(Debates will start May 7-8)
Overview: From the time the first European set foot on the Pacific Islands, the Pacific
Islands have been constantly influenced by foreigners for better or worse. This has lead to
the islands being developed economically and politically. Islands changed their
government and built hotels and restaurants for tourists to help the island flourish. On the
hand, the islands suffer from overcrowding, pollution, and environmental hazards
because of development. Is Development in the Pacific a good or bad thing for the Pacific
Islands? You will debate on topics that the experts debate on. YOU get to choose your
opponents. YOU will be GRADED individually. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!! You
can help each other but DO NOT DO YOUR PARTNERS WORK!! On the day of the
debate, if you give your outline to your partner, you may lead to a lower grade.
Judging: Two Grades. Students will be active participants as observers of a debate.
Students will write notes on the two different sides (five things for each side, good or
bad, and about what the arguments were) and write a final decision (one paragraph) at the
end. Students will judge an average of seven debates per class. Students will follow
judging etiquette. This means NO TALKING during debate, no showings of favoritism
in the ballot or showing the favoritism in class (laughing, asking and answering
questions, and discussing with neighbors who they voted for).
Rubric (Behavior)
4- Just following the above all of the time
3- Following judging etiquette most of the time.
2- Followed the judging etiquette some of the time.
1- Only judged some of the debates.
0- Did nothing
Rubric (Ballot)
4- Completely filled out ballot with more 6 or more comments for each side and a
paragraph for final judgment. Comments must be fair and respectful.
3- Most of the ballot filled out. Wrote at least 5 sentences for each side.
2- Wrote at least three comments for each side. Wrote something for the final.
1- Only judged some of the debates.
0- Did nothing
Outline for debate: Rough Draft - May 3. Final - due the day of Debate. Two Grades
(Content and Organization of persuasive essay rubric)
Students will write an outline for the debate. Outline will show the following:
I (Pro or Con)
A. Argument
1. Evidences
a. Reasons
Must cite sources for debate. Must do an outline for Pro and Con. At minimum, must
cover at least three islands from the green book and cover the economic, political, social,
and environmental effects of foreign influence. You must use at least four sourced for
your arguments. Bibliography will with written in the outline under the reasons.
Debate grade (Mr. Honjiyo’s Grade): two grades. Oral Presentation (schoolwide) and
Convincing Judge.
Must convince Mr. Honjiyo as best as you can using arguments and evidence. Student
must try to use all of the allotted time during the debate. All of the time used must be
focused on the debate. NO FILERBUSTER (stalling time).
4- Student used all of the time wisely and is extremely convincing by using evidence
and excellent arguments.
3- Is convincing
2- Somewhat convincing
1- Not Convincing
0- Did nothing
Class decision: Winner of debate will get two 4s, loser will get two 2s. If debater does
not attempt to try to debate or refuses to do any of the debating, debater will receive a 0.
If Mr. Honjiyo sees that losing side has done a good job on the debate he will change
grade. If you notice you can still get a very good grade even if you lose. Also if BOTH
sides do a terrible job than Mr. Honjiyo will also give a grade.
Procedure for Debate:
Pro 1(opening)
Con 1
Crossfire (Pro 1 vs Con1)
Con 2
Pro 2
Crossfire (Pro 2 vs. Con 2)
Pro 1
Con 1
Crossfire (all four)
Prep for closing- 1.30 min
Con (Closing)
Speaking time: 1.30 minutes
Crossfire: 2 minutes