ADULT CONFIRMATION ALAMEDA DEANERY FORMATION SESSIONS 2015-2016 Application and questionnaire (2 pages) Please return completed form to your parish office as soon as possible, but no later than September 15, 2015. Registration fee is $50 payable to your parish; financial assistance is available. Contact your parish Faith Formation office with any questions. Name: ________________________________ Parish: ____________________________ Address: _______________________________ City/Zip:___________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email:_____________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________ Marital Status: ___ Single (never married or widowed) __ Single (separated/divorced) ___ Married (Catholic marriage) __ Married (civil marriage) Father’s Name__________________________ Mother’s Name (Maiden)_____________________ Your Baptism Date:_____________ Name on Baptismal Certificate_____________________________ Name of Church where baptized: ______________________________________________________ Mailing Address of Church where baptized:______________________________________________ A current copy of your baptismal certificate (issued no earlier than August 1, 2015) must be submitted prior to Confirmation. Please contact the parish where you were baptized to request the copy. Name & Address of Church of First Eucharist: ____________________________________________ Name of Confirmation Sponsor: ________________________________________________________ (Sponsor must be an actively practicing Catholic who has already been confirmed. If married, he or she must be married in the Catholic Church. Your baptismal godparent may be a good choice.) Please complete following page: I. Why do you wish to be confirmed at this time? II Briefly describe your relationship with God at this time of your life. III In what ways do you serve others? IV How do you see God’s grace at work in your life?