Department of Biology - California State University, East Bay

Michael Scott Hedrick
Department of Biological Sciences
California State University, East Bay
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94542
Tel. 510.885.7443
FAX 510.885.4747
Ph.D. Zoology. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
M.S. Biology. Portland State University, Portland, OR
B.S. Biology. Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR
1996 (Sum.)
Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, CSU-East Bay
Associate Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, CSU-East Bay
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, CSU-Hayward
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine
Research Associate, Dept. of Comparative Biosciences, Univ. of Wisconsin
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Comparative Biosciences, School of Veterinary Medicine.
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
National Science Foundation – Integrative Animal Biology (IAB), Panel Review Committee.
Washington, D.C. October 21-23, 2002; October 20-22, 2003; October 24-26, 2005.
National Science Foundation – Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI), Panel Review
Committee. Washington, DC. July 23-26, 2001
National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Neurobiology/Physiology
Panel Review Committee. Washington, DC. June 17-18, 1999; February 24-25, 2000; February
8-9, 2005; March 8-9, 2007
Research Sabbatical Leave. Department of Anesthesia, University of California, San Francisco Medical
School. January-June, 2001.
External Reviewer for the Dept. of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. (Promotion
and Tenure review). September, 2002.
External Reviewer for the Dept. of Biology, University of Akron, Akron, OH. (Promotion and Tenure
review). July, 2006.
Research Sabbatical Leave. Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
August-September, 2007.
George and Miriam Phillips Outstanding Professor Award, CSU, East Bay (2006-2007)
American Physiological Society
Sigma Xi
Society for Neuroscience
Society for Experimental Biology (UK)
Department of Biological Sciences
Human Anatomy and Physiology (Biol. 2010/2020) – course instructor (lecture and lab)
Principles of Animal Physiology (Biol. 3151) – course instructor (lecture and lab)
Neurobiology (Biol. 4510) – course instructor
Applied Neurobiology (Biol. 4512/6512) – course instructor (funded by NSF-CCLI)
Mammalian Physiology (Biol. 4520/6520) – course instructor
Graduate Seminar – Physiology (Biol. 6811)
Graduate Seminar – Neuroscience (Biol. 6841)
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, Brazil
Department of Zoology
Graduate Course in Neurobiology (To be offered December, 2007)
University of Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Zoophysiology
Graduate Course in Neurobiology (August, 2004)
University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Comparative Biosciences
Laboratory demonstrations in Veterinary Physiology (1992):
Respiratory Physiology;Acid-Base Physiology
Veterinary Physiology Lectures (1994):
Respiratory Physiology; Cardiovascular Physiology
University of British Columbia
Department of Zoology
Teaching Assistant 1985-1991
Courses: Introductory Zoology (majors and non-majors); Vertebrate Physiology
Portland State University
Department of Biology
Teaching Assistant 1983-1985
Courses: Human Anatomy and Physiology; Comparative Anatomy; Comparative Physiology
Rey Morales (M.S.1997)
Lise Broch (M.S.2000)
Jennifer Lucitti (M.S.2001)
Monica Martinez (M.S. 2002)
Rachel Winmill (M.S. 2003)
Nick Nimmo (2007)
Anna Chen (2007)
John Polos (current, exp. 2007)
Amritha Menon (current, exp. 2007)
Mary Ann Maravillas (current)
Kambiz Kamrani (current)
Department or College Committees:
Graduate Committee
Chair, Biology Assessment Committee
Chair, Physiological Ecology Search Committee (hired Dr. Caron Inouye)
Post-tenure Review Committee
Cell/Developmental Search Committee
Microbiology/Virology Search Committee
Promotion, Tenure and Retention Committee (College of Science)
Promotion, Tenure and Retention Committee (Department)
Chair, Physiology Search Committee (hired Dr. James Murray)
University Committees:
Research Committee
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Student Health Services Advisory Committee
Admissions, Student Services and Retention Committee
Academic Senate (College of Science Representative)
Committee on Academic Planning and Resources
Faculty Affairs Committee
California Faculty Association Executive Board (CSUEB Chapter)
WASC Outcomes Committee
Review Committee - Vice President, Continuing and International Education
Chair, Search Committee – Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Journals (alphabetical):
American Journal of Physiology
American Zoologist
Biochemical Pharmacology
Brain Research
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
Herpetological Journal
Journal of Applied Physiology
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Journal of Neurophysiology
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology
Trends in Neurosciences
Other reviewing activities:
National Institutes of Health (Ad hoc Reviewer), 1997-present
National Science Foundation (Ad hoc Reviewer), 1999-present
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Ad hoc Reviewer), 2003-present
W.H. Freeman (Reviewer for Eckert’s 4th ed. of Animal Physiology)
Academic Press (Reviewer for Air-Breathing Fishes, by Dr. J.B. Graham)
Benjamin-Cummings (Reviewer for Moyes and Schulte’s Principles of Animal Physiology)
Oxford University Press (Reviewer for textbook proposal, Respiratory Biology of Animals)
NIH “Cellular mechanisms for breathing and hypoxia tolerance.” $476,085. (6/1/05-5/31/09). Grant
no. SO6 GM48135 (CSUEB MBRS/SCORE program).
NSF “Developing a comprehensive physical model of lymph movement in amphibians.” $153,480
($41,787 Subcontract to CSUEB). (9/1/01-8/30/04). (Stanley Hillman, PI. Portland State Univ.).
Grant no. IBN 0110713 - Integrative Animal Biology).
NIH “Regulation of respiration during development in an amphibian.” $532,805. (6/1/01-5/31/05).
Grant no. SO6 GM48135 (CSUH MBRS/SCORE program).
NSF “Implementation of Laboratory Investigations in Neurobiology Course.” $30,826. (2/1/011/31/04). CSUH. Grant no. NSF-CCLI 0088650.
NIH “Neurochemical control of breathing in anuran amphibians.” $306,494. (3/97-3/01) Grant no.
SO6 GM48135 (CSUH MBRS program).
NIH “Control of respiratory motor activity by α2 receptors” $292,892 (7/96-6/99). (Co-Investigator;
Gerald Bisgard, P.I. Univ. of Wisconsin). Grant no. RO1-HL53969.
NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) “Alpha-2 adrenergic control of breathing” (9/9212/94). University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. $28,500.
NIH University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. Postdoctoral Training Fellowship in
Respiratory Physiology (10/91-10/93)
American Philosophical Society – Portland State University (3/84-3/85). “Comparative blood viscosities
in marine mammals” $1,500.
CSUEB RSCA “A unique teaching/research opportunity in Brazil.” $8,000. (3/07-12/07).
CSUH RSCA “Mechanisms of brain cell protection during oxygen stress.” $9,885. (9/03-9/04).
CSUH RSCA (9/00-9/01). “Neurobiology of periodic breathing in an amphibian.” $12,213.
CSUH RSCA Quarter Leave Grant. “Effects of nitrite and nitric oxide on cardiovascular regulation in
common carp.” Odense University, Denmark. $12,000. (3/98-6/98).
CSUH RSCA “Effects of nitric oxide on central respiratory rhythm generation in the bullfrog (Rana
catesbeiana). $8,995. (9/96-9/97).
CSUH RSCA “Effects of stress on the synthesis of heat shock proteins in fish.” $3,200. (10/95-6/96).
CSUH RSCA “Effects of stress hormones on breathing in fish.” $9,960. (9/95-9/96).
Univ. of Wisconsin Graduate School Fellowship. $6,600. (10/94-12/94)
Oct., 2006
April, 2005
April, 2005
Sept., 2004
April, 2003
April, 2002
Aug., 1999
Feb., 1999
Apr., 1998
“Comparative Mechanisms of Respiratory Rhythm Generation and Chemoreception.”
American Physiological Society. Virginia Beach, VA. (Co-organizer of symposium with
Dr. William Milsom, Univ. of British Columbia).
“Phylogeny of dual rhythm generating networks in vertebrates.” XXXV International
Union of Physiological Sciences. San Diego, CA.
“International Collaborations: Science Knows No Boundaries” XXXV International
Union of Physiological Sciences. San Diego, CA.
“Nitric Oxide: Comparative Aspects of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Homeostasis”
(Session Chair). Society for Experimental Biology. Naples, Italy.
“Non-arterial circulation: The Dark Side of Cardiovascular Biology” Experimental
Biology 03. San Diego, CA.
“Cardio-respiratory Control” Society for Experimental Biology. Swansea, Wales (Coorganizer of symposium with Dr. Tobias Wang, Aarhus Univ., Denmark).
“Cardiac and Vascular Strategies of Lower Vertebrates” Fifth International Congress
of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. Calgary, Canada.
“Free Radicals in Disease Process” Ponce University School of Medicine Biomedical
Workshop. Ponce, Puerto Rico
“Comparative Perspectives on Respiratory Control” Experimental Biology 98. San
Francisco, CA.
May, 2006
Apr., 2006
Apr., 2006
Nov., 2004
Nov., 2004
Aug., 2004
Nov., 2003
Sep., 2002
Aug., 2000
Aug., 2000
Apr., 2000
Oct., 1999
Sep., 1998
June, 1998
May, 1998
Mar., 1994
Mar., 1994
June, 1993
Apr., 1993
Aug., 1991
Northern Arizona University, Dept. of Biology
University of Toronto, Dept. of Zoology
San Jose State University, Dept. of Biological Sciences
Sonoma State University, Dept. of Biology
San Jose State University, Dept. of Biological Sciences
University of Aarhus, Denmark, Dept. of Zoophysiology
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Dept. of Physiology
University of Aarhus, Denmark, Dept. of Zoophysiology
University of Aarhus, Denmark, Dept. of Zoophysiology
University of Southern Denmark (Odense University), Institute of Biology
California State University, San Bernardino, Dept. of Biology
New Mexico State University, Dept. of Biology
University of Calgary, Canada, Dept. of Medical Physiology and Biophysics
Odense University, Denmark, Institute of Biology
University of Aarhus, Denmark, Dept. of Zoophysiology
Louisiana State University, Dept. of Zoology and Physiology
California State University, Hayward, Dept. of Biological Sciences
Idaho State University, Dept. of Biological Sciences
Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology
University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Comparative Biosciences
“Fascinating Rhythm: Getting to the Heart of Breathing.” Portland State University Biology Alumni Night
(October, 2005).
Drewes, R.C., M.S. Hedrick, S.S. Hillman and P.C. Withers (2007). The unique role of skeletal muscle
contraction in vertical lymph movement in anurans. J. Exp. Biol. Submittted.
Hedrick, M.S., R.C. Drewes, S.S. Hillman and P.C. Withers (2007). Lung ventilation contributes to
vertical lymph movement in anuran amphibians. J. Exp. Biol. Submitted.
Chen, A.K. and M.S. Hedrick (2007). Glutamate and Substance P regulate respiratory rhythm generation
during development in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. Submitted.
Lucitti, J.L. and M.S. Hedrick (2006). Characterization of baroreflex gain in the domestic pigeon
(Columba livia). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 143: 103-111.
Hedrick, M.S. (2005). Development of respiratory rhythm generation in ectothermic vertebrates. Respir.
Physiol. Neurobiol. 149: 29-41. Review
Hedrick, M.S., A.K. Chen and K.L. Jessop. (2005). Nitric oxide changes its role as a modulator of
respiratory motor activity during development in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Comp.
Biochem. Physiol. 142: 231-240.
Hillman, S.S., P.C. Withers, M.S. Hedrick and R.C. Drewes (2005). Functional roles for the
compartmentalization of the subcutaneous lymphatic sacs in terrestrial anuran amphibians.
Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 78: 515-523.
Hedrick, M.S., C.S. Fahlman and P.E. Bickler (2005). Intracellular calcium and survival of tadpole
forebrain cells in anoxia. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 681-686.
Winmill, R.E., A.K. Chen and M.S. Hedrick (2005). Development of the respiratory response to hypoxia
in the isolated brainstem of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 213-222.
Hillman, S.S., M.S. Hedrick, P.C. Withers and R.C. Drewes (2004). Sump pumps in the attic, lymph
pools in the basement: The anuran dilemma for lymph movement. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 77:
Winmill, R.E. and M.S. Hedrick (2003). Gap junction blockade with carbenoxolone differentially affects
fictive breathing in larval and adult bullfrogs. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 138: 239-251.
Andersen, J.B., M.S. Hedrick and T. Wang (2003). Cardiovascular responses to hypoxia and anaemia in
the toad Bufo marinus. J. Exp. Biol. 206: 857-865.
Winmill, R.E. and M.S. Hedrick (2003). Developmental changes in the modulation of respiratory rhythm
generation by extracellular K+ in the isolated bullfrog brainstem. J. Neurobiol. 55: 278-287.
Hedrick, M.S. and R.E. Winmill (2003). Excitatory and inhibitory effects of tricaine (MS-222) on fictive
breathing in the bullfrog brainstem. Am. J. Physiol. 284: R405-R412.
Morales, R.D. and M.S. Hedrick (2002). Temperature and pH/CO2 modulate respiratory activity in the
isolated brainstem of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 132A: 477-487.
Broch, L., R.D. Morales, A.V. Sandoval and M.S. Hedrick (2002). Regulation of the respiratory central
pattern generator by chloride-dependent inhibition during development in the bullfrog (Rana
catesbeiana). J. Exp. Biol. 205: 1161-1169.
Yang, H., J. Velema, M.S. Hedrick, G.F. Tibbits and C.D. Moyes (2000). Evolutionary and
physiological variation in cardiac troponin C in relation to thermal strategies of fish. Physiol.
Biochem. Zool. 73: 841-849.
Wang, T., M.S. Hedrick, Y.M. Ihmied and E.W. Taylor (1999). Control and interaction of the
cardiovascular and respiratory systems in anuran amphibians. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 124A:
393-406. Review
Hedrick, M.S. and R.D. Morales (1999). Nitric oxide as a modulator of central respiratory rhythm in the
isolated brainstem of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 124A: 243-251.
Hedrick, M.S., W.B. Palioca and S.S. Hillman (1999). Effects of temperature and physical activity on
blood flow shunts and intracardiac mixing in the toad Bufo marinus. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 72:
Hedrick, M.S. and D.R. Jones (1999). Control of gill ventilation and air-breathing in the bowfin Amia
calva. J. Exp. Biol. 202: 87-94.
Hedrick, M.S., R.D. Morales, J.M. Parker and J.L.H. Pacheco (1998). Nitric oxide modulates
respiratory-related neural activity in the isolated brainstem of the bullfrog. Neurosci. Lett. 251:
Hedrick, M.S., M.R. Dwinell, P.L. Janssen, J. Pizarro and G.E. Bisgard (1998). Differential respiratory
muscle recruitment induced by clonidine in awake goats. J. Appl. Physiol. 84: 1198-1207.
Hedrick, M.S., M.L. Ryan and G.E. Bisgard (1995). Laryngeal nerve activation by 2 adrenergic
agonists in goats. Respir. Physiol. 101: 129-137.
Pizarro, J., M.L. Ryan, M.S. Hedrick, D.H. Xue, I.M. Keith and G.E. Bisgard (1995). Intracarotid
substance P infusion inhibits ventilation in the goat. Respir. Physiol. 101: 11-22.
Ryan, M.L., M.S. Hedrick, J. Pizarro and G.E. Bisgard (1995). Effects of carotid body sympathetic
denervation on ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia in the goat. Respir. Physiol. 99: 215-224.
Hedrick, M.S., S.L. Katz and D.R. Jones (1994). Periodic air-breathing behaviour in a primitive fish
revealed by spectral analysis. J. Exp. Biol. 197: 429-436.
Hedrick, M.S., M.L. Ryan, J. Pizarro and G.E. Bisgard (1994). Modulation of respiratory rhythm by 2adrenoceptors in awake and anesthetized goats. J. Appl. Physiol. 77: 742-750.
Ryan, M.S., M.S. Hedrick, J. Pizarro and G.E. Bisgard (1993). Carotid body noradrenergic sensitivity in
ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia. Respir. Physiol. 92: 77-90.
Hedrick, M.S. and D.R. Jones (1993). The effects of altered aquatic and aerial respiratory gas
concentrations on air-breathing patterns in a primitive fish (Amia calva L). J. Exp. Biol. 181: 8194.
Davies, P.J., M.S. Hedrick and D.R. Jones (1993). Neuromuscular control of the glottis in a primitive airbreathing fish, Amia calva. Am. J. Physiol. 264: R204-R210.
Stephenson, R., M.S. Hedrick and D.R. Jones (1993). Cardiovascular responses to diving and
involuntary submergence in the rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata, Pallas). Can. J. Zool.
70: 2303-2310.
Hedrick, M.S., M.L. Burleson, D.R. Jones and W.K. Milsom (1991). An examination of central
chemosensitivity in an air-breathing fish (Amia calva). J. Exp. Biol. 155: 165-174.
Hedrick, M.S. and D.A. Duffield (1991).Haematological and rheological characteristics of blood in
seven marine mammal species: implications for diving behaviour. J. Zool. (Lond.) 225: 273-283.
Withers, P.C., S.S. Hillman, M.S. Hedrick and P.B. Kimmel (1991). Optimal hematocrit theory during
activity in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 99A: 55-60.
Withers, P.C., M. Lea, T.C. Solberg, M. Baustian and M. Hedrick (1988). Metabolic fates of lactate
during recovery from activity in an anuran amphibian, Bufo americanus. J. Exp. Zool. 246: 236243.
Withers, P.C., R.B. Forbes and M.S. Hedrick (1987). Metabolic, water and thermal relations of the
Chilean tinamou (Nothoprocta predicaria). The Condor 89: 424-425.
Hedrick, M.S., D.A. Duffield and L.H. Cornell (1986). Blood viscosity and optimal hematocrit in a deepdiving mammal, the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris). Can. J. Zool. 64: 20812085.
Hillman, S.S, P.C. Withers, M.S. Hedrick and P.B. Kimmel (1985). The effects of erythrocythemia on
blood viscosity, maximal systemic oxygen transport capacity and maximal rates of oxygen
consumption in an amphibian. J. Comp. Physiol. B. 155: 577-581.
Coolidge, E., M.S. Hedrick and W.K. Milsom. Ventilatory Systems. In: Fish Physiology. Vol. 27.
(McKenzie, D.J., Farrell, A.P., Brauner, C.J., eds.). Academic Press. New York, 2007.
Hedrick, M.S., L. Broch, M. Martinez, J.L. Powell and R.E. Wade. Is the vertebrate respiratory central
pattern generator conserved? Insights from in vitro and in vivo amphibian models. In: Frontiers in
Modeling and Control of Breathing: Integration at Molecular, Cellular and Systems Levels.
(Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Series, Vol. 499). Edited by, C.-S. Poon and
M. Kazemi, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Inc.: New York. Pp. 127-132, 2001.
Hedrick, M.S., M.L. Ryan and G.E. Bisgard. Modulation of respiratory rhythm in the goat by 2adrenoceptors. In: Ventral Brainstem Mechanisms and Control of Respiration and Blood
Pressure. Edited by, Trouth, C.O., R. Millis, H. Kiwull-Schone and M.E. Schlafke. MarcelDekker, Inc.: New York. Pp. 739-754, 1995.
Bisgard, G.E., J. Pizarro, M. Ryan and M. Hedrick. Substance P inhibits ventilation in the goat. In:
Arterial Chemoreceptors: Cell to System. Edited by, O’Regan, R.G., D.S. McQueen and D.J.
Paterson. Plenum Press: New York. Pp. 277-279, 1994.
Johnson, S.M. and M.S. Hedrick (2006). The evolutionary origins of the preBötC and pFRG. (Reply to
Point-Counterpoint: The para-facial respiratory group (pFRG)/ the preBötzinger Complex
(preBötC) is the primary site of respiratory generation in the mammal). J. Appl. Physiol. 100:
Turesson, J., L. Sundin, M.S. Hedrick and M.L. Burleson (2007). Brainstem mechanisms controlling
cardiovascular reflexes in channel catfish. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. Submitted.
Chen, A.K. and M.S. Hedrick. Role of persistent sodium and calcium-activated cation channels on
development of respiratory rhythm in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana).
Milsom, W.K. and M.S. Hedrick. Evolution of respiratory rhythm generation in vertebrates.
Hedrick, M.S. (2006). Development of respiratory rhythm generation in amphibians. Am. Physiol. Soc.
Virginia Beach, VA. The Physiologist 49(6): C1-41.
Hedrick, M.S., S.S. Hillman, R.C. Drewes and P.C. Withers (2006). Lung ventilation is coupled to
lymph movement in anuran amphibians. Soc. Exp. Biol. Canterbury, UK. Comp. Biochem.
Physiol. 143A: S70.
Hedrick, M.S. and A.K. Chen (2006). Glutamateric regulation of respiratory rhythm generation during
development in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Soc. Exp. Biol. Canterbury, UK. Comp.
Biochem. Physiol. 143A: S71.
Polos, J.L.C. and M.S. Hedrick (2006). Hypaxial musculature is recruited during increased respiratory
drive in anuran amphibians. Exp. Biol. San Francisco, CA. FASEB J. 20(5):
Chen, A.K. and M.S. Hedrick (2006). Glutamatergic regulation of respiratory rhythm generation during
development in the bullfrog brainstem. Exp. Biol. San Francisco, CA. FASEB J. 20(5):
Drewes, R.C., S.S. Hillman, M.S. Hedrick, L.G. Wilson, H.B. Constable and P.C. Withers (2005). The
anuran lymphatic system: how frogs ‘get it up.’ 5th World Congress of Herpetology. Stellenbosch,
South Africa.
Hedrick, M.S. (2005). Neuromodulation of the dual respiratory oscillators in the developing amphibian
brainstem. FASEB J. 19(5): A1639.
Hedrick, M.S., A.K. Chen, R.E. Winmill and K.L. Jessop (2004). Nitric oxide and the development of
the respiratory central pattern generator in amphibians. Soc. Exp. Biol. Capri, Italy. Comp.
Biochem. Physiol. 139B(1): 143.
Hedrick, M.S., A.K. Chen and R.E. Winmill (2004). Development of the respiratory response to anoxia
in the isolated bullfrog brainstem. FASEB J. 18(4): A337.
Hedrick, M.S., Z. Harlow and S.S. Hillman (2004). Skeletal muscle activity and pulmonary ventilation
facilitate lymph movement in anuran amphibians. FASEB J. 18(4): A1303.
Hedrick, M.S., R.E. Winmill and A.K. Chen (2003). Role of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in hypoxiainduced respiratory responses in isolated brainstem preparations from larval and adult bullfrogs.
Int. Soc. Autonom. Neurosci. Calgary, AB. Autonom. Neurosci.: Basic and Clinical 106(1):A40.
Bickler, P., M. Hedrick and C. Fahlman (2003). Oxygen-sensitive MAPK pathway signaling in neurons:
interaction with intracellular calcium in neuroprotective mechanisms. FASEB J. 17(4): A428.
Hedrick, M.S. and S.S. Hillman (2003). Passive and active mechanisms for lymph movement in anuran
amphibians. Exp. Biol. San Diego, CA.
Winmill, R.E., O. Soremi and M.S. Hedrick (2003). Differential responses to hypoxia in isolate
brainstems of larval and adult bullfrogs. FASEB J. 17(4): A12.
Burleson, M.L., J. Turesson, M.S. Hedrick and L. Sundin (2002). Central glutamatergic control of
cardioventilatory function in catfish. Am. Physiol. Soc. San Diego, CA.
Martinez, M. and M.S. Hedrick (2002). Cardiorespiratory control in paralyzed, decerebrate toads (Bufo
marinus): influence of anesthesia and post-surgical recovery time. Soc. Exp. Biol. Swansea,
Wales. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 132A: S25.
Andersen, J., M.S. Hedrick and T. Wang (2002). The cardiovascular and ventilatory response to oxygen
shortage in toads. Soc. Exp. Biol. Swansea, Wales. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 132A: S25.
Wade, R.E. and M.S. Hedrick (2002). Dependence of respiratory-related motor output on extracelluar K+
concentration in the isolated brainstem of larval and adult bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). FASEB
J. 16(4): A811.
Hedrick, M.S. and S.S. Hillman (2002). Control of lymph movement in anuran amphibians. Soc. Exp.
Biol. Swansea, Wales. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 132A: S23.
Hedrick, M.S., C. Fahlman and P.E. Bickler (2001). Hypoxia tolerant neurons from Rana tadpole
forebrain: relationship of survival to intracellular calcium regulation. Soc. Neurosci. San Diego.
Wade, R.E. and M.S. Hedrick (2001). A nitric oxide sensitive region in the rostral brainstem of the larval
bullfrog modulates respiratory rhythm generation. FASEB J. 15(4):A423.
Martinez, M. and M.S. Hedrick (2001). Post-surgical recovery time from anesthesia affects fictive
ventilation in decerebrate, paralyzed and artificially-ventilated cane toads (Bufo marinus). FASEB
J. 15(4):A426.
Hedrick, M.S., L. Broch, M. Martinez and J.L. Powell (2000). Is the vertebrate respiratory central pattern
generator conserved? Insights from in vitro and in vivo amphibian models. The VIII Oxford
Conference, Falmouth, MA.
Andersen, J.B., M.S. Hedrick, F.B. Jensen and T. Wang (2000). Circulating catecholamines and the
cardiorespiratory response to hypoxia in toads. Soc. Exp. Biol. Cambridge, UK.
Martinez, M. and M.S. Hedrick (2000). Stimulation-evoked and spontaneous termination of episodic
lung bursts in artificially-ventilated can toads (Bufo marinus). FASEB J. 14(4):A44.
Broch, L., A.V. Sandoval, R.D. Morales and M.S. Hedrick (2000). Regulation of central respiratory
rhythm by GABA and glycine receptors in the isolated brainstem of larval and adult bullfrogs.
FASEB J. 14(4):A44.
Powell, J.L., M. Martinez and M.S. Hedrick (2000). Effects of NMDA-receptor blockade on respiratory
motor output in vagotomized, artificially-ventilated cane toads (Bufo marinus). FASEB J.
Hedrick, M.S., Palioca, W.B. and S.S. Hillman (1999). Effects of temperature and enforced activity on
blood flow shunts and intracardiac mixing in the cane toad, Bufo marinus. 5th Internat. Congr.
Comp. Physiol. Biochem. 124A:S48.
Broch, L., R.D. Morales, A.V. Sandoval and M.S. Hedrick (1999). Central respiratory rhythmogenesis in
the isolated adult anuran brainstem requires chloride-dependent synaptic inhibition. FASEB J.
Hedrick, M.S., R.D. Morales and L. Broch (1999). Nitric oxide modulates respiratory-related neural
activity in isolated brainstem preparations of anuran amphibians. Ponce Univ. School of Med. 3 rd
Annual Biomed. Workshop. Ponce, P.R.
Morales, R.D., A.V. Sandoval, J.H. Pacheco, K.B. Storey and M.S. Hedrick (1998). Temperatureinduced regulation of the respiratory central pattern generator in Ranid anurans. SACNAS
National Conf., Washington, DC.
Hedrick, M.S. (1998). Inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase modulates fictive breathing in the
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