Area Plant Path Advisor HREC Final

Area Plant Pathology Advisor – North Coast
Position Description: The disciplinary focus of this position is Plant Pathology. The educational
and professional requirements include an MS or PhD degree in plant pathology and practical
field experience in pest management. A broad understanding of IPM principles and practices,
crop production, and experimental design is required. The position would provide plant
pathology expertise North Coast Counties and support regional IPM programs for the North
Coast area. The position is proposed to be located at the UC Hopland Research and Extension
Relevance to the ANR Strategic Vision: This position supports the Vision by promoting
healthy food production systems, healthy natural environments, and healthy people and
communities. The Plant Pathology Advisor would play a unique and pivotal role in providing
focused UC research and extension efforts on plant disease issues that threaten the quality of life
for Californians. This position would increase implementation of IPM in coastal areas, which
would promote sustainable agricultural production, natural ecosystems concerns and community
benefits. Information would be further extended into the community through work with other
north coast academics, local agencies and UC Master Gardeners.
Initiatives to be addressed: This position addresses four ANR priority strategic initiatives:
Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases; Competitive, Sustainable Food Systems; Water
Quality, Quantity and Security; and Sustainable Natural Ecosystems. In addition, the position
contributes other ANR strategic initiatives: Health of Californians and California’s Agricultural
Economy and Energy Security and Green Technologies through Innovative Science Linking
Engineering, Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Sciences initiatives. This position
addresses these initiatives by increasing the implementation of practices for controlling endemic
and invasive plant diseases that will result in decreased use of pesticides, including those that are
petroleum-based; the protection of water resources from pesticide pollution and the improvement
of water and air quality; increased agricultural economic profits; increased agricultural
production efficiency; and the reduction of human health risks due to pesticide use and food
safety from plant borne pathogens. Moreover, this position is based in the North Coast region,
which is a critical geographic area for addressing invasive pests that have a significant economic
impact on agriculture and natural resources, such as a wide host of diseases affecting viticulture,
pomology, commercial vegetable growing and market gardening, landscapes, nurseries and
wildlands. Threats from invasive diseases are expected to increase in the future with population
growth in this region, increased speed and frequency of international travel, and increased
importation of agricultural products. The Plant Pathology Adviser would be integral to
supporting swift development and coordination of response teams for plant diseases.
Extension: The Plant Pathology Advisor would conduct collaborative and independent programs
in the North Coast area with an emphasis on plant disease management of pathogens of
important economic crops, including row crops, vineyards, orchards, landscapes, field and
greenhouse-grown ornamentals and wildland trees.
Research: The Plant Pathology Advisor would be expected to develop an externally funded
research program that addresses the management of established and newly detected plant
diseases in crops grown in the North Coast area. Efforts would be focused on adapting research
or developing new programs that improve human health and reduce environmental impact from
ANR Continuum: The Plant Pathology Advisor would develop close relationships with ANR
academics. He/she would coordinate efforts with UC IPM staff professionals and academics to
develop resources and implement activities that address critical statewide pest management
issues This position would work closely with scientists from departments such as Plant
Pathology (UC Davis, UC Riverside) Plant and Environmental Sciences (UCD), Entomology,
(UCD,UCR,UCB), Plant Science (UCR), and Environmental Toxicology (UCR, UCD) to ensure
that issues of importance are brought to their attention, to encourage collaborative research
projects, and to create opportunities for applied research and on-farm demonstration.
Participation in regional/statewide work groups and coordinating conferences that are important
in linking campus and county expertise, such as the Pest Management Coordinating Conference
and relevant Sustainable Food and Natural Ecosystems groups, would be expected.
Support: UC HREC is well organized to provide assistance in transportation, office and
laboratory space, administrative support, office supplies, computing, Internet and telephone
access, and a very comprehensive GIS lab. In addition to local support, UC IPM will provide
resources similar to levels of other affiliated IPM advisors and ensure strong connection to
professional staff at UC Davis and dedicated networking with other IPM advisors.
Other support: The HREC has both a fully functional wet and dry lab space that would be
available for this position to develop into a modern facility to support both research and
extension activities. There is also support for field studies at the UC HREC including subsidized
skilled labor and developed farming areas. Finally, UC HREC has superb meeting space for both
small and large meetings.
Network External to ANR: USDA Forest Service; USDA APHIS; and appropriate professional
Location: The position is proposed to be located at the Hopland Research and Extension Center.
Historically, the Center was a critical link in academic outreach efforts for UCCE on the north
coast. This position would begin to re-establish the center’s academic footprint.
Developed and proposed by: Greg Giusti, CD Lake and Mendocino Counties. Which internal
stakeholders were involved in the development of the position? Glenn McGourty; IPM Program
Team; Steve Lindow, UCB; Doug Gubler, UCD; Monica Cooper, Lucia Varela. Which key
external stakeholders provided feedback for this position? Broad support has been expressed for
the position by the Mendocino Winegrowers Inc.; Lake County Winegrape Commission, both
the Lake and Mendocino County Farm Bureaus.