USD 5,005 mln.USD Donetsk 267,8 mln.USD Chasov-Yar Donetsk region, Artemovsk area, Krasnaya Gora 60 km to a southeast from regional center Donetsk Gdanovka 4 mln.USD 3,8 mln. USD 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Construction of minifactory on manufacture metalpastic pipes The ending of construction of brick-works, manufacturing of a brick of a decorative tile (at presence of a raw-material base) readiness about 70 % The organization of manufacture of building materials Chemical The organization of manufacture of connections of mercury in a Gorlovka Construction of a factory on manufacturing biofuel Manufacturing of the process equipment for manufacture of diesel biofuel, manufacture of granaries, factories for manufacture of malt Light industry Creation of knitted enterprise " Shahtarochka" in a Shahtersk of Donetsk area Manufacture of rubber window condensation Agriculture The organization of manufacture of complex mineral fertilizers Creation aquaindustrial complex «Bokay» under the maintenance and cultivation Volodarsk area 0,68 mln.USD 1,3 mln.USD 2 mln.USD Donetsk 1,5 mln.USD Gorlovka Makeevka 2,47 mln.USD 4 mln.USD Donetsk 2,8 mln.USD Shahtersk Marinka 3,7 mln.USD 4 mln.USD Amvrosjevskiy area Novoazovsk area 1,2 mln.USD 12,5 mln.USD 19. 20. 21. 22. of sturgeon fishes Complex on manufacture of milk on 500 heads of milch herds Volnovahskiy area Manufacture of sunflower oil Gorlovka Housing and communal services Construction a factory of wastesorting Mariupol Optimization of recycling of building waste Donetsk 2,68 mln.USD 3,31 mln.USD 20,62 mln.USD 4 mln.USD « Additional cleaning sewer water of clearing constructions of Enakievo up to the standard technical and construction of the pipeline up to the nearest industrial enterprises » « Complex modernization and reconstruction of channel Seversky DonetsDonbass. Reconstruction of pump station of 1-st rise. Units №1, №4, №5, Slavic area of Donetsk area » Piscicultural economy municipal enterprise "Company "Water of Donbass». Enakievo 7,22 mln.USD Slavyansk district 14,94 mln.USD 26. The organization of export of building oversized rubbish Mariupol 0,13 mln.USD 27. Coal industry Opening and preparation of horizon 1090m mines’ named after K.A.Rumyantseva Gorlovka 13,4 mln.USD 28. Reconstruction of mine Belitskaya Belitskoe 91,57 mln.USD 29. Opening and preparation of horizon 1080m mines’ named after V.I.Lenin 18,76 mln.USD 30. Mine “ Krasnolimanskaya - Glybokaya ” Ukraine, Donetsk region, Gorlovka, pr. Lenina, 13 Rodinskoe, Donetsk region 31. Reconstruction of a building of hotel "Drugba " 23. 24. 25. 32. Volodarsk districts and Yasjnovatskiy Real estate and infrastructure. Euro-2012 Donetsk, Voroshjlovskiy district, St. Universitetskaya, 48 Construction of a complex: a fitness center with pool, apartment house with 18 Donetsk, Kujbishevskiy district, floores St. Sokolinaya 3,02 mln.USD 246,44 mln.USD 13 mln.USD 5,0 mln.USD 33. Construction and operation of a sports complex Microdistrict Privokzalniy Donetsk 7,0 mln.USD 34. Construction of a office-hotel complex "Hertz" Donetsk, pr.Il’icha, 15а 140 mln.USD 35. Construction 4* hotel complex "Europe" Donetsk, Cheluskintsev Str., Molodih Shahterov Str. 59,7 mln.USD 36. Construction hotel-administrative and trading building with a parking in ground floors on crossing of pr.25 letiya RККА with Krasnoarmejskaya and Kobozeva Str’s. in Voroshilovskiy district of Donetsk crossing of pr.25 letiya RККА with Krasnoarmejskaya and Kobozeva Str’s. in Voroshilovskiy district of Donetsk 113,2 mln.USD 37. Construction of a hotel complex «G.I.Т» Southern part of Donetsk 15,0 mln.USD 38. Ecological camp in territory RLP « Kleban Bik » 0,557 mln.USD 39. Kramatorsk Donetsk region 51,5 mln. USD Donetsk 20,6 mln. USD 42. The organization of passenger intercity transportations in a Donetsk alternative underground Trading-entertaining complex in a Kramatorsk of " Ekokramstroy " Ltd. (Association « Strojtelnjy Allians Donbassa ») Trading complex "Flora" of «PEK «Resursy Donbassa» Ltd. (Association «Strojtelnjy Allians Donbassa ») Construction of an aquapark Konstantinovsk area of Donetsk region Donetsk 4,1 mln. USD 43. 44. Development of the medical center "Zdorov’e" "Mariupol-city" the sports-entertaining center 45. Business-park in Kalininskiy district of Donetsk 46. Creation of a hippodrome 47. Construction of shopping center-entertaining Kurahovo of Marinka area of Donetsk region Novoazovsk of Donetsk region Mariupol Donetsk region Zhovtnevyj area, crossing pr. Lenin and pr.Strojteleyj Donetsk, pr. Pavshjh Communarov The southwest of Donetsk region Object can be located in 8 km to the north Mariupol; 1,5 km from a line Mariupol-Donetsk; in 1 km from Klychevoe of Volodarsk area of Donetsk region The land area for construction of shopping center-entertaining is located on northern departure city on distance of 6 km from city feature 48. The land area № 2 for industrial construction Artemovsk, 2,9 ha 49. The land area № 4 for industrial construction Artemovsk The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the 40. 41. 700 mln.USD 6,2 mln. USD 100 mln. USD 15,6 mln. USD 8,56 mln. USD 61,35 mln. USD Land areas 1,5 ha 50. The land area № 5 for industrial construction Artemovsk 1,5 ha 51. The land area №7 former military object, territory is built partially up Artemovsk 34,05 ha 52. The land area № 9 (territory free from building) Artemovsk 2,6 ha 53. The land area № 10 (the territory free from building, it is suitable for housing construction) Artemovsk 5,4 ha 54. The land area №15. (former territory Artemovsk factory of a refrigerator) Artemovsk 22,1 ha 55. The land area №16 (military unit). The land area with communications and buildings - accommodation with a partial structure under shopping centerentertaining. Artemovsk 10,34 ha 56. The land area №3 Soledar 3 ha 57. The land area №4 Soledar 2,8 ha 58. The land area №1 Chasov-Yar 5,5 ha 59. The land area №2 Chasov-Yar 6,6 ha 60. The land area №3 Chasov-Yar 6,0 ha 61. The land area under a pig-breeding complex Aleksandrovskjyj district , 2,4 ha characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction The rent depends on the characteristic of construction Depends on specifications of a monetary assessment of a site at the moment of 62. The land area under construction of brick-works Mehailovka, district 3,92 ha Aleksandrovskiy 63. The land area under construction of brick-works Aleksandrovka, district 5,1 ha Aleksandrovskiy the conclusion of the contract Depends on specifications of a monetary assessment of a site at the moment of the conclusion of the contract Depends on specifications of a monetary assessment of a site at the moment of the conclusion of the contract Powersaving technologies 64. Biogas installation on full processing purulent drains on pig-breeding complex 65. Biogas installation on processing waste on a complex of large horned livestock 66. Reception biogas from organic waste 67. Reception biogas from organic waste 1,5 mln. USD Donetsk 2,66 mln. USD Volnovaha 1,0 mln. USD Donetsk 2,7 mln. USD Donetsk Mining 10 mln.USD 68. Development of a mining complex with industrial development of a deposit quartz syenite of Vishneva 69. Development of a mining complex with industrial development of the EastUspenskiy site of chalk and marl Amvrosjevskiy area Development of a mining complex with industrial development of Uspenskiy (Balka Hmelevaya) deposits of chalk and trepel Amvrosjevskiy area Development of a mining complex with industrial development of EastOtradievskiy deposits of gypsum Artemovsk area 70. 71. 10 mln.USD 1,4 mln.USD 1,2 mln.USD 1,7 mln.USD 72. Development of a mining complex of a cement raw-material base with industrial development of Zaycevskiy ІІ deposits of gypsum Artemovsk area 73. Construction of cement works on the basis of ceramic raw material of NovoKrasnotorskiy also Donskoy deposits Kramatorsk Konstantinovsk area 74. Development of a mining complex of a cement raw-material base with industrial development of a southern site of the Don deposit of fire-proof clay Konstantinovsk area 75. Development of a mining complex of a cement raw-material base and cement manufacture Amvrosjevskiy area 76. Construction of a complex of enrichment with the further manufacture of silicon on the basis of Western site Prechistovskiy deposit of quartz sand Marinka area 77. Development of Temrukskjyj deposit of plagiogranite Volodarsk area 10 mln.USD 78. Development career of clay, construction of a factory on manufacture of an obverse and ceramic brick Crasnoarmeysk area I stage – 0,91 mln.USD II stage 6,5 – 13 mln.USD 79. Development career of clay, construction of a factory on manufacture of an obverse and ceramic brick Slavic area of Donetsk region 18,6 mln.USD 10 mln.USD 12 mln.USD 20 mln.USD 45 mln.USD