SHMARLOVSKAYA Galina Aleksandrovna

SHMARLOVSKAYA Galina Aleksandrovna
Dr. hab., professor
Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations
Educational institution the «Belarus State Economic University»
220070 the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 26 Partizansky avenue
Tel +375(17)2097816
Fax +375(17)2098884
Born on 3rd June, 1952
Since 05.11.2008 – Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations (IER) of the Belarus
State Economic University
2002-2008 – the Chair of the Department of World Economics of the faculty of IER
2000-2002 – the Chair of the Department of Economics of Entrepreneurship
2000 –the academic status of Professor of Economics was conferred
1996 – successfully defended a Doctoral Thesis in Economics
1996 – professor of the Department of Economic Theory and History of Economic Studies
1992-1995 – institution of doctoral candidacy, BSEU
1987 – acquired the rank of Associate Professor
1985-1992 – Associate Professor of Department of the Belarusian State Institute of National
Economy named after V.V. Kuibyshev (BSEU)
1984 – successfully defended a dissertation for The Candidate of Economics degree
1980-1985 – Assistant Professor of the Department of BSINE named after V.V. Kuibyshev
1977-1980 – full-time post-graduate courses at the Department of Political Economy of the
BSINE named after V.V. Kuibyshev
1969-1973 – a student of the Economic Planning faculty of the BSINE named after V.V.
Among the rewards:
 Certificate of honour of the Council of Ministers of Belarus, 2003
 «The Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Belarus», 2008
 Medal of the Union State «For collaboration», 2009
 Badge of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus «Excellence in education»,
The following courses have been worked out: «Economic theory», «Microeconomics»,
«Macroeconomics», «History of Economic Studies», «World Economics», «International
Economic Relations», «International Economic Organizations», «Tax Regulation of Foreign
Economic Activities», «Economy of the Republic of Belarus in the System of World Economic
Relations», «Methodology of Scientific Research».
Initiated and exercised supervision over:
introduction of a new specialization «International Investments» on the faculty of IER,
specialization «World Economics»
 launching of the Doctoral Program, specialization «World Economics»
 opening of the Master's Program in the English language «International Economics and
Trade Policy».
The main directions of scientific research:
«Problems of macroeconomic stabilization, history of economic studies, world economics,
including: world trade, the network economy, transnationalization, national and
international regulation»
The professor has been involved into 33 scientific research programs, being a research
supervisor of 20 projects, including 3 of them within the framework of state programs, and
also the projects by the order of the State Science and Technology Committee, the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Trade of Belarus, the Ministry of
Education, the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (BRFFR). One of
the scientific research programs was carried out in collaboration with the scientists
representing The Warsaw School of Economics.
By this time 178 scientific and educational-methodical works has been published, in
foreign countries inclusive, like the USA, Finland, Poland, the Russian Federation, Ukraine,
Among them:
1. The Theory of Taxation: Principles of Development and State Regulation. – Minsk: BSEU,
1996. –135 p.
2. Investment Climate and FDI-policy Monitoring of the Republic of Belarus. –Minsk: Misanta,
2010. –103p. (12,09 printer's sheets) (in the co-authorship)
3. Consumer Rights Protection: International Experience and National System of the Republic
of Belarus. – Minsk: Misanta, 2012. – 192 p. (12,09 printer’s sheets) (in the co-athorship), etc.
research papers in other foreign countries:
1. German-Belarusian Economic Relations.- Enlarged European Union and its Eastern
Neighbors’ Common Cooperation Experience/ edited by E.Teichmann, M.A. Weresa. –
Warsaw: The Warsaw School of Economics, 2005. – p. 333-337.
2. The Institutional System of Economy and Directions of its Transformation in the Republic of
Belarus.- Religion and Economy / edited by S. Partyckiego. – Lublin: Wydavnictvo KUL,
2005.– Vol. 2. – p. 60-65.
3. The New Economy as a Prerequisite for the Participation of Transition Economies in the
Process of Globalization.-The New Economy and Society /edited by S. Partyckiego. – Lublin:
Wydawnictwo KUL, 2006. –Vol. 1. – p. 218-223.
4. Conditions and Organisational Forms of the Involvement of Transition Economies into the
International Network Economy.- Culture and Market /edited by S. Partyckiego. – Lublin,
KUL, 2008. –p. 162-166.
5. The International Division of Production Process and The Network Economy. - Post-Soviet
Economic Transformations Beyond Russia/ Problems of Economic Transition. – New York:
M.E.Sharpe , 2009. – Vol. 52, № 7. – p. 56-70.
6. The Network Economy: Strategies of the TNCs.- E-economy, E- society in Central and
Eastern Europe / edited by S. Partyckiego. – Lublin: KUL, 2009. – p. 49-53.
7. Centralization of Capital as a Means to Form Oligopolistic Structures in the World
Economy.- Partnership and Cooperation during the Economic Crisis/ edited by S. Partyckiego.
– Lublin: KUL, 2010. – Vol.2. – p. 847-852.
8. Benefits and Challenges in Developing Regional Integration (the Case of the Customs Union
of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.- Baltic Rim Economies, 2011, № 2. – р.50 (Finland) and
Galina Aleksandrovna is actively involved into the scientific staff training. By now she
has prepared 5 Candidates of Economic Sciences, more than 29 Masters of Science in
Economics. The professor has opposed 20 theses, including 3 for a Doctor's degree (one in
International contacts
since 2010 – a coordinator from the university of the project «PAAD partnership with
universities of developing countries on money, finance, trade and development issues» of the
Berlin University of Applied Sciences;
since 2007 – a member of the UNCTAD Virtual Institute on Trade and Development;
delivering a series of lectures at Sigmund Glojer School of International and Regional
cooperation (Poland);
cooperation under the treaties with the universities of Poland (the High School of
Economics, Warsaw; Catholic University of Lublin), the Russian Federation, Moldova,
scientific supervision of a postgraduate student from Angola;
participation in the work of international scientific conferences, round table discussions,
workshops in Poland, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, France,
participation in the Presentation of UNCTAD UN Report (2006)
collaboration with the embassy of GDR;
supervision of The Summer School 2010 in Belarus «Economic transformations in
comparison: Germany and Belarus» on the part of BSEU within the program DAAD,
delivering a lecture.
training courses at Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 (France, 1-29 June 2003). The project
TEMPUS-TACIS №CD_JEP 21183 - 2000 «Economy of the European Union». A joint
project of the Belarus State Economic University and Jean Moulin University Lyon 3
(France), The University of Turin (Italy) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Lyon (France).