CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction. In assessing rock slope, the most important field data is the geological information. The geological data being referred are type of discontinuities and their properties in term of geometrical and as well as the weathering state of the rock. Discontinuities or weak planes are faults, dykes, bedding planes, cleavage, tension joints or shear joints. Geometrical properties of the discontinuities are dip direction or strike and dip angle. 2.2 Types of discontinuities. In rock mechanics, discontinuity or weak plane is commonly used term for rock defects. Bedding planes in sedimentary rocks, cleavages and schistosities in metamorphic rock are typical examples of fabric defects. Folds, faults and joints are structural defects (Giani,1992). Discontinuities are divided into two scales either large-scale discontinuities or small scale discontinuities. Large-scale discontinuities are bedding plane, folds, faults and joints. Bedding planes represent interruptions in the course of sedimentary rock grain deposition, which are therefore separated by beds or strata. Folds are caused by a bend in the strata of layered rock. Faults are fractures or fractured zones along which 5 there has been an appreciable shear displacement. Joints are fractures in rock along which there has been little or no displacement or very slight movement perpendicular to the joint surface. Small-scale discontinuities are cleavage planes and schistosities. Cleavage planes are generated under the influence of tensile stresses, which determine rock splitting along definite parallel planes. Cleavage is also associated with changes in rock fabric and large folding. Schistosities are the varieties of foliations that occur in the coarser-grained metamorphic rocks and are usually the results of the parallel arrangement of platy and ellipsoidal grain within the rock substance. 2.3 Geometrical term of geological data. The geometrical term of geological data is shown in Figure 2.1. Dip is the maximum inclination of a structural discontinuity plane to the horizontal, defined by the angle ψ in the figure. Angle ψ should be expressed in degrees as a two digit number, e.g. 05 or 55 (00 – 90). Dip direction or dip azimuth is the direction of the horizontal trace of the line of dip, measured clockwise from north as indicated by the angle α in the margin sketch. Angle α should be expressed as a three digit number, e.g. 010 or 105 (000 – 360). Strike is the trace of the intersection of an obliquely inclined plane with horizontal reference plane and it is right angles to the dip and dip direction of the oblique plane. Dip direction and dip data will be used on the stereo-net projection analysis. 6 Figure 2.1 : Definition of geometrical terms (Hoek and Brown, 1980). 2.4 Graphical techniques for data presentation. One of the most important aspects of rock slope analysis is the systematic collection and presentation of geological data in such a way that it can easily be evaluated and incorporated into stability analyses. Most familiar graphical presentation of geological data is used of spherical projections. There are two types of spherical projections; equal area and equal angle projection. Figure 2.2 : (a) Equal area projection (b) equal angle projection (Hoek and Brown, 1980). 7 The equal area projection, also known as the Lambert or Schmidt projection, is generated by the method shown in Figure 2.2(a). A point A on the surface of the sphere is projected to the point B by swinging it in an arc centered at the point of contact of the sphere and a horizontal surface upon which it stands. If this process is repeated for a number of points, defined by the intersection of equally spaced longitude and latitude circles on the surface of the sphere, an equal area net will be generated. This net has a larger diameter than the sphere and, in order to reduce its diameter to that of the sphere; the radius of each point on the net is reduced by 1/√2. The equal angle projection, also known as a Stereographic or Wulff projection, is obtained by the method illustrated in the Figure 2.2(b). The projection C of a point A on the surface of the sphere is defined by the point at which the horizontal plane passing through the centre of the sphere is pierced by a line from A to the zenith of the sphere. The zenith is the point at which the sphere is pierced by its vertical axis. Both types of projection are used for the analysis of structural geology data. In general, geologist prefers the equal area projection because, as the name implies, the net is divided into units of equal area and this permits the statistical interpretation of structural data. The engineers tend to prefer the equal angle projection because geometrical constructions required for the solution of engineering problems are simpler and more accurate on this projection than for the equal area projection. Figure 2.3 shows a sphere with one quarter removed and with meridional and polar nets projected onto the exposed vertical and horizontal faces. 2.5 Stereographic projection of a plane and its pole. Imagine a sphere, which is free to move in space so that it can be centered on an inclined plane as illustrated in Figure 2.4. The intersection of the plane and the surface of sphere is a great circle, which shaded in the figure. A line, passing through the center of the sphere in a direction perpendicular to the plane, pierces the 8 sphere at two diametrically opposite points, which are called the poles of the great circle representing the plane Figure 2.5, shows the method of construction of stereographic projection of great circle and its pole and Figure 2.6 shows the appearance of this projection. Figure 2.7 shows the dip, dip direction and strike conventions used in conjunction with the lower reference hemisphere stereographic projection. Note that dip direction is always measured clockwise from north and that the strike line is at 90˚ to the dip direction of a plane. Figure 2.3 : Sectioned isometric view of a sphere showing the relationship between the meridional and polar nets (Hoek and Brown, 1980). 9 Figure 2.4 : Great circle and its poles, which defined the inclination and orientation of an inclined plane (Hoek and Brown, 1980). Figure 2.5 : Stereographic projection of a great circle and its pole onto the horizontal plane of the lower reference hemisphere (Hoek and Brown, 1980). 10 Figure 2.6 : Stereographic projection of a great circle and its pole (Hoek and Brown, 1980). Figure 2.7 : Definition of terms used in conjunctions with the lower reference hemisphere stereographic projection (Hoek and Brown, 1980). 11 2.6 Mode of rock slope failure. Mode of rock slope failure depending on the discontinuity those appear at the slope. Modes of failure are plane failure, wedge failure, circular failure and toppling. Modes of failure are showing in Figure 2.8. Normally, there are three types of failures that occurs on rock with weathering grade I to III; plane failure, wedge failure and toppling failure. Plane failure occurs when geological discontinuity, such as a bedding plane, strikes parallel to the slope face and dips into the excavation at an angle greater than the angle of friction. Wedge failure occurs when two discontinuities strike obliquely across the slope face and their line of intersection daylights in the slope face, the wedge of rock resting on these discontinuities will slide down the line of intersection, provided that the inclination of this line is significantly greater than the angle of friction. Toppling failure when form of columnar separated by steeply dipping discontinuities. Fully weathered or moderate weathered rock, which the weathering grade are grade IV to VI normally behaviors like the soils. Therefore, modes of this failure like to be soils slope like circular failure. Circular failure occurs when the material is very weak, as in a soil slope or when the rock mass is very heavily jointed or broken, as in a waste rock dump, the failure will be defined by a single discontinuity surface but will tend to follow a circular failure path. Hoek and Bray (1981) classified the rock slope failure into two categories; either factors of safety can be calculated or cannot be calculated. Modes of rock slope failure that can be calculated the factor of safety are plane failure, wedge failure and circular failure. Factor of safety can be defined as the ratio of the total force available to resist sliding to the total force tending to induce sliding. The critical state is when the factor of safety (FOS) equal to 1. The most suitable FOS that taking of the factors that effecting to the rock slope stability like presence of water, fractured, and method of excavation is greater than 1.5 (Hoek, 2000). 12 Figure 2.8 : Main types of slope failure and stereo plots of structural conditions likely to give rise to these failures (Hoek and Bray, 1981). 13 2.7 Additional factors influencing slope stability The geometric boundaries imposed by orientation, spacing and continuity of the joints, as well as the free surface boundaries imposed by the excavation, defined the modes of potential failure. However, failure itself is frequently initiated by additional factors not related to geometry. These factors include erosion, groundwater, temperature, in-situ stress, and earthquake-induced loading (US Army Corps of Engineer, 1994). a) Erosion Two aspects of erosion need to be considered. The first is large scale erosion, such as river erosion at the based of a cliff. The second is relatively localized erosion caused by groundwater or surface runoff. In the first type, erosion changes geometry of the potentially unstable rock mass. The removal of material at the toe of a potential slide reduces the restraining force that may be stabilizing the slope. Localized erosion of joint filling material, or zones of weathered rock, can effectively decrease interlocking between adjacent rock blocks. The loss of interlocking can significantly reduce the rock mass shear strength may allow a previously stable rock mass to move. In addition, localized erosion may also results in increased permeability and groundwater flow. b) Groundwater. Groundwater occupying the fractures within a rock mass can significantly reduces the stability of a rock slope. Water pressure acting within a discontinuity reduces the effective normal stress acting on plane, thus reducing the shear strength along the plane. Water pressure within discontinuities that run roughly parallel to a slope face also increase the driving forces acting on the rock mass. c) Temperature. Occasionally, the effects of temperature influence the performance of a rock slope. Large temperature changes can cause rock to spall due to the 14 accompanying contraction and expansion. Water freezing in discontinuities causes more significant damage by loosening the rock mass. Repeated freeze/thaw cycles may result in gradual loss of strength. Except for periodic maintenance requirements, temperature effects are surface phenomenon and are most likely of little concern for permanent slopes. However, in a few cases, surface deterioration could trigger slope instability on a larger scale. d) State of stress. In some locations, high in-situ stresses may be present within the rock mass. High horizontal stresses acting roughly perpendicular to a cut slope may cause blocks to move outward due to the stress relief provided by the cut. High horizontal stresses may also cause spelling of the surface of a cur slope. Stored stresses will most likely be relieved to some degree near the ground surface or perpendicular to nearby valley walls. For some deep cuts, it may necessary to determine the state of stress within the rock mass and what effects these stresses may have on the cut slope. 2.8 Stabilization method Stabilization methods are essential or for stabilising the structures that need to be safe and stable for along period of time. Proper design and construction procedures may help to reduce degree of instability induces into the rock mass and construction cost. Selecting the suitable stabilization methods depending on the type of weakness planes, mode of failure of rock mass, mechanisms and techniques of how a method stabilizes the rock mass, strength and type of rock and type of structure to be constructed and the degree duration of stability required. Different modes of failure need different types of stabilization methods. Most cases need some combination methods either for preliminary of permanent installation. For tropical country like Malaysia, which gains a rain along the year need a proper drainage system to control the dissipation of water into the rock mass either in form of surface water or run off. Presence of water will increase the instability of slope. 15 The stability assessment of rock slopes frequently indicates an impending failure is possible. In such cases, a number of methods are available for improving the overall stability. An appreciation of the mechanics associated with rock slope stability together with an understanding of treatment methods for improving the stability of potentially unstable slopes permit the detailed planning and implementation of a slope stability program. The available treatment methods include alteration of slope geometry, dewatering to increase resisting shear strength, rock bolts, wire mesh to preventing the rock fall and erosion protection (US Army Corps of Engineer, 1994). a) Slope geometry In the absence of an imposed load, the forces which tend to cause the instability of a slope are direct function of both slope height and angle of inclination. A reduction of slope height and/or angle of inclination reduce the driving forces and, as result, increase stability. In addition, since the majority of rock slope stability problems are three-dimensional in nature, a few degrees of rotation in the strike of the slope can in some cases, causes a potentially unstable slope become kinematically stable. b) Dewatering In the presence of ground water within a rock slope can effectively reduce the normal stress acting on the potential failure plane. A reduction in normal stress causes a reduction in the normal stress dependent friction component of shear strength. Groundwater induced uplift can be controlled by two methods, internal drains and external drains. In this respect, drainage is often the most economical and beneficial treatment method. (1) Internal drains. Properly designed and installed internal drains can effectively reduce groundwater levels within slopes thereby increasing stability. The specific design of an effective drain system depends upon the geohydraulic characteristics of the rock mass (i.e. joint spacing, condition and orientation, as well as source of groundwater). As a 16 minimum, a effective drain system must be capable of draining the most critical potential failure surface. In climates where the ground surface temperature remains below freezing for extended periods of time, the drain outlet must be protected from becoming plugged with ice. (2) External drains. External or surface drains are designed to collect surface runoff water and divert it away from the slope before it can seep into the rock mass. Surface drains usually consist of drainage ditches or surface berms. Unlined ditches should be steeply graded and well maintained. c) Rock bolts. Rock bolts is a tensioned reinforcement element consisting of a rod, a mechanical or grouted anchorage and a plate and nut for tensioning or for retaining tension applied by direct pull or by torquing. Rock bolts with sufficient length will increase the inherent strength and holding the unstable discontinuities. d) Wire mesh The most common type of surface treatment is wire mesh or fabric attached directly to the reinforcement elements. Such surface treatment can and should be used as a routine part of construction. The benefits include stabilization of deeper rock by holding loosened rock in place and control of unstable areas by containing loose rock rather than allowing it to fall. The safety benefits are obvious. The fabric should be galvanized if it is permanently exposed but may be ungalvanized if it is to be eventually covered by shotcrete or concrete. Examples of surface treatment are shown in Figure 2.9 and 2.10. 17 e) Erosion protection. Shotcrete, frequently with the addition of wire mesh and/or fibers, is an effective surface treatment used to control slaking and reveling of certain argillaceous rock types that can lead to erosion problems. The treatment also prevents loosening of rock mass due to weathering processes and provides surface restraint between rock bolts. Figure 2.9 : General surface treatment-wire mesh and shotcrete (US Army Corps of Engineer, 1980). Figure 2.10 : Typical local structural treatment of wide seams and fractured zones (US Army Corps of Engineer, 1980). In combination with rock bolt system, the use of shotcrete as surface treatment is very effective in preventing surface raveling. As with rock bolts, shotcrete is generally most effective (except in swelling ground) if it is applied shortly after excavation. When permanently exposed, the shotcrete should always be placed in combination with welded wire fabric or chain link fabric. Drain holes drilled through the shotcrete into the rock should be constructed to relieve hydrostatic pressure. 18 2.9 Ground water flow Tropical countries like Malaysia receive more than 3000mm precipitation every year. Therefore some remedial work is need to control the water dissipation into rock mass especially there are presence of large scale discontinuities like joints which can effected to instability of slope. This water dissipation from water surface or run off almost defined as ground water level, which depends on rock mass properties like porosity, permeability and etcetera. The presence of ground water in the rock mass surrounding an open pit has a detrimental effect upon the mining program. Water pressure reduces the stability of the slope by reducing the shear strength of the potential failure surfaced. Water pressure in tension crack or similar near vertical fissures reduces stability by increasing the forces tending to induce sliding. High moisture content results in an increased unit weight of the rock and hence give rise to increased transport cost. Changes in moisture content of some rocks, particularly shales, can cause accelerated weathering with resulting decrease in stability. Erosion of both surface soils and fissure infilling occurs as a result of the velocity of flow of groundwater. This erosion can give rise to a reduction in stability and also to silting up of drainage system. Discharge of groundwater into an open pit gives rise to increased operating cost because of the requirement to pump this water out and also because of the difficulties of operating heavy equipment on very wet ground. Blasting problems and blasting cost are increased by wet blast holes. Liquefaction of overburden soils or waste tips can occur when water pressure within the material rises to the point where the uplift forces exceed the weight of the soil. This can occur if drainage channel are blocked or if the soil structure undergoes a sudden volume change as can happen under earthquake conditions. The most important effect of the presence of groundwater in rock mass is the reduction in stability resulting from water pressure within the discontinuities in the rock. Therefore, any work that related to the slope either for soils or rock slope 19 needs proper drainage system to control the presence of ground water level or surface water and run off. 2.10 Weathering Rock surfaces that have been exposed to the elements will show evidence of disintegration of a surficial layer (Legget and Hatheway, 1988). It is including the changes, which occur essentially in place when rocks are contact with the atmosphere, surface water and organisms. The engineering projects like rock sloping have come to grief because of failure to appreciate the influence of weathering on construction problems. In other instances, failure to anticipate deep or irregular weathering has led to greatly increased costs (Schultz and Cleaves, 1956). The two types weathering agencies are physical and chemical. The former includes such item as temperature changes, crystals growth, pressure and the action of plant roots and burrowing animals. The second involves numerous and often complex reactions. Physical weathering results in disintegration and chemical weathering in decomposition of parent material (Schultz and Cleaves, 1956). Products of weathering or the degree of rock is weathered is controlled primarily by weathering resistance of individual rock forming minerals. These minerals respond differently to weathering processes, meaning that each instance of rock weathering is a case of individual mineral breakdown; some minerals respond faster than others. Degree of weathering can be classified into classes; Zone 1(Grade I) to Zone 6 (Grade VI). Where is the degree of weathering increased from Zone I to Zone III. Table 2.1 shown descriptions of zone and weathering grade of rock. 20 TABLE 2.1 : Description of zone and weathering grade of rock (Attewell, 1993). Weathering Zone (material grade) Zone 6 (Grade VI) Descriptive terms Material description and likely engineering characteristics Residual soil. Completely degraded to a soil; original rock fabric is completely absent; exhibit large volume change; the soil has not been significantly transported. Stability on slopes relies upon vegetation rooting and substantial erosion & local failures if preventive measures are not taken. Rock is substantially discoloured and has broken down to a soil but with original fabric (mineral arrangement & relict joints) still intact; the soil properties depend on the composition of the parent rock. Can be excavated by hand or ripped relatively easily. Not suitable as foundation for large structures. May be unstable in steep cuttings and exposes surfaces will require erosion protection. Rock is substantially discoloured and more than 50% of the material is in degraded soil condition; the original fabric near to the discontinuity surfaces have been altered to a greater depth; a deeply weathered, originally strong rock, may show evidence of fresh rock as a discontinuous framework or as corestone; an originally weak rock will have been substantially altered, with perhaps small relict blocks but little evidence of the original structure. Likely engineering characteristics are as in Zone 5. Rock is significantly discoloured; discontinuities will tend to be opened by weathering process and discolouration have penetrated inwards from the discontinuity surfaces; less than 50% of the rock material is decomposed or disintegrated to a soil; rock samples containing discolouration are noticeably weaker than the fresh undiscoloured rock; an originally weak rock will comprise relict blocks of substantially weathered material. Occasionally may be excavated without blasting or cutting (i.e. by block leverage at the discontinuities); will be relatively easily crushed by construction plant moving over it in situ, may be suitable as rock foundation (with some reinforcements); joints may exhibit lower strength characteristics, so rendering side slopes unstable. Zone 5 (Grade V) Completely weathered Zone 4 (Grade IV) Highly weathered Zone 3 (Grade III) Moderately weathered 21 Table 2.1 (Continued) Zone 2 (Grade Slightly II) weathered Zone 1 (Grade I) Fresh Some disclouration on and adjacent to discontinuity surfaces; discoloured rock is not significantly weaker than undiscoloured fresh rock; weak (soft) parent rock may show penetration of discolouration. Normally requires blasting or cutting for excavation; suitable as a foundation rock but with open jointing will tend to be very permeable. No visible sign of rock material weathering; no internal discolouration or disintegration. Normally requires blasting or cutting for excavation; may require minimal reinforcement in cut slope unless rock mass is closely jointed.