Amended and Restated Code of Regulations North Coast Community Homes, Inc. Adopted as of January 5, 2010 Article I. Name and Purpose The name of the Corporation and its purposes shall be as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation filed with the Ohio Secretary of State and approved November 13, 1984 together with any Amendments approved by the members and filed with the Secretary of State. Article II. Members 1. The Members of the Corporation shall be no more than thirty persons serving from time to time as Trustees of the Corporation. Members shall be nominated by a Committee on Trustees consisting of Members, or by petition signed by 25% of the existing Members, which petition shall be submitted to the Committee on Trustees at least seven days before a duly constituted meeting of the Board. Members shall be elected by a majority affirmative vote of the existing Members present at a meeting called for the purpose of the election of new Members, or by mail or electronic communication, in accordance with the provisions of Article VII, Section 3 hereof. The Membership at all times shall include representation of the community being served. 2. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Members at least one time per year, and such additional meetings as may be requested by the majority of Members. Article III. Trustees 1. All Members upon their election as Members, shall be elected to the Board of Trustees. Upon the expiration of their term as Trustee, or early termination by resignation or removal, their Membership shall also expire. 2. Trustees may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Trustees. 3. The Board of Trustees shall meet from time to time (but at least one time per year) at the call of the person elected Chairperson, or, in the absence of the Chairperson, by one of the Vice-Chairpersons, or at the call of a majority of Trustees. Written notice of any meeting shall be mailed or delivered to all Trustees at least seven days prior to the meeting, unless this requirement is waived. Attendance at the meeting will constitute a waiver of notice. 4. Trustees shall be elected to a term of three years, and shall be assigned to one of three classes having expiration dates in consecutive years such that approximately one-third of the total number of trustees serve in each class. Beginning with the Class of 2000, no trustee may be elected to more than four consecutive terms, but may be reelected following one year’s absence from the Board. 5. There shall be a special class of Trustees to be known as Trustees Emeriti. Each individual must be a current or former Board member. They shall be elected to serve for a five year term, and there shall be no term limit on their service. They shall have voice but no vote, and shall not be counted as part of a quorum. The additional qualifications for and responsibilities of the Trustees Emeriti shall be established from time to time by the Board of Trustees. 6. There shall be a special class of Trustees to be known as Life Members. Each individual must be a current or former Board member. There shall be no limit on their term of service. They shall have all the rights and responsibilities of all Board members, including voice and vote, and shall be counted as part of the quorum. Any additional qualifications for and responsibilities of Life Trustees shall be established from time to time by the Board of Trustees. 7. No employee or officer of the Corporation (other than a duly elected officer of the Board of Trustees) may serve as a Trustee. 8. No persons constituting a group related by consanguinity or marriage shall constitute a majority of the Board of Trustees. 9 . No Trustee may vote as to his or her removal from the Board, nor on any matter directly affecting persons employed or to be employed by the Corporation and related to the Trustee by consanguinity or marriage. Article IV. Officers All executive power of the Corporation, including all authority set forth in Ohio Revised Code Ch. 1720 shall exist in the Board of Trustees who shall elect from among themselves a Chairperson, two Vice Chairpersons and a Secretary/Treasurer to serve a maximum of three consecutive one year terms in any given office. The President and Chief Executive Officer shall have voice, but no vote, at all meetings of the Board and its Committees. The President may, at his or her discretion, appoint other staff members to serve as Vice Presidents, subject to the approval of the Board. All actions of the Members and/or Board of Trustees, including amendments of these regulations and/or Articles of Incorporation, shall be by a majority vote. Article V. Executive Committee There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers of the Board, the President who may designate any other staff members to attend with voice, but no vote, and the Chairpersons of all Standing Committees. The Board Chairperson may, at his or her discretion, appoint up to three additional members of the Board to serve in an at-large capacity. The Executive Committee shall convene at such times as deemed necessary by the Chairperson, in consultation with the President. Article VI. Standing Committees 2 There shall be established the following standing committees: Finance and Investment, Resource Development, Property and Committee on Trustees. Article VII. Quorum, Attendance and Voting Section 1. Quorum Forty percent of the duly elected and seated Trustees with voting power must be in attendance at any meeting of the Board to constitute a quorum. Once a quorum is established during the course of a meeting, such quorum shall be valid for all action taken at that meeting following the time said quorum is established. Section 2. Attendance via Electronic Communication. A Trustee may participate in a regular or special meeting of the Board or of a Committee by telephone, video conference, or other electronic means so long as all participants may simultaneously hear one another during the meeting. A Trustee participating in such a manner is deemed to be present in person at such a meeting. Section 3. Voting via Mail and Electronic Communication. Except as may otherwise be provided by law or the Articles of Incorporation, the voting at elections of Trustees and upon all other matters required or permitted to be voted upon by Trustees may be conducted by mail, telephone, e-mail, fax or other means of communication with the same effect as voting at a meeting of the Trustees duly called and held at which a quorum of the Trustees is present. Article VIII. Indemnification The Corporation shall indemnify all Trustees and employees for damages, litigation cost and expenses arising out of the carrying out of their duties to the fullest extent allowed by Ohio law. Article IX. Non-Discrimination 1. Service will neither be rendered nor denied on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, or gender. 2. The Corporation will not discriminate, or otherwise base any matter regarding employment, appointment or election as a Member of the Corporation, to the Board of Trustees or as an officer, on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, or gender. Article X. Tax Exempt Status The Corporation shall, at all times, take only such actions as are consistent with maintaining the status of the Corporation as exempt from Federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as it may be amended from time to time. Adopted by a unanimous vote of 19 members of the-Board of Trustees present this eighth day of January, 2008. 3