Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): Mao, Jianren BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME POSITION TITLE Hans C. Breiter, M.D. Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Director of Motivation Emotion Neuroscience Collaboration, Radiology eRA COMMONS USER NAME HCBREITER EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE (if applicable) St. Andrews University, Scotland YEAR(s) FIELD OF STUDY 1982-1983 Honors Logic & Metaphys. Northwestern University, Chicago, IL BSc 1983 Honors Program Med. Ed. Northwestern University Medical School (NUMS) Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Foundation, NUMS Salem Hospital, MA Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), MA MGH Psychiatric Neuroscience Fellowship Program Ethel Dupont-Warren Research Fellow, Harvard Univ. NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship in NMR Research, MGH DANA Foundation Fellowship in Neurobiology, MGH MD 1988 Medicine Res Fellow 1987-1988 Pharmacokinetic Modeling Intern Resident Res Fellow Res Fellow Res Fellow Res Fellow 1988-1989 1989-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1995 1994-1995 Internal Medicine Adult Psychiatry Neuroanatomy Psychiatric Morphometry FMRI & Exper. Psychology Addiction Neurobiology A. Positions and Honors. Professional Experience 1994-1999 Instructor, Harvard Medical School 1993Clinical Assistant in Psychiatry, MGH 1999Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School 2002 Co-Founder, Descartes Therapeutics, Inc., Boston, MA 2002Director, Motivation and Emotion Neuroscience Collaboration (MENC), MGH-NMR Center, MGH 2003Director, Phenotype Genotype Project on Addiction and Depression, Departments of Radiology, Psychiatry and Neurology, MGH Honors and Awards 1987 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Foundation Research Fellowship Award 1989 Honorable Mention, Eighth Annual SOHO International Art Competition 1992 (a) Society of Biological Psychiatry, Dista Fellowship Award; (b) Livingston Fund Award; (c) Dupont-Warren Fellowship Award; (d) Stanley Cobb Award; (e) Thomas P. Hackett Award 1993 (a) Stanley Cobb Award; (b) Neal Alan Mysell Award 1995 (a) Young Investigator Award, NARSAD; (b) Scientist Development Award (K21) 1996 Klerman Award (for developing fMRI as a tool for psychiatric research), NARSAD B. Selected peer-reviewed publications 1. Breiter HC, Craig RM, Levee G, Atkinson AJ. Use of kinetic methods to evaluate D-xylose malabsorption in patients. J Lab Clin Med 1988;112:533-543. 2. Atkinson AJ, Ruo TI, Piergies AA, Breiter HC, Connelly TJ, Sedek GS, Juan D, Hubler GL, Hsieh AM: Pharmacokinetics of N-acetylprocainamide in patients profiled with a stable isotope method. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1989;46:182-189. 3. Brown H, Kosslyn SM, Breiter HC, Baer L, Jenike MC: Can patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder discriminate between percepts and mental images? A signal detection analysis. J Abnorm Psych 1994;103:445-454. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04, Reissued 4/2006) Page Biographical Sketch Format Page Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): Mao, Jianren 4. Breiter HC, Filipek PA, Kennedy DN, Baer L, Pitcher D, Renshaw P, Caviness VS, Jenike MA. Brain white matter abnormalities in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Arch Gen Psych 1994;51:663-664. 5. Rauch SL, Jenike MA, Alpert NM, Baer L, Breiter HC, Fischman AJ: Regional cerebral blood flow determination during symptom provocation in obsessive- compulsive disorder using 15O-labelled CO2 and positron emission tomography. Arch Gen Psych 1994;51:62-70. 6. Sutton JP, and Breiter HC. Neural scale invarience: An integrative model with implications for neuropathology. World Congress on Neural Networks, 1994;4:667-672. 7. Rauch SL, Savage CR, Alpert NM, Miguel EC, Baer L, Breiter HC, Fischman AJ, Manzo PA, Moretti C, Jenike MA. A positron emission tomography study of simple phobic symptom provocation. Arch Gen Psych 1995;52:20-28. 8. Huang-Hellinger FR, Breiter HC, McCormack G, Cohen MS, Kwong KK, Sutton JP, Savoy RL, Weisskoff RM, Davis TL, Baker JR, Belliveau JW, Rosen BR: Simultaeous functional magnetic resonance imaging and electrophysiological recording. Hum Brain Mapping 1995;3:13-23. 9. Jenike MA, Breiter HC, Baer L, Kennedy DN, Savage CR, Olivares MJ, O'Sullivan RL, Shera DM, Rauch SL, Keuthen N, Rosen BR, Caviness VS, Filipek PA. Cerebral structural abnormalities in obsessivecompulsive disorder. A quantitative morphometric magnetic resonance imaging study. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1996;53(7):625-632. 10. Breiter HC, Rauch SL, Kwong KK, Baker JR, Weisskoff RM, Kennedy DN, Kendrick AD, Davis TL, Jiang A, Cohen MS, Stern CE, Belliveau JW, Baer L, O’Sullivan RM, Savage CR, Jenike MA, Rosen BR. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of symptom provocation in obsessive compulsive disorder. Arch Gen Psych 1996;53:595-606. 11. Cohen MS, Kosslyn SM, Breiter HC, DiGirolamo GJ, Thompson WL, Anderson AK, Bookheimer SY, Rosen BR, Belliveau JW. Changes in cortical activity during mental rotation. A mapping study using functional MRI. Brain 1996;119:89-100. 12. Breiter HC, Etcoff NL, Whalen PJ, Kennedy WA, Rauch SL, Buckner RL, Strauss MM, Hyman SE, Rosen BR. Response and habituation of the human amygdala during visual processing of facial expression. Neuron 1996;17:875-887. 13. O’Sullivan RL, Rauch SL, Breiter HC, Grachev ID, Baer L, Kennedy DN, Keuthen NJ, Savage CR, Manzo PA, Caviness VS, Jenike MA. Reduced basal ganglia volumes in trichotillomania measured via morphometric MRI. Biol Psychiatry 1997;42:39-45. 14. Breiter HC, Gollub RL, Weisskoff RM, Kennedy DN, Makris N, Berke JD, Goodman JM, Kantor HL, Gastfriend DR, Riorden JP, Mathew RT, Rosen BR, Hyman SE. Acute effects of cocaine on human brain activity and emotion. Neuron 1997;19:591-611. 15. Borsook D, Fishman S, Becerra L, Edwards A, Stojanovic M, Ramachandran VS, Gonzalez G, Breiter H. Acute plasticity in the human somatosensory cortex following amputation. NeuroReport 1998;8:371-376. 16. Grachev ID, Breiter HC, Rauch SL, Savage CR, Baer L, Shera DM, Kennedy DN, Makris N, Caviness VS, Jenike MA. Structural abnormalities of frontal neocortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Arch Gen Psych 1998;55(2):181-182. 17. Seidman LJ, Breiter HC, Goodman JM, Goldstein JM, Woodruff PW, O'Craven K, Savoy R, Tsuang MT, Rosen BR. A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of auditory vigilance with information processing demands. Neuropsychology 1998;12(4):505-518. 18. Gollub RI, Breiter HC, Kantor H, Kennedy D, Gastfriend D, Mathew RT, Makris N, Guimaraes A, Riorden J, Campbell T, Foley M, Hyman SE, Rosen B, Weisskoff R. Cocaine decreases cortical cerebral blood flow but does not obscure region in functional magnetic resonance imaging in human subjects. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1998;18(7):724-734. 19. Becerra LR, Breiter HC, Stojanovic M, Fishman S, Edwards A, Comite AR, Chang I-W, Berke JD, Gonzalez RG, Borsook D. Human brain activation to controlled thermal stimulation and habituation to noxious heat: an fMRI study. Magn Reson Med 1999;41:1044-1057 20. Breiter HC, Rosen BR. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of brain reward circuitry in the human. Ann NY Acad Sci 1999;877:523-547. 21. Elman I, Breiter HC, Gollub RL, Krause S, Kantor HL, Baumgartner WA, Gastfriend DR, Rosen BR: Depressive symptomatology and cocaine-induced pituitary-adrenal axis activation in individuals with cocaine dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend 1999;56:39-45. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04, Reissued 4/2006) Page Biographical Sketch Format Page Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): Mao, Jianren 22. Elman I, Krause S, Breiter HC, Gollub R, Heintges J, Baumgartner W, Rosen B, Gastfriend D. Validity of self-reported drug use in non-treatment seeking individuals with cocaine dependence: Correlation with biochemical assays. Amer J on Addictions 2000;9(3):216-221. 23. Breiter, HC, Aharon I, Kahneman D, Dale A, Shizgal P. Functional Imaging of Neural Responses to Expectancy and Experience of Monetary Gains and Losses. Neuron 2001; 30:619-639. 24. Aharon I, Etcoff N, Ariely D, Chabris CF, O’Connor E, and Breiter, HC. Beautiful faces have variable reward value: fMRI and behavioral evidence. Neuron 2001; 32:537-551. 25. Becerra L, Breiter HC, Wise R, Gonzalez RG, Borsook D. Reward circuitry activation by noxious thermal stimuli. Neuron 2001; 32:927-946. 26. Elman I, Karlsgodt KH, Gastfriend DR, Chabris CF, and Breiter HC. Cocaine-primed craving and its relationship to depressive symtomatology in individuals with cocaine dependence. J Psychopharamacology 2002;16:163-167. 27. Elman I., Lukas SE, Karlsgodt KH, Gasic GP, and Breiter HC. Acute cortisol administration triggers craving in individuals with cocaine dependence. Psychopharmacol Bull. 2003;37:84-89. 28. Thermenos HW, Seidmn LJ, Breiter H, Goldstein JM, Goodman JM, Poldrack R, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT. Functional magnetic resonance imaging during auditory verbal working memory in nonpsychotic relatives of persons with schizophrenia: a pilot study. Biol Psychiatry 2004; 55(5):490-500. 29. Makris N, Gasic GP, Seidman LJ, Goldstein JM, Gastfriend DR, Elman I, Albaugh MD, Hodge SM, Ziegler DA, Sheahan FS, Caviness VS, Tsuang MT, Kennedy DN, Hyman SE, Rosen BR, and Breiter HC. Decreased absolute amygdala volume in cocaine addicts. Neuron 2004; 44:729-740. 30. Strauss MM, Makris N, Aharon I, Vangel MG, Goodman J, and Kennedy DN, Gasic GP, Breiter HC. FMRI of sensitization to angry faces. NeuroImage 2005; 26(2): 389-413. C. Research Support Ongoing Research Support DABK39-03-0098 Breiter (PI) 10/01/03 - 10/09/08 Agency: US Army/ONDCP ADVANCE Army- Phenotyping and Genotyping of Heritable Components Leading to Cocaine Addiction This project aims to use genetic analysis of phenotypes defined by high-field functional and structural MRI to identify genes involved in cocaine addiction and depression. Role: Program Director and Principal Investigator of project involving 80 investigators and staff. The Brain Architecture Project Mitra (PI) 08/01/06-07/30/09 Agency: Keck Foundation Award The Brain Architecture Project The goal of this project is to produce a comprehensive draft of the connectivity matrix of the human brain as well as drafts of major functional subsystems or pathways, along with analytical and visualization tools. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Completed Support RO1DA14118 Breiter (PI) 09/01/01 - 08/30/07 Agency: NIH/NIDA Cocaine Addiction: Mapping Alterations in Reward Circuitry This project is focused on two topics: (a) the development of novel neuroeconomic paradigms to test the common function of reward/aversion circuitry, and (b) the use of these novel methods to study cocaine dependent subjects and understand the alterations in reward/aversion circuitry. Role: Principal Investigator. RIS-EMR-4021 Evins (PI) 10/01/05-09/30/06 Agency: Janssen Medical Affairs Clinical and Brain Reward Circuitry Effects of Risperdal Consta in Active Cocaine Dependence The goal of this project is to assess Risperdal Consta effects on drug craving behavior and brain activity, and to quantify any changes in brain structure or function the relate to successful drug therapy. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04, Reissued 4/2006) Page Biographical Sketch Format Page Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): Mao, Jianren Role: Co-Principal Investigator. MIND Institute Project Rosen (PI) 01/01/06-12/31/06 Agency: MIND Institute Foundation Contract Spatiotemporal Activation maps of Human Cortex This is a grant that provides core support for functional neuroimaging with regard to neuro psychiatric disorders. Role: Investigator. 5PO1DA09467 Rosen (PI) 9/30/94-6/30/04 Agency: NIH/NIDA Functional Brain Mapping of Cocaine Action The goal of this grant was to develop novel imaging procedures to visualize drug actions in the brain, and to understand drug effects in the human and animal brain. Role: Project 1 Principal Investigator ONDCP 7T Contract Rosen (PI), Breiter (Co-PI) 07/01/98-06/30/03 Agency: US Army/ONDCP Joint Proposal between ONDCP and MGH NMR Center for a 7T MRI System for Functional Studies of Substance Abuse The goal of this project was to build a 7T human magnet for functional and structural studies of substance abuse. Role: Co-Principal Investigator K21DA00265 Breiter (PI) 09/01/95-06/30/00 Agency: NIH/NIDA FMRI Studies of Brain Reward and Emotion The goal of this scientist development award was to acquire experimental psychology skills applied to fMRI and mMRI to study reward/aversion circuitry in the human brain. Role: Principal Investigator RO1DA012581 Borsook (PI) 07/01/01-08/30/02 Agency: NIH/NIDA CNS Reward/Aversion Circuitry Activated by Pain & Opioids The goal of this project was to understand the role of reward/aversion systems in the reponse to pain and to analgesic medications. Role: Co-Principal Investigator Foundation Contract Breiter (PI) 070/1/97-06/30/99 Agency: Scottish Rite Research Program Emotional Processing in Negative vs Positive Symptom Schizophrenia The goal of this project was to quantify reward circuitry differences in distinct subtypes of schizophrenia using fMRI. Role: Principal Investigator Foundation Contract Breiter (PI) 07/01/99-06/30/01 Agency: National Center for Responsible Gaming Functional MRI of Neural Responses to Monetary Gains, Losses, and Prospects in Pathological Gamblers and Normal Subjects The goal of this project was to investigate the neural substrates of normative responses to expectancies and outcomes from games of risk. Role: Principal Investigator PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04, Reissued 4/2006) Page Biographical Sketch Format Page