Parish Council Meeting - St. Vladimir Orthodox Church

Parish Council Meeting
April 17, 2006 [new calendar]
Present – Father Gregory Joyce, Milo Radulovic, Karl Meyer, Olga Radulovic, Zhanna
Skalitsky, Helen Tkach-Gabl, Dimitri Kashchenko, Konstantin Poplavsky, Reader
Zachary Martinchek, Eugene Poplavsky
Absent – Igor Obertas
Opening Prayer – “O Heavenly King…”
Parish Council/Governance Issues – None.
March Parish Council Minutes – No changes indicated. Zhanna moved to accept and
Reader Zachary seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Rector’s Report (Fr. Gregory) – There were no Chrismations, Baptisms, Marriages, or
Funerals since the last meeting. There are two special assessments for the All-Diaspora
Sobor, $225 to the Synod and $300 to the Diocese. Konstantin moved and Karl seconded
approval of the funds, and the motioned passed. Fr. Gregory stated that there are three
special collections for the Diocese: an Assistance Fund for those in need, a Fund for the
Jerusalem Mission, and a Diocesan Seminarian/Educational Fund. Weekly Akathists for
the ill/Collections for Andrei Makovik continue. Fr. Gregory said that a note expressing
optimism about the reconciliation was written and signed by the priests at the Diocesan
Great Lenten Clergy Retreat and was shared and noticed by others. At this point in time,
Metropolitan Laurus is also optimistic about the possibilities of reconciliation.
Fr. Gregory will be attending the All-Diaspora Sobor from May 6-14, 2006. A visiting
priest has been confirmed for May 7, and search for a priest for May 14 is in progress.
Fr. Gregory described Bishop Peter’s visit as “generally excellent!” Fr. Gregory shared
Bishop Peter’s concern about moving and talking during the Anaphora as well as general
noise during the service. Also, parishioners should not turn their backs to the altar as the
church is being censed. Three electric lampadas will be installed to indicate to
parishioners when it is appropriate to move about the church as well as when
prostrations/kneeling are allowed. Fr. Gregory wrote a letter to parishioners addressing
these matters and sought the input and support of the parish council. Karl moved that
council support the letter (with “parent” replacing “mother”) and Konstantin seconded
the motion, which passed. The letter will be translated into Russian. Fr. Gregory defined
the role of subdeacon, indicating that the primary roles of a subdeacon are to serve with
the bishop and take care of the altar. Fr. Gregory reported that Metropolitan Laurus has
purchased his airline ticket to attend the St. Vladimir 25th Anniversary celebration. Fr.
Gregory also notes that Reader Zachary and Molly will be married at St. Vladimir
Church on May 28, 2006.
Financial Update (Zhanna) – Zhanna has been working with Elena Ermak and Eugene
Poplavsky, and the financial records are in excellent order. Zhanna has been meeting
with the accountant to refine some aspects of the bookkeeping. A new category,
“Restricted Church Collections,” has been added to the Profit & Loss statement.
Designated special collections will be listed here since the money donated is not directly
used by our parish but is sent to other funds/collections. Zhanna presented a printout of
the St. Vladimir Church Profit & Loss report from January through March 2006. The
church did not withhold enough from Fr. Gregory’s salary for tax purposes in 2005
(approximately $900). Therefore, Zhanna moved and Karl seconded that the amount in
question be considered a baby gift for the Joyce family. The parish council passed the
motion. A council member asked how much money was in the Makovik account.
Zhanna reported that around $3400 was used on the trip to Mt. Athos, and about $300 is
left in the account. Fr. Gregory suggested that Gabriella’s greeting cards be sold through
the Kiosk. Karl moved and Reader Zachary seconded a motion to accept Zhanna’s
treasurer’s report, and the motion passed.
Building Team Update (Karl, Eugene, Konstantin) – Konstantin showed a sketch which
models the completion of the inside of the church. Karl stated that the Building Fund is
nearly out of money and asks the parish council to help determine which projects
remaining are necessary/feasible to complete Phase I of the building project. The
projects to be considered are:
Finish altar.
Double the size of the limestone parking lot (which will triple parking capacity).
Complete the nursery.
Complete the Kiosk, coatroom, and candle stand area.
Purchase outdoor and indoor floor rugs.
Upgrade alarm systems (expense item for the operating fund rather than from the
Building Fund).
7. Complete the foyer including the entrance floor with thresholds.
8. Finish interior painting and wood paneling.
9. Exterior painting.
The Building Team will research costs for the above projects and present results to the
parish council at the May meeting. The parish council will then make final
recommendations which will be presented for approval at a general parish meeting. Karl
asks that all pray for discernment as we approach these decisions, and that all efforts be
to the Glory of God and to help save souls.
Karl moved to adjourn the meeting, and Eugene seconded the motion, which passed.
Closing Prayer – “It is Truly Meet…”
Submitted by Helen Tkach-Gabl