Title: Story Boards: Sequencing the Events in Mrs

Title: Story Boards: Sequencing the Events in Mrs. Wishy-Washy
Story boards are cards to which illustrations and text (or only the illustrations)
from a picture book have been attached. Children use story boards to sequence
the events of a story, to examine a picture book’s illustrations, and for other
exploring activities.
Compendium Link: Page 367
Chapter Link: Page 43
IRA/NCTE Standard:
Standard 1: Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an
understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States
and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands
of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are
fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Objective: The students will use picture cards to retell the story of Mrs. WishyWashy by Joy Cowley.
Materials Needed:
Cowley, J. (1990). Mrs. Wishy-Washy. DeSoto, TX: The Wright Group.
 One copy of Mrs. Wishy-Washy to read aloud (preferably the Big Book
edition published by Shortland Publications)
 Two paperback editions of Mrs. Wishy-Washy to cut apart to make story
To implement this lesson, teachers will need story boards for the text Mrs. WishyWashy. Story boards can be made by cutting apart two copies of a picture book.
1. Collect two copies of Mrs. Wishy-Washy by Joy Cowley. Paperback
copies of the books are preferable because they are less expensive.
2. Cut the books apart. Remove the covers and separate the pages.
Trim the edges of the cut-apart sides.
3. Attach the pages to pieces of cardboard. Glue each page to a piece of
4. Laminate the cards.
1. Read Mrs. Wishy-Washy by Joy Cowley to the class. This story has
predictable text so you may find the students eagerly chiming in as you read
2. After you have finished reading, invite the children to discuss the story. Pose
questions such as:
 Did the animals obey Mrs. Wishy-Washy?
 Why did Mrs. Wishy-Washy want the animals to bathe?
3. Tell the class that they will have an opportunity to tell the story.
4. Give each student a card with a page from the story. (Distribute the cards in
random order.)
5. Ask the children to examine the cards they have received, think about the
sequence of events in the story, and arrange themselves in a line around the
classroom to sequence the story events.
Assessment: Ask the children to use the picture cards to retell the story of Mrs.