Globalization Presentation

Connie Jenkins-Buwa
Serita Coleman
D i p l o m a c y
Globalization and the State
Ambassador Kamal
Mr. Jacek Hurkala
a n d
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
R e l a t i o n s
Michael Veseth
Chapter 1 – Global Visions
 4 Faces of Globalization
a) Nike
b) Globalization and the World Trade Center Luncheon
c) Globalization and the Boeing Merger
d) Globalization and Democracy in Indonesia
 A Universal Elixir
 Globalization Unlimited
Chapter 2 – The End of Geography and the Last Nation-State
 Visions of a Borderless World
“Globalization, at least as it is
 Globalization Defined
conceived by some, is a myth.
 The Golden Age of Globalization
But like all good myths, it is
difficult to forget even after its
 The End of Geography
illusive properties are
 The End of the Nation-State
 The End of Culture
 Borders In the Borderless World
Chapter 3 – The Center of the Universe
 The Global Business in Theory and in Practice
 Nike and the Global Swoosh
 Boeing and the Skys the Limit
 The Frank Russell Company: Tacoma as the Center of
the Universe
 Microsoft and the Global Software Market
 Globalization Limited
Chapter 4 – Currency Crisis
 The Peso Crisis of 1994-1995
 The Theory of Financial Crisis
 The Peso Crisis in Perspective
 Lessons of the Peso Crisis
 The European Currency Crisis of 1992
 The Theory of Speculative Attacks
 Exchange Market Mayhem
 Currency Crisis and Globalization
Overview of Preceding Chapters:
Chapter 5 – Turbulence and Chaos
 Definition of Chaos Theory
 Importance of Chaotic Patterns
Chapter 6 – The Political Economy of Globalization
 Globalization as “headless horsemen”
“Rather, the idea of an
 Single Currency in the European Union
economic critique of
 Capital and Labor – The Struggle
globalization is in some
Chapter 7 – Unsettled Foundations
respects anti-economics
or non-economics and so
 Garbage Can Politics
in general never enters
 Economic Perspective on Globalization
the economics
 The Invisible Hand
Chapter 8 – Rethinking Globalization
 Globalization and it’s Complexity
 Misconception of Globalization as a New Perspective
 Gilpin Equation
 Communication Technology as Motivating Factor in
Individual Interest
Presenters’ Thoughts – Globalization Reality or Myth?