Emergency Response Plan Muskingum Valley ESC Psychological Services CRISIS RESPONSE DOCUMENT GENERALIZED CRISIS PROCEDURE CHECKLIST (Assigned during annual crisis response training) Generalized Crisis Procedure Checklist The nature of the crisis will dictate which specific activities are appropriate. _______ Assess life/safety issues immediately. (Isolate, protect victim(s), do not leave alone. _______ Provide immediate emergency medical care. _______ Stabilize the situation to ensure safety of students and staff. _______ Call 911 and notify police/rescue first. Call the superintendent second. _______ Convene the crisis team to assess the situation and implement the crisis response procedures. _______ Evaluate available and needed resources. Dispatch additional staff to affected area. _______ Contact the family of involved student. _______ Assign responsibility for communicating with media. Prepare a statement. Alert school staff to the situation. Provide accurate facts. Provide a fact sheet to secretaries who _______ are handling incoming inquiries. _______ Activate the crisis communication procedure and system of verification. _______ Adjust the bell schedule to ensure safety during the crisis. _______ Secure all areas. Inspect the building. Implement evacuation and other procedures to protect students and staff from harm. Avoid _______ dismissing students to unknown care. Alert persons in charge of various information systems to prevent confusion and misinformation. _______ Notify parents. Contact appropriate community agencies and the school district’s public information office, if _______ appropriate. Implement post-crisis procedures; Crisis counseling, debriefing, bereavement education, support _______ groups memorial planning. _______ Reestablish order and normalcy.