10 Action Steps to Help You Generate Sales Now

10 Action Steps To Help You Generate Sales Now
Joe and Maria Gracia
Word Count: 1254
Some very specific action steps that you can take immediately to help
you generate more sales now.
1. Keep your business contacts current
Weed out your Rolodex and address book, so the only people left are
those that you currently do business with, or plan to do business with
in the near future. Mark each name with a code for easier reference,
such as Prospect, Customer, Vendor, Referrer, etc. Or, keep each
category separated in it's own section.
2. Know what to do with your prospects
Your current prospects should be divided by HOT (prospects who are
very close to buying your services), WARM (prospects who will
probably buy your services in the next few months) and COLD
prospects who have absolutely no interest in purchasing your products
or services.)
Cold prospects are doing nothing more than taking up room in your
prospect database. Get rid of them right now.
Warm and hot prospects must be followed-up with. It could take up to
7 or more contacts before you convert them into an appointment or
sale. If you only follow up once, you are missing out on 90% of your
potential sales.
Here are just a few of the many ways you can follow up with your
prospects -- in person, by phone, by fax, by postcard, by letter, by email, etc.
3. Call past customers
The people most likely to buy from you, are people who have already
bought from you in the past -- if you ask them.
Make it a point to contact all of your past customers with a special
offer--perhaps an enticing discount offer for your product or service.
4. Be sure you have goals
Running a business without goals, is like driving a car without a
destination. How will you know where you're going? How will you know
if you're getting closer to your destination? You'll spend a great deal of
time, energy and money, but you'll never get anywhere worthwhile.
There are 2 types of goals you should always be concentrating on:
The first set of goals are your 'overall business goals', such as the
number of sales you're going to make each month, and how much
you'd like to make annually.
The second set of goals are your 'marketing action' goals. Every time
you run an ad or do a mailing, you should have goals stating how
many people you will send your offer to, how many will become
prospects, how many will become appointments, how many will
become customers, etc.
These are, of course, all projections. Once you have the actual
numbers, you'll know what the reality of the situation is, and what
areas need to be improved.
Are you ready to put your business into overdrive?
5. Compile a set of pre-written letters
To run your business efficiently, having a set of pre-written letters and
proposals on hand is a must. Keep them on your computer, so you can
easily 'personalize' if necessary with the person's name, or any other
special message.
Be sure the file names for these letters are easily identifiable. For
instance, your prospecting letters might be named prospect-ltr01,
prospect-ltr02 and your follow-up letters might be followup-01,
followup-02, etc.
6. Create an information packet and have some on hand
Every time you contact a new prospect, or a new prospect contacts
you, an information packet should be mailed to this person. An
information packet generally includes a cover letter, a brochure or
service sheet describing your products or services, your business card,
a biography on you and your company, a current newsletter or a tips
sheet so the prospect feels he/she received something of value, and
maybe a price sheet.
And most important of all, include a special offer for your product or
service. Perhaps you could offer a Gift Certificate or New Customer
Once you've created an information packet, be sure you have a bunch
on hand that are already compiled, and inserted into envelopes with
blank mailing labels. When you're ready to send one out, just write the
person's name on it, stamp and mail. Quick and easy.
7. Clean and organize your office or home office
It's so important to work in an organized, professional-looking office,
or office area. If your office isn't quite up to par, or if you don't have a
very efficient filing system, make it a point to get these in order.
This is especially important if you have clients and customers in and
out of your office. But, it's equally important if you don't. Your
environment, organized or disorganized, will show through in your
thinking, your appearance and your work.
Working in an un-stressed, efficient environment breeds
professionalism, creativity, productivity and sales.
8. Get out of the box
Stretch your knowledge and abilities by trying something you've never
done before, such as giving a presentation in public or doing a radio
You'll never know if you're good at something if you don't try. You'll
never get over your fear of something if you don't learn more about it
and practice.
9. Make a list of suggested add-ons
Sell them while they're hot! The best time to sell more to a customer
is when they are in a buying mood. Fast food restaurants know this
very well -- 'Would you like to add bacon to your sandwich today?'
Make a list of the products or services you could suggest when your
customers are buying. You may want to offer a special deal if they
purchase the add-on as a stronger incentive. After all, any additional
profit made on the sale is profit you wouldn't have made if you didn't
offer them a special deal.
10. Make your Web presence effective and profitable
If you have a business, but don't have a Web site, you're falling way
behind. A Web site is the easiest way for potential customers to learn
more about you and your business.
If you do have a Web site, great! Now is the time to evaluate its main
strategy, design and content.
What is your strategy? To sell your products and services? To build a
prospect list? To build trust? To get the media to notice you? Be sure
you know what your specific strategy is.
As far as content and design, people who surf the Web are looking for
sites that have lots of helpful information, a design that's pleasing to
the eye and easy to navigate, and a reason--or many reasons--to
return. Be sure your site has the elements it needs to get people
coming back for more.
Speaking of a marketing strategy, without an effective one your
business will just be going in circles, generating a fraction of the sales
it could be making for you.
Maria Gracia is nationally recognized author, speaker, consultant, and
professional organizer. She is founder of Get Organized Now!,
specializing in helping people get better organized to live the kind of
stress-free life they've always dreamed of and co-founder with
husband, Joe, of Give to Get Marketing Newsletter. Want to get
organized? Get your FREE Get Organized Now! Idea-Pak, filled with
tips and ideas to help you organize your home, your office and your
life, www.getorganizednow.com. Want Marketing Strategy Tips? Get
complimentary Marketing Idea-Kit, www.givetogetmarketing.com.
Copyright© 2003, Maria and Joe Garcia. All rights reserved. For
information about Marcia's Presentations and Consulting Services,
contact the Frog Pond at 800.704.FROG(3764) or email
susie@frogpond.com; http://www.frogpond.com