Literacy Planning 4January 2010

St. Peter’s CE JIN School
Literacy Unit Plan
Name: Liz Edler Lucy Makin & Sue
Year Group: 3
Year Group: Year 3 The Flying Fish
Term: Spring 1
Week beginning:4 January2010
Non -Fiction Unit 2: Instructions
Prior Learning:
Old Framework:
Check that children can already: Respond to and
follow both oral and written sequences of
Purple Group: Lauren, Oliver, Simone, Jack
Dylan, Emanuel,
Green Group: Megan, Emma Poppy Ella Reece,
Georgia ,Amy Jack.
Orange Group: Bethany Jordan Beth Max
Yellow: Tiana ,Jade, Jodie Erin Emily,
Red: Ben & Ajay.Tyler, Daniel
See below for SEN Provision.
Be selective on Tyler and Daniels tasks.
instructions. Explain organisational features of texts,
including alphabetical order, layout, diagrams,
captions, hyperlinks and bullet points.Compose
sentences using tense consistently (present, past
and imperative).
SEN Provision Outside Literacy Hour
Tyler: Toe by Toe
Ajay & Ben: Speech & Language
SULP: Daniel, Tyler, Ben & Ajay
APP: Jack D Georgia Bethany Tyler
OverviewRead and compare examples of
instructional texts. Review the common features and
make critical judgements about how effective the
instructions are. Analyse more complicated
instructions and identify organisational devices to
make them easier to follow.Research a particular
area, for example playground games, and work in
small groups to prepare a set of oral instructions. Try
out with other children and evaluate effectiveness.
Prepare clear written instructions, for example for a
playground game, to contribute to an alphabetically
ordered class text.
Whole class work
Guided group tasks
Differentiated independent tasks
Plenary focus
Give Spellings Out.
Explain to the children that we are
going to be looking at the features
and purposes of different
instructional texts leading to writing
their own.
Ask children what they already know
about written instructions and draw
up a list o suggestions. Then show
them Sparklebox list. Discuss TV
programmes that contain
Watch a programme and discuss order
sequence of steps being taken. Discuss the
language features.
Ask the children to work in mixed pais and give each other
instructions on how to get dressed for school.
Encourage the children to describe their oral instructions. How did
they tell each other the order of steps. Did they use any connectives
to show the sequence?
Ask Children to share
A – Discussion
K –Written work.
instructions such as Art, Cookery
Programme. How do TV programme
and written instructions differ/appear
the same.
Imperative Verbs.
Play who why what where how
game. With the sentence ‘Peter got
off his bicycle’
Hangman Game: James and the
Giant Peach etc
2. Thursday
Thesaurus dictionary work.
Conrad Burdekin
Discuss the language features of oral
instructions and ask the children to repeat
some of the verbs. Explain that these verbs
are commands called imperative verbs and
usually come at the beginning of
sentences/statement. Ask for examples from
everyday use such as come in.
L.O: I can identify the common features of an
Instruction Text.
Display: How to make cheese on toast. Read
the text with the children. Identify features and
take examples. Annotate and ask children to
identify verbs and circle them.
Children to work through Imperative verbs work sheet.
LM Direct Phonics Group
SC Quest Group? Yellow Group.
Children to write the story in the correct order as a handwriting
exercise and as a copying exercise please stress need to copy
words correctly.
LM Direct Phonics
SC Quest.
Ask children to share
A – Discussion.
K – Written Work.
L.O: I can write notes on an instruction.
Explain to the children you are going to
demonstrate how to write a set of instructions
about how to clean your teeth. Ask children to
explain what they did when they cleaned their
teeth. Discuss type of language used in
descriptions, were they instructions or
recounts. (using past tense) Did they tell
someone how to clean their teeth – using
imperative verbs. Model how to write
instructions asking children for vocabulary
All children to order Clean Teeth worksheet from p134 100 literacy
SC Quest
LM – work with yellow Group
EME work with AJay Ben Daniel Tyler
All children to share
A – Discussion
K – written work
A – Discussion
K – Written Work
A – Discussion
K – Group work.
Ask the children to
share their work.
L.O: I can identify key points of a
Jack D –
Georgia –
Bethany –
Tyler –
SEN Children Requirements:
Emily, Jade, Jodie Reminder of Lesson
Objectives and basic
punctuation and spelling
Tyler – Basic spelling and
presentation rules
Daniel – writing issues and
putting thoughts down on
paper. Ajay & Ben – basic
understanding of instructions
of more than one phase
Jack – co-ordination/fine
motor skills Jordan, missing lessons
Bethany attention seeking
and behavior issues.
Evaluation of objectives/ Next steps:
What went well?
What needs reinforcing?
What to do differently next time:
Individual children causing concern/ exceeding expectations: