Botswana-UPenn Partnership Botswana-UPenn Partnership Immigration Address: Plot 2559, apt 4B / 3B / 5a / 3a Ext 9, Gaborone I (it is leased from ICC, if they ask). If they ask for a contact person, use Nikki and her cell number. Check on that form in the appropriate box that you are there for tourism/holiday - NOT that you are working. Immigration Address: Plot 2559, apt 4B / 3B / 5a / 3a Ext 9, Gaborone I (it is leased from ICC, if they ask). If they ask for a contact person, use Nikki and her cell number. Check on that form in the appropriate box that you are there for tourism/holiday - NOT that you are working. Important Contacts Nikki Jones, Resident / Student Coordinator 71802969 - Gill Jones, In Country Administrator - 72768605 Dintle Molosiwa, In Country HR - 72252605 BUP office phone - 3170829 Khunong - BUP Driver who will collect you 71481155 / 72501698 Important Contacts Nikki Jones, Resident / Student Coordinator 71802969 - Gill Jones, In Country Administrator - 72768605 Dintle Molosiwa, In Country HR - 72252605 BUP office phone - 3170829 Khunong - BUP Driver who will collect you 71481155 / 72501698 Emergency International SOS (evacuation insurance): Penn ID#: 11BSGC000012 Emergency International SOS (evacuation insurance): Penn ID#: 11BSGC000012 Botswana-UPenn Partnership Botswana-UPenn Partnership Immigration Address: Plot 2559, apt 4B / 3B / 5a / 3a Ext 9, Gaborone I (it is leased from ICC, if they ask). If they ask for a contact person, use Nikki and her cell number. Check on that form in the appropriate box that you are there for tourism/holiday - NOT that you are working. Immigration Address: Plot 2559, apt 4B / 3B / 5a / 3a Ext 9, Gaborone I (it is leased from ICC, if they ask). If they ask for a contact person, use Nikki and her cell number. Check on that form in the appropriate box that you are there for tourism/holiday - NOT that you are working. Important Contacts Nikki Jones, Resident / Student Coordinator 71802969 - Gill Jones, In Country Administrator - 72768605 Dintle Molosiwa, In Country HR - 72252605 BUP office phone - 3170829 Khunong - BUP Driver who will collect you 71481155 / 72501698 Important Contacts Nikki Jones, Resident / Student Coordinator 71802969 - Gill Jones, In Country Administrator - 72768605 Dintle Molosiwa, In Country HR - 72252605 BUP office phone - 3170829 Khunong - BUP Driver who will collect you 71481155 / 72501698 Emergency International SOS (evacuation insurance): Penn ID#: 11BSGC000012 Emergency International SOS (evacuation insurance): Penn ID#: 11BSGC000012 HJC 2/16/2016