St. Mark’s Religious Education Program Registration Form 2015/2016 Return registration/parent volunteer form and registration fee by May 31st to receive the Early Bird Special. Form may be returned to student’s teacher, mailed to St. Mark Church, Attn: Religious Ed Office 222 McVeagh Rd, Westbrook, CT 06498, or dropped in the collection basket in an envelope marked “Religious Ed.” PLEASE PRINT If you are not a registered member of St. Mark Church, you will need to fill out an abbreviated registration form so we can add you to our computer program. ____Please send me a registration form. Family Name: ___ E-Mail Address: Mother’s Name: ____ __ Maiden Name ______ ___________ Father’s Name: Mailing Address __________________ City, State, Zip ____________ Home Phone Cell Phone# (Mom) ________________________ Cell Phone# (Dad) _________________________ Emergency Contact: ______________________ Relationship: ________________Phone# ______________ Additional information that would help us teach your child/ren: (Allergies, medical condition, etc) ____________ 2015/2016 Registration Fees are as Follows: Early Bird Special by May 31 Regular Fee After May 31 Late Fee After August 15 $25.00 for 1st Child $ 40.00 for 1st Child $ 50.00 for 1st Child $20.00 for 2nd Child $ 35.00 for 2nd Child $ 45.00 for 2nd Child rd rd $15.00 for 3 Child $ 20.00 for 3 Child $ 40.00 for 3rd Child $70.00 Family Maximum $105.00 Family Maximum $145.00 Family Maximum SEPARATE SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FEES will be collected separately. If you are a full-time Teacher, Aide, or Safety Monitor there is no registration fee. However, this form must still be filled out and returned to the Religious Education office. A Check, made payable to St. Mark’s Religious Education for registration fees, should be included with this form to enroll your child/ren. No one will be turned away because of inability to pay. However, you need to contact us at the rectory, 399-6208, or enclose a note briefly explaining your situation. Fee Entering grade Full name Circle Sacraments received $_________ Grade: _____ *Child’s Name________________________ Baptism $_________ Grade: _____ *Child’s Name________________________ Baptism $_________ Grade: _____ *Child’s Name________________________ Baptism $_________ Grade: _____ *Child’s Name________________________ Baptism $_________ Sub-total $_________Additional tax deductible donation to Religious Education $_________ Total enclosed (PLEASE PAY BY CHECK ONLY) Penance Penance Penance Penance Eucharist Eucharist Eucharist Eucharist *If you child hasn’t been in our program before, please include their full name and birth date. Name: ____________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________ Over for Volunteer Registration and Notify Now Form Map Code _________ PERMISSION FOR PICTURE TAKING ____I grant permission for my child/rens picture to be taken and used in our St. Mark brochures and/or website. __________________________________________ Parent Signature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTIFY NOW INFORMATION – Please Print Our Notify Now system delivers message alerts to you by an individual communication of your choosing. We are able to use the system instead of postcards to remind you of upcoming events. Most of our communication with you for reminders and specials is done by email. It is important that we have an email address for you. Please supply your email address below: E-mail Address: _____________________________________E-mail Address:________________________________ For cancellation of classes or emergencies please supply us with the following phone numbers: Home Phone#: __________________________________ Cell Phone #1 _________________________Text Y___N___ Cell Phone #2 ______________________Text Y___N___ Based on the alert selected by the church, Notify Now will contact the email/numbers you specified. You are not required to have all of these contacts. Provide the contact information for only those methods that will be useful to you. The caller ID will reflect the number of the church or Notify Now communications center. If a contact cannot be made through Notify Now, the church will be notified. Notify Now is able to detect duplicate numbers and will use the number only once. This will eliminate multiple calls to the same number if you have more than one student in the program. Signature________________________________________ Date _______________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PARENT VOLUNTEER FORM It is important that parents be involved in our religious education program to assure its continued success. Below are some areas in which you could serve. Anyone volunteering as a full-time catechist, full-time aide, or full-time safety monitor, will have their registration fee waived. For more information on what any of the categories below entail, feel free to call the Religious Education Office, 399-6208. Name of Volunteer: ___________________________________ KINDERGARTEN – GRADE 8 Grades K - 8 meet Sundays 9 – 10 am in the High School ___ Full-time Catechist (teacher) by yourself or as a team: Grade _____ ___ Full-time Aide in classroom. Grade preference ___ Full-time Safety Monitor for Sunday morning program.. A safety monitor is outside during drop-off and pick-up, and also in the halls and checking the bathrooms during class time. CONFIRMATION PROGRAM Meets Sundays 9 – 10 am in the High School _____ Teach Confirmation. ___ Full-time Confirmation Aide. Over for Registration Form 2/16/2016 Web St. Mark’s Religious Education Program Volunteer Form 2015/2016 Form may be mailed to the St. Mark Church, Attn: Religious Education Office 222 McVeagh Road, Westbrook, CT 06498, or dropped in the collection basket in an envelope marked “Religious Education.” PLEASE PRINT Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address (include POB) City, State, Zip Phone Number: Cell Phone# ______________________________ PERMISSION FOR PICTURE TAKING ____I grant permission for my picture to be taken and used in our St. Mark brochures and/or website. ____ Signature __________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTIFY NOW INFORMATION – Please Print If volunteer is under 18 a parent email & phone number must be included with the volunteer information. E-mail Address: _____________________________________E-mail Address:________________________________ For cancellation of classes or emergencies please supply us with the following phone numbers: Home Phone#: __________________________________ Cell Phone #1 _________________________Text Y___N___ Cell Phone #2 ______________________Text Y___N___ Based on the alert selected by the church, Notify Now will contact the email/numbers your specified. You are not required to have all of these contacts. Provide the contact information for only those methods that will be useful to you. The caller ID will reflect the number of the church or Notify Now communications center. If a contact cannot be made through Notify Now, the church will be notified. Notify Now is able to detect duplicate numbers and will use the number only once. This will eliminate multiple calls to the same number if you have more than one student in the program. Signature________________________________________ Date _______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUNTEER POSITION KINDERGARTEN – GRADE 8 Grades K - 8 meet Sundays 9 – 10 am in the High School ___ Full-time Catechist (teacher) by yourself or as a team: Grade _____ ___ Full-time Aide in classroom. Grade preference ________ ___ Full-time Safety Monitor for Sunday morning program.. A safety monitor is outside during drop-off and pick-up, and also in the halls and checking the bathrooms during class time. CONFIRMATION PROGRAM Meets Sundays 9 – 10 am in the High School _____ Teach Confirmation. ____Aide for Confirmation TO: Religious Ed Volunteers FROM: Pat Moran RE: Registration Form Let me begin by saying Thank You for volunteering in our Religious Education program. I have enclosed a volunteer form that we need you to fill out and return in the enclosed envelope. The Notify Now information is particularly important in the case we need to cancel a class or special. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at (860) 399-6208. TO: Religious Ed Volunteers FROM: Pat Moran RE: Registration Form Let me begin by saying Thank You for volunteering in our Religious Education program. I have enclosed a volunteer form that we need you to fill out and return in the enclosed envelope. The Notify Now information is particularly important in the case we need to cancel a class or special. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at (860) 399-6208. TO: Religious Ed Volunteers FROM: Pat Moran RE: Registration Form Let me begin by saying Thank You for volunteering in our Religious Education program. I have enclosed a volunteer form that we need you to fill out and return in the enclosed envelope. The Notify Now information is particularly important in the case we need to cancel a class or special. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at (860) 399-6208. 2/16/2016 Web