In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization Reaction Kinetics and Catalyst Evolution Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, U.K., Abstract: Copper mediated living radical polymerization has been investigated by online 1H NMR spectroscopy. The reaction was followed by in-situ 1H NMR spectroscopy that results in accurate information on the polymerization. An example is given whereby living radical polymerizations is studied in the presence of ethylene glycol groups in monomer, initiator and solvent. Methyl ether poly(ethylene glycol) macroinitiators of various sizes are shown to initiate living polymerization of methacrylates, but exhibit poor initiator efficiency. The living radical polymerization of methyl ether poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate macromonomers is demonstrated and the unusual high rate of polymerization observed is compared to that of the polymerizations with ethylene glycol containing macroinitiators. The 1H NMR study of the catalyst complex in the presence of ethylene glycol groups leads us to conclude that there is possible competitive co-ordination at the copper between ligand and ethylene glycol groups. This influences the Cu(I) / Cu(II) equilibrium, resulting in the high observed polymerization rate. Key words: copper mediated living radical polymerization, 1H NMR spectroscopy, poly(ethylene glycol), methacrylates, macromonomer, macroinitiator, solvent effect. 1. INTRODUCTION Living radical polymerization mediated by transition metal complexes is an area receiving an enormous amount of attention at present. Initial work reported by Sawamoto1 and Matyjaszewski2 has led to a huge development 1 2 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* in novel catalysts, monomers and polymers. Catalysts based on Ru(II)1,3, Ni(II) 4, Rh(I)5, Re(V)6, Pd(0)7, Fe(II)8,9 and Cu(I) have all been reported. The mechanism is complex and difficult to investigate by routine procedures. It is hazardous to assume that the same mechanism occurs with all metals, or even with the same metal complex containing different ligands. Copper mediated LRP is probably the most used system for the synthesis of well-defined structure polymers to date.10-16 More precisely, copper(I) bipyridine complexes are the widest utilized catalysts as originally reported by Matyjaszewski who proposed the acronym “atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP)” to describe this particular system.2 The mechanism put forward by Matyjaszewski for copper(I) bipyridine catalyzed living radical polymerization is via abstraction of the halide to give a free carbon centred radical and a penta-valent square-based pyramidal copper(II) intermediate.17 The reaction is described as “free radical” and is said to exhibit all characteristics of a free radical polymerization including an identical rate constant of propagation. There is no scope in this mechanism for a caged (or complexed) radical, any co-ordination of the monomer to the metal or any equilibrium between free an complexed ligand. We have been using ligands based on alkyl pyridinal imine ligands in conjunction with copper(I) bromide. These ligands offer advantages of being easily synthesized in large quantities and afford the possibility of varying the solubility and the electronic properties of the catalyst complex by changing the length of the alkyl chain.18 It is apparent that in this system there is rapid exchange between free and co-ordinated ligand under the reaction conditions. Indeed co-ordinated ligand competes for co-ordination with any sigma donor species present within solvent, monomer and from any other source. Thus, the nature of the active species in terms of stability, exact structure and kinetic stability varies from monomer to monomer and solvent to solvent. These observations have implications for elucidating optimum reaction conditions when changing many aspects of the polymerization. For example, it was found that an increase in the polarity (co-ordination ability) of a solvent or monomer results in an increase in the rate of polymerization.19 This in turn leads to an increase in the number of free radials produced which leads to an increase in termination and a loss of control over reaction products. This contribution reports on the use of 1H NMR spectroscopy to follow copper(I) mediated living radical polymerization. Carrying out the polymerizations within the cavity of the NMR spectrometer allows the reaction to be closely monitored. This gives extensive information on both the polymerization kinetics and on the nature of the catalyst. In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization 2. EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 General procedure. 3 1 H NMR spectra were recorded on Brüker ACP 400 or DPX 400 spectrometers using deuterated solvents obtained from CEA or Aldrich. Polymerization kinetics, followed by 1H NMR, were recorded using the Bruker built-in kinetics software. Molecular mass analyses were carried out by gel permeation (size exclusion) chromatography on a Polymer Laboratories system. THF was the eluent at 1.0 mL min-1 with a PL-gel 5 m (50 x 7.5 mm) guard column, two PL-gel 5 m (300 x 7.5 mm) mixed-C columns with a refractive index detector. Samples were compared against narrow standards of poly(methyl methacrylate), Mp = 200 to 1.577 x 106 g mol-1, obtained from Polymer Laboratories, except for methyl methacrylate dimer, trimer, and tetramer which were prepared by catalytic chain transfer polymerization at the University of Warwick. 2.2 Reagents N-(n-Alkyl)-2-pyridylmethanimines were synthesized as previously reported14 and stored under anhydrous conditions prior to use. Copper(I) bromide (Aldrich, 98%) was purified according to the method of Keller and Wycoff.20 Phenyl-2-isobutyrate,21 poly(ethylene glycol) initiators22 were synthesized as previously reported. Methyl methacrylate (Aldrich, 99 %), benzyl methacrylate (Aldrich, 99 %) were passed through a short column of activated, basic alumina to remove inhibitors and acidic impurities, degassed by bubbling with dry nitrogen gas for 30 minutes and subsequently stored at 0°C prior to use. Polyethylene glycol methyl ether methacrylate (Aldrich, 98 %) was bubbled with dry nitrogen gas for 30 minutes before use. Toluene and ethylene glycol diethyl ether ((EtO)2EG) were degassed by bubbling with dry nitrogen gas for 30 minutes and kept in sealed flasks under nitrogen prior to use. All other reagents and solvents were obtained from Aldrich at the highest purity available and used without further purification. 2.3 Polymerization procedure. In a typical reaction the solid reagents were added to a pre-dried Schlenk tube which was sealed with a rubber septum. The tube was evacuated and flushed with nitrogen three times so as to remove oxygen and the liquid reagents added via oven dried, degassed syringes. All liquid reagents were degassed prior to use by bubbling through with nitrogen for at least 15 4 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* minutes or were degassed in the Schlenk tube by three freeze-pump-thaw cycles. 2.3.1 1 H NMR monitored copper-mediated radical polymerization of PMMA using PEG-based macroinitiators. For the reactions followed in-situ by 1H NMR, N-(n-octyl)-2pyridylmethanimine was used as ligand, with a molar ratio of 3:1, with respect to CuBr to ensure that the complex was fully soluble over all temperatures. For a DPth = 100, MMA (1.99 × 10-2 mol, 2.0000 g), copper(I) bromide (1.99 × 10-4 mol, 0.0286 g), N-(n-octyl)-2-pyridylmethanimine (5.97 × 10-4 mol, 0.156 ml), (poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether)-2bromoisobutyate (4.99 × 10-4 mol, 0.1119 g (DP = 12), 0.4020 g (DP = 45), 0.9998 g (DP = 113)) and toluene-d8 (2.00 g) were mixed. An aliquot of 2 mL of this solution was transferred to a Young’s tap NMR tube and time = 0 s taken once the tube was at reaction temperature within the NMR spectrometer. When ethylene glycol diethyl ether was introduced as co-solvent, 1.80 g (EtO)2EG and 0.2 g toluene-d8 were added. 2.3.2 Polymerization of BzMA using (poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether) 2-bromoisobutyrate (MeOPEG-I) as macroinitiator For a targeted DP = 100 CuBr (1.13 × 10-4 mol, 0.0162 g), BzMA (11.3 mmol, 2.00 g), (poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether)-2-bromoisobutyrate (1.135 × 10-4 mol, 0.5855 g), N-(n-octyl)-2-pyridylmethanimine ligand (3.40 × 10-4 mol, 0.0743 g) were used. The polymerization was carried out as described in part at 50°C. 2.3.3 Polymerization of BzMA in various solvents For a targeted DP = 100 CuBr (1.13 × 10-4 mol, 0.0162 g), BzMA (11.3 mmol, 2.00 g), solvent (2.0 mL of toluene-d8, or 1.6 g toluene-d8 + 0.4 g (EtO)2Et, ethyl 2-bromoisobutyrate (1.13 × 10-4 mol, 0.0221 g), N-(npropyl)-2-pyridylmethanimine ligand (1.13 × 10-4 mol, 0.0743 g) were used. The polymerization was carried out as described above at 50°C. 2.3.4 1 H NMR study of copper complex in toluene-d8 + (EtO)2EG. Cu(I)Br (0.41 mmol, 58.9 mg) was placed in a Schlenk tube under a nitrogen atmosphere and N-(n-octyl)-2-pyridylmethanimine ligand, was added (2 mol equiv. to Cu(I)Br, 0.82 mmol, 0.22 mL). Deoxygenated (EtO)2EG (2 mol equiv. to Cu(I)Br, 0.82 mmol, 0.1151 mL or 5 mol equiv. In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization 5 to Cu(I)Br, 2.05 mmol, 0.2878 mL) was added under nitrogen and the solution was stirred for 5 min. Once the medium was homogeneous, 2 mL of the solution was transferred to a Young’s tap NMR tube at ambient temperature, time t = 0 was taken once the tube was at temperature in the NMR spectrometer. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Copper-mediated radical polymerization of PMMA using PEG-based macroinitiators. Living radical polymerization of MMA was initiated by MeOPEG initiators, figure 1. Copper(I) bromide was used as catalyst, complexed by the N-(n-propyl)-2-pyridylmethanimine ligand in a ratio 1 to 3, in order to ensure the solubility of the catalyst, and the stabilisation of the copper(I) / copper(II) equilibrium in toluene. O CH3O (CH2)2O x CH2 CH3 + m H CH3 (1) CH3 H Br CH2 O O O CH3 Cu(I)Br Toluene N N C 5H 13 O CH3O (CH2)2O x CH2 CH3 (2) COOCH3 CH2 CH2 O CH3 m CH3 COOCH3 CH2 Br CH3 Figure 1. Copper mediated living radical polymerization of MMA using MeOPEGX as initiator (X (DP) = 12, 45, 113) in toluene. 3.1.1 Polymerization reaction. Polymerization was first carried out for each initiator at 90°C in toluene (66% v/v to monomer) in a Schlenk tube in order to ascertain the conditions for in-situ 1H NMR reactions. Polymerizations were subsequently carried out in toluene-d8, in NMR tubes fitted with a Young’s tap, so as to maintain an inert atmosphere. A spectrum is taken over a prescribed short time period and conversion is measured by integration of monomer with respect to 6 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* polymer formed. This results in a first order kinetic plot (ln([M] 0/[M]) as function of time) with many more data points than from a sampled reaction as usually described.14 It also avoids the potential introduction of impurities/oxygen during sampling, and finally gave more information on the different steps of initiation and propagation. Monomer conversions were monitored using 1H NMR spectroscopy; the vinyl signals from the monomers appear at 5.3 and 6.0 ppm and decrease in intensity as they are consumed in the production of polymer. As the polymerization proceeds, signals of the methacrylate backbone increase between 0.9-1.4 ppm, figure 2. 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 Figure 2. Selection of 1H NMR spectra recorded during the polymerization of MMA on MeOPEG-IX (X = 12, 45, 113). A comparison of the respective monomer and polymer signals allows the monomer conversion to be accurately determined. A first order plot was constructed for the polymerization of MMA at 90°C with each macroinitiator, figure 3. In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization 7 4.0 3.5 ln([M]0 / [M]) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time / min Figure 3. Kinetic plot for the polymerization of MMA from MeOPEG-I12 (), MeOPEG-I45 () and MeOPEG-I113 () at 90°C, followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. A non-linear plot was obtained for MeOPEG-I113, with polymerization terminating after approximately 96% conversion. This indicates a high contribution of termination reactions. The two smallest macroinitiators behaved similar to each other with the initial rate decreasing to a constant rate in both cases. This can be explained by the high concentration of active species at the start of the reaction due to the presence of Cu(I) only, while the equilibrium Cu(I) / Cu(II) is established as Cu(II) is produced. It is noteworthy that this equilibrium takes longer to be reached in the case of the highest molecular weight initiator than for the smaller chains. The linear first order rate plot obtained once the equilibrium is established indicates that (i) the polymerization is first order with respect to monomer and (ii) the concentration of active centers remains constant during the polymerization. From figure 3, it is seen that the rate of polymerization increases with the size of the macroinitiator. Furthermore, the different overall rates of polymerization observed were higher than the one of a typical LRP of alkyl methacrylate with ethyl 2-isobutyrate under similar conditions.14 In order to study the evolution of the Cu(I) / Cu(II) equilibrium, polymerization of MMA using MeOPEG-I45 was carried out at lower temperature, figure 4. The first order plot is linear up to high conversions at 70°C (95% conversion after 8 hours), with a rate close to that at higher temperature. At even lower temperatures (50°C), 80% conversion was achieved in 15 hours. In conclusion, 70°C seems to be the optimum temperature for the polymerization of MMA using MeOPEG-I45 as initiator to obtain the best overall control of the Mn. 8 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* 4.5 4.0 ln([M]0 / [M]) 3.5 95% conversion 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Time / min Figure 4. Kinetic plot for the polymerization of MMA from MeOPEG-I45 at 90°C (), 70°C () and 50°C (O), followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. As the polymerization using MeOPEG-I113 gave poor mass control at elevated temperatures, the polymerization was repeated at 70°C and 50°C, figure 5. The reaction at 70°C followed closely the behaviour of the higher temperature. At 50°C, the reaction occurred over a longer time period (80% conversion after 13 hours) with a linear first order plot. 3.5 3.0 ln([M]0 / [M]) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Time / min Figure 5. Kinetic plot of the polymerization of MMA on MeOPEG-I113 at 90°C(), 70°C () and 50°C(O), followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The Mn increases during the polymerization with the PDi remaining < 1.3, to give a final product of narrow PDi. In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization 9 In conclusion, MeOPEG-I12 is a good initiator for copper-mediated LRP of MMA at 90°C to give an AB block copolymer. The final PMMA “B” block had an Mn = 10,200 g mol-1 (by integration of the 1H NMR, targeted Mn = 10,000) for 710 g mol-1 of MeOPEG. The PDi = 1.19 (Mn(SEC)copolymer = 9,900). When using MeOPEG-I45 as a macroinitiator at low temperature, the SEC analysis shows a steady evolution of the molecular weight with conversion. At both 70°C and 50°C the macroinitiator could still be observed in the SEC up to 60% conversion However, this did not greatly influence the reaction kinetics, or MWD as measured by SEC. The polymerization of MMA using MeOPEG-I45 as initiator at 70°C and 50°C gave an apparent well-defined copolymer. The PDi of the product from reactions at 70°C and 90°C decreased slowly throughout the course of polymerization, while it stayed almost constant at 50°C. The PDi of all products remained < 1.3 throughout the reactions. Table 1 gives a summary of the final properties of the products from these reactions. It is noted that the theoretical Mn and the Mn calculated by 1 H NMR spectroscopy are the molecular weight for the PMMA block only. However, the SEC analysis gives the Mn and PDi of the entire block copolymer. One will notice the difference between the SEC molecular weights and PDi of the final product and of the last reaction sample. This can be explained by the loss of small molecular weight species during the purification process, leading to a higher average molecular weight and lower PDi. Table 1. Final conversion and MWD data for the polymerization of MMA from MeOPEG-I45 and MeOPEG-I113 at various temperatures Temp Time Conv MnPMMAtha MnPMMAexpb Mncopolexpb PDic °C min % MeOPEG-I45 90 183 99 9,900 16,900 13,700 1.14 70 216 89 8,900 9,000 13,900 1.11 50 808 83 8,300 8,700 15,100 1.12 MeOPEG-I113 90 183 99 9,300 12,300 15,200 1.22 70 216 89 8,900 13,300 15,300 1.13 50 808 83 8,300 10,200 17,100 1.18 aM n, th = ([M] 0 / [I]0 RMM of monomer Conv.)/100 b Determined by the 1H NMR peak intensity ratio. c Estimated by PMMA-calibrated SEC 1 H NMR has allowed optimization of reaction conditions for coppermediated LRP using different molecular weight PEG-based macroinitiators, with Mn being close to the theoretical and low PDi. However, the SEC traces at different conversions, and at various temperatures polymerizations showed bimodal peaks up to high conversion, figure 6. The high molecular 10 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* weight peak is assigned to the propagating polymer while the lower molecular weight peak is from the non-reacted macro-initiator. This is evidence that a certain amount of the MeOPEG-I does not initiate, or undertakes slow initiation. As the SEC analysis cannot quantify the amount of unreacted macroinitiator online 1H NMR was employed. MeOPEG-I113 20% 52% 68% 72% 85% 95% 97% 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Log Mwt Figure 6. Evolution of the MWD for the polymerization of MMA from MeOPEG-I113 during the polymerization. 3.1.2 Initiator efficiency. PEG based macroinitiators have been previously reported to exhibit low initiation efficiency for polymerization of MMA in bulk, but are reported to be efficient for the bulk polymerization of t-butyl acrylate.23 1 H NMR can be used to follow the actual initiation efficiency. On addition of monomer, group 1 (figure 1 and 7) from the initiator is transformed into 2 at the junction point of the two blocks in the block copolymer, figure 7. The 1H NMR shows a shift of the triplet to higher field, as a carbon atom replaces the bromine. This leads to a broadening of the peaks due to the incorporation to a polymer chain.23 Despite the low concentration of initiator, the signals from both of these groups are well resolved and can be observed at 500 MHz, figure 7. The intensity of then signal from group 1 disappears slowly whilst the signal from group 2, broader, increases. In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization O CH2 1 O MMA Br O 11 CH2 Cu(I)Br / Ligand O CO2Me 2 1 2 Conversion 4.25 4.20 4.15 4.10 4.05 4.00 3.95 3.90 3.85 Figure 7. 1H NMR spectra of the region from group 1 and 2 during polymerization This allows for the quantitative measurement of the loss the initiator. Figure 8 shows the activation step in the reaction summarized in the equilibrium between Cu(I) and Cu(II). kact R-Br + Cu(I)Br Complex R* kdeact + Cu(II)Br2 kp Complex Monomer Figure 8. A proposed mechanism for living radical polymerization. In order to measure the kinetic constant of activation (ka), the deactivation step needs to be negligible by comparison to the activation. This is accomplished by moving the equilibrium shown in figure 8 to the right. The literature offers different methods, either by trapping the reacted species in order to minimize the deactivation reaction24 or by adding a radical initiator to the reaction as an accelerator and by increasing the concentration in monomers.25 In the present case, the equilibrium is the one of a classic LRP reaction, with a great number of activation-deactivation cycles. Therefore, even if the ka could not be determined, the ability of the macroinitiator to loose its bromide can still be estimated. This is a good indication of the efficiency of the macroinitiator. In the case of activation faster than propagation, all the chains will grow in parallel. If competition between activation and the propagation, some initiators would stay ‘noninitiated’ while other chains would be growing, leading to a bimodal molecular weight distribution. 12 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* In order to study the influence of the macroinitiator molecular weight on the overall polymerization, the conversion of non-reacted initiator into reacted initiator versus conversion of monomer is plotted. This is referred to as ‘initiator efficiency’ in the remainder of the present study. In an ideal living polymerization, the initiator efficiency should be 100% immediately as the polymerization starts. In the case of PEG-based macroinitiators, the initiator efficiency appears to be very low. Conversion of Initiator / % 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Conversion of Monomer / % Figure 9. Evolution of the conversion of initiator in reacted initiator as a function of the conversion of monomer for the polymerization of MMA with MeOPEG-I113 (O), MeOPEGI45 () and on MeOPEG-I12 () at 90°C in toluene-d8. Figure 9 shows the evolution of the initiation for each initiator at 90°C. The efficiencies of the two highest molecular weight initiators were similar, whilst MeOPEG-I12 was slightly better throughout the reaction. All of the initiators had reacted after a conversion of 60% for MeOPEG-I12, while MeOPEG-I113 and MeOPEG-I45 needed 80% conversion. In the case of MeOPEG-I12, an almost instantaneous initiation was obtained up to 40% of the initiator, and then the process was slowed down. Despite this slow initiation, MeOPEG-I12 is efficient enough to result in living polymerization of MMA, with good kinetics and excellent final product properties. In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization 13 1.0 Conversion of Initiator / % 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Conversion of Monomer / % Figure 10. Evolution of the conversion of initiator as a function of the conversion of monomer for the polymerization of MMA on MeOPEG-I113 at 90°C(), 70°C () and 50°C(O). MeOPEG-I113, is the least efficient initiator, with 100% of initiator activated at only 80% conversion, figure 10. Furthermore, experiments at 90°C and 50°C showed similar initiator efficiency decreasing at 70°C. At 90°C, the activation and propagation steps were very fast (as seen by the kinetic plot, figure 5), but propagation is faster than initiation. Some initiators start chains, whilst the remainder do not reacted. At 70°C, activation is slowed down relative to propagation. This results in chains propagating too fast, leading to a high conversion in monomer whilst some initiators have still not reacted. Full initiation is observed after 80% conversion. When the temperature is lowered to 50°C, propagation affected more, leading to activation and propagation step similar to those observed at 90°C. The overall kinetics are slowed, but the initiator efficiency is similar to that at 90°C. As the initiator efficiency is low and seemingly temperature independent, the solvent was changed in an attempt to alter this characteristic. In order to solubilize the poly(ethylene glycol) chains, an ethylene “glycol-like” solvent was employed, which was thought might also enhance the potential macroinitiator-effect on polymerization. Ethylene glycol cannot be used, due to the possibility of transfer from the hydroxyl group during propagation. As the boiling point of ethylene glycol dimethyl ether is below the desired reaction temperature, ethylene glycol diethyl ether ((EtO)2EG) was chosen. The reaction was carried out in similar conditions as described above, at 50°C. In order to follow the polymerization by 1H NMR spectroscopy, a small amount of toluene-d8 was added in the solution (10% of the solvent), figure 11. 14 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* 3.0 2.5 Ln(M0/M) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 Time / min Figure 11. Kinetic plot for the polymerization of MMA using MeOPEG113 as initiator at 50°C in 90% (EtO)2EG / 10% toluene-d8, followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The first order plot shows an increase in kp[Pol*] over the first three hours of the reaction. This can be explained either by an increase in the concentration of the active species or by an increase in kp, or both. At high conversion (94%), the reaction slows as the solution becomes glassy. Furthermore, the reaction is faster than when toluene is used as solvent with 70% conversion being reached in 5 hours as opposed to 12 hours in toluene. Conversion of Initiator / % 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Conversion of Monomer / % Figure 12. Evolution of the conversion of initiator as function of the conversion of monomer for the polymerization of MMA on MeOPEG-I113 at 50°C in toluene-d8 (O) and in 90% (EtO)2EG / 10% toluene-d8 () The initiator efficiency, figure 12, is similar to that observed at 50°C in toluene. This leads to the conclusion that (i) the solvent has little effect on In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization 15 the initiator efficiency and (ii) the concentration of the active species increases during the reaction. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that PEG-based macroinitiators are relatively slow initiators in copper mediated living radical polymerization this will result in AB block copolymers with heterogeneous composition but all macroinitiators are eventually transformed into block copolymers. Temperature or solvent has little effect on this, however, the macroinitiator chain length influences the initiator efficiency with shorter chain molecules being faster initiators than longer chain macromolecules. 3.2 Co-ordination effect on the catalyst complex. 3.2.1 Effect of ethylene oxide groups on copper-mediated LRP. As the presence of ethylene glycol groups influences the coppermediated LRP of MMA, further studies were undertaken to investigate this. In order to determine if alkyl ether groups affect the rate of polymerization, polymerizations in presence of ethylene glycol diethyl ether were carried out and monitored by in-situ NMR. Benzyl methacrylate (BzMA) monomer was chosen as monomer for the polymerization followed in-situ by 1H NMR. Monomer conversion is easily measured by integration of the vinyl resonances (6-5 ppm) relative to the combined values of the CH2 to OC=O, moved by the presence of the aromatic ring, from the monomer and polymer (5.10 ppm), figure 13. 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 Figure 13. Partial 1H NMR spectra at different stages of monomer conversion for the polymerization of BzMA in (EtO)2EG at 50°C. 16 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* Polymerizations of benzyl methacrylate (BzMA) were carried out in a toluene-d8 solution with (i) a PEG-based macroinitiator, MeOPEG-I113 (2), and (ii) ethylene glycol diethyl ether as co-solvent. According to the previous study, the reaction temperature was kept at 50°C in order to keep control over the polymerization. The use of oxyethylene containing macro-initiators increased the overall rate of polymerization markedly in comparison to a similar living radical polymerization with ethyl 2-bromoisobutyrate as initiator, figure 14. The addition of ethylene glycol diethyl ether as co-solvent in the polymerization of BzMA also showed a large rate enhancement, in comparison to reactions carried out in neat toluene-d8, figure 14. ln([M]0 / [M]) 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 time / min Figure 14. First order kinetic plots for the polymerization of benzyl methacrylate (BzMA) in toluene-d8 at 50°C (O), in toluene using, MeO(PEG)-I113 (Mn = 5000 g/mol ; ), and in toluene-d8 / diethyl ether ethylene glycol (4/1 g/g; ). While the reaction initiated by MeOPEG-I113 appeared to be controlled up to approximately 85% conversion, the reaction in (EtO)2EG showed a clear deviation from a first order behavior with kp[Pn*] increasing up to a 85% conversion prior to decreasing up to 98% conversion. This behavior is similar as the one observed in the polymerization of MMA in (EtO) 2EG initiated by MeO(PEG)-I113 . While the decrease of rate toward the end of the polymerization can be understood as termination reactions decreasing the concentration in active species, then kp[Pn*], the kinetic behavior during the first 3 hours is more difficult to understand. This is due to an increase of either kp or [Pn*] or even both. In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization 3.2.2 17 Possible effect of ethylene oxide groups on the catalyst complex. The influence of the nature of the reaction medium on the rate of polymerization is ascribed to a change in the nature of the copper-catalyst by competitive co-ordination of oxyethylene groups at the metal. This possibility was considered after measurement of the 1H NMR spectra of the catalyst under different conditions. Figure 15 shows the partial 1H NMR spectra of N-(n-octyl)-2pyridylmethanimine in toluene-d8, (a) in the absence of additive and (b) in presence of ethylene glycol diethyl ether, (c) N-(n-octyl)-2pyridylmethanimine copper in the absence of additive (d) N-(n-octyl)-2pyridylmethanimine copper with ethylene glycol diethyl ether (1:1) and (e) bis(n-Oct-L)copper with ethylene glycol diethyl ether (1:5). In the case of a complexed ligand, a broad signal is observed. toluene 2 3 1 1+5 3 4 2 4 5 N (e) R (d) (c) (b) (a) 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 ppm Figure 15. Partial 1H NMR spectra, aromatic region, of (a) N-(n-octyl)-2-pyridylmethanimine (L) in toluene-d8 (b) L with the addition of 2 equivalents of diethyl ether ethylene glycol (c) L/copper(I) bromide (2:1, ligand to CuBr) (d) L /copper(I) bromide(2:1, ligand to CuBr) with 2 equivalents of ethylene glycol diethyl ether and (e) L/copper(I) bromide (2:1, ligand to CuBr) with 5 equivalents of ethylene glycol diethyl ether. Classically, this type of broadening observed by 1H NMR spectroscopy can be explained in two ways.26 A first explanation is the efficient relaxation of the molecule, a typical example of this effect being the broadening of the 1 H NMR spectrum signal observed for the protons of a polymer backbone during its formation. A second explanation is an environmental exchange. When the rate constant for the exchange between one environment and 18 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* another is greater than the frequency difference of the proton resonances in the separate environments, a broadening in the signal will be observed. When the rate of exchange is very low, the protons will appear as separate signals, but when the rate of exchange is very fast, they will appear as a line, seen as the average of the two signals. In the present case, this second possibility appears to be the most probable.15 The ligand is in fast dynamic co-ordination equilibrium on the copper center on the NMR time-scale and as the observed NMR spectrum is an average of complexed and uncomplexed ligand, the peaks appear broader. Ethylene glycol diethyl ether does not influence the spectrum of N-(noctyl)-2-pyridylmethanimine, but does alter the spectrum of the copper complex. As the amount of (EtO)2EG is increased the spectrum shifts towards that of the free ligand. An addition of ethylene oxide species favors a more “loose” catalyst structure. This can be interpreted as evidence that the ethylene oxide groups co-ordinate to the copper in competition with the diimine thus changing the nature of the active species. It is however noteworthy that the peaks from ethylene glycol diethyl ether does not seem to be influenced by the complexation, as no obvious shifts are observed when in presence of copper. In order to investigate this effect further, the experiments designed to follow the kinetics of the polymerization in-situ by NMR were used to monitor the complex throughout the reaction in real time. Figure 16 shows a selection of 1H NMR spectra recorded during the LRP of MMA in toluene-d8 initiated by MeOPEG-I45 at 50°C, with a ratio Cu(I)Br/L = 1/2. Firstly it is noted that only one set of resonance is observed for the ligand even though it is present in excess, supporting rapid exchange between complexed and noncomplexed ligand. A continuous broadening of the aromatic peaks is observed upon increasing polymerization conversion. This can be ascribed to a decrease in mobility of the complex, as the viscosity increases, resulting in the efficient relaxation effect described above. Broadening due to the accumulation of paramagnetic Cu(II) species in the medium can be ruled out as explanation as the other peaks (e.g. toluene) do not alter in this way. In this case, however, one can notice the appearance of free ligand (8.52 ppm) after 4% conversion. In Situ NMR Monitoring of Living Radical Polymerization 9.6 9.4 9.2 9.0 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8 19 6.6 6.4 Figure 16. Partial 1H NMR spectra of N-(n-octyl)-2-pyridylmethanimine during the polymerization of MMA initiated by MeOPEG-I45 in toluene-d8 at 50°C using 2 equivalents of ligand to CuBr. In the case of the polymerization of MMA initiated by MeOPEG-I113 at 90°C, the combination of higher viscosity due to a bigger macroinitiator and higher temperature resulted in highly broad signals, up to a conversion of 90%, figure 17. The loss of complex with time is observed and after 7 hours only free ligand was present and no complexed ligand. 9.4 9.2 9.0 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8 6.6 1H Figure 17. Partial NMR spectra of N-(n-octyl)-2-pyridylmethanimine ligand during the polymerization of MMA initiated by MeOPEG-I113 in toluene-d8 at 90°C using 2 equivalents of ligand to CuBr. From these observations, it appears that when using an alkyl ether-based species in solution, the complexation of the ligand with copper is in competition with the possible complexation of the alkyl ether group. We observe that (i) the increase of the solution viscosity slow down the whole 20 Sébastien Perrier and David. M. Haddleton* complex giving a weak and broad signal and (ii) some free ligand appears. This is coherent with the previous observation made on the complex by itself: the alkyl ether species might replace the ligand on complexation on copper. 4. CONCLUSION. Online in-situ 1H NMR spectroscopy is invaluable in studying the polymerization of MMA from MeOPEG-based macroinitiators. At the very least it provides many more data points for kinetic analysis. While the kinetic plots observed seem to typical for a living polymerization, SEC analysis showed the presence of non-reacted initiator during the reaction. Analysis of the 1H NMR spectra recorded in-situ, has been quantified to determine optimum conditions for living polymerization. As poly(ethylene glycol) chains are very flexible, the active site might be trapped by the macroinitiator structure, away from the catalyst or the monomer. This effect would be even more important for longer chain initiators. When the catalyst reaches the active site, it finds itself trapped in the polymer chain. It is even possible for co-ordination of the copper to the macroinitiator chain, as suggested by the solvent effect of alkyl ether on copper mediated living radical polymerization, and the competition between the components and the ligand on the copper catalyst. This explains the difficulty of the monomer to react with the initiator, due to the steric hindrance. 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