Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems Supporting Information for Profiling planktonic foraminiferal crust formation Juliane Steinhardt*, Lennart J. de Nooijer*, Geert-Jan A. Brummer*Δ, Gert-Jan Reichart*º * The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), P.O. Box 59, 1790 AB Den Burg, Texel, The Netherlands Δ Faculty of Earth- and Life Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands º Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht, The Netherlands Contents of this file Table S1 Table S2 Figures S1 Additional Supporting Information (Files uploaded separately) Caption for Table S1 Caption for Table S2 Caption for Figure S1 Introduction [This supporting information includes a supporting Table S1 with sediment trap samples and the number of individuals per species from the designated trap samples as well as a supporting table S2 with the LA-ICP-MS Mg/Ca data set used in this study. Also, we added a supporting Figure showing calculated calcification depth of crust, ontogenetic and total Mg/Ca of the calcite, using species specific calibrations.] 1 2 Figure S1. Calculated calcification depth for P. obliquiloculata and G. scitula, using crust, ontogenetic and average shell Mg/Ca concentrations from one specific sediment interval, MOZ4 A16 and MOZ4 A19 respectively. Species specific calibrations from Anand et al., 2003 were used to calculate calcification temperatures [P. obliquiloculata: Mg/Ca=0.328 exp(0.09 T); G. scitula using the calibration for G. hirsuta: Mg/Ca=0.409 exp(0.09 T)]. Squares indicate calculated calcification depth, based on average crust, onto and total Mg/Ca for the different chambers. sediment trap cup condition time interval N. dut specimen P. obli specimen G. scit specimen MOZ1_A07 non-eddy 28.March - 17.April.2004 25 N.A. 7 MOZ1_A08 eddy 18.April – 08.May.2004 3 N.A. 7 eddy MOZ2_A11 25.October.- 16.November.2005 27 11 10 MOZ2_A12 non-eddy 17.November - 9.December.2005 20 6 4 MOZ1_A16 non-eddy 3. - 23. October.2004 15 12 14 MOZ1_A19 non-eddy 5. - 25.December.2004 N.A. N.A. 2 MOZ3_A20 eddy 12.June - 4.July.2007 3 3 3 MOZ4_A01 eddy 1.-17.February.2008 21 N.A. 4 MOZ4_A06 non-eddy 26.April-12.May.2008 21 7 17 Table S1. Sediment trap samples and number of specimens collected for analyses. Table S2. LA-ICP-MS Mg/Ca values and chamber position for all specimens used in this study. 3