Writing a 10 Mark Answer

Writing a 10 Mark Answer
10 markers always require you to write about at least two
things. Often you must make sure that they are on one side and
then on another side of an argument.
You must read the question carefully as sometimes the
examiner will tell you exactly what two things you need to
write about.
You must also be careful that you give precise supporting
evidence (cherries!) for each paragraph and that you write a
conclusion that directly answers the question.
First topic, cause or
side of the argument
Second topic
cause or side of the
Possible 10 Mark Questions about this topic:
“America became a more tolerant society during the 1920s”
how far do you agree with this statement? (10)
“Black Americans were generally treated better during the
1920s” How far do you agree with this statement. (10)
How far did life become better for Americans during the 1920s
because of improvements for (i) women and (ii) black people.
Answer this question referring only to (i) and (ii). (10)
How far did the lives of American women change in the 1920s?
Explain your answer. [10]
Writing a 10 Mark Answer
10 markers always require you to write about at least two
things. Often you must make sure that they are on one side and
then on another side of an argument.
You must read the question carefully as sometimes the
examiner will tell you exactly what two things you need to
write about.
You must also be careful that you give precise supporting
evidence (cherries!) for each paragraph and that you write a
conclusion that directly answers the question.
First topic, cause or
side of the argument
Second topic
cause or side of the
Possible 10 Mark Questions about this topic:
The following were equally responsible for the Wall Street
Crash: (i) speculation on the stock market; (ii) overproduction
by American industries.
How far do you agree with this statement?
Explain your answer referring only to (i) and (ii). [10]
To what extent was the Wall Street crash caused by
weaknesses in the banking system? Explain your answer (10)
Roosevelt won the 1932 presidential election only because of
the human cost of the Great Depression. How far do you agree
with this statement?