Table (supplementary web data): Validity Assessment of Included Studies Study ID Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Aujesky 2005 [14] Age >18, diagnosis of pneumonia with radiographic pulmonary infiltrate Hospital acquired pneumonia, immunosuppression, or psychosocial problems incompatible with treatment enrolment or follow up, pregnancy. Barlow 2007 [15] Receiving antibiotics for suspected lower respiratory tract infection, new infiltrate on chest radiograph or clinically diagnosed with CAP New pulmonary infiltration on radiograph with at least one symptom or sign of lower respiratory tract infection HIV positive or immunosuppressed, potential malignancy, age<16 Capelastegui 2006 [17] Age >18 with diagnosis of CAP with pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiograph and symptoms HIV positive, immunosuppressed or hospitalized for the previous 14 days Charles 2008 [18] Age >18, chest radiograph within 24h after admission, at least 2 symptoms of pneumonia Etizion 2007 [19] Presumptive diagnosis of CAP based on clinical presentation and an infiltrate on chest radiographs Hospitalised within 14 days, immunosuppression, received parental antibiotics prior to blood culture, aspiration pneumonitis, active treatment withdrawn within 48 Not stated Ewig 2004 [8] New infiltrate together with symptoms and signs of a lower respiratory tract infection. Bauer 2006 [16] Hospital acquired pneumonia, immunosuppression, pneumonia as a terminal event of disabling comorbidity, alternative diagnosis during follow up Severe immunosuppression, pneumonia expected as terminal event of a chronic co-morbidity and alternative diagnosis Exclusions and Followup 141 (4%) patients excluded due to lack of consent, or missing data 84 (17%) patients excluded due to missing data 179 (8%) excluded due to missing outcome data 52 (3%) patients had incomplete data None Outcome ascertainment Treatment Regimen Patient interview via telephone, and medical records review Not mentioned Not mentioned 79% were on betalactam & macrolide, 13% on beta-lactam or macrolide alone Not mentioned 52 (8%) excluded due to alternative diagnosis 481 of 696 had datasets for all risk scores Patient's charts All had beta-lactam with macrolide, or levofloxacin, or beta-lactam alone. 82% adhered to Australian guidelines, mainly beta-lactam plus macrolide Not mentioned Not mentioned Not mentioned Independent party checked data validity and consistency Medical records of readmitted patients were independently checked Not mentioned 1 Gutierrez 2005 [20] Age >=15 with signs and symptoms of pneumonia, and radiological opacity compatible with acute pneumonia Patients hospitalized within 2 weeks were excluded Huang 2008 [21] Age >18 with clinical and radiological diagnosis of pneumonia Johnstone 2008 [22] Age >17 with CAP with 2 or more symptoms and radiographic evidence of pneumonia Age >18, new pulmonary infiltrates on CXR, with at least one symptom Transfers from other hospitals, recent pneumonia or hospitalization,, chronic mechanical ventilation, cystic fibrosis, active TB, HIV, alcoholism with end-organ damage, palliative care, pregnancy TB, cystic fibrosis, immunocompromised or pregnant 23 excluded with alternative diagnosis Not stated Not mentioned 131 (4%) with missing outcomes 125 (8%) lost to follow up Not mentioned All patients treated according to standard hospital guidelines Not mentioned Medical records and interview TB, bronchiectasis, haematological malignancy, HIV, recent hospitalization, nursing home residents. Pneumonia was expected terminal event, or distal to bronchial obstruction. Severe immunosuppression, pulmonary TB, recent hospitalization, neutropaenia. None Checked against Alberta Vittal Statistics registry Structured interview of patients or relatives Not mentioned Unclear Not mentioned Recent hospitalization, immunosuppresion, leucopaenia, patients not for resuscitation None None Not mentioned None Clinical features of acute infection and new chest X-ray shadow Infective exacerbation of COPD, aspiration pneumonia, patients fed through gastrostomy None Pilotto 2009 [28] Age >65, new infiltrate on chest X-ray with compatible signs and symptoms Patient with acute care hospitalization lasting 72 hours or more within previous 15 days were excluded 26 lost to follow-up Renaud 2007 [29] Age>18, acute onset with at least 2 symptoms or signs, and radiographic HIV, cystic fibrosis, tracheotomy or chronic mechanical ventilation, recent hospitalization None Checked against computerized patient database Checked against computerized patient database Direct patient contact and checking of death certificates Hospital records, and telephone Kruger 2008 [23] Lim 2003 [5] Hospital admission due to acute respiratory illness with radiographic shadowing on chest radiograph Man 2007 [24] Menendez 2009 [25] Myint 2006 [26] Age >17 with symptoms of acute infection and infiltrate on chest radiograph New radiographic infiltrate with at least two compatible clinical symptoms Clinical features of acute infection and new chest X-ray shadow Myint 2009 [27] Systemic immune deficiency, active TB or hospitalisation less than four weeks prior to infection 77% received betalactam and/or macrolide, 17% had quinolone Not mentioned Not mentioned Mainly beta-lactam combined with macrolide Not mentioned Not mentioned Not mentioned Unclear 2 evidence of pneumonia Renaud-2 2007 [30] Age>18, acute onset with at least 2 symptoms or signs, and radiographic evidence of pneumonia HIV, immunosuppression, recent hospitalization 46 (5%) excluded with alternative diagnosis Reyes Calzada 2007 [31] Schuetz 2008 [32] van der Eerden 2004 [33] Age >18, symptoms of acute respiratory infection, new infiltrate on CXR., None 110 excluded Not mentioned Not mentioned Age >16, hospital admission due to clinical and chest radiographic evidence consistent with infection 43 (14%) excluded with alternative diagnosis 18 lost to follow-up Information from hospital records and family doctor Zuberi 2008 [35] Immunocompromised patients (HIV, transplants, immunosuppressive drugs), lung abscess, TB, suspected aspiration, recent hospitalization, ITU patient Cystic fibrosis, pulmonary TB, hospital-acquired pneumonia and severe immunosuppression Severe immunosuppression (HIV, immunosuppressive drugs, chemotherapy), malignancy, pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergy to antibiotics discharge, recent hospitalization. Post obstructive pneumonia, TB, bronchiectasis, malignancy, HIV, immunocompromised patients and nursing home residents, recent hospitalization interviews of patient, relatives or family doctor hospital records, and telephone interviews of patient, relatives or family doctor Not mentioned Last attended clinical visit or medical record case file Not mentioned New infiltrate on chest radiograph with one or more acute respiratory symptoms Age >18, acute illness with symptoms of pneumonia and new consolidation on chest radiograph 41.3% initially received antibiotics as outpatient, regimen unclear Mainly beta-lactam aand/or macrolide in combination or alone 49% treated 3