The Sisley Family Compiled by Paul and Edith (Sisley) Bongiorno Shadyside, Ohio 1974 Revised 1998 Raymond Huckles Williamsville, New York ii (Original dedication) For Papa, With Love On His Ninetieth Birthday March 4, 1974 (Revision) To Edith and Paul who started us being interested in our family history and Lennis Piccolo who did most of the research for the updating A generation goes, And a generation comes, But the earth remains forever. -- Ecclesiastes 1:4 iii FORWARD We appreciate the opportunity to make a revised edition of the history of Wilber C. Sisley's ancestors and descendants. We revised the original edition to stop the main section at Wilber C. Sisley's children. All side branches of the ancestors and descendents are now listed on their own pages. iv PREFACE The following is not intended to be a great literary masterpiece nor historical document, but rather something for the family to enjoy. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did collecting the information. We started this venture when Papa became interested in Family Histories about the time the Eberhart book was published in 1959. We caught his enthusiasm and became addicted. Once we started we couldn't stop. We have collected maps, tax records, census records, lists and notes of all kinds. Whenever any of us came up with something new, we compared notes and exchanged information. It is like a jigsaw puzzle each little bit of information is kept and eventually falls in place, even with some pieces left over. We have visited libraries, courthouses and cemeteries from Columbus, Ohio to Harrisburg, Pa. and from Pittsburgh to Meadville. We have been locked in libraries, chased out of courthouses at closing time and been covered with nettles and poison ivy in old cemeteries. But we have met the nicest people. We have also written letters to and received letters from people as far away as Oregon and Canada. There are still many gaps in the some mistakes for which we are sorry. charts and records and add to them as still want to know where the Sisley's Southwestern Pennsylvania. Family History and there must be But we are going to keep our we find new information. We were before they came to Perhaps if we had taken more time we could have obtained more complete information about the present generations, but we feel that this is the time to put it all together in the hope that our grandchildren will at least know the name of their Great-grandfather. v vi 'In foord, in ham, in ley and tun, The moste of English surnames run.' Verstagan; Restitution - 1605 When surnames first came into use in England they appeared to fall into four general classes. Local, such as Towns, Fields; occupations, such as Smith or Cooper; from the first name of the father, as Johnson or Robertson or descriptive, as Short or Brown. Sisley or Sicely is listed as a British personal name. The name of the martyred Saint Cecilio, patron saint of musicians and the blind, was introduced into England by the Normans. It soon became very popular as Cecely or Sisley. In the early days in America, names of settlers from all countries were changes by misspelling and carelessness in writing. Many people could not spell their names and in saying them to others the spelling became changed. An example of this may be found in 18th century lists of foreigners who took the oath of allegiance in Pennsylvania, published in the Pennsylvania Archives. There, the names of settlers and boats in which they arrived are tabulated, Two lists are given -- one is the original names and one apparently made by an English speaking person from hearing the names spoken. Before 1800 the name Sisley is found under a number of different spellings. Records of Lewis and Jacob Sisley found in the Pennsylvania Archives are spelled Sisley, Cisley, Sicley, Sissley and Cissley. In the case of Perry Sisley the Coshocton County, Ohio Court Records show in the index of marriage records -- Cissel; on the marriage license -- Cissle; on his wife's death record -- Cisley; in the 1860 Census his name was listed as Sicily and his death was recorded as Sisley. Where the Sisleys came from before they settled in Pennsylvania we do not yet know. Some believe they came from Virginia or Maryland. Others think they came from France. The only basis for the belief that they came from France is the artist Alfred Sisley. Although there is no known connection between his family and ours, an article, "The Ancestry of Alfred Sisley" by Claude Sisley a second cousin of the artist, published in the 'Burlington Magazine', Vol. 91; Sept. 1949, is very interesting to read. The following in a brief outline of the article. 'Very little seems to be known about the ancestry of Alfred Sisley. In most books he is described as being the son of English parents living in Paris, his father being a merchant trading with South America. Sisley, it is true, was of English decent, but his grandmother was a Frenchwoman and his English ancestors came from that curious tract of country - Romney March. Alfred Sisley's earliest recorded ancestor is Francis Sisley (1748-1808), his great-grandfather. In 1770 he married Anna Chowning of whom we know nothing. In the marriage register Francis Sisley is Described as a husbandman, and elsewhere as a grazier - sheep farming being an industry of Romney Marsh. But later he was actively engaged in smuggling. 1 It has been said that the Sisleys were, in their way, a curious family, coming from one of the oddest parts of England and being essentially of peasant stock, It must be realized that much of Romney Marsh lies below sea-level and owning to its reputation for being unhealthy and "aguish' it was largely cut off from the rest of Kent. For centuries the men of Romney Marsh had been engaged in smuggling and its seafaring population was as much at home in the French ports across the Channel as in England. There was apparently a good deal of inter-marriage between the two races as there were people with French names living on the Marsh. Thomas Sisley (1772-1819), grandfather of Alfred Sisley, went to Dunkirk at an early age to supervise the family's smuggling enterprises on that side of the Channel. Thomas Sisley's various marriages were somewhat involved. A family tree shows that he married, first, Francoise Felicite Dagneau. Contrary to the custom that when a man marries a foreigner the children are given Christian names of the father's country, Thomas' children were given French Christian names. Alfred's farther was Guillaume. Does this mean that there may have been some prier connection with France before the time of Francis Sisley, or is it merely an example of the cosmopolitan characteristics of the men of Romney Marsh, who were prepared to be either English or French as it suited them? Alfred Sisley had one brother and one son, neither of whom married, so his branch of the Sisley tree died out.' Family history and local history are closely related. When tracing a family it is helpful to know something of the formation and make-up of the various counties in Pennsylvania. Bedford County was organized in 1771. Westmoreland was created from Bedford on Feb. 26, 1773. It covered nearly one-fourth of the entire state of Pennsylvania. Rostraver was one of the eleven original townships. Washington County was the first to pull away from Westmoreland, created on March 28, 1781. Fayette County was next, created on Sept. 26, 1783. Washington Township, one of the original twelve in Fayette County, included what is now Jefferson and part of Perry. Before 1783 it was part of Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County and at that time was bounded by the Youghagheny and Monongahela Rivers and a straight line from the mouth of Big Redstone Creek to a point on the Youghagheny opposite the mouth of Jacobs Creek. Perry Township was incorporated in 1839, Jefferson Township in 1840 and Cookstown and Belle Vernon in 1863. Allegheny County was created on Sept. 24, 1788 from Westmoreland and Washington Counties. Greene County followed on Feb. 9, 1796 from part of Washington County. 2 At this time both Pennsylvania and Virginia laid claim to the southwestern part of Pennsylvania. The Virginia counties in Pennsylvania were Yohogania, Donegal, Ohio and Monongalia. When the dispute was settled, Yohogania and Donegal disappeared. Ohio and Monongalia became Virginia counties. Military and tax records are found in the Pennsylvania Archives and some old tax records of Fayette County may be found at the courthouse at Uniontown. Because of the dispute between Pennsylvania and Virginia at this time, many old Pennsylvania records may be found in Wheeling or Morgantown, West Virginia or even Richmond, Virginia. On some of these tax records a man may be listed as an "inmate" or in other words a renter, An "unseated" landowner was a non-resident landowner. Some are listed as 'freemen". Such a man would be over 21, single and therefore taxed. To get off the tax list he took a wife. If he was married and owned no land, horse nor cow he disappeared from the tax list. There were two kinds of military service. The Pennsylvania Line, a volunteer group which fought mostly in the east against the British, and the Pennsylvania Militia. Every able-bodied man between 18 and 53 had to be enrolled in the Militia. Each Company was formed from a geographical area or township. You can usually tell the area by comparing the names in the Militia with those on the tax lists. Other sources of information in the Pennsylvania Archives are the Land Grants, the Warrantee lists. During the land rush in the 1760's the government in Philadelphia issued 'survey orders'. Many people thought this was a land title until someone else came along and got the warrant. After the warrant was issued the land had to be surveyed and then a patent was issued. The Patent was the final title. Thus the patent holder was not always the settler who first claimed the land. The census records are a good source of information but not always complete or accurate. From 1790 to 1840 they listed only the name of the head of the family. From 1850 the names and ages of the family were listed along with any persons living with the family including servants. The first Sisley we found in Pennsylvania was Jacob Sissly paying a state tax in Mountjoy Township, Lancaster County in 1773, taxed for 27 acres, 1 horse and 1 cow. We next found Jacob Sisley in southwestern Pennsylvania on the west side of the Monongahela River in what was later Allen Township. There is a petition in the National Archives (about 1775-1780), signed by 2000 persons from southwestern Pennsylvania and western Virginia, asking for the formation of a new state, because they were tired of the dispute between the two states. The idea was dropped when the Revolutionary war settled the matter. Among the names on the partition were Benjamen, Jacob, Jacob Sr. and Lewis Cicily. 3 There is no other record of Jacob Sr. nor Benjamen. I might say here that many times in old records the term Jr. and Sr. did not always signify father and son. If there were two men with the same name they used this way of identifying which was which. I believe that Jacob Sr. was the father of Jacob, Lewis and Benjamen. We know that Jacob was the father of a later Lewis. Jacob and Lewis Cissley were in the 5th Class of Capt. James Hopkins Company of the 5th Battalion of Washington County Militia, Commanded by Col. Crooks, April 25, 1782. Men of this Battalion were taken from what later became Allen and Fallowfield Townships, Washington County. We have often wondered if this Battalion was with Col. Wm. Crawford on the 'Expedition to Sandusky'. April 4th to June 14, 1782 is the period of time when the disastrous 'Expedition' was planned and carried out. There is no roll or roster known to exist, but on Dec. 8, 1789, Richard Hopkins, one of the men in the 4th Class of Capt. James Hopkins Co. at that time, was paid 4 pounds for a horse lost in this expedition. A Class drafted and ordered to rendezvous, 6th of Sept. 1782, to Col. Edward Cook, Westmoreland County, received payment for services rendered in defense of the frontiers of Westmoreland, Lewis Cisley was in this group as well as several men in the previous group, but not Jacob Sisley. It was about this time that the Sisley's moved across the river, Lewis to the Belle Vernon area and Jacob to Freeport, later Cookstown and now Fayette City. One of the first grocery stores in the Mon Valley was operated by a man named David Furnier at a site on "Spears Run" between Belle Vernon and Gibsonton. The entire concern was known as "The Barter Mills". Many of the names on the books were familiar pioneer settlers. They included McLaughlin, Shepler, McCoy, Cissley, Speers, Ellis, Cook, Patterson, Springer, Frye, Crawford and many others. Lewis Cisley was the first to be buried in the first burial ground intended for Belle Vernon on Gould's Hill, now known as East Belle Vernon or Seldom Seen. The date is unknown. The following is a Bill of Sale found in the Westmoreland County Court Records at Greenburg, Pa. Jacob Sissely to Peter Keller Know all men by these presents that I Jacob Sissely, of the County of Westmoreland and Province of Pennsylvania, yeoman for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy Five Pounds current lawfull money of Pennsylvania to me in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by Peter Keller of the County of Washington and Provance aforesaid yeoman and thereof I the said Jacob Sissley do acknowledge to be fully satisfied and paid. Have granted bargained & sold and for the consideration aforesaid do grant bargain and sell alienate release quit claim and confirm unto the said Peter Keller a certain improvement by me purchased 4 of Nathan Ellis and lying and being in the County and Provance aforesaid on the Eastern side of the Monongahela containing seventy-five acres more or less. To have and to hold the said bargained premises with the appurtenances thereto belonging with one ferry boat and a canoe to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Peter Keller Together with all the writings and evidences touching and concerning the same & to his heirs assigns forever yielding & paying to the Honourable the Proprietors of Pennsylvania all monies due or to become due for the same & the said Jacob Sissly doth for himself and his heirs covinant promise and grant to and with the said Peter Keller his heirs and assigns lawfully claiming or to claim by virtue of any power or authority by from or under him them or any of them have and will warrant & defend by these presents against all person or persons. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of April Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty three. his Jacob Sissely Seal Sealed & delivered in presmark ents of James Davis Westmoreland County SS. Personally came before me the subscriber Justice for said County James Davis and made oath acording to law that he saw Jacob Sissly sign and acknowledged the above Bill of Sale to be his act and deed and in order that the same may be recorded as such. Given under my hand and seal this 12th day of May 1783. Edward Cook Seal Recorded Jan. 10th 1784 The above is the only records of land transactions found in the name of Jacob Sisley. In the Deed Books of Fayette County at Uniontown are records of land transactions in the name of Lewis Cissely and Lewis Sisley. There are three men by the name of Lewis Sisley involved in these various purchases. More about these later. We will attempt to trace the descendants of Jacob Sisley the best we can with the information we have. Each generation is indicated with a letter and the children in a family with a letter and a number. 5 JACOB CISLEY -- Settled on the Monongahela River in what is now Washington County Pennsylvania in about 1774. No other record. A1 Jacob A2 LEWIS A3 Benjemin -- no other record A4 William Sisslee -- This man paid a State Tax in Pitt Twn., Westmoreland County in 1786. So far we have made no attempt to trace this man's family. A1 JACOB SISLEY - Jacob and Lewis were taxed as single men in 1786. They could be Jacob and his son or his brother. Jacob's wife was named Jane. He was a cooper (barrel maker) by trade. There must have been a great need for coopers because of the number of distilleries in the vicinity. Jacob moved across the river into Washington Township where in 1783, he sold to Peter Keller a ferryboat canoe and seventy-five acres of land. He lived in Washington Twn. until 1800 when he was listed on the tax list as - gone. Where? Perhaps to Ohio. B1 LEWIS SISLEY -- A family record owned by Robert Sisley shows Lewis Sisley, son of Jacob and Jane Sisley and Margaret, daughter of Nathan and Mary Ellis married on Nov. 14, 1788. Lewis born in Pennsylvania, July 22 1765, died Feb. 14 1826. Margaret born in Maryland Dec. 13, 1773 died Feb. 13, 1870. (This looks like 1810 but records show she was still living in 1860 at 87 years of age.) They are both buried at Rehobeth Cemetery. Lewis spent most of his life in Washington Township. In 1801 he bought from John Seward, 175 acres called "Sewardton" adjoining Cookstown which he laid out in lots. This plot was for years, known as Sisleytown. In March 1808 he bought from Thomas Strawn 77 acres of a plot called "Content" along Lambs Lick Run where he build a Sawmill. Lewis died intestate on Feb. 14, 1826. In June 1827, Morgan Morgan petitioned the court for the appointment of a guardian for Amberson Sisley, under 14 and Wilson Sisley, over 14. William D. Mullin was appointed. Margaret Sisley filed a petition on March 15, 1828 as Administrator of the Estate of Lewis, late of Washington Twn. for the sale of property in the vicinity of Cooktown. The sale was held May 12, 1828. 6 Before his death Lewis Sisley agreed to sell to James McCrory, Lot #21 in "Sewardton". In 1835 this deed was signed by Margaret Sisley and her children with their husbands or wives. Wilson signed for himself and W. D. Mullin for Amberson. After the death of Lewis, Margaret lived the rest of her life with Amberson. Children of Lewis and Margaret Sisley: C1 Mary Ann Sisley (1789) married Samuel Shepler on Jan. 3, 1809 C2 Nancy Sisley (1792) Married Morgan Morgan on Jan. 18, 1809 C3 Hester Sisley (1795-1899) married James McCrory in 1812 "James McCrory came from England and settled near what is now Allenport, Washington Co., over 100 years ago. Their son has in his possession as relics, the Sisley 'conch shell' bearing the date 1806. At that time a conch shell was used as a horn to sound a warning in times of danger. Wilson McCrory also has the old indentures - over a century old - by which his father was bound to work three years for about two pounds sterling, three months schooling and a "freedom suit" (from 'Cyclopedia of Fayette Co.' by Greshem & Co. Publishers, 1889). Hester McCrory died in 1899 at the age of 104. D1 Wilson McCrory (1815) D2 John McCrory (1816) D3 Thomas McCrory (1818) D4 William McCrory (1821) D5 Lewis McCrory (1824) D6 Margaret McCrory (1826) married William Kyle D7 James McCrory (1828) D8 One Child died in infancy C4 Eleanor Sisley (1797-1860) married Robert Lyons on Sept. 4, 1819 C5 John Ellis Sisley (1800-May 26, 1855) married Sarah Boden in 1828. They had 10 children. Sarah (Boden) Sisley, at the time of her death in 1885, lived in the second house above the creek in Fayette City. James H. Sisley, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Boden) Sisley was her administrator. All her property was left to Nancy Jane, Cornelia and Mary E. Children of John E. and Sarah Sisley: D1 Ellis William Sisley (1829) married Margaret Sisley (1831) daughter of Morgan and Hannah Sisley. Ellis died sometime between 1867 when Charles was born and 1870 when Margaret and her children were living with Morgan in Perryopolis. Children of Ellis William and Margaret Sisley: E1 John Morgan Sisley (1851) married 1st Laura Cross, 2nd Emma B. Cook 7 F1 Ellis W. Sisley (1875-1963) married 1st Blanche Seighman (1875), 2nd Mary Croushore G1 Frederick W. Sisley (1908-1964) married Harriet Litman H1 Emily Lucretia Sisley, New York City. Dr. of Chiropractic on the faculty of Chiropractic Institute of new York in the dept. of psychiatry, BA degree in psychology, writer and illustrator for professional journals. Won the Thomas Alva Edison Award for a book "You and Your Brain". Attended the University of Vienna H2 Frederick E. Sisley, Norfolk Va. G2 Edytha Sisley (May 11, 1898-April 14, 1969) married Lee Eckman G3 Maude Sisley married William E. McEwan G4 Lucretia Sisley F2 Charlotta Sisley (1881) married in 1898 to Fred Andrieosin E2 Benjemin (Ben or Benona) Sisley (1854) married Nancy Jane Essington. In the 1880 census Benjemin was a farm worker for Milton Patterson near Fayette City F1 Leroy (Roy) Sisley (May 22, 1884-May 25, 1969) married in 1907 to Sarah Cook (1890-1921) 2nd married Anne E. (died Feb. 27, 1966) G1 Lois Sisley married William D. Walsh E3 James Sisley (1856) married Adaline Mullin F1 James Edward Sisley (1883-1960) married Emily Morgan F2 Ellis E. Sisley (1893) married Stella Stewart (1891) E4 Alice Sisley (1860) married Playford Wilgus E5 Hezakiah Edward Sisley (1862-1937) married Jessie B. Nichols at Quaker City, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1888 under the name Edward Sisley. Died somewhere in Pennsylvania. Jessie Nichols born at Quaker City, Ohio, June 25, 1871, daughter of George E. and Lizzie Nichols. She died Dec. 28, 1945, at Martins Ferry, Ohio and was buried at Quaker City. Hezakiah left his family and the two boys were raised by their mother and strict Quaker Grandmother. On Dec. 27, 1919, Jessie married E. T. Bauer who died May 28, 1931. F1 George E. Sisley (Aug. 29, 1888-June 5, 1965) married Gertrude Ann Edmunds (Sept. 1887-March 5, 1949) on Nov. 16, 1910. She was the daughter of Edmund and Elizabeth (Fry) Edmunds Children of George E. and Gertrude Sisley: G1 Ruth Pauline Sisley (April 23, 1912-Mar. 2, 1961) married William T. Murray on Nov. 22, 1933 H1 Shirley Jean Murray (Jan 2, 1935) G2 Mary Elizabeth (Betty) Sisley (Aug. 29, 1916-Feb. 1961) married William Harrigan (Jan. 25, 1915-June 1955), 2nd marriage Richard C. Smith in 1958. H1 Jean Ann Harrigan 8 G3 Jean Ann Sisley (1920- July 6, 1922) buried in Greensburgh, later brought to Martins Ferry, Ohio G4 Jessie Sisley (Apr. 1923-Apr. 1966) buried New Orleans, La. married William E. Davis (1920) son of Wm. O. and Laura Miller David. H1 Cindy Davis (1944) H2 Judy Davis (1947) G5 Georganna Sisley (Jan. 28, 1926) married on Nov. 27, 1946 to Charles Thorngate (May 30, 1926) son of Ross and Loretta Thorngate. H1 Sisley Ann Thorngate (Dec. 8, 1952) married on June 3, 1972 to Phillip Allen Synowiec. G6 George E. Sisley (Jan. 28, 1926) on Feb. 13, 1948 married Betty Lou Fisher daughter of C. G. Fisher. H1 George Clive Sisley (May 3, 1949) H2 Steven Sisley (April 21, 1950) (These boys were later adopted by Betty Lou's 2nd Husband, named Kurtz). George E. Sisley married 2nd time to Louise Steward, daughter of Ezra Stewart. F2 Joseph Sisley (Jan. 17, 1891-Nov. 18, 1924) buried at Greensburg, Pa. Married Ethel M. Sanders (Mar. 30, 1898) on Dec. 20, 1922. G1 Joseph Sisley, Jr. (Jan. 21, 1925) H1 Joseph Sisley H2 Timothy Sisley H3 Rebecca Sisley H4 Cynthia Sisley H5 Robert Sisley E6 Charles Sisley (1887) youngest child of Ellis and Margaret D2 Elizabeth Sisley (1832) 2nd child of John E. & Sarah D3 Margaret Sisley (1834) Tailoress by trade D4 Nancy Jane Sisley (1836) Weaver D5 Cornelia Sisley (1838) D6 Mary E. Sisley (1840) D7 Hester Sisley (April 30, 1837-July 7, 1842) D8 Sarah Sisley (1844) D9 Elisa Sisley (1848) D10 Twin sons- infants (died Oct. 29, 1850) buried at Rehobeth D11 Samantha Sisley (1853) C6 Louisa Sisley (1803-Aug. 12, 1823) Sixth child of Lewis and Margaret (Ellis) Sisley married Samuel Nutt (July 7, 1811-Oct. 7, 1857) C7 Ruhama Sisley (1805) married Samuel Nutt widower of Louisa on July 29, 1824 C8 Indiana Sisley (1809) married Conrad Stein 9 C9 Wilson Sisley (Dec. 3, 1811-Oct. 7, 1857) married Nancy Wells (1814-1851) D1 James Sisley (1837) D2 Margaret Sisley (1840) D3 Nancy Sisley (1842) D4 A Boy (1844) D5 William Sisley (1846) D6 John Sisley (1848) C10 Amberson E. Sisley (1814-1862) married Mary Ann Shepler (?) D1 A daughter (1842) D2 Austin Shepler Sisley (1844-1933) married Ocie J. Rose (1849-1918). Many of this family are buried in the Belle Vernon Cemetery E1 Allie Sisley married H. W. Phillips E2 Ella Sisley (1870) married Wm. James Watkins in 1889 E3 Addie Sisley married Lutes E4 John Sisley E5 Robert C. Sisley (July 30, 1879-Sept. 13, 1897) E6 Myrtle Sisley E& Joseph Sisley E8 Ocie Sisley married Kulleck E9 Mary Sisley E10 Jesse B. Sisley (1890-Nov. 29, 1941) married Annie R. Hunter E11 Bartha Sisley E12 Stewart Sisley Also in the Belle Vernon Cemetery are “Son of Austin and Orie J. Sisley died May 21, 1881” and “Little Ollie son of Austin and Ocie J. Sisley died Feb. 5, 1874, 1 yr. 8 mo. 6 days”. D3 Mary C. Sisley (1846) 10 A2 LEWIS CISLEY -- We believe this man is the father of Samuel, John and Jacob Sisley for several reasons. We hope to check this further someday. Lewis Cisley owned property and was buried in the Belle Vernon area; his son Jacob lived close to the county line between Westmoreland and Fayette Counties near Belle Vernon and the name Lewis runs through the families of these men. In the Deed Books of Fayette County at Uniontown are records of land transactions in the names of Lewis Cissely and Lewis Sisley. There are three men by the name Lewis Sisley involved in these purchases. Three deeds in particular we would like to check more thoroughly, that we believe belongs to the first Lewis. Item No. 439, Book B, Page 274 -- To Lewis Sisley from John Owning (Owens) 52 acres called "Addition" situated on the Monongahela River in Westmoreland County when granted, now in Fayette County. John Owens, on the 18th day of May 1793 received of Lewis Sisley the sum of one hundred and five pounds. This is the same plot of land that according to history, on which Noah Speers founded Belle Vernon. It was given him by his father, Henry Speers, who obtained it by purchase from John Cockey Owens to whom the state granted a patent on May 17, 1791. Item No. 554, Book C, Page 1238 -- In 1796 Lewis Cissely brought from Joseph Chester, who bought it from Ignatius Jones, 137 acres, a place called "Jones Folly". This land was subject to one-fifth of all gold and silver ore for the use of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to be delivered at the pit's mouth free of charge. In 1812 he obtained a 'release' from George Hogg on a promise to buy 31 acres of this land which he then sold to London Darry. This land would be along the river between Belle Vernon and Fayette City. Item No. 605, Book D, Page 84 --In 1797 Lewis Cissely bought from Dan Springer, 12 acres 132 perches, being part of the plot called "Springerburg", part of which was in Westmoreland County and part in Fayette County. B1 SAMUEL SISLEY (born about 1771-1814) From the History of Crawford Co. -- 'Among the list of settlers of Crawford County, prior to 1804 were John and Samuel Sisley who were brothers. The latter was a 'cooper' by trade and settled on Tract 33. (This is in East Fallowfield Township -- east of the town of Atlantic). During his last sickness the nearest physician resided at Meadville and Mr. Sisley expired before medical aid could reach him.' Samuel Sisley was taxed in Washington Township, Fayette Co. as a cooper. He left there in 1798. He went to Fallowfield Township in Crawford County, where, in 1801, he owned four hundred acres and two cows. When he died on Jan. 26, 1814, Joe Mattock and John Sisley were named administrators for his estate. The estate was settled and the property sold on Dec. 11, 1816. Samuel Sisley was married and had three boys and two girls. 11 B2 JACOB SISLEY (see Page 13) B3 JOHN SISLEY (1775-1843) settled in Fallowfield Twn., Crawford Co., Pa. before 1800. In 1801 he owned 400 acres, 2 oxen and two cows. His wife's name was Anney. From The Crawford Weekley Messenger of March 10, 1813. "Notice - Whereas John Sisley obtained from the subscriber dated the 23rd day of Feb. last past, one for the payment of thirty dollars on or before the first of May next, the other for ten dollars or twenty gallons of whiskey, to be paid on the 25th day of Dec. next. These are, therefore, to forewarn all persons from taking assignments of said obligations, as I am determined not to pay the same until the said Sisley fulfills an article of agreement for which the said obligations were given. John Findley Fallowfield Twn., March 3, 1813” John Sisley was in the Pennsylvania Militia under Gen. David Mead, at Fort Erie from July 23 to Aug. 9, 1813. He published a notice of insolvency on March 8, 1827. He died in South Shenango in 1843. On Jan. 24, 1844, Lewis Sisley and Joseph Sharp were appointed administrators of his estate. On Dec. 30, 1844 Joe Sharp denounced Lewis Sisley on mismanaging the estate. No results were given as to the outcome. John Sisley had seven children in the 1820 Census, 3 boys and 4 girls. Two of the boys were John and Lewis. John and his wife Mary (Betts) Sisley settled in Kinsman Twn., Trumbull Co., Ohio in about 1855. C1 Lewis Sisley (April 25, 1803) married Catherine Betts (March 1, 1807). They had twelve children, four girls and eight boys. D1 John Sisley (1833-Sept. 23,1910) He moved west and homesteaded a government claim near Marion, Iowa, now a suburb of Cedar Rapids. There is a graveyard with a large sign "Sisley Cemetery" over the gate that is plainly seen from U.S. Route #30. John Sisley is buried at Glasgow, Valley County, Montana. He married, first, Olive Woodard of Galena, Ill. They had 2 girls and 2 boys. E1 Eunice Alvira Sisley married Almond Baker E2 Cassie Sisley married Charles Weller E3 Simon Sisley married Ella McCord. He was shot by rustlers (?) E4 John Lewis Sisley (1860-1937) born - Lancaster, Wis. F1 Arthur Lewis Sisley married Ellyn Norris - Chicago F2 Simon Anderson Sisley married Daisy Dobson F3 Grace Sisley married Barton F4 William Bryan Sisley married Anna Henderleiter F5 Gertrude Cassie Sisley married James Russell – Plattsville 12 John Sisley deserted this family and later married Julia Ann Duell (Curry). They had three children, 2 girls and 1 boy. E1 Frances Eunice Sisley (1876-1958) married William James E2 Mary Sisley (1878-1966) married Chaffee E3 Benjamin Sisley (1880-1955) married Adeline Trask Frances had ten children. Nine are living in Oregon. One of the youngest ones, Mrs. Viola Vaughn of Walton, Oregon is tracing this branch of the family. B2 JACOB SISLEY - born in Pennsylvania (1773-1834) married Margaret Morgan, born in Pennsylvania (1782-1865), daughter of William and Brittie Morgan of Westmoreland County. They were married about 1798. They lived in Washington Twp., Fayette Co. until 1815, when they moved to Rostraver Twp., Westmoreland Co., where in 1825, Perry H. age 10 and John Sisley age 8, children of Jacob and Margaret Sisley, were listed as poor children to be educated by the County. We had believed that Jacob died in 1827 but he was listed in the 1830 census of Washington Twp. with his wife and two sons, (Perry and John). Jacob evidently died in about 1834 as Margaret was listed in the 1835 tax returns as a widow with a horse and a cow. In the 1840 census Margaret and her two sons were still in Fayette County. Margaret went to Bedford Twp., Coshocton Co. Ohio with her son Perry. We do not know if John went with them. She died there in 1865. Jacob and Margaret had seven children, five boys and two girls. They had one daughter in 1800 who may have died young. C1 Margaret Sisley (1802-1844) married David Gibbs (1800-1843) C2 Lewis Sisley (1804-Sept. 25, 1883 married Sarah Stephens (1812-Sept. 6, 1879). They lived in Jefferson Twp., Fayette Co. and are both buried at the Redstone Churchyard. Lewis was a Blacksmith and farmer. D1 John Sisley - no other record D2 Levi Sisley (1831-Nov. 13, 1862) married Ester Moss (1827Oct. 23, 1905). Levi was a Master stonemason. E1 France Madira Sisley (1848) E2 Mary Ellen Sisley (1850) married Wm. J. Thorndell E3 Milton H. Sisley D3 Lewis N. Sisley married Annie S.. Settled in Scottdale 1883 D4 Malinda Sisley (1841) married Thomas Herwick E1 Lewis Herwick married Bertie Goe - daughter of Sarah Jane Sisley Goe - daughter of Morgan Sisley. D5 Phoebe Sisley married Thompson D6 Sarah Sisley married John Culler D7 Margaret Sisley died Sept. 11, 1849, 2yrs, 5mo., 2 days 13 C3 Samuel Sisley (1807-May 3, 1868) married Elizabeth Boden (1813-Jan. 18, 1881). Samuel was a Stonemason by trade. The homestead of Samuel was about a mile out of Perryopolis on the Red Lion Road at the top of what was called "Sisley Hill". Both are buried at Redstone. D1 Jacob Sisley (1834-1842) buried at Rehobeth Cemetery. D2 James Henry Sisley (Aug. 22, 1835-Oct. 24,1912) married Elizabeth Hamilton (Nov. 24, 1838-Sept. 28, 1917). James and Elizabeth are both buried with some of their children in a lot just west of the Fuller Mausoleum at the Mt. Washington Cemetery. They lived on the homestead of his father Samuel. This family record was furnished by Walter Sisley. E1 Cynthia Ann Sisley (1856-1909) married Joseph Wilgus, 2nd Nesley Murphy E2 Infant (1856) E3 Izora Sisley (1859-1881) married Nesley Stickle E4 John Douglas Sisley (1860-1924) married Dorotha May E5 Emma Sisley (1862-1898) married John Hopkins (18531912) F1 Ina May Hopkins (1882-1951) married Armstrong F2 William H. Hopkins (1887-1889) F3 Martha B. Hopkins (1890-1891) F4 Helen Fay Hopkins (1894-1918) F5 James Henry Hopkins (1898) E6 Viola Sisley (1864-1883) buried at Redstone E7 Sarah Addie Sisley (1866-1942) married Robert Herwick (1862-1895), 2nd Abraham Norton F1 Lelia Herwick married Earl McBride F2 Claude Robert Herwick (1889-1935) married Grace Porter (1890) E8 Kate Sisley (1886) married Samuel McCrory (1856-1936) F1 Elizabeth McCrory (1893) married Charles Roberts F2 Elta McCrory (1902) married 1st Wm. Comer, 2nd David Jones F3 Robert Earl McCrory (1907) married Josephine V. (1893) E9 George Franklin Sisley (1872-1936) married Effie (1875) F1 France May Sisley (1901) married Howard Shoup (1901) F2 James Sisley (1907) F3 Marie Sisley (1908) married John D. Anthony (1901) E10 Jennie May Sisley (1875-1878) buried at Redstone E11 Walter S. Sisley (1877-1972) married Clara K. Sisley (1881-1903) daughter of Samuel L. and Lucinda (Martin) Sisley (see page 22 – E7). F1 Clare Walter Sisley (July 23-Aug. 8, 1903) Walter married Charlotte Hazlett (1879-1941) E12 James Norman Sisley (1883-1946) married 1st Dessie, 2nd Mary F1 James Watson Sisley (1903-1954) married Leona (1905) F2 Claude Parker Sisley (1904-) F3 Earl Hamilton Sisley (1906) 14 F4 Nesley Everett Sisley (1906-1951) twin of Earl F5 Stewart Maxwell Sisley (1907-1957) married 1st Josephine M., 2nd Ruby Munnery (1920) F6 Zara Zadel Sisley (1910) married Towsen D3 William Sisley (1883-1910) married Loretta Evans (1844). He was a Stonemason. They lived in Perryopolis. They had ten children. We have the names of only five. E1 William Sisley, Jr. (1867-1902) married Ella V. Ferguson born in Pittsburgh (1867-1953). He was a Railroad Engineer. F1 Helen Sisley (1894-1951) F2 June Sisley (1903) married Wauschak -- Youngstown F3 William Ferguson Sisley (Aug. 6, 1904) E2 Samuel E. Sisley (1868) married 1st Esther M. Jones (1867-1894), 2nd Elizabeth Hill (1868). Engineer on P.R.R. F1 Jeannette A. Sisley (April 23, 1897) F2 Louise M. Sisley (Jan. 14, 1900) F3 Elizabeth Sisley (April 11, 1905) E3 Cora Sisley married John Hasson, married in 1900 E4 Harris Sisley, Conductor on the B & O R.R., lived in McKeesport E5 Roland Sisley died in McKeesport D4 Samuel S. Sisley (1841-1843) D5 John Sisley died Aug. 8, 1843, buried at Rehobeth D6 Margaret Elizabeth Sisley (1846) married Thomas Hixenbaugh in 1866. He was a Blacksmith in Perryopolis. E1 Bert Hixenbaugh E2 Orville Hixenbaugh E3 Adam Hixenbaugh D7 Sarah C. Sisley (1850) C4 The fourth child of Jacob and Margaret Sisley was a daughter born in about 1810. She married a man named Bell and moved west. C5 MORGAN SISLEY (1812-1882) married HANNAH LAYTON (1812-1872) this family's record begins on page 16 C6 Perry H. Sisley (1815-1888) married Eliza A. Ogle (1853-1886) The first information we found of Perry Sisley was in the "History of Coshocton County, Ohio" by N.N. Hill, Jr. 1881. Later information and records checked, proved some of this information wrong. Since these histories were written on a subscription basis they were written, of course, to please the subscriber. The following is a corrected version. Perry Sisley, a farmer of Bedford Twp., Coshocton Co., Ohio, address Tunnel Hill, was born in Westmoreland Co., Pa.. He moved to Ohio with his mother sometime before 1859. His mother died in 1865. Perry Cissle married Eliza A. Ogle, on March 8, 1870. Eliza A. Cisley died of consumption Jan. 7, 1886. Perry Sisley died Sept. 25, 1888. They are buried, with their daughter Laura, at the Smith Hill Cemetery also known as the Tunnel Hill M.E. Cemetery. Perry and Eliza had five children, one girl and four boys. 15 D1 Lora J. (Laura) Sisley died of consumption in 1889 age 17 D2 Charles Sisley died 1935 Unmarried D3 Silas Sisley (1875-1940) married Maude (Manda) Dobson (1884) E1 Zetta Sisley married an Underwood E2 Delpha Sisley married a Norris E3 Brice Sisley (died 1965) married Helen F1 Dale Sisley in Florida D4 William K. Sisley married Ada Milligan E1 Charles Sisley (1896-Oct. 6, 1918) AEF - World War I D5 Bert Sisley (1881) E1 Herbert Sisley (died in service) C7 John Sisley (1817) unmarried in 1840. No other record. C5 MORGAN SISLEY (1812-1882) - third son of Jacob and Margaret Sisley - born in Washington Township, Fayette County. He married HANNAH LAYTON (1812-1872) daughter of Abraham (1769-1852) and Sarah Layton (1775-1857). Morgan and Hannah are both buried in the old cemetery in Perryopolis bounded by Union, Lafayette and Federal Streets. Morgan was a farmer for many years but the latter part of his life was spent in keeping the Perry Hotel in Perryopolis. He sold the hotel property to George Layton in 1881. He was a taxpayer in Jefferson Township when it was incorporated in 1840. They evidently still did their shopping in Cookstown for he was a customer on the books of E. Martin's store, charged $1.60 for an English History book in 1849. In a "Directory of Fayette Co., 1872" - by G. M. Hopkins, Pittsburgh, is a map of Perryopolis showing a number of lots in the name of Morgan Sisley. Morgan sold a lot in Perryopolis in 1858, to Caleb Jeffries. Said lot being next of that of Izaac Martin. Witnessed by Hezakiah Goe. Signed by Morgan and Hannah Sisley. The family then went to Coshocton County, Ohio, where he rented a farm next to his brother Perry H.. They stayed only one season, however, returning to Fayette County in 1859 when the crops were frozen in June of that year. According to "History of Westmoreland County" by Boucher. The people woke on the morning of June fifth to find all vegetation totally destroyed. The year of 1859 become known as the 'Year of the Frost', although actually it was a regular freeze. It covered an area from the northwestern lakes southward through Indiana and Ohio, crossing western Pennsylvania and into Maryland and northern Virginia. It did not extend beyond the Allegheny Mountains or south of the Ohio River. All fields of grain were plowed up and sowed in buckwheat. Others were planted in potatoes. 16 When Morgan died in 1882 he left to his daughter Sarah Jane Goe, two lots in Perryopolis on Olive Street on the south and Erie Street. A two story house and frame stable. The property was conveyed to Pierson Cope by sheriff deed on June 9, 1852; to John Bell, 1859; John Bell to his wife, Sarah Ann; to John L. Sisley, 1864; John to his wife Hannah J. to Thomas Herwick, 1865; to Morgan Sisley on March 1, 1881. Morgan and Hannah Sisley had four children, two girls and two boys. D1 Margaret Sisley (1831) married Ellis William Sisley (1829) son of John Ellis Sisley. (See page 7, D1) Margaret and her children were living with Morgan and Hannah in Perryopolis in 1870 E1 John Morgan Sisley E2 Bejemin Sisley E3 James Sisley E4 Alice Sisley E5 Hezakiah Edward Sisley E6 Charles Sisley D2 John L. Sisley (Aug. 10, 1837-1922) married Hannah J. Wilgus (Sept. 1, 1837-1913) daughter of Edward Wilgus. John L. Sisley was born in Washington Twp., was a farmer, moved to Gibson, near Connellsville, in 1869 and become a carpenter. E1 William M. Sisley (June 14, 1858) a merchant of Gobson in 1878, married Alice Kincell daughter of Alfred and Evaline Kincell. F1 Joseph F. Sisley (Dec. 17, 1880-Sept. 1967) died in Connellsville. F2 Ella Sisley (May 12, 1885-Oct. 15, 1928) F3 John A. Sisley E2 Commadore Sisley (Jan. 15, 1860) married Lizzia Welling in 1892 E3 Irene Sisley (June 20, 1862) married John Stafford, went to Topeka, Kansas E4 Marsilla Sisley (Oct 12, 1864) married William Mason went to Alhambra Calif. E5 John Nelson Sisley (Feb. 19, 1867) married Mary Trump (1871) - went to Alhambra Calif. F1 Cora E. Sisley (1892) married Frank A. Gaal in 1915 D3 Sarah Jane Sisley (1840-1928) married Hezakiah Goe (18371910) a Blacksmith, born in Ohio E1 Morgan Daniel Goe (1862-1894) married Anna Meishner (1865-1893) E2 Conley Gettings Goe (1864-1911) married Asia Swearer (1866-1952) F1 Clyde Conley Goe (1901-1939) E3 Jessie Goe (1867) E4 Bertie Goe (1869) married Lewis Herwick (His mother was daughter of Lewis Sisley brother of Morgan) E5 Everett Melburn Goe (1872-1896) E6 Carl Goe -- died in California 17 E7 Wilma Oreta Goe (1880-1910) E8 Grover Glenn Goe (1883-1961) 2nd wife Florence Bartosick D4 SAMUEL LAYTON SISLEY born near Gillespie, Washington Twp., Fayette Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1844. He lived most of his adult life in Perry Township. He was a carpenter, a teamster and a farmer. He died Aug. 5, 1921. In 1868 he married LUCINDA MARTIN, daughter of ISAAC and LOUISA (EBERHART) MARTIN (Sept. 10, 1850-Jan. 11, 1918). Both are buried in Mt. Washington Cemetery at Perryopolis. E1 Oliver Sisley (April 1869-Dec. 8, 1967) married Annie Stickle (1868-1959). Both were born in Fayette County, Pa. and died at Temple City, Ca. and buried at San Gabriel Cemetery in California. F1 Rebecca Sisley (Nov. 23, 1896-Dec. 14, 1972) born in Perry Twp., Pa. died at Yucca Valley, CA.. Buried at Live Oak Memorial Park, Monrovia, Ca.. Married Edward Thrasher on Dec. 28, 1915. G1 Sara Thrasher – (Sept. 7, 1916-Feb. 1920) F2 Oreta Sisley (Oct. 31, 1900-1969) died in California. Married John Rough on Sept. 22, 1926. G1 John Oliver Rough (Nov. 16, 1929) married Irene Rothasz H1 Diana Rough (July 19, 1954) H2 David Rough (March 16, 1956) H3 Kathleen Rough (Feb. 9, 1957) G2 Melda Lee Rough (Jan. 31, 1931) married Bert Pickett H1 Lester Pickett (May 26, 1950) H2 Rebecca Pickett (Jan. 10, 1955) H3 Linda Pickett (Oct. 6, 1956) F3 Luther Cope Sisley (2 in 1920) died of diphtheria, buried in Mt. Washington Cemetery E2 Alvin M. Sisley born Dec. 19, 1870 at Perryopolis and died at Perryopolis on Feb. 11, 1957. On Jan. 31, 1894 he married Cora Gue, daughter of James E. and Sophia (Norman) Gue, born May 22, 1875 at Perryopolis and died May 2, 1962 at Uniontown. Both are buried at Mt. Washington. F1 Pearl Agnes Sisley (Nov. 30, 1894-May 21, 1951) Married Luther Cope (April 5, 1888-April 6, 1962). Both are buried at Mt. Washington. F2 Laurena Maude Sisley (July 24, 1899). Married William Wise (March 19, 1883-March 19, 1967), buried at Youngstown, Ohio. F3 Freeda Mae Sisley (Sept. 14, 1902-1975). Married Charles Earl Grimm (Feb. 25, 1901-1981), son of George and Ella Grimm. Lived at Uniontown, Pa. 18 G1 Charles Earl Grimm, Jr. (July 6, 1929). Married Emma Jane Hansaker, (March 19, 1928) H1 Charles Earl Grimm, III (Aug. 23, 1960) F4 Ruth Etta Sisley (Dec. 26, 1905). Married Clarence E. Shaner. Live at Monongahela, Pa. G1 Kendall Shaner G2 Herold Shaner G3 Quinton Shaner G4 Carol Shaner G5 Rae Adair Shaner G6 Kevin Shaner F5 Dwight L. Sisley (Aug. 29, 1914) F6 Alvin J. Sisley (Dec. 21, 1917). Married Roanna Falbo - divorced G1 Patricia Sisley G2 Kenneth Sisley E3 Harry Sisley born in 1872 in Fayette Co., Pa., died Jan. 5, 1949 at Toronto, Ohio. In 1897 married Maleta Headley (June 10, 1877-Dec. 3, 1929). Both are buried at Mt. Washington. F1 Ethel Sisley (Aug. 13, 1898-Nov. 22, 1973). Died at Pittsburgh, Pa.. Buried at Allegheny Mortuary, Married Ralph E. Garret. F2 Idris Sisley (Sept. 21, 1900-Sept. 2, 1921). Died in a railroad accident at Warner Mine. Buried at Mt. Washington. F3 John Sisley (Aug. 15, 1903-March 1961). Married Lillian Anderson. Lived at Toronto, Ohio. G1 John Edward Sisley (Sept 1924) G2 Lois Orthelia Sisley (Dec. 27, 19--) G3 Charles Sisley F4 Lawrence Sisley born at Victoria, Fayette Co. Dec. 2, 1905. On June 2, 1926 married Mary E. Fowler, born Dec. 17, 1905 at Gillespie Hollow, Fayette Co.. G1 Leatrice Mae Sisley (May 24, 1929) married Costner on Feb. 14 1947 at Parma, Ohio H1 Gladys Marie Costner (Nov. 7, 1947) at Cleveland, Ohio G2 Myron T. Sisley (Oct. 5, 1931-Oct. 20, 1932) Cleveland G3 Laverne Sisley (June 13, 1936-Feb. 14, 1938) Cleveland F5 Florence Sisley, twin of Lawrence, born at Victoria, Dec. 2, 1905. Married Feb. 10, 1925 at Wellsburg, W. Va. to Nicholas Racios, born at Volos, Greece on Feb. 19, 1900, died March 18, 1958. Buried at Monongahela Memorial Cemetery. G1 Herman Nicholas Racios born at Charleroi, Pa., March 11 1926. On March 2, 1946 married Helen Manandise, born May 24, 1929 at Charleroi. 19 H1 Laura Melita Raicos born at Charleroi, Nov. 18, 1951 H2 Paula Jane Raicos (July 1, 1954). Married Charles Caldwell July 1972 at Chicago. I1 Leigh Ann Caldwell (Feb. 11, 1973) H3 Joyce Ellen Raicos born Aug. 18, 1957 at Charleroi G2 Elaine May Raicos born Feb. 15, 1929 at Charleroi. On May 1, 1955 married William Powis, born Sept. 9, 1929 at Stockdale, Pa. H1 Janice Elaine Powis born Dec. 29, 1958 at Pittsburgh G3 George Edward Raicos born March 1, 1933 at Charleroi. Married Rosemary Jackovich, born Oct. 31, 19-- , on Aug. 20, 1953 at Donora, Pa. H1 Lynda Ann Raicos born Sept. 21, 1957 at Charleroi H2 Nicholas George Raicos (July 11, 1961) G4 Jane Lois Raicos born Dec. 14, 1938 at Charleroi. Married Charles B. Dorincz, born Dec. 21, 1935 at Donora. H1 Diana Lynne Dorincz born Sept. 27, 1968, at Pittsburgh H2 Steven Charles Dorincz born Nov. 24, 1971, at Pittsburgh F6 Herbert Sisley (Nov. 6, 1907-May 1977), married Olive Peasley G1 Harry Sisley G2 Norma Jean Sisley F7 Herman Sisley (Nov. 6, 1907), twin of Herbert, died June 1965. Married Julia Boris G1 Carl Sisley G2 Elizabeth Sisley G3 Marlene Sisley G4 Herman Sisley E4 Bertram Sisley born in Fayette Co. in 1875. On Dec. 25, 1893 married May Schiebler who died about 1947. He died in 1942. Both are buried at New Castle, Pa. F1 Claude A. Sisley (died 1954) married Ruth G1 Ornette Sisley married Robert Davis G2 Samuel Sisley G3 Bert Sisley G4 Jack Sisley F2 Arthur Sisley (died 1954) married 1st Georgie--; 2nd Gertrude--. Lived at Youngstown, Ohio G1 Vivian Sisley F3 Edwin Perry Sisley (July 1899-June 22, 1954). Married Ruth Kaufman (May 1899-Jan. 31, 1959). Lived at East Liverpool, Ohio. 20 G1 Edwin Bertram Sisley (Feb. 14, 1924), married Mary Finney (July 9, 1925). Lived in East Liverpool. H1 Treva Kae Sisley (July 26, 1952) G2 Richard Thomas Sisley (March 4, 1926), married Barbara Robinson. Lived in East Liverpool. H1 Danny Sisley H2 Gary Sisley H3 Lisa Ann Sisley G3 William Lee Sisley (May 19, 1932), married Starr Lynn Mort. Divorced H1 William Lee Sisley, Jr. H2 Staphanie Sisley H3 Melissa Sisley E5 Roswell Sisley born 1876, died at Star Junction in 1953. In 1899 married Hattie Huffine (1878-1909). Both are buried at Mt. Washington. F1 Frank Henry Sisley (July 15, 1901-Oct. 2, 1972), buried at Mt. Washington. Married Mary Belle Echard (Nov. 14, 1901-1969). G1 Joan Sisley (Stoner) divorced G2 Thomas Sisley (1929-Nov. 1975) married Ruth Charmaine Oswald Roswell Sisley married a second time to Sarah M. Nutt Sisley, widow of Percy D. Sisley (1878-1939). F2 Kathleen Sisley died in infancy F3 Rodney Sisley (Feb. 2, 1911-April 24, 1960). Buried at Mt. Washington. Married Gertrude Bell (Nov. 11, 1913) G1 Gretchen Sisley G2 Edward Sisley G3 William Sisley F4 Catherine June Sisley, (Feb. 25, 1918), married William Bock (divorced) G1 Fritzi Lee Bock married Armand G. Caron, son of Leo and Mary Caron. Live at Fairfax, Va. H1 Lisa Lee Caron (Nov. 26, 1963) H2 Guy Armand Caron (Aug. 7, 1970) F5 Mary Jean Sisley (Feb. 25, 1918), married George Brinker, son of George G. and Hettie M. Brinker (July 8. 1916) G1 James Brinker G2 Vickie Brinker G3 Robert Brinker G4 Jill Brinker E6 Percy D. Sisley (1879-1905), married Sarah M. Nutt (1878-1939). Buried at Mt. Washington. 21 E7 Clara K. Sisley, born in South Connellsville, Pa. in 1881, died July 23, 1903. Buried at Mt. Washington with her parents and infant son. Married Walter S. Sisley, (1877-1902) (see page 14 - E11) F1 Clare Walter Sisley, (July 23, died Aug. 8, 1903) E8 WILBUR C. SISLEY, born March 4, 1884 at Perryopolis, in a house that was across the road from the Fulling Mill, above the mill dam of Washington's Mill. At one time Jacob Strawn built five stone buildings, including a distillery near Washington's Mill. This was at one time George Washington's property. It now belongs to Kerr Hixenbaugh. He died at home in Star Junction on May 12, 1975. On June 27, 1906 at Perryopolis, WILBUR SISLEY married NELLIE RUSSELL, born at Vanderbilt, Oct. 21, 1885, died at Warner, Washington Co. on Feb. 16, 1921. She was the daughter of DR. LINDSEY TAYLOR and SETTURAH (BLAIR) RUSSELL. Both are buried at Mt. Washington Cemetery, Perryopolis, Pa.. F1 MARION RUTH SISLEY born at Perryopolis Oct. 13, 1907, died June 20, 1991. Married June 14, 1929 to AUGUST HUCKLES (Feb. 10, 1901-Sept. 8, 1987), son of MARCUS JOSEPH and MAGGIE (CRISE) HUCKELS. F2 RHODA MAE SISLEY born at Perryopolis Jan. 6, 1909. Married JACK WILSON (March 15, 1910-Feb. 8, 1963). F3 PERRY RUSSELL SISLEY born at Mckees Rocks Oct. 1, 1910, died May 29, 1991. Married in 1934 to KATHERINE REYNOLDS (Aug. 29, 1912). F4 SAMUEL KENNETH SISLEY born Jan. 27, 1913 at West Brownsville. Married on Jan. 1, 1933 to FLORENCE LAMMAY (Jan. 24, 1911). F5 EDITH IRENE SISLEY born Oct. 26, 1914 at West Brownsville. Married Dec. 29, 1933 to PAUL BONGIORNO (Jan. 25, 1914). F6 BERNICE ELAINE SISLEY born Feb. 9, 1917 at West Brownsville. Married on Feb. 25, 1936 to ROBERT FINLEY HUGUS (June 24, 1916-March 27, 1964). Married second time to GLENN REESE GOTTHELD (Oct. 22, 1912). F7 WILBUR CLARENCE SISLEY born July 7, 1919 at West Brownsville. Married April 7, 1945 to DOROTHY WILKINSON (Feb. 14, 1922). 22 WILBER C. SISLEY, on Nov. 16, 1921, married FRANCES HUCKELS (born Dec. 25, 1899), daughter of MARCUS JOSEPH and MARGARET (CRISE) HUCKELS. F8 AUBREY JOSEPH SISLEY born Dec. 16, 1922 at Warner. Married in Dec. 20, 1952 to EDNA LINK REINIG (Dec. 21, 1924). F9 LOIS EVELYN SISLEY born March 29, 1924 at Warner. Married in 1942 to HOWARD LAUDERBACK born May 27, 1920. F10 DOROTHY VERNE SISLEY born July 23, 1925 at Monessen. Married in 1953 to PAUL OLOCK (July 12, 1926). F11 FRANCES ARLENE SISLEY born Jan. 22, 1927 at Monessen, died Feb. 20, 1961 at Star Junction. F12 Infant died at birth in 1932 at Charleroi. E9 Viva M. Sisley, born June 13, 1886 in Perry Twp., in a stone house on the Strawn Place. Died Feb. 21, 1936 at Fayette City. She is buried at Mt. Washington. In 1908 she married Job Haney. He is buried at Mt. Washington. F1 Oliver Perry Haney, (March 21, 1909), married Ruth Wilkins in Toledo, Ohio on April 7, 1934. Live in Toledo. G1 Gail Katheen Haney, (Jan. 19, 19--) F2 Avis Lucille Haney, (Sept. 25, 1912). Married 3 times, her present name is Avis Guy. Lives at R.D. 1, Connellsville. Viva M. Sisley, in 1915, married Clyde Thorpe, (Aug. 17, 1883-Dec. 27, 1923). Died at Pittsburgh, Pa.. Buried at Mt. Washington. F3 Willow Mae Thorpe, died at 9 months. Buried at Mt. Washington. F4 Maxine Elliott Thorpe, born Nov. 19, 1923, at Perryopolis. Married Dean E. Watkins in Toledo, Ohio, March 29, 1952. He died on Feb. 11, 1966. They moved to California in June 1962. G1 RoAnn Watkins, (Nov. 27, 1956) Maxine married George H. Schenk on Jan. 28, 1967 Her third Husband was Fred Vernon. E10 Raymond Sisley, born 1889, in Perry Twp. in what was called the McIntyre Place, died in 1939 at Brownsville, Pa.. Married Ada May Myers, born 1894, daughter of Charles and Maria (Miller) Myers. Born at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., died at Brownsville in 1950. Both are buried at Mt. Washington. 23 F1 Erma Sisley, born March 17, 1915 at Star Junction, Pa.. Married on Feb. 26, 1932 to Robert Camino (June 7, 1907), Son of Joseph and Maria (Gubitosa) Camino. G1 Nila Jean Camino, born Aug. 17, 1935 at Brownsville, Pa.. Married June 8, 1956 to Andrew Paul Nagy of Washington, Pa.. H1 Michael Joseph Nagy, (Dec. 15, 1957) H2 Mark Edward Nagy, (Aug. 3, 19600 G2 Raymond K. Camino, born Sept. 8, 1938 at Brownsville, Pa.. Married Marian McCollum of Scotland. H1 Robert Joseph Camino, born Feb. 15, 1963 in Scotland H2 Gina Louise Camino, born Feb. 11, 1964 in Scotland H3 Nile Jean Camino, born Oct. 9, 1967 in England G3 Kathy Ann Camino, born Nov. 21, 1941 at Brownsville. On Sept. 12, 1960, married Franklin LaScala, born June 13, 1935 at Newell, Pa. H1 Lisa Ann LaScala, (June 6, 1961) H2 Linda Marie LaScala, (Feb. 16, 1963) H3 Frank Robert LaScala, (Feb. 13, 1964) H4 Jon David LaScala, (Sept. 23, 1965) G4 Robert Barry Camino, born Dec. 16, 1943 at Brownsville. Married Connie Shriver, born Sept. 17, 1944, at Rogersville, Pa. H1 Jeffrey Robert Camino, (Nov. 7, 1967) H2 Tracy Lee Camino, (Aug. 2, 1971) F2 Myra Sisley, born May 8, 1919 at Brownsville, Pa.. Married Howard Powell, born Feb. 7, 1914, son of James and Nellie (Dowler) Powell, on Nov. 11, 1950 at Brownsville. F3 Harold Keith Sisley, born Nov. 5, 1921, at Brownsville, married Esther V. Smith, (Oct. 1, 1923). G1 Keith William Sisley, (Oct. 18, 1951), married -H1 Brian Keith Sisley, (Aug. 20, 1970) F4 Vera Mae Sisley, born Jan. 12, 1924 at Brownsville, married Howard Edwin Swords (May 28, 1920), on July 28, 1945 G1 Susan Swords (April 17, 1947) G2 Gala Swords (Sept. 7, 1949) G3 Nila Swords (Dec. 22, 1953) G4 Ross Swords (Feb. 25, 1958) E11 Valentine Sisley, died in infancy E12 Gilbert Sisley, born in Perry Twp. Feb. 24, 1893, died Oct. 10, 1976. Unmarried. Veteran of World War I. 24 On the following pages are some of the side branches of the Sisley’s tree. Since many of the following families were all born and raised in the Perry Township area, it might be well to know something of the origin of Perryopolis. Perryopolis, Fayette County, Pennsylvania is thirteen miles north of Uniontown and about one-half mile west of the Youghiogheny River. The town plan was designed by Thomas Burns, Thomas and Nathan Hersey and Samuel Shreve. It is in the shape of a wheel with Washington Diamond as the hub and the streets the spokes. There are eight triangular lots that were set aside for the public use. The street names are from the Revolutionary War period, such as Independence, Liberty, Federal, Concord, Union, Hancock, Randalph, La Fayette etc. The town was first known as New Boston but after Oliver Hazard Perry's victory at Lake Erie, the name was changed to Perryopolis. The Charter was filed in the recorders office on March 18,1814. Recorded and Compared May 3, 1837. 25 BONGIORNO PAUL BONGIORNO, born Jan. 25, 1914, at Dunlevy, Pa., son of Phillip and Anna (Campana) Bongiorno of Charleroi, Pa.. Married, on Dec. 29, 1933 to EDITH IRENE SISLEY, born Oct. 26, 1914, at West Brownsville, Pa. Nancy Lee Bongiorno, born Aug. 29, 1934 in Charleroi, Pa.. Married on March 19, 1955 to Charles David Husted, born March 23, 1917 in Wheeling, West Virginia, son of Charles D. and Bess (Hughes) Husted of Bridgeport, Ohio. Charles David Husted (July 7, 1957). Married in December 1985 to Janet Kathryn Cerasoli, born Aug. 31, 1956, daughter of Mario and Helen (Morelli) Cerasoli. (Janet was first married to Anthony Bradley – divorced. Daughter Amy Christine Bradley, born Dec. 13, 1975) Alexandria Elizabeth Husted, born June 2, 1996 in Wheeling, Wv. Beth Irene Husted, born May 20, 1960 in Martins Ferry, Ohio. Married Oct. 11, 1997 to Michael Lois Tully (Jan 17, 1959). (This was Michael second marriage. Children by first marriage, Michael born Feb. 13, 1986 and Magen born Sept. 7, 1989, both in Wheeling, Wv.) Nellie Anne Bongiorno, born April 21, 1936 in North Charleroi, Pa.. Married on Dec. 18, 1955 to Thomas Parker (May 15, 1936), son of William H. and Lenora Parker of Shadyside, Ohio. Elaine Anne Parker, born Aug. 26, 1967, in Bellaire, Ohio. Married Mar. 12, 1994 to William Edward Hess (July 22, 1962). Son of Louis Kenneth Hess, Jr. and Cynthia Sue (Reline) Hess. (Son by Williams First marriage, William Edward Hess, Jr, born Aug. 17, 1984 in Wheeling, Wv.) Lucinda Pauline Parker, born Oct. 1, 1970 in Bellaire, Ohio. Married on Dec. 17, 1988 to James Thomas Ault born February 5, 1970 in Bellaire, Ohio, son of James Elmer and Sue Ellen (Stillion) Ault. Suzanne Elaine Ault, born July 12, 1989 in Bellaire, Ohio Bethany Danielle Ault, born Aug. 16, 1991 in Bellaire, Ohio Megan Elizabeth Ault, born July 14, 1994 in Bellaire, Ohio Emily Rose Ault, born July 9, 1996 in Bellaire, Ohio Paul David Bongiorno, born Oct. 31, 1938, in Charleroi, Pa.. Married on June 4, 1958 to Eunice Pearl McMahon, born Nov. 13, 1940, daughter of Onward and Helen (Ice) McMahon, of Shadyside, Ohio. Paul David Bongiorno, Jr., born Feb. 28, 1960 in Bellaire, Ohio. Married on Feb. 25, 1984 to Tamera Denise Davis, born Sept. 1, 1964 in Wauseon, Ohio. Divorced. Crystal Elaine Bongiorno, born Dec. 9, 1983 in Wauseon, Ohio Paul David Bongiorno III, born Aug. 29, 1985 in Wauseon, Ohio 26 Timothy Allen Bongiorno, born June 14, 1961 in Bellaire, Ohio. Married Lori Ann Fortner on Feb. 5, 1983. Her mother was a Russell. Mandi Leah Bongiorno, born Dec. 22, 1983 in Bryan, Ohio Chelsea Lynn Bongiorno, born Nov. 3, 1987 in Bryan, Ohio Tina Marie Bongiorno, born Jan. 6, 1964 in Bellaire, Ohio. (Adopted, natural parents Eunices brother Daniel Wayne McMahon and Elsie Bayes – divorced)). Married first on Sept. 25, 1982 to Todd Bradley Reeves, born July 14, 1964, divorced. Married second on Nov. 9, 1990 to Bernard C. Metcalf, divorced. Married Third to David McClay Devyn Augusta McClay born Oct. 26, 1995 in Wauseon, Fulton Co., Ohio Danielle Marie McClay born Oct. 9, 1997 in Wauseon, Fulton Co., Ohio Henry Irwin Bongiorno, born January 19, 1945 in North Charleroi, Pa.. Married on Aug. 6, 1966 to Susan Lynn Ward, born March 13, 1944 in Belmont, Ohio, daughter of Nelson and Virginia (Imhoff) Ward of Shadyside, Ohio. Jason Michael Bongiorno, born Feb. 9, 1972 in Akron, Ohio. Married Dec. 27, 1992 in Walterboro, S. C. to Antonia Paige Sykes, born Mar. 8, 1973 in Tallahassee, Fl., daughter of Jerry David and Martha Ann (Kemp) Sykes. Divorced. David Alexander Bongiorno, born Feb. 14, 1994 in Walterboro, S. C. Jeremy Nelson Bongiorno, born May 10, 1973, in Akron, Ohio. Mathew Henry Bongiorno, born Dec. 31, 1976, in Akron, Ohio Christopher Allen Bongiorno, born June 22, 1983 in Charleston, South Carolina. 27 BISHOP RICHARD BISHOP born in England, married on Dec. 5, 1644 to ALICE (ALIS) MARTIN CLARK hanged c. Oct 4, 1648 (see below) DAMARIS BISHOP died Feb. 6, 1682/3 at Piscataway, NJ, married WILLIAM SUTTON on July 11, 1666 in Eastham, Cape Cod, Ma ALICE (ALLIS) MARTIN was first married to Georg(e) Clarke on Jan. 22, 1638/9 The "Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England" edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff (Boston 1855), volume two of Court Orders (1641-1651) contains the following: II:132 Court session held at New Plymouth on 1 August 1648. On 22 July 1648 a committee was sworn by Governor William Bradford "to make inquiry of the death of the child of Allis Bishop, the wife of Richard Bishope." Their report stated that they had found blood on the floor at the foot of the ladder what lead to the upper chamber in the Bishop house, and that in the upper chamber they found the body of a female child, about four years of age, with her throat cut several times. In addition they found the knife, and reported that Mrs. Bishop confessed to five members (all at the same time) of the twelve-man jury that she had killed her child. The child's body had originally been discovered by one Rachel Ramsden, the twenty-three year old wife of Joseph Ramsden. Mrs. Ramsden had told her parents of her discovery and very shortly the law was after Mrs. Bishop. II:134 Two months later, at the Court held at Plymouth on 4 October 1648, Alice Bishop was indicted "for felonius murder by her comited upon Martha Clark, her owne child, the frute of her own body." The Grand Jury of seventeen men found a true bill, and immediately following the petit jury of twelve men found her guilty of the murder. She then "had the sentence of death pronounced against her, viz., to bee taken from the place where shee was to the place from whence shee came, and thence to the place of execution, and there to be hanged by the necke vntell her body is dead, which acordingly was executed." Very likely she was executed almost immediately. There is no mention in the records that the execution took place in Daxbury, but even so the delay would not have been very long. II:137-138 On the following 6 March 1648/9 Richard Bishop was presented at court in Plymouth for stealing a spade belonging to one Andrew Ring. He was judged guilty, and sentenced to both sit in the stocks and also replace the spade with a new one prior to the June General Court, or be whipped. He had not complied with the court order by 1 May 1649. That same court ordered that one John Churchill of Plymouth was to sell or lease the property of the late George Clark for the benefit of his daughter Abigail Clark. 28 A more exact copy of the Plymouth Colony Records - Court ordersVolume I, pages 132, 3 & 4 follows (with current spelling): (.175) These shown, that on July the 22th, 1648, we whose names are underwritten, were sworn by Mr. Bradford, governor, to make inquiry of the death of the child of Allis Bishop, the wife of Richard Bishope. We declare that coming into the house of the said Richard Bishope we saw at the foot of a ladder that led into an upper chamber, much blood; and going up all of us into the chamber, was found a dead woman child, of about four years of age, lying in her shift upon her left cheek, with her throat cut with divers gashes cross ways, the wind pipe out and stuck into the throat downward, and a bloody knife lying by the side of the child, with which knife all of us judged, and the said Allis hath confessed to five of us at one time, that she murdered the child with the said knife. John Howland James Hurst Robert Lee John Shawe Francis Cooke John Cooke James Cole Gyells Rickard Richard Sparrow Thomas Pope Francis Billington William Nelson Rachell, wife of Josepth Ramsden, age about 23 years, being examined, said that coming to the house of Richard Bishop upon an errand, the wife of the said Richard Bishope requested her to go fetch her some buttermilk at Goodwife Winslows, and gave her a kettle for that purpose, and she went and did it; and before she went, she saw the child lying abed asleep, to her best decerning and the woman was as well as she had known her at any time; but when she came she found her sad and dumpish; she asked her what blood was that she saw at the ladders foot; she pointed unto the chamber, and bid her look, but she persisted she had killed her child, and being afraid, she refused, and ran and told her father and mother. Moreover, she said the reason that moved her to think she had killed her child was that when she saw the blood she looked on the bed, and the child was not there. Taken upon oath by me, The day and year above written William Bradford At a Court of Assistants held at New Plymouth, the first of August, 1648, before Mr. Bradford, Governor, Mr. Coliar, Captain Miles Standish, and Mr. William Thomas, Gent, Assistants, the said Allice, being examined, confessed she did commit the aforesaid murder, and is sorry for it. 29 1648 "At the General Court of our Sovereign Lord the King, held at Plymouth aforesaid, the 4th of October, 1648 4 October before Mr. Bradford, Governor, Mr. Thomas Prence Captain Miles Standish Mr. Timothy Hatherle and Mr. William Thomas, Gent, Assistants. NEW PLYMOUTH MR. BRADFORD GOV. (177.) At this Court, Allice Bishope, the wife of Richard Bishope, of New Plymouth, was indited for felonious murder by her committed, upon Martha Clark, her own child, the fruit of her own body. The names of the grand inquest that went on trial of the aforesaid bill of indictment, were these:John Dunham, Sen. Isaske Weels Mr. Thomas Burne Robert Finny Henery Wood Ephrain Hickes James Walker James Wyat Loue Brewster John Barker Josepth Colman John Allis Thomas Bordman James Bursell Josepth Tory Micsell Backwell Daniell Cole These found the bill's true bill The petty jury names that went upon her trial were these:Josias Winslow, Sen. Thomas Shillingsworth Anthony Snowe Richard Sparrow Gabrlell Fallowell Joshua Prat ) ) ) ) sworn ) ) Gyells Rickard John Staw, Sen. Steuen Wood William Mericke William Brete John Willis ) ) ) ) sworn ) ) These found the said Allice Bishope guilty of the said felonious murder of Martha Clarke aforesaid; and so she had the sentence of death pronounced against her, viz., to be taken from the place where she was to the place from whence she came, and thence to the place of execution, and there to be hanged by the neck until her body is dead, which accordingly was executed. Ref: the Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff (Boston, 1855), volume one of Court Orders (1633-1640) and volume two of the same (1641-1651). 30 BLAIR ROBERT BLAIR, born in Dublin, Ireland, c1750, died in Franklin Twp, Fayette Co, Pa Jan. 8, 1839. He was married to LETTY (LETICE) PARKHILL born in Ireland c1760. Soon after his marriage he came to America and settled in Delaware, and then to Franklin Twp., Fayette Co., Pa. JAMES BLAIR, born April 16, 1793 in Franklin Twp. where he bought a farm. He sold it and bought 110 acres in Perry Twp. in 1825 and built a fine brick house. In 1850 he bought 90 acres more and became quite prosperous. He was drafted in 1812 but the war ended before he served. Died Dec. 27, 1877 in Perry Twp, Fayette Co., Pa. On Jan. 7, 1819 he married RHODA RITTENHOUSE (March 21, 1796-Oct. 9, 1843). Both are buried at Flatwoods. Sarah Blair married John Bell a wagonmaker in Perryopolis David Blair (born c1822) a farmer, moved to Iowa James Rittenhouse Blair (Aug. 3, 1822-Feb. 7, 1905), a farmer and local Baptist Preacher, married Christine Bowne JOHN B. BLAIR (1823-Aug. 22, 1874) was born and died in Perry Twp. He was a contractor, carpenter and barn builder and was well known for his work. He owned two saw mills as well as onefourth of the first circular saw-mill at Buena Vista. He owned and operated McDonald Mill at Virgin Run. For six years he did Undertaking in his home. He owned a farm in the southern part of Perry Twp. He was married by Rev. Milton Sutton on Sept. 5, 1844 to MINERVA SUTTON (c1829-Aug. 2 1899), daughter of Rueben (1790) and Jane (1793) Sutton of German descent, who moved from eastern Pa. to Georges Township then to Perry Twp.. Martha Jane Blair (1845-1863) Christina Blair (1846), married Johathan Shaffer Milton Taylor Blair (1849-1877) married Mary Yokum. He was a carpenter in West Newton Ansley Blair (c1849), married Isabel Cook. He was a Doctor in Barricksville, W. Va. Olen Sutton Blair (1853) married Josephine Gallatin first then Cora Graham daughter of William Graham Pelina Blair (1855) married John Lynn, a farmer in Perry Twp. Anna Belle Blair (1859) married John Clark, a farmer in Perry Twp. Ulysis Grant Blair (1863-1947) married Catherine Shellenberger SETTURAH BLAIR (1865-1947) married Dr. LINDSEY TAYLOR RUSSELL Melissa Blair (born c1867) married Andrew Carson, lived on old homestead Clayton Carson John Humbert Blair, died at age 2 Naomi Blair, Stillborn Avaline Dunn Blair (born May 1870) married Augusta Freiburger Joy T. Blair (born c1872), married James Wells, a farmer in Perry Twp. 31 Robert Blair, a farmer in Perry Twp., married Dec. 29, 1858 to Harriet Oldacre (June 17, 1833-May 13, 1903), daughter of Isaac and Catherine (Little) Oldacre Three sons born c1861, 1863 and 1868 Isaac Blair (c1872) Dow Blair (c1876) Ira Blair(c1877), Undertaker in Perryopolis, married Luvada Jenkins Mary Irene Blair (Jan. 10, 1901) Harry Donald Blair (March 12, 1903-1936) Russell Jenkins Blair (Oct. 1, 1907-March 12, 1994) Ray Blair, (Sept. 22, 1909-1938) Herman Blair Rhoda Blair (c1832) Mary Jane Blair (c1833) Samuel Parkhill Blair (Aug. 12, 1834-1885) married Elizabeth Strickler (but 1880 census lists wife as Deborah, second wife?) Obadiah Blair, a carpenter, Civil War Veteran Milton Blair, farmer in Coffee Co., Okla., Civil War Veteran On Dec. 25, 1845, James Blair married Susanna Slonaker, born July 21, 1811 in Dunbar of German Decent. Christopher Blair (Oct. 8, 1846), farmer William Blair, farmer in Westmoreland County, Pa. Susanna E. Blair, married Lynn Piersol, Belle Vernon, Pa. Samuel Blair John Blair Letty Blair Rebeccah Blair Polly Blair (1804?) Sarah M. Blair (1807-Aug. 8, 1888) 32 CONGER (BELCONGER) JOHN CONGER born 1600 in Yarmouth, Norfolk England, married in 1616 to ELIZABETH born about 1595. JOHN CONGER born Sept. 8, 1633 in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, died Aug. or Sept. 1712, in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ, came from England and settled in New Jersey. Married April 12, 1666 in Newbury to MARY KELLY born Feb. 12, 1641 in Newbury Ma., died about 1689, in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ and was the daughter of JOHN KELLY. Mary Conger (Dec. 29, 1666) Enos Conger (about 1667-Nov. 21, 1689) Sarah Conger (Jan. 1688-about 1702) Johannah Conger (Aug. 1, 1670) John Conger (May 24, 1674-1727) ELIZABETH CONGER born Jan. 1, 1678 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ, married JOHN SUTTON Lediah Conger (Jan. 1 1679) Jonathan Conger (May 29, 1683-May 8, 1733) Gershom Conger born about 1685, died about 1711 John Conger married a second time to Sarah Cawood Abigail Conger (1690) Joseph Conger (May 17, 1692) Job Conger (June 9, 1694-1758) Rachel Conger (May 12, 1696) Lydia Conger (April 28, 1698) Benjamin Conger born about 1700, died March 1762 Ref: New England Marriages Prior to 1700 by Torrey The Conger Family in America by Maxine Growell Leonard 33 CRISE WILLIAM CRISE, born Dec. 1837, in Pennsylvania married about 1863, to MARY (unknown), born Jan. 1848, in Virginia In 1880 and 1900 lived in Rostrover Twn., Westmoreland Co. Pa., William was a coal miner in 1880 and a day laborer in 1900. Anna Crise, born about 1868, in Pennsylvania, married a Ghrist Josephine Crise, born about 1871, in Pennsylvania, married a Burkett. William Crise, born about 1875, in Pennsylvania Alvin E. Crise, born Oct. 1876, in Pennsylvania MAGGIE OLIVE CRISE, born Dec. 18, 1879, in Pennsylvania, died Nov. 5, 1914. Married MARCUS JOSEPH HUCKELS on April 8, 1896 (see Huckles family). Amelia Crise born Aug 1880 in Westmoreland Co. Married on Oct. 23, 1897 to Frank A. Bergman born 1876 in Germany. Both were residing in Rostraver Co. at time of marriage. Charles O. Crise, born March 1886, in Pennsylvania. Harrison N. Crise, born Oct. 8, 1888, in Pennsylvania, died March 1969 in Greensboro, Green Co, Pa. . Data for birth dates from 1900 census. Census showed Mary had 12 children with 7 living. Ref: 1880, 1900 and 1910 census Social Security Death Records (for Harrison) Marriage Records (for Amelia) 34 EBERHART JOHN ADAM EBERHART Andrew Eberhart (1732-1799) George Eberhart (1732?-1806) Martin Luther Eberhart (died 1792) ADOLPHUS EBERHART (Jan. 4, 1760-1828), came to this country from Karlsruhw, Baden, Germany. He married SOPHIA SPEELMAN (Feb. 7, 1770), daughter of DAVID and ELIZABETH (BRANDENBURG) SPEELMAN, on Jan. 11, 1787, at Frederick, Maryland. He served in the Revolutionary War as a private. After the war he returned to his trade of glass-blowing. Adolphus and his brother Martin and several friends went to Frederick, Maryland where they worked at the new Glass House at New Bremen, a small typical German Community established by John Frederick Amalung, a native of Bramen, Germany. The project failed and was offered for sale in 1795. After the failure of the Amelung Glass Works, a group of the best glass workers moved to New Geneva, Fayette County, Pa. where, in partnership with Albert Gallatin, they built the New Geneva Glass Works. Gallatin was a member of the United State House of Representatives from 1795-1800. He was Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, from 18011813. He helped negotiate the treaty of peace with England following the Was of 1812 and served as Minister to France, 18151823. Gallatin's duties kept him in Washington more and more so he decided in 1803 to dispose of his half interest in Glass House. It was bid in by Christian and Baltzer Kramer, John Gabler, George Rappert and Adolph Eberhart. In 1817 they dismantled the old furnace and built a new one across the Monongahela River near Greensburg. It has been claimed that these men were the pioneers of the glass manufacture, not only in Green County, but also in western Pennsylvania. Children of ADOLPHUS and SOPHIA EBERHART: Martin Adolph Eberhart died in childhood, March 3, 1795 Charles Eberhart (Feb. 18, 1789) married Minnie Kirkwood Sophia Annette Eberhart (1791-1870) married Joseph Dunlap (May 31, 1791-March 15, 1870) Margaret Elizabeth Eberhart (March 6, 1793) married James Vance Jr. Christine Eberhart (June 11, 1795) unmarried George Frederick Eberhart (March 30, 1797) married Betsy Welter Anna Eberhart (April 28, 1800) married Robert Jones Henry Eberhart (May 30, 1803-c1880) married Abigail Squires; 2nd Mary M. Butterfield John Lenhart Eberhart (Dec. 9, 1806) married Nancy Plunket; 2nd Nancy Cassady LEWIS ADOLPHUS EBERHART (see next page) Rev. Albert Gallatin Eberhart (Oct. 8, 1810) married Eliza Evens 35 36 LEWIS ADOLPHUS EBERHART (April 14, 1808-March 13, 1885) born at New Geneva, Pa., married by Rev. Z. S. Barstow on Jan. 23, 1828 to LUCINDA BANKS (1809-died May 10, 1890 per grave stone) of Keene County, New Hampshire. He was a glass blower and worked for a time at the New Boston Glass Works, a window and bottle works at Perryopolis, Pa.. Lewis Eberhart was a school director in Perry Township in 1848. He died on the North Side, Pittsburgh in 1885. Lewis and Lucinda are both buried in the old cemetery on the hill at Fayette City. LOUISA EBERHART (May 8, 1831) married ISAAC MARTIN Frances Eberhart (born about 1833, died August 13, 1881), born in New Jersey Sophia Eberhart, born about 1835 in New Jersey, married James Stewart, October 18, 1885 Charles Eberhart born about 1837 in New Jersey William Eberhart born about 1840 in Fayette Co., Pa., married Affinity Page James Eberhart born about 1843 in Fayette Co., Pa., married Emma Roberts Laura Eberhart born about 1847 in Fayette Co. Pa., died in 1927, married Christian Baird Cecelia Eberhart unmarried (not on 1850 census) Ref: Most taken from “Historical Sketch of John Adam Eberhart, Duke of Elsass, Germany” by Rev. A. D. Eberhart 1850 and 1860 Census 37 HOWELL THOMAS HOWELL born c1638 in Harleston, Stafforshire, England, died Oct. 1687 at Cooper's creek, Watherford Twp, Glouchester, NJ. Married in England c1659 to KATHERINE (?) born c1640 in Farnsworth, Warwick, England, died prior to Oct. 4, 1695 in Philadelphia, Pa. DANIEL HOWELL born c1660 in Tamworth, Warwick, England, died prior to Sep. 8, 1739 in Solebury, Buck Co., Pa. Married on Sep. 4, 1686 in Philadelphia, Pa. to HANNAH LAKIN born c1666 in Cooper's Creek, Glouchester, NJ Hannah Howell (born c1687), married Job Howell Daniel Howell (c1688-1733), married c1710 to Elsie Reading Benjamin Howell (c1695-Sep. 6, 1774) married July 19, 1721 to Catharine (Gertrude als) Papen, daughter of Heivert Papen and Elizabeth Rittenhouse Joseph Howell (c1698-prior Feb. 5, 1776), married Gertrude (?) CATHERINE HOWELL born c1700 in Philadelphia, Pa, died 1728. Married c1720 to WILLIAM RITTENHOUSE Mordecai Howell (born c1662) in England, married 1st Elizabeth (?), 2nd Elizabeth Morgan on Aug. 9, 1732 in Philadelphia, Pa, 3rd Francis Garrett Miriam Howell (born c1664)in England, married c1693 Henry Johnson Priscilla Howell (born c1666) in England, married Nov. 2, 1699 to Robert Stiles in Philadelphia, Pa Catherine (Cathren) Howell (born c1668) in England, married James Robinson 38 HUCKLES ANTON LUCAS HUCKELS, born in Germany Feb. 1837 died Oct 1 1906 in Gilmore, buried at St. Mary’s, Monongahela, married FRANCES SCHOENBERGER. He came to the United States in 1895 and was in Donora in 1900 and lived next to his son Marcus Joseph. MARCUS JOSEPH HUCKELS, born in Essen, Germany on Sept. 16, 1864. Died at Donora, Pa. on March 7, 1956, buried March 10, 1956 at Monongahela Valley Memorial Park. Married April 8, 1896 to MAGGIE OLIVE CRISE (Dec. 18, 1878-Nov. 5, 1914), daughter of WILLIAM and MARY CRISE of Jacobs Creek. Joseph Huckles born in 1897, died July 2 1898, 8 months old, in Charleroi, buried in St. Mary’s, Monongahela Irene M. Huckles (Nov. 12, 1898-May 14, 1973). Married 1st on Jun 15, 1923 to Jack Ashton born about 1890 (divorced), 2nd Harry F. Miller Marilyn Miller, married Harold Motzer FRANCES HUCKELS (Dec. 28, 1899-Dec. 20, 1995). Married WILBUR C. SISLEY on Nov 16, 1921. AUGUST HUCKLES (Feb. 10, 1901-Sept. 8, 1987). Married June 14, 1929 to MARION RUTH SISLEY RAYMOND HUCKLES (May 13, 1930) Lucas Huckels(Mar. 6, 1902, died at birth) Emily Huckles (April 17, 1903), married Percy Wilson (Sept. 20, 1900-March 27, 1994) Mary B. Huckels (May 2, 1905-Jan. 15, 1984). Married on Oct 10, 1925 to Robert Fulmer (Feb. 1, 1905-April 30, 1960) Robert Joseph Fulmer, Graduated from Donora High School May 28, 1943. Killed Jan. 13, 1945 in the Philippines invasion of World War II. Marcus Huckels (1907)(not on 1910 census) Ida Huckels (1909-1913) (3 years old on 1910 Census) Marcus died at birth (assumed in Nov. 1914 as Margaret died giving birth) Married a second time to Helen (unknown) who was 45 per 1920 census, born in New York. Anthony Huckels, born about 1870, died December 2, 1955 (85 years old), in Akron, Ohio Edith A. Huckels (May 26, 1901), married Denious Robert John Huckels (May 31, 1902) Carl Huckels Emilie (Melie) Huckels, born about 1873 in Germany, married on Dec 26, 1896 to Wm. Schigner (not alive in 1956 per Death notice of M. Joseph Huckels) 39 Mary Rosina Huckels, born In Essen, Germany, January 16, 1877, She was still alive in 1960 and at Funeral of Robert Fulmer. Married on Dec 24, 1895 to Martin Daily who died in 1932. William Huckels, born Jan. 11, 1878 in Benge Bonbek (spelling?), Germany. He was still alive in 1956 and at M. Joseph Huckels Funeral). Arrived in New York in Dec 1892. There is an Ernest Wm. Huckels (Sept. 19, 1906-Feb. 1, 1953) who’s son, Anthony or William, believe Anthony. Difference in spelling of Huckels (Huckles) was due to error in the recording of the births in the church and other records. Birth dates of Ida and Marcus must be confirmed. The 1910 census shows that Margaret had 11 children with 6 living. Ref: Birth and Death Records Census Records Marriage Records Social Security Records 40 HUGUS ROBERT FINLEY HUGUS, (June 24, 1916-March 27,1964). Buried at Monongahela, Pa.. He was the son of Paul M. and Olive Mae (Winnett) Hugus, of Fallowfield Twp. Washington County. Married on Nov. 25, 1936 to BERNICE ELAINE SISLEY, born Feb. 9, 1917 at West Brownsville, Pa.. Janet Mae Hugus, born Sept. 12, 1937 at N. Charleroi. Married Feb. 8, 1958 to Francis Henry Lapinsky of Monongahela, Pa., born Dec. 4, 1930. Son of J.J. and Isabelle Lapinsky. Kathryn Anne Lapinsky (March 1, 1964) Staphen Francis Lapinsky (June 24, 1968) Meredith Lynne Lapinsky (Sept. 8, 1970) Robert Alan Hugus, born Jan. 9, 1940 at N. Charleroi, Pa.. Married, Jan 14, 1961 at Monongahela, to Charlene Peters (Nov. 15, 1941), daughter of Thomas and Susan (Fields) Peters. Live at Brunswick, Ohio near Janet and Frank. Michael Alan Hugus (Dec. 17, 1962) Robert Thomas Hugus (Sept. 24, 1968) Keith Charles Hugus born Dec. 13, 1942 at N. Charleroi, Pa.. Married, Jan. 4, 1964 in Charleroi to Barbara Dale (Sept. 15, 1942), daughter of Raymond and Betty (Lynn) Dale. they live in North Palm Beach, Fla.. Rebecca Lynn Hugus (June 19, 1967) Jeffrey Armstrong Hugus (July 29, 1969) Judith Anne Hugus, (Sept. 11, 1946) at New Eagle, Pa.. Married, Oct. 16, 1969 at Honolulu, Hawaii, to Walter Francis McDermott, Jr. (July 7, 1946), son of Walter F. and Helen McDermott. They live at Bloomington, Ind. Bernice married, June 1, 1967, to Glenn Reese Gottheld (Oct. 22, 1912), of Charleroi, son of Daniel and Georgia Mae (Reese) Gottheld. They live in Florida. 41 LAUDERBACK HOWARD LAUDERBACK (May, 27, 1920). Howard served in Europe during World War II. Married in 1942 to LOIS EVELYN SISLEY born March 29, 1924 at Warner, Pa.. They live at Rt. #1, Charleroi, Pa.. Arlene Ann Lauderback (March 14, 1947). Married David Lee Rotta (Dec. 15, 1947) David Michael Rotta (Jan. 26, 1970) Lisa Marie Rotta (Dec. 9, 1972) Natalie Rotta (Dec 21, 1976) Howard Joseph Lauderback (June 29, 1954) 42 LAYTON The land on which Layton Station in situated was a track called "Springfield", patented in 1791 to Mary Higgs, containing 217 acres. Abraham Layton bought a portion of this land in 1821 for $2353.00. After his death, his sons, Michael and Abraham II, built keel-boats to ship sand and glass down the river. After the death of their father in 1852 and the sale of the lands at Layton Station, Michael Layton purchased a tract south of the river. It is a tradition that before the warrant was obtained for this land, Michael Sowers lived in an old cabin and ferried people across the river. After his death a man named Dun lived in the cabin. He was drowned a few years later and the place was long known as "Dun's Deep Hole", but was changed to "Layton" after the purchase by Abraham Layton. There were at one time hundred of graves back of where the cabin stood. ABRAHAM LAYTON, born in 1769 in New Jersey, died in 1852. SARAH, his wife, born in 1775 in Pennsylvania, died in 1857. Both are buried at Redstone Michael Layton (1795-1875), married Sarah (1805) buried at Redstone Susan Layton, born 1829 Catherine Layton, born 1838 Michael Layton, born 1840 Abraham Layton II (1797-1862), married Susan Branthoover (18161906), buried at Redstone George W. Layton Sarah R. Layton married Benjamin Slocum Ellen Layton (1852), married --- Carson Abraham Layton III (1858-1933) HANNAH LAYTON, born 1812, died 1872, married MORGAN SISLEY 43 MARTIN The history of the Martin family begins in Fayette County with the history of Perry Township surrounding Perryopolis. MICHAEL MARTIN settled in Perry Twp., being the original holder of land near Perryopolis. His settlement antedated the American Revolution and no records are found to dispute his claim to having been one of the original settlers in what is now Perry Twp. where his land was patented to him in 1809. He was Scotch-Irish descent. He was married but there is no record of his wife. BENJAMIN MARTIN - born in 1773 in what is now Perry Township and died in Perryopolis on June 18, 1850. He was his father's assistant in the work of clearing fields and compelling them to produce. He became a large land owned and cattle dealer, driving his herds and flocks to eastern markets long before the era of railroads. There was a generous rivalry between Benjamin and James Fuller as to who should control the greater land acreage in the township. Ellis' History tells of them buying a part of the George Washington track as partners. He married MARY FREEMAN, daughter of John Freeman of Franklin Township. She died in Perryopolis Nov. 20, 1842. Both are buried in the old Smock Graveyard. Betsey Martin - unmarried, died April 5, 1835 buried at Smock John Freeman Martin (died Nov. 16, 1849) a prominent merchant and glass manufacturer in Perryopolis and Cookstown. He married Jane Vail ISAAC MARTIN (1820-June 29, 1862) married LOUISA EBERHART (May 8, 1831-Feb 27, 1918). Both are buried at Mt. Washington Cemetery. John F. Martin (1848-1914) raised by Pierson and Mary Cope. Buried at the old Quaker Churchyard LUCINDA MARTIN (1850-1918) married SAMUEL LAYTON SISLEY Isabel Martin (1852-1884) married Patrick Curren (1840-) Charles L. Martin (1854-1921) married Mary E. Jackson Isaac Martin Jr. (1856-1921) married Jennie Jackson Albert Martin (March 1861-Sept. 1861 The above five are buried at Mt. Washington Cemetery. William Martin (died Nov. 11, 1871) born in Perry Twp., was a farmer and lived on the home farm. Married 1. Margaret Rossell (1811-1846) she had seven children, 2. Sarah Ann Britt, she also had seven children. Mary Martin (died Oct. 2, 1887) married Pierson Cope Edmund Martin (died May 5, 1876) 44 Isaac Martin (1790-1818) buried in Harmony Churchyard Gilbert Martin Nancy Martin married a Sunderland, moved to Ohio Marcella Martin married Robert Lynch Samuel Martin married Huldah Wilgus Ephriam Martin Ref: Certificate of death for Louisa (Eberhart) Martin Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County by J. W. Jordan and James Hadden: 1912. 45 OLOCK PAUL OLOCK (July 12, 1926). Married in 1953 to DOROTHY VERNE SISLEY, born July 23, 1925 at Monessen, Pa.. They live at Boyertown, Pa. Frances Valerie Olock (October 19, 1955), married on June 12, 1976 to Brian Johnson (Apr. 3, 1954) Todd Michael Johnson (Jan. 27, 1978) Steven Craig Johnson (Nov. 29, 1984) Paul Michael Olock (Dec. 24, 1956) Brittany Victoria Olock (Nov. 8, 1990) Carol Anne Olock (August 4, 1958). Married Jack Allen Kauffman (Oct. 6, 1956) Noah Nathaniel Kauffman (Aug. 17, 1994) 46 RITTENHOUSE CLAUS RITTENHOUSE born about 1615 in Mulheim, Westfalia, Germany, married MARIA HAGERHOFFS born about 1619 in Mulheim, Westfalia, Germany. Margaret Rittenhouse (c1619) WILLIAM RITTENHOUSE born about 1644 in Mulheim, Westfalia, Germany, died in 1708 in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. He came to America on the Ship Concord in 1688 with his three children. He was the first paper maker and first Mennonite Bishop in America. Married GEETRUID PIETERS born c1646 in Holland Nicholas (Claus) Rittenhouse Elizabeth Rittenhouse GARRETT RITTENHOUSE born about 1674 in Holland, died Feb. 1742 in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Name of his wife is not known. WILLIAM RITTENHOUSE born in 1695 in Cresheim, Pa (near Germantown), died in 1767 in Rosemont, NJ. Married about 1720 in Pennsylvania to CATHERINE HOWELL born about 1700 in Philadelphia, Pa, died in 1728 WILLIAM RITTENHOUSE born about 1722 in Delaware Twp, Hunterdon, NJ, died about 1799 in Hunterdon, NJ. Married REBECCA HARNET. Benjamin Rittenhouse (1746/7-Dec. 29, 1821) Garret Rittenhouse (born 1754) WILLIAM RITTENHOUSE born about 1755 in Delaware Twp, Hunterdon, NJ, died July 14, 1816 in Franklin Twp, Fayette Co, Pa. Married REBECCA BRAY David Rittenhouse (1782-1853/1860) James Rittenhouse (1786-Jan 1852) Abner Rittenhouse Catherine Rittenhouse Rebecca Rittenhouse Ann Rittenhouse Lavinia Rittenhouse Delia Rittenhouse RHODA RITTENHOUSE born March 21, 1796, died Oct. 9, 1843 in Perry Twp, Fayette Co. Pa. Married on Jan. 7, 1819 to JAMES BLAIR Adah Rittenhouse Thomas W. Rittenhouse 47 Rebecca Rittenhouse(Sep. 10, 1758-June 21, 1830) Abner Rittenhouse (born May 5, 1760) Daniel Rittenhouse (May 2, 1760-May 19, 1848) Presylla Rittenhouse Catherine Rittenhouse (1762-Jan. 10, 1830) Abigail Rittenhouse (born Jan. 6, 1764) Anna Rittenhouse (born about 1765) Hannah Rittenhouse (about 1767-before 1799) Isaac Rittenhouse Peter Rittenhouse (1724-1804) Priscilla Rittenhouse (born about 1725) Isaac Rittenhouse (July 13, 1726-Feb. 23, 1809) Moses Rittenhouse (about 1728-1774) Lott Rittenhouse (1737-1813) Anna Rittenhouse Hannah Rittenhouse (died May 19, 1798) Sarah Rittenhouse Peter Rittenhouse Heinrich Nicholas Rittenhouse (c1648) Ref: Rittenhouse Family Association Historic Rittenhouse Town 48 RUSSELL JOSEPH RUSSELL, born Jan. 28, 1789 in Westmoreland County, died May 4, 1854, a shoemaker, came to Perry Township in 1848. June 2, 1828 he married ANNA MARY TEAGARDEN (Nov. 8, 1803), still living with daughter Susanna per 1880 census. Bethsheba Russell (June 4, 1829), married Joshua Gaut on Jan. 11, 1843 Anna Mary Russell (Jan. 31, 1831), married John Moody on Aug. 12 1849 WILLIAM T. RUSSELL (see below) Susanna Russell (June 10, 1834), Married William P. Trump Esenith Russell born in Flatwood Pa. April 22, 1837, died in N. Belle Vernon Pa. Nov. 9 1892, Married in 1863 to Francis Marion Miller born in Brownsville 1839, died in Monessen on Aug. 9, 1907 Margaret Marinda Russell (March 16 1841) WILLIAM T. RUSSELL, born Dec. 29, 1832 (date on death certificate but in family bible listed as Nov 29, 1832), died Sept. 18, 1911. He came to Perry Twp. with his father in 1848. He was a farmer. Served in the Union Army in the Civil War. Enlisted at Pittsburgh, 16 Oct. 1862, Co. B 168th Reg. Pa. Inf., private - mustered out at Harrisburg 23 July 1863 as Sgt., reenlisted as Sgt. of Capt. Cyrus Thomas unassigned Co. 103rd Reg. of Pa. Inf. - discharged 25 June 1865 at New Bern N.C. School Director and Tax Collector in Perry Twp.. On June 10, 1855 married LAVINIA KREPPS (1837-1862)(date on grave stone but on William's pension request listed as July 6, 1863), daughter of GEORGE KREPPS. Mary E. Russell (July 6, 1856-1916), married 1st Jacob B. Husband, on Oct. 1, 1914 married Harry Griffith (1856-1916) Susan Russell (March 23, 1858), married W. M. Stickel LINDSEY TAYLOR RUSSELL (see below) Allean Russell (Aug. 31, 1859), married William Hartwick William married a second time on May 4, 1866 to Louisa Hagerty (July 11, 1826-Sept. 5, 1908), daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Blaney) Hagerty. LINDSEY TAYLOR RUSSELL, born Aug. 31, 1859 in Perry Twp. He was educated in the public schools in Perry Township. He commenced his medical training in 1879 under Dr. S. S. Stahl at Dawson, Pa.. He attended the Physic Medical Institude at Cincinnati, Ohio until 1882. Practiced in Ruffadale, Pa. for one year. He returned to Physic Medical Instirute for postgraduate work. He then went to Vanderbilt from 1883 to 1886. He practiced in Monongahela City for six years and returned 49 to Vanderbilt. He spent the later part of his life in Perryopolis. On July 4, 1884 he married SETTURAH BLAIR, born Oct 31, 1865, daughter of John B. Blair and Minerva Sutton. She died at Vanderbilt in Sept. 1947. Dr. Russell died in Perryopolis on May 4, 1931. Both are buried at Flatwoods Baptist Cemetery. NELLIE RUSSELL, married WILBUR C. SISLEY Gertrude Russell (Nov. 14, 1895-Sept. 1986), Married Frank Luce Bessie Russell, born abt. 1889, married Oscar Brown Charles Russell (Feb. 7, 1891-Feb. 1975), married Zona Robison (Mar. 13, 1894-Jan 1975) Maud Russell (abt 1897), married Wm. Harry Brown Kent Scott Russell born June 5, 1898, in Connellsville, died 17 Nov. 1964, buried at Flatwoods. Married Sarah Leona Lynn, born Nov. 2, 1898, in Connellsville Norma Jean Russell, married Allan Gray Miller Jr. Nancy Jane Russell, married Phillip Hedges Lois Hedges Kent Hedges Louisa Russell (Sept. 6, 1900-Dec. 1987), unmarried Ref: Birth dates from 1910 census for E3, E5 Social Security Death Index for E2, E4 and E7 Family bible for C1-C6 50 AUBREY JOSEPH SISLEY AUBREY JOSEPH SISLEY (Dec. 16, 1922). Married Dec. 20, 1952 to EDNA LINK REINIG (Dec. 21, 1924). Daughter of Fredrick J. Link and (Minnie) Rose W. Wilke. William E. Sisley (Aug. 7, 1946-July 8, 1969), killed in action in South Vietnam. Buried in Forest Ave. Cemetery, Angola, NY. 51 PERRY R. SISLEY PERRY RUSSELL SISLEY, born October 1, 1910 at McKees Rocks, Pa., died May 29, 1991. Married in 1934 to KATHERINE REYNOLDS (Aug. 29, 1912). Peter Linsey Taylor Sisley (Dec. 9, 1935-Aug. 20, 1988). Married Kathryn Severns Ripp (March 4, 1939) Deborah Anne Sisley (March 29, 1962) David Linsey Sisley (Aug. 30, 1967) Daniel Russell Sisley (May 14, 1970) Patricia Jane Sisley (June 6, 1937). On June 14, 1958 married Robert E. Webb (Feb. 7, 1930). Robert Harold Webb, Died age one day Robin Elizabeth Webb (May 2, 1961) Russell Ellisworth Webb (Aug. 25, 1971) James Perry Sisley (Feb. 18, 1939. Married Bonnie Lou Bareis (September 23, 1938). Divorced. Garrett Emerson Sisley (Jan. 1, 1957) Cynthia Margaret Sisley (Oct. 11, 1968) Married second time to Lucy 52 SAMUEL KENNETH SISLEY SAMUEL KENNETH SISLEY, born Jan. 27, 1914 at West Brownsville, Pa.. Married on Jan. 1, 1933 to FLORENCE LAMMAY, born Jan. 24, 1911 at West Brownsville, Pa., daughter of Stephan H. and Mabel Louise (Osborne) Lammay. Russell Lynn Sisley (March 14, 1934). Married Donna Kitser divorced Russell Lindsey Sisley (Sept. 1, 1954) Russell Lynn Sisley married on Aug. 4, 1956 to Marilyn Claire Milton (Nov. 14, 1935), at Carson City, Nev. daughter of James and Catherine Milton. Judith Anne Sisley (June 19, 1957), married on Apr. 26, 1985 to Tom Lee Harris David James Harris (Nov. 18, 1985) Katherine Marie Harris (July 8, 1987) Kenneth Russell Sisley (Oct. 11, 1959), married on March 2, 1993 to Lisa Ann Marnell (July 2, 1963) Anne Coleen Sisley (March 22, 1992) Laura Louise Sisley (Oct. 18, 1963), married on Feb. 9, 1985 to Joseph Allen Clark (Sept. 21, 1960) Justin Anthony Clark (Oct. 1, 1985) Sarah Elizabeth Clark (Aug. 24, 1988) Nikke Allen Clark (June 13, 1990) James Edward Sisley (Aug. 20, 1965), married on March 1, 1996 to Etsuko Hishio (May 1, 1966) Jonathon Masaru (July 11,1995) Russell Lynn Sisley (May 14, 1967-June 14, 1967) Lynne Marie Sisley (July 3, 1968), married on June 1, 1991 to Pat McNulty (May 12, 1971) Kara Lynne McNulty (Jan. 11, 199 Kayleen Brianna McNulty (Jan. 12, 1994) Daniel Wayne Sisley (Jan.3, 1939). Married on December 27, 1959 to Margie Eileen Mortensen (March 24, 1938), at Sacramento, Ca., daughter of Clair and Elsie Mortensen. Michael Wayne Sisley, (April 30, 1961), married on Oct. 17, 1987 to Pauline Dabolos (Dec. 31, 1951) Hawaikikalanihaahaa (uses Kalani for short) (Jan. 16, 1976) Linda Christine Sisley, (Nov. 30, 1962), married on Sept. 25, 1993 to Zack Scibior (Oct. 1, 1957) Steven Edward Sisley, (Nov. 17, 1964), married on June 27, 1992 to Libby Ann Budd (Jan. 8, 1967) Tyler Alan Sisley (April 9, 1996) 53 WILBER CLARENCE SISLEY WILBER CLARENCE SISLEY born July 7, 1919 at West Brownsville, Pa. Married April 7, 1945 to DOROTHY WILKINSON (Feb. 14, 1922), daughter of Robert and Cordalia (Polk) Wilkinson of Buffalo, NY. Linda Lee Sisley (June 23, 1946). Married June 18, 1966 to LeRoy Gill born June 12, 1946. Scott Douglas Gill (Dec. 11, 1966) Darak Gill (Oct. 19, 1970) Karen Ann Sisley (July 5, 1947-Nov. 22, 1947) Robert Kent Sisley (Jan. 18, 1949), married Dec. 20, 1975 to Donna Stephens (Sept. 18, 1948) Cara Sisley (June 8, 1978) Tina Marie Sisley (Feb. 5, 1956) Dena Mae Sisley (June 2, 1958). Married Oct. 25, 1980 to Dale England (Nov. 19??). Heather Sisley England (June 12, 1987) Brent Roger England (Feb. 7, 1989) Clarence Served in the Army From Feb. 1941 until Aug. 1945. He spent time in the Pacific Theater from Dec. 1941 until Apr. 1945 when he was returned to the States. 54 SUTTON AMBROSE SUTTON GEORGE SUTTON born in England, died April 12, 1669 in Perquiman Co, NC, Married in Plymouth Co, Ma about 1636 to SARAH TILDEN WILLIAM SUTTON born about 1641 in Scituate, Plymouth Co, Ma, died April 28, 1718 in Woodbridge, NJ, Married in Eastham, Cape Cod, Ma July 11, 1666 to DAMARIS BISHOP JOHN SUTTON born Jan. 14, 1673/4 (April 20, 1674 in one reference) in Piscataway, NJ, died in 1750 (Will probated Dec. 20, 1750) in Piscataway, NJ. Married ELIZABETH CONGER DAVID SUTTON born July 31, 1703 in Piscataway, NJ, died in 1775 (Will probated Dec. 19, 1775) in Bernard Twp, Somerset Co, NJ. Married ELIZABETH COX MOSES SUTTON born about 1734 in Basking Ridge, Somerset Co, NJ. He was a Minister. Married SUSANNA COX ISSAC SUTTON born about 1765 in Bridgewater Twp, Sommerset Co, NJ, died about 1837 (Will probated Nov. 13, 1837) in Lyme Twp, Huron Co, Oh. Married about 1790 in Fayette Co, Pa to PAMILA REED RUEBEN SUTTON born about 1790 in Fayette Co, Pa, died 1863 (Will probated June 25 1863). Married about 1805 to JANE (?) MINERVA SUTTON born 1829 in Georges Twp, Fayette Co, Pa, died Aug. 2, 1899 in Perry Twp, Pa. Married in Perry Twp. Sept 5, 1844 (by Rev. Milton Sutton) to JOHN B. BLAIR 55 TILDEN JOHN de TYLDEN died before 1370 in England. Married ISOLDE REVE born in Maden, Kent, England, daughter of JOHN REVE THOMAS TYLDEN married JOHANNA (?) THOMAS TYLDEN married JOHANNA (?) JOHN TYLDEN married JOAN (?) ROBERT TYLDEN married ALICE (?) RICHARD (or JOHN) TYLDEN married JOAN (?) RICHARD TILDREN born c1510 in Beneden, Kent, England, buried Jan. 26, 1565/6 in Tenderdon, Kent, England. Married ELIZABETH GLOVER THOMAS TILDEN born c1550 in England, buried June 6, 1617 in England. Married March 11, 1576/7 to ALICE BIGGE (c1550-buried May 13, 1593) Joseph Tilden Thomas Tilden was in Marchfield, Plymouth Colony before 1628 NATHANIEL TILDEN (1583-1641). Was in Scituate, Plymouth Colony before 1628 . Married LYDIA HUCSTEPE (1588) Joseph Tilden died June 3, 1670. Married Elizabeth Twisden Thomas Tilden Mary Tilden SARAH TILDEN born c1613, baptized Jan. 13, 1613 in St. Mildred's Church, Tenterdon, Kent, England, died March 20,1677 in Perquiman's Co., NC. Married c1636 to GEORGE SUTTON Judith Tilden Lydia Tilden married Richard Garrett Stephen Tilden born in Scituate, Plymouth Colony Ref. New England Marriages Prior to 1700 by Torrey 56 WILSON JACK WILSON born March 15, 1910 in Brownsville, Pa., died Feb. 8 1963). Married RHODA MAE SISLEY born Jan. 6, 1909 in Perryopolis, Pa. LENNIS GANELL WILSON (Aug. 3, 1933). Married Nov. 1956 to Joseph F. Piccolo (Sept. 26, 1933). David James Piccolo (Aug. 28, 1957) Susan Madalen Piccolo (Dec. 7, 1958) Melania Marie Piccolo (April 24, 1968) Joan Elizabeth Wilson (Aug. 2, 1938-Aug. 2, 1938) Madalen Kay Wilson (Oct. 22, 1939). Married 1962 to William J. Hession (July 11, 1939). Michele Lynn Hession (Sept. 26, 1963). Married David Monk (Oct. 22, 1969) Meghan Lynn Monk (April 12, 1991) Shannon Ann Monk (June 18, 1992) Molly Erin Monk (July 5, 1995) Kristine Marie Hession (Oct. 18, 1964). Married Michael Shofner (Oct. 28, 1958). Taméra Lee Shofner (Jan. 26, 1982) Jeremy Michael Shofner (Oct. 14, 1987) William James Hession (Oct. 16, 1965). Married Pam Kidd (March 25, 1967) Connie Hession (April 25, 1986) Morgan Elizabeth Hession (July 7, 1994) 57 INDEX Only the last names listed except for Sisley families. Wilber C. Sisley’s children listed in bold type. Wives of Sisley men listed by maiden name or first name if maiden name not known. , , , , , , , , , , , Anna E. Anney Annie S. Dessie Effie Georgie Gertrude Hannah J. Helen Jane Josephine M. 8 12 13 14 14 20 20 17 16 6 Bock Boden Bongiorno Boris 21 7, 14 22, 26, 27 20 30 16 31 26 35 42 46 28, 29, 30 30 30 21 43 49 52 34 30 25 30 35 , Leona , Mary , Ruth 15 14 14 20 Allis Amlung Anderson Andrieosin Anthony Armstrong Ashton Ault 30 35 19 8 14 14 38 26 Bordman Boucher Bowne Bradley Brandenberg Branthoover Bray Bredford Brete Brewster Brinker Britt Brown Budd Burkett Burne Burns Bursell Butterfield Backwell Baird Baker Banks Bareis Barker Barstow Barton Bartosick Bauer Bayes Belconger (Conger) Bell 15, 17, 21, Bergman Betts Bigge Billington Bishop (Bishope) 28, 30, Blair 22, 31, 46, 49, Blaney 30 36 12 35 51 30 35 12 18 8 27 33 31 34 12 55 29 29 54 32 54 48 Caldwell Camino Campana Caron Carson 31, Cassady Cawood Cerasoli Chaffee Chester Chowning Churchill Clark (Clarke) 28, 30, 31, Cole 29, Coliar Colman Comer Conger (Belconger) 33, Cook 4, 5, 7, 8, Cooke Cope 17, 18, Costner 58 20 24 26 21 42 35 33 26 13 11 1 28 52 30 29 30 14 54 31 29 43 19 INDEX Cox 54 Crawford, Col. Wm. 4 Crise 22, 23, 34, 38 Crooks, Col. 4 Cross 7 Croushore 8 Culler 13 Curren 43 Curry 13 Dabolos Dagneau Daily Dale Darry Davis Denious Dobson Dorincz Dowler Duell (Curry) Dun Dunham Dunlap Eberhart Echard Eckman Edmunds Ellis England Essington Evens Falbo Fallowell Ferguson Fields Findley Finney Finny Fisher Fortner Fowler Freeman Frieburger Fry Frye Fuller Fulmer Furnier Gaal Gabler Gallatin Garret Garrett Gaut Ghrist Glover Gibbs Gill Goe Gottheld Graham Griffith Grimm Gubitosa Gue Guy 52 2 39 40 11 5, 9, 20, 26 38 12, 16 20 24 13 42 30 35 31, 37, 13, 16, 17, 22, Hadden Hagerhoffs Hagerty Hamilton Haney Hansaker Harnet Harrigan Harris Hartwick Hasson Hatherle Hazlett Headley Hedges Henderleiter Hersey Herwick 13, Hess Hession Hickes Higgs Hill Hishio Hixenbaugh Hogg Hopkins 4, Howell Howland Huckels 22, 23, 34, Huckles 22, 34, Hucstepe 18, 35, 36, 43, 44 21 8 8 4, 5, 6, 9, 43 53 8 15, 35 19 30 15 40 12 21 30 9 27 19 43 31 8 4 43 38 4 59 18, 14, 15, 14, 37, 38, 38, 17 35 35 19 55 48 34 55 13 53 18 40 31 48 19 24 18 23 44 46 48 14 23 19 46 8 52 48 15 30 14 19 49 12 25 17 26 56 30 42 15 52 22 11 16 46 29 39 39 55 INDEX Huffine Hughes Hugus Hunter Hurst Husband Husted 21 26 22, 40 10 29 48 26 Ice Imhoff Jackovich Jackson James Jefferson Jeffries Jenkins Johnson Jones Jordan Kaufman Kauffman Keller Kelly Kemp Kidd Kincell Kirkwood Kitser Kramer Krepps Kulleck Kurtz Kyle Lakin Lammay Lapinsky LaScala Lauderback Layton Lee Leonard Link Litman Little Luce Lutes Lynch Lynn Lyons Madison Manandise Marnell Martin 35 19 52 14, 16, 18, 28 36, 43, 44 Mason 17 Mattock 11 May 14 McBride 14 McClay 27 McCord 12 McCoy 4 McCrory 7, 14 McCollum 24 McDermott 40 McEwen 8 McIntyre 23 McLaughlin 4 McMahon 26, 27 McNulty 52 Mead, Gen. David 12 Meishner 17 Mericke 30 Metcalf 27 Miller 9, 23, 38, 48, 49 Milligan 16 Milton 52 Monk 56 Moody 48 Morelli 26 Morgan 6, 7, 8, 13, 37 Mort 21 Mortensen 52 Moss 13 Motzer 38 Mullin 6, 7, 8 Munnery 15 Murphy 14 Murray 8 Myers 23 26 27 20 43 13 35 16 32 37, 45 11, 14, 15, 35 44 20 45 4, 5, 6 33 27 56 17 35 52 35 48 10 9 7 22, 23, 15, 16, 23, 31, 40, 7 37 52 40 24 41 42 29 33 50 8 32 49 10 44 49 Nagy Nelson Nichols Norman Norris Norton Nutt 60 24 29 8 18 12, 16 14 9, 21 INDEX Ogle Oldacre Olock Osborne Oswald Owens Owning (Owens) Page Papen Parker Parkhill Patterson Peasley Peters Phillips Piccolo Pickett Piersol Pieters Plunket Polk Pope Porter Powell Powis Prat Prence Racios Ramsden Reading Reed Reese Reeves Reinig Reppert Reve Reynolds Rickard Ring Ripp Rittenhouse Roberts Robertson Robinson Robison Rose Rossell Rothasz Rotta 15 32 23, 45 52 21 11 11 Rough Russell 18 12, 22, 27 31, 48, 49 Sanders 9 Schenk 23 Schiebler 20 Schigner 38 Schoenberger 38 Scibior 52 Seighman 8 Seward 6 Shaffer 31 Shaner 19 Sharp 12 Shawe 29 Shellenberger 31 Shepler 4, 7, 10 Shillingsworth 30 Shofner 55 Shoup 14 Shreve 25 Shriver 24 Shurtleff 28, 30 Sisley (Cicily, Cisley, Cissel, Cissle, Cissley, Sicely, Sicily, Sicley, Sissley) Addie 10 Alfred 1, 2 Alice 8, 17 Allie 10 Alvin J. 19 Alvin M. 18 Amberson 6, 7, 10 Anne Coleen 52 Arthur 12, 20 Aubrey Joseph 23, 50 Austin Shepler 10 36 37 26 31 4, 8 20 40 10 56 18 32 46 35 53 29 14 24 20 30 30 19, 20 28, 29 37 54 40 27 23, 50 35 55 22, 51 29, 30 28 51 31, 37, 46, 47 14, 36 21 37 49 10 43 18 41 Bejemin Ben Benjamen Benjamin Benona Bernice Elaine Bert Bertha Bertram Brian Keith Brice 61 17 8 3, 4 6, 8, 13 8 22, 40 16, 20 10 20 24 16 INDEX Cara 53 Carl 20 Cassie 12 Catherine June 21 Charles 7, 9, 16, 17, 19 Charlotta 8 Clara K. 14, 22 Clara Walter 14, 22 Claude 1 Claude A. 20 Claude Parker 14 Commodore 17 Cora 15 Cora E. 17 Cornelia 7, 9 Cynthia 9 Cynthia Ann 14 Cynthia Margaret 51 Dale Daniel Russell Daniel Wayne Danny David Lindsey Deborah Anne Delpha Dena Mae Dorothy Verne Dwight L. Earl Hamilton Edith Irene Edward Edwin Bertram Edwin Perry Edytha Eleanor Elisa Elizabeth Ella Ellis E. Ellis W. Ellis William Emma Emily Lucretia Erma Ethel Eunice Alvira Florence Frances Frances Arlene 23, 22, 8, 9, 15, 10, 7, 9, Frances Eunice Frances Madira Frances May Frank Henry Frederick E. Frederick W. Freeda Mae Garrett Emerson Gary Georganna George Clive George E. George Franklin Gertrude Cassie Gilbert Grace Gretchen Guillaume 16 51 52 21 51 51 16 53 45 19 14 26 21 21 20 8 7 9 20 17 8 8 17 14 8 24 19 12 13 13 14 21 8 8 18 51 21 9 9 8, 9 14 12 24 12 21 2 Hannah 7, 16, 17 Hannah J. (Wilgus) 17 Harold Keith 24 Harris 15 Harry 19, 20 Helen 15 Herbert 16, 20 Herman 20 Hester 9 Hezakiah Edward 8, 17 Idris Indiana Irene Izora Jack Jacob 19 9 17 14 20 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Jacob Sr. 3, 4 James 8, 10, 14, 17 James Edward 8, 52 James H. 7 James Henry 14 James Norman 14 James Perry 51 James Watson 14 Jean Ann 9 Jeanette A. 15 Jennie May 14 19 1, 2 23 62 INDEX Jesse B. Jessie Joan John 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, John A. John Douglas John Edward John Ellis John L. John Lewis John Morgan John Nelson Joseph Joseph F. Judith Anne June 7, 9, 7, 9, Karen Ann Kate Kathleen Keith William Kenneth Kenneth Russell 10 9 21 13 19 17 14 19 17 17 12 17 17 10 17 52 15 15, 16, 17 Margaret Elizabeth 15 Margaret (Ellis) 6, 7 Marie 14 Marion Ruth 22, 38 Marlene 20 Marsilla 17 Mary 10, 13 Mary Ann 7 Mary C. 10 Mary E. 7, 9 Mary Elizabeth (Betty) 8 Mary Ellen 13 Mary Jean 21 Maude 8 Melissa 21 Michael Wayne 52 Milton H. 13 Morgan 7, 13, 15 16, 17, 42 Myra 24 Myron T. 19 Myrtle 10 53 14 21 24 19 52 Nancy Nancy Jane Nesley Everett Norma Jean Laura 15, 16 Laura Louise 52 Laurene Maude 18 Laurence 19 Laverne 19 Leatrice Mae 19 Leroy (Roy) 8 Levi 13 Lewis 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 9, 11, 12, 13, 17 Lewis N. 13 Linda Christine 52 Linda Lee 53 Lisa Ann 21 Lois 8 Lois Evelyn 23, 41 Lois Orthelia 19 Lora J. 16 Louisa 9 Louise 15 Lucretia 8 Luther Cope 18 Lynn Marie 52 Malinda Margaret Ocie Ollie Olive (Woodard) Oliver Oreta Ornetta 10 10 12 18 18 20 Patricia Patricia Jane Pearl Agnes Percy D. Perry Perry H. 13, 15, Perry Russell 22, Peter Lindsey Taylor Phoepe 19 51 18 21 1 16 51 51 13 Raymond Rebecca Rhoda Mae Richard Thomas Robert 13 7, 9, 10, 13 63 7, 10 7, 9 15 20 23 9, 18 22, 56 21 6, 9 INDEX Robert C. Robert Kent Rodney Roland Roswell Ruhama Russell Lindsey Russell Lynn Ruth Etta Ruth Pauline 10 53 21 15 21 9 52 52 19 8 William K. William Lee William M. Wilson Zetta Zora Zabel Slocum Slonaker Smith Snowe Sowers Sparrow Speelman Speers Springer Squires Stafford Stahl Standish Staw Stein Stephens Stewart Stickel Stickle Stiles Stillion Stoner Strawn Strickler Sunderland Sutton Samantha 9 Samuel 7, 11, 14, 20 Samuel E. 15 Samuel Kenneth 22, 52 Samuel L. 14 Samuel S. 15 Samuel Layton 18, 43 Sarah (Boden) 7, 9, 13 Sarah 9, 13 Sarah Addie 14 Sarah C. 15 Sarah Jane 17 Silas 16 Simon 12 Simon Anderson 12 Stephanie 21 Steven 9 Steven Edward 52 Stewart 10 Stewart Maxwell 15 Thomas Timothy Tina Marie Treva Kae Tyler Alan 2, 21 9 53 21 52 Valentine Vera Mae Viola Viva M. Vivian 24 24 14 23 20 Walter S. Wilber C. 22 23 49 53 21 12 15 14, 22, 38, Wilber Clarence 22, William 6, 10, 15, William Bryan William Ferguson 16 21 17 6, 7, 10 Searer Swords Sykes Synowiec Teagarden Thomas Thompson Thorndell Thorngate Thorpe Thrasher Tilden (Tylden) Torrey Tory Towsen 64 16 15 8, 29, 4, 4, 29, 13, 8, 9, 14, 6, 22, 28, 31, 49, 54, 42 32 24 30 42 30 35 11 11 35 17 48 30 30 9 53 36 48 18 37 26 21 23 32 44 33 55 17 24 27 9 48 29, 30, 48 13 13 9 23 18 54, 55 33, 55 30 15 INDEX Trask Trump Tully Twisden 13 17, 48 26 55 Underwood 16 Vail Vance Vaughn Vernon 43 35 13 23 Walker Walsh Ward Washington Watkins Wauschek Webb Weels Weller Welling Wells Welter Wilgus Wilke Wilkins Walkinson Willis Wilson Winnett Winslows Wise Wood Woodard Wyat 30 8 27 43 10 15 51 30 12 17 31 35 44 50 23 53 30 56 40 30 18 30 12 30 Yocum 22, 10, 8, 14, 17, 22, 22, 38, 29, 31 65