SERGEY MAKAREVICH Homepage: Home: 1930 Athens Street., Apt.H, Boulder, CO 80302 tel (303) 786-0735 Office: CU-Boulder, Campus Box 256, Economics·tel. (303) 492-7195·fax (303) 492-8960· WORK EXPERIENCE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Boulder, Colorado, USA Graduate Instructor at Economics Department (Fall 2004 – Fall 2005): Intermediate Microeconomics Teaching Assistant at Economics Department (Fall 2000 … Spring 2006): Micro/Macro Principles, Intermediate Statistics Research Assistant tasks at Economics Department (Summer 2002 - present): Large datasets compilation/management INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY AT BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY Minsk, Belarus Vice Dean, Lecturer at Program in Economics and Management of Technology (1997 - 2000) Delivered lectures on “Microeconomics”, “Financial Markets, Investment and Elements of Banking” (in English) Performed methodological support for lecturers and development of the Program curriculum Provided interaction with the international academic community, programs and grant-providing organizations Supervised the academic faculty of the program and coordinate the part-time staff of the program UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA Graduate Research Assistant at Economics Department (Summer 1997) Performed various regression analysis tasks, including: data collection, model specification, running massive regressions, and results’ interpretation. Results are used in the book of Dr. W. McMahon (U. of IL at Urbana-Champaign) “Education and Development: Measuring the Social Benefits” (August 1999) UNITED NATIONS New York, NY, USA Graduate Summer Intern at [former] Dept. for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development (Summer 1996) Performed a review and made recommendations on usage of modern models for investment under uncertainty, irreversibility and flexibility, including the use of real options. Performed extensive search and designed an information database on systems for a national level energy sector analysis, planning and environmental impacts assessment BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY Minsk, Belarus Engineer, Junior Scientific Worker, Scientific Worker at Computer Systems Lab. (1989 - 1995) Conducted market research and promotion to implement marketing for the laboratory software products Provided consulting to faculty and students on the broad spectrum of software/programming and hardware (PC) Supervised a CAD project involving a group of four engineers EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Boulder, Colorado, USA Ph.D. Program, Economics, 2000 – present. Ph.D. Cand. Fields: International, Public. Supervisor – Prof. Jim Markusen UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA Master of Science in Policy Economics & Finance (2-year program), May 1997 Emphasis in Investment, Financial Management and International Economics/Finance, GPA 3.4/4.0 BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY Engineer (5-year diploma program), June 1989 Major: Computer Modeling and System Analysis. GPA 5.0/5.0, Diploma with Distinction Minsk, Belarus ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Investment: Training and hands-on trader's practice in the FOREX dealing firm (NY, NY 1996) Software: Mathematica, GAMS, Eviews (etc. econometrics), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Project – including complex VB apps development, dynamic presentations), PhotoShop/Styler, CorelDraw, some ArcGIS. Programming: Mathematica (library modules development), GAMS/MPSGE (general equilibrium), Eviews, Proficient in PASCAL with Objects, C++, FORTRAN, BASIC, Assembler/PC, Visual Basic for Applications, DOS sophisticated batch, HTML, CRSP interface, some UNIX. Steep learning curve in any software/prog.language. Other: Technical writing; Household accrual accounting; BP engineering apps.; Tutoring Accounting and Finance. INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES American Economic Association (1996-present), Denver Association of Business Economists (2001-present) Member of the international education associations: NAFSA (1999-2001), EAIE (1998-2001) Civic Education Project Eastern Scholar (1998-2000) LANGUAGES Native Belarusian, Russian. Fluent in English, knowledge in Polish, Ukrainian and Bulgarian, elementary French Translation / interpreting (including simultaneous English-Russian-English) experience, TOEFL 670, TSE 55 HOBBIES Camping, paddling, science fiction, music playing (piano, guitar) and listening.