Pastor: Associate Pastor: Office Hours: Fr. Ray Rick Fr. Roy Villas Mon.-Fri. 9:00am to 2:00pm "We are a community of believers growing together, faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, rooted in the word of God, prayer and sacraments, strengthening family, elderly and youth-our future--and serving those in need." JANUARY 10, 2016 BAPTISM OF THE LORD (Liturgical colour WHITE, symbolizing ‘JOY’) CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Membership dues for 2016 of $25.00 are due by the end of January. Please use envelope designated in your offertory envelopes or use a blank envelope and place in the collection basket, but be sure to include your name and address on the envelope. Please come and join us for Pot Luck on January 12th and our regular meeting which will also include a baby shower for a boy a few months old. Call Linda Healy @ 705-645-9703 or Lynn Emmons @ 705-645-6803 for information, if needed. JANUARY 16 & 17, 2016 COUNTERS-SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2016 AL & YOLANDE PECZ & MARY ANNE KELLY COMMUNION SCHEDULE FOR THE PINES JANUARY 10 GHISLAINE LAFERRIERE JANUARY 17 MAUREEN JIBB IT IS WITH GREAT JOY THAT WE WELCOME VISITORS AND NEW PARISHIONERS TO OUR PARISH FAMILY. New parishioners please fill out the form in the wooden box on the back wall, call the office or better yet, come by the office so we can meet you and welcome you personally. Let us pray this Sunday for the seminarians of the Diocese of Peterborough, that as members of the Church, they may continue to grow in faith and holiness in all they do. We pray to the Lord. ST VINCENT DE PAUL St. Vincent de Paul TAX RECEIPTS are now available on the table at the far wall next to the far hall door to be picked up. Any inquiries please contact Owen Mellow? IF YOU HAVE INFORMATION TO PUT IN THE BULLETIN, PLEASE TELEPHONE THE OFFICE OR COME INTO THE OFFICE AND LET US KNOW, NO LATER THAN 12 NOON MONDAY. January 12 Catholic Women League Meeting 7pm January 18 Parish Council Meeting 7pm January 25 Knights of Columbus Meeting 7pm (PLEASE NOTIFY THE OFFICE AS SOON AS YOU ARE AWARE OF A DATE AND TIME OF AN UPCOMING MEETING IN THE PARISH.) LITURGY SCHEDULE 5:00 PM MASS – SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 GREETERS LINDA & LARRY MATTHEWS LECTOR ED FITZGERALD EUCHARISTIC LINDA MATTHEWS MINISTERS PEGGY FITZPATRICK 9:00 AM MASS–SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2016 GREETERS JOHN & LENORE DAWSON LECTOR SANDRA WINSPEAR EUCHARISTIC JOHN O’BYRNE MINISTERS JERILYN ROYCROFT 11:00 AM MASS – SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2016 GREETERS BARB CAMPBELL/LINDA CHARBONNEAU LECTORS DON DUPUIS/LAUREL DUPUIS EUCHARISTIC BARB CAMPBELL MINISTERS LINDA CHARBONNEAU JANUARY 10, 2016 UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS PRAYERS FOR THE SICK We pray to Jesus Christ for all who suffer in our community and especially for: Shirley Bedley, Cathy Benedetto, Ashley Bridges, Lisa Burns, Doreen Charlton, Mary Charron, Walter Collis, Marg Conway, Theresa Crosgrey, Gerdie Doherty, Tom Emmons, David F., Joyce Fitzmaurice, Peter Gambell, Senta Geiser, Carol Hamblin, Paul Hitchcock, Ted Ingleson, Regina Lambert, Sarah Lazzara, June MacNeil, Louise MacNeil, Luke Manary, Martha Marquarat, Mary McKenzie, Raul Neps, Joan Neveu, Joe Neveu, Joseph O’Donnell, Mike O’Hara, Jack & Laila O’Neill, Fay Pearce, Ann Petersen, Joan Riley, Rene Sabourin, Cole Shelly, Gloria Speicher, Julia Tilson, John Van Ekelenburg, Jacob White, Eleanor Wilson, Rob Ziola. Please call the office (645-2294) if you would like your name removed or added to this list. SIMCOE MUSKOKA CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Please see the message on the bulletin board at the back of the church from Carol Corriveau-Truchon Trustee, Ward 4 of the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board. EUCHRE PLEASE NOTE EUCHRE CARD GAMES WILL BEGIN AT 1:00 PM ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13TH, 2016 IN THE PARISH HALL. 2016 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES The envelopes are ready for pick up in the church on the far wall next to the far hall door. If there is a problem either you can’t find your envelopes or a correction is to be made please call Carol (705-645-2294) at the office MONDAY-THURSDAY FROM 9AM-2PM. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ON THE FIRST THREE WEEKS OF THE NEW YEAR ON YOUR OFFERTORY ENVELOPES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT! THANK YOU We would like to express our appreciation and thank you to those people who contributed to the cost of the Christmas Gift program this year. We especially want to thank the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Women’s League for their continued and generous offering. NEW VIDEO SERIES!!! Father John Perdue and the Vocations Office for our Diocese have launched a YouTube channel called “Fisher of Men” - check it out! The series explores the spiritual life using analogies drawn from fishing! A few nice fish are caught along the way! Visit and type in ‘Fisher of Men Episode 1’ to see the first video! FEAST: THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD (January 10th) Luke 3:2-21 (parallel accounts in Mt 3:1-17/Mk 1:3-11/Jn1:19-28-31-34) John testified that he baptized with water only but that the one who came after him, the Messiah, would baptize with the Holy Spirit. In other words, it would no longer be just symbolic but would be a sacrament. (CCC1127)-Celebrated worthily in faith the sacraments confer the grace that they signify. They are efficacious because in them Christ Himself is at work: it is He who baptizes, He who acts in His sacraments in order to communicate the grace that each sacrament signifies. Not only would it be an outward sign, as ceremonies of the Old Covenant were, but it would be a powerful inner transformation, brought about by Christ through the Holy Spirit. At the baptism of Jesus in the Jordon the most amazing thing happens – the sinless Jesus, God in the flesh, is baptized by John. WHY? Jesus said, “It must be done, to fulfill all righteousness.” This could be understood to mean, “Fulfill everything laid down by God.” This might include: FIRST – Associating fully with mankind and the Jewish nation and complying with the purification rites of the Old Covenant; SECOND – Initiating His ministry (he was thirty years old) with the descent of the Holy Spirit and the verbal confirmation of His Father from heaven. Heaven made contact with earth, so to speak and the new creation, the Church, was under way; THIRD – Jesus was baptized to set the example of baptism, which He would later teach as a means of being BORN AGAIN for entry into the Kingdom of God. He also made water in baptism more than a mere symbol; it was now a sacrament an outward sign that also works an inward grace. The Trinity is revealed here in a clear and unmistakable demonstration. Jesus is baptized, the Spirit alights upon Him and the Father’s voice is heard from heaven. Christian Baptism is solemnly performed in the name of the three Persons of the Trinity; the FATHER and the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT. The three Persons of the Trinity work their grace upon the newly baptized: Jesus in redemption, the Spirit in regeneration and the Father in declaring us righteous and in adopting us as his sons. Can anyone contemplate anything more glorious and profound? (Taken from “CROSSING THE TIBER” by: Stephen R. Ray) Christ commands baptism in Matthew 28:19 and speaks of its necessity in Mark 16:15 and John 3:3-5. St. Paul says that baptism is the means by which Christ sanctifies the Church and cleanses those baptized by the “BATH OF REGENERATION” in TITUS 3:5 St. Peter describes the effects of baptismal regeneration in Acts 2: 37-39 (Taken from “Does the Bible really say that? BY: Patrick Madrid) SUNDAY, JANUARY 10TH the 2nd Sunday of the month @ 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm will be a Divine Mercy Holy Hour with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 11 TO JANUARY 17, 2016 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY 6:30 PM +ARTHUR & PAUL FREDERICK MONICA FREDERICK 6:00 PM LIVING & DECEASED CWL MEMBERS CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE 9:00 AM INTENTIONS OF CATHY BENEDETTO MONICA FREDERICK 9:00 AM +MARK DRESSLER BEV BAX TER 10:45 AM THE PINES –ELSIE ENRICO FRANCES ROBERTS 9:00 AM INTENTION OF THE LIVING MEMBERS OF THE DEFABRIZIO FAMILY HELENA & JOE DEFABRIZIO 9:00 AM INTENTION OF THOMAS EMMONS WALTER & TERRY SMITH 5:00 PM +BOB WRIGHT 4TH DEGREE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 9:00 AM +BOB WRIGHT 4 TH DEGREE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 11:00 AM FOR THE PARISH FOR THE PARISH