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2006 Pine-Ovation Derby Rules for Pack 140
Saturday, March 18 at the Community Center
Dear Pack 140,
The 2006 Pack 140 Pinewood Derby will be a fun and exciting experiment in productive
thinking, generating creative ideas, and critically evaluating these ideas to produce an
innovative pinewood derby concept, hence the catchy title “The Pine-Ovation Derby”. This
paradigm shift in Pinewood Derby car construction parallels the productive thinking skills we
want to foster in our scouts at Pack 140; basically… think outside the box and be creative!
This year there will be a choice of two racing classes to choose from, they are: Pine-Ovation
Class – cars must abide by the Pack 140 Pine-Ovation Class rules which are purposely written
with very unrestricting, open-ended parameters to give you a wide range of design,
engineering and construction possibilities. The other racing class is District Class – cars must
abide by the traditional Viking District rules like we have used in the past.
1. Pine-Ovation Class Rules
a. Must:
i. Be made during the current year
ii. Be made primarily out the wood supplied in the kit
iii. Use all 4 nails supplied in the kit (not necessarily as axels)
iv. Use all 4 wheels supplied in the kit (not necessarily as wheels)
b. Must not:
i. Weigh more than 5 oz.
ii. Exceed 2.25” in width or 7” in length
iii. Bounce out of assigned lane in 3 consecutive runs
iv. Use liquid lubricant
v. Have any loose materials in the car
vi. Use any force other than gravity for propulsion
It is important to understand that if you choose to build a Pine-Ovation Class vehicle, you may
not be able to advance to the Viking District race should your vehicle win in the speed
category. The fastest three District Class cars per den will be invited to advance to the Viking
District race.
2. District Class - Viking District Rules (the rules we have used in years past)
a. Must:
i. Be made during current year
ii. Not exceed 2.25” in width or 7” in length
iii. Not Weigh more than 5 oz
iv. Use axles, wheels and body wood from the standard cub scout pinewood
derby kit
v. Not use wheel bearings, washers, and bushings
vi. Not ride on any kind of springs
vii. Any details added must be within length, width, and weight limits
viii. be freewheeling with no starting devices
ix. Not have any loose materials in the car
x. Use only Dry White (available at Scout Shop) lubricant on wheels
Awards will be given in the following categories:
Overall Speed – Pine-Ovation Class
Overall Speed – District Class
1st in each den
Best Craftsmanship
Fastest-looking Car
Best Paint Job
Most Realistic Looking Car
Most Unusual Looking Car
Best Traditional design – District Class
Most Innovative design – Pine-Ovation Class
Best car that is exclusively the work of the scout
District Race Pinewood Derby Rules
1. Scouts must check-in and register.
2. At the time of check in the car must pass inspection to qualify for the race.
Inspection points are as follows:
Car must have been made during current year
Width shall not exceed 2 1⁄4 “ , Length shall not exceed 7 “
Dimensions will be tested in a “size jig”
Weight of car shall not exceed 5 ounces
Axles, wheels, and body wood shall be from the standard cub scout pinewood
derby kit
Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited
Car shall not ride on any kind of springs
Any details added must be within length, width, and weight limits
Car must be freewheeling with no starting devices
No loose materials are allowed in the car
Dry White (available at Scout Shop) lubricant of wheels is allowed. No other
type of lubricant is allowed.
3. Once the car is checked in, it will remain in possession of the race officials until it is
returned to the scout after the race. Scouts may not modify the car after check in.
4. Scouts and other spectators must stay off the stage and not touch the track or
timing system.
5. Scouts and other spectators should remain seated during races.
6. Race officials will recover cars and bring them to the starting line for heats. Scouts
or other spectators should not pick up cars at the finish line.
7. If a car breaks during a heat, race officials will endeavor to give the scout an
opportunity to repair the car and re-check it in to complete the races. However,
timing of the races and the length of time required for a repair may preclude this
opportunity. Cars that cannot be repaired in a timely fashion may be disqualified at
the discretion of race officials.
8. The track has four lanes. Each car will run in four heats using a different lane each
heat. The car’s average time over the four heats will be the time used to calculate
race results/finishing order.