Foreign and Irregular Plural Forms Foreign Plural Forms: Some nouns of Greek and Latin origin retained their original plural forms. e.g Singular Analysis Basis Datum Curriculum Memorandum Phenomenon Formula Locus Plural analyses bases data curricula memoranda phenomena formulae loci Irregular Plural Forms; A). Some forms are characterized by the changed of the internal vowel of the singular form . They are called "Mutation Plural". e.g Singular Man Woman Louse Tooth Foot Goose Child Plural men women lice teeth feet geese children B).Some nouns have the same form for the singular as the plural. e.g deer, sheep, swine, series, species, means. The noun "fish" has two plural forms-"fish" "fishes" of which the former is more commonly used. C).Some nouns have two plural forms, each with a different meaning; e.g brother; brothers(sons of the same parents) brethren (member of the same religious society) penny: pennies (the coins) I have six coins; five of them pennies. Pence(the value) I Paid a pound and five pence. Index; Indexes(lists of contents of books). Index(a mathematical term). D). Some nouns singular in form, are used only in plural sense. e.g people, poultry, cattle, mankind, clergy. ( "people"is the plural of "a people"=a nation) Note; Beware of using such word as "advice "Knowledge", "progress" "information" "furniture" in the plural E). In compound nouns the plural sign is generally related to the principal component. e.g Singular Maidservant Mother-in-law Armchair Hold-up Suitcase plural maidservants mothers-in-law armchairs hold-ups suitcases Sometimes both components are pluralized, especially "man or woman" is the first element of the compound. Singular Manservant Woman-journalist Lord-justice plural menservants woman-journalists lord-justices