Region 1 - Hunterdon County

Bethlehem, Bloomsbury, Glen Gardner, Hampton
Hunterdon County Planning Board Staff Facilitator: Louis Fineberg
Very little times was spent reviewing the state plan data layers as each of the members was
satisfied with the Planning Area 4B designation.
Most of the meeting was devoted to discussing the highlands bill and the possible implications for
the region. In particular, we discussed the exclusion of the southern portion of Warren County
from the Preservation Area. Those present expressed concern that a concentration of development
in this area would adversely affect the region by:
1. Increasing traffic volumes on already congested roadways, State Route 31 in particular.
2. Increasing run-off and hence pollution into the Musconetcong River.
It was noted that the American Properties development would likely not be built.
Bob Sheridan informed me that the Preservation Area boundary had changed in Hampton
Borough to include the whole borough.
Frank Hajek, who himself lives in the small portion of Bethlehem Township that is excluded from
the preservation area, expressed some concern that this area was not included but pointed out that
most of the land in this area is in farmland preservation (corroborated by me).
Mayor Stanley Kovach reiterated several times that the Highlands Bill would tie his hands vis-àvis several projects he was working on but he did not elaborate. He did mention that there is only
one developable piece of property left in Glen Gardner so the effect would not be that great.
In attendance:
Mayor Stanley Kovach – Glen Gardner Cross-Acceptance Committee
George Allen – Bloomsbury Cross-Acceptance Committee
Hampton – Bob Sheridan
Bethlehem – Frank Hajek