Performance Task – Making Your Own Book Adapted from task by Barbara Hoffman and Aileen Journo Degania School, Jordan Valley Grade Level 4 Number of pupils 27 Level Stage Foundation Targeted Domain Class Description: Strong class of 2 native speakers, 7 children who could already read at the beginning of the year, several weak learners who receive remedial help once a week. 1 Presentation Standards Pupils present information about personal topics, orally and in writing, using basic organizational skills. Pupils use basic vocabulary and simple syntax. Targeted Unit Benchmark Presenting information on limited content, supported by visual aids. Assessment Tools for Targeted Domain Name of Unit Unit 3 “Time for a Party” Pupil-teacher checklist From the course book Read It in English p. 26 (Neuman and Nevo, 1997) Educational Goal of Unit 1. To provide pupils with a meaningful purpose to use their newly acquired writing skills 2. To build confidence and enjoyment in the early stages of reading and writing Number of Lessons in Unit: 8 Summary of Previous Lessons Pupils have spent two lessons learning to read a simple text that was very clearly illustrated in the course book. This text will serve as a model for writing and illustrating their own story. Description of the task Number of Lessons: 3-4 Lesson Goals The children will be able to write and illustrate an original short story by: using a given repetitive structure using the vocabulary for numbers, animals and location phrases (such as "on the hat") Assessment Goals Appropriate vocabulary and illustrations (understood the task), effort, neat handwriting, work handed in on time Lesson Description The teacher writes a sample sentence from the original text on the board. S/he then deletes words to be replaced. Pupils brainstorm to find alternatives. New sentences are then written on the board. The variables are time (number), animal and location. The teacher explains the task orally and devotes time to cover page (title and author). Pupils write four sentences in their notebook based on the sentence “At __________o’clock, the _______________is ______ ________ __________.” After work is checked, the sentences are written and illustrated in book form, the teacher hands out a blank book for pupils to copy and illustrate their stories. 36 Teacher’s Notes Background The instructions are given orally and in L1. This task can be undertaken following intensive work on any simple story with a repetitive structure. We worked on a story called “The Frog.” After learning the vocabulary, reading the story, working on phonics and guided writing, the pupils composed their own story. The task involved substituting parts of the original sentence: “At (number) o’clock, the (animal) is (location phrase).” Task Pupils write their own book based on a story read in class. Each page of the book contains one sentence, which they illustrate accordingly. Audience Fellow classmates. Pupils exchange ready-made books and practice reading the different stories. Procedure Step 1 The class brainstorms 4 vocabulary lists: 1. numbers (in their written form) 2. animals 3. locations (for example, on the tree, in the water) 4. simple verbs describing what each animal can do (jump, run, swim) Pupils’ suggestions are noted on the board. The teacher explains the importance of the cover page (title and author). Step 2 The pupils choose an animal and compose four sentences with changes in the time and location. This way each pupil writes her/his own book using the same format, but with his/her own ideas. The sentences are written in the pupil’s notebook. Teacher gives feedback to enable improvements before “publication.” Step 3 Pupils receive a blank book format to copy their notes. They illustrate each page and assess their books according to the checklist. The teacher assesses pupils' final version with the same checklist. Step 4 Pupils read each other’s books. They then sign their name on the last page of each book read. 37 The _____________ At two o’clock the snake By ______________ is on the hat. At _______ o’clock the ______ At _______ o’clock the ______ is ____ ______ is ____ ______ _________. _________. At nine o’clock the snake is in the pond. The End Swim, snake, swim. Teacher Comments Pupil Checklist . כתבתי כותרת ושם . משפטים4 כתבתי לפחות . השתמשתי במילים שלמדנו . כתב ידי יפה וברור . ציירתי ציורים מתאימים . הגשתי את העבודה בזמן . עשיתי כמיטב יכולתי קראתי וחתמתי על ספרים .של חברים 38 39