The future of Waste Management in Hertfordshire – How to avoid paying for a £220 million pound incinerator. Incineration with ‘energy recovery’ - is an old backward technology based on consume and destroy which runs counter to the key core objectives of the Herts Municipal Waste Management Strategy. Incineration: Worsens Climate Change – by releasing the carbon trapped in the plastics and organic Resources taken from the environment. matter which is burnt. Recycling and waste Waste put into the environment. minimization saves four times more greenhouse gas emissions than incineration with ‘energy recovery’. Pollution – creates pollutants in toxic ash which is then used as road aggregate and building blocks, with some going to landfill – the pollutants are released from these materials over time entering ground water and water courses. Remember that for every tonne of waste going into an incinerator a tonne comes out (about 30% ash contaminated with heavy metals, dioxins, furans and other pollutants, 4% fly ash from the chimney scrubbers – highly polluted and toxic, and the rest is dumped into the atmosphere). Works against recycling - by requiring materials for burning that could be recycled once better collection and waste minimisation strategies are in place (i.e. organic matter - paper, card, food waste etc, and plastics). Destroys valuable materials that could be recycled into new products. Recycling saves far more energy than is created by burning waste as it avoids having to make products from virgin materials. Doesn't provide an incentive for reducing waste, as incinerators need a minimum amount of rubbish to operate efficiently. Contracts for incinerators also tend to be long-term, requiring waste for 20 – 30 years. Cost and Inflexibility– the most expensive option with contracts for it to be ‘fed’ for 25 – 30 years. Cambridgeshire have rejected incineration partly on grounds of cost. It is an ‘end of pipe’ solution which treats the symptoms not the cause. For every tonne of waste burnt a further 5 tonnes of waste is produced in the processing and manufacture of the articles in the waste stream. Incineration diagram. Natural resources Destruction of environment and depletion of resources. Manufacturing For every tonne of waste from homes, five is produced in manufacturing. Consumption Around 90% of what is bought, is rubbish six months later. Burning For every tonne burnt, a tonne of pollution is produced. Please: Write to your local councillors making it clear that you want alternatives to incineration. Who? See Write to the local papers Contact Peter Davidson (Head of Procurement of the Herts Waste Partnership) Talk about this with your friends. PTO for solutions. What are the alternatives and why choose them? - Forward looking technologies which reduce consumption, re-use resources, create jobs and reduce climate change impacts – e.g. lower cost flexible options such as Mechanical Biological Treatment & Anaerobic Digestion with energy recovery (less than half the cost for the same capacity). This sort of option has shorter contracts, and allows much increased recycling levels (up to 80-90%). It would allow waste minimisation strategies, to reduce and eventually eliminate waste which can not be re-used or recycled. Tackle the cause of the problem - Institute a zero waste policy. In the short term (5-10 years or so) increase source separated recycling to improve the quality of the recyclate, and use relatively low cost and flexible means e.g. mechanical biological treatment (MBT) to process the remaining mixed waste into recyclable elements, and biodegradable material. For the latter use anaerobic digestion (AD) to generate bio-gas for energy production, and the stabilised residue for a soil enhancer or for landfill (LATS exempt). Cambridgeshire have opted for this model. In the long-term aim for zero waste. This means phasing out those materials, which cannot be re-used or recycled, so that the flow of materials follows a circular not a linear path. All the outputs are inputs for something else, and so there is no residue or waste to be disposed of to landfill or incineration. A zero waste policy out-performs any other in terms of energy saving, greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable economics, creation of jobs (benefits the local economy), and conservation of resources. However, it does not make a large subsidised profit for the incineration industry form the taxpayer’s purse. Take only what can be replenished. Recycle what we already have. Return only biodegradable waste. Zero Waste policies are being pursued by:● New Zealand (by 2004 over 60% of municipalities had declared a zero waste goal by 2020) Bath and NE Somerset UK Canberra Australia – aiming for ‘no waste’ by 2010 San Francisco – aiming for zero waste by 2020 Toronto Canada Kamikatsu, Japan Zero Waste by 2020 (80% recycling household waste now) The Philippines Halifax Nova Scotia Scottish Gov considering zero waste legislation (27/7/08) Please: Write to your local councillors making it clear that you want alternatives to incineration. Herts waste Councillors: Brian Hill Broxbourne BC Bob Bick Broxbourne BC Herbert Chapman Dacorum BC Terence Milner East Herts C Derrick Ashley (Chair) Hertfordshire CC Jean Haywood Hertsmere BC Lynda Needham North Herts DC Mike Ellis St Albans DC Phil Brading (Vice Chair) Three Rivers DC Derek Scudder Watford BC Clare Berry Welwyn Hatfield BC Cllr Richard Henry, Stevenage BC Write to the local papers and your MP Contact Peter Davidson (Head of Procurement of the Herts Waste Partnership) For further information contact: David Ashton: 01438 871315 Dan Gomm 01462632479 Wendy Atwell 07914 551833 Herts WithOutWaste 3/09