patron service policies - the Williamsfield Public Library District






While normal library operations are not likely to involve circumstances exposing employees or users to bloodborne pathogens, the Williamsfield Public Library District complies with

Illinois Department of Labor regulations and therefore the Federal Occupational Safety and

Health Administration regulations relating to occupational exposures to bloodborne pathogens which have been incorporated by administrative actions.


Exposure Determination: No particular job classification of the Library has occupational exposure (meaning “reasonably anticipated…contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employees’ duties”), however, emergencies may occur with staff or patrons, particularly youth or elderly patrons, to which library employees in all classifications may be called upon to respond with assistance. Or emergencies with “out of control” individuals (e.g. biting, spitting, etc.) could present an individual threat.

C. Universal Precautions: All potential circumstances of exposure must be taken into account by the Library and its employees to protect against exposures. Hepatitis B (HBV), human

Immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and other bloodborne pathogens found in human blood and other body fluids cause life-threatening diseases. In emergency or other such circumstances, when contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials may result, the Library’s approach to infection control requires all human blood and body fluids to be treated as if known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne pathogens. Engineering and work practice controls shall be used to eliminate or minimize employee exposures, and if a possibility of exposure remains, personal protective equipment shall also be used.


Exposure Control Plan: At any time within the Library environment that human blood, human body fluids, or other potentially infectious materials are presented, the area contaminated shall be immediately cordoned off and quarantined, even if the entire library must be closed to accomplish this completely. Personal protection clothing, such as gloves, gowns, masks, etc. shall be provided and used in the cleanup and safe disposal of contaminated waste such as diapers, blood-tinged materials (e.g. Band-Aids, gauze, cotton, clothing, etc.), etc. If advisable, a professional hazardous/contaminated cleanup firm shall be contacted and retained for complete cleanup and decontamination. The quarantine shall be effective until complete cleanup and disposal is obtained. Hand-washing facilities are provided by the Library and must be used by the employees as soon as feasible, including following the removal of personal protective equipment. A complete record of all incidents, exposures, cleanup, and disposals shall be kept as required by the regulations.


Training and Immunizations: The Library shall provide directly or through System, State or associational programs, annual in-service training/educational programs for all affected employees. Any employee who has an occupational exposure shall be offered, at no charge, the hepatitis B vaccine series, in accordance with the regulations. Following the report of an exposure incident, the Library will make immediately available to the exposed employee or employees a confidential medical evaluation and follow-up as provided in the regulations.




All accidents involving employees during working hours or while on Library premises, and all other accidents in which the Library or its property are involved directly or indirectly, including those involving patrons of any age, are to be reported immediately to the Director or designee.

If medical attention is needed, the appropriate steps will be taken to call 911 for the Rescue

Squad and/or notify the next of kin, whether it is an employee or a Library patron.

Any unsafe working conditions are to be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor, the

Director or designee.

First aid kits are available at the Library if necessary. All staff is to take precautionary measures in assisting anyone, employee or patron, when exposed to blood or other bodily fluids.


It is the policy of the Williamsfield Public Library district that all employment is on an

‘at will’ basis which allows the employment to be terminated at any time by either the employee or the Library ‘at will’ with or without cause. Nothing in this manual shall be held to convey to any employee a promise or offer of any type of right to continued employment.

This is not an employment contract. Any other form of employment must be in writing and approved by the Board of Library Trustees.





The Williamsfield Public Library District is a tax-supported public library. This means that people residing within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Williamsfield Public Library

District pay taxes to support the library. Those people who live within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Williamsfield Public Library District need pay no additional fee to be eligible to receive their first library card. Library cards are renewed every three (3) years without additional fees, provided the library card holder continues to reside within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Williamsfield Public Library District and is a patron in good standing. There is a fee of $1.00 to replace damaged, destroyed, lost or stolen library cards.

As a resident card holder, the borrower identified on the valid borrower’s card may physically take his or her library card to another library to borrow materials. Those materials are the responsibility of the individual who borrows them, and are subject to all of the fines, rules and regulations of the lending library. Often libraries limit the borrowing privileges of reciprocal borrowers, and it is best to establish local rules and procedures before making your selections.

Individuals residing beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of the Williamsfield Public Library

District and not within the boundaries of another public library, and owning no property within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Williamsfield Public Library District, may purchase a non-resident fee card for the price of $65.00. This fee entitles the entire family to use the Williamsfield Public Library District, but not neighboring libraries.

If you reside beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of the Williamsfield Public Library

District, but own property within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Williamsfield Public

Library District, upon presentation of a tax bill bearing your name, you may have one library card for the exclusive use of the individual whose name appears on its face without additional payment as is the case with people who reside within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Williamsfield Public Library District.

Adult wishing to register for a borrower’s card, renew an expired borrower’s card, or replace a lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed borrower’s card, at the Williamsfield Public Library

District must bring with them two forms of identification, at least one of which bears their name and address. These forms of identification include, but are not limited to, driver’s license, utility bills, mail, or voter’s registration card.

A Williamsfield Public Library District borrower’s card can be renewed over the phone providing the patron is in good standing with the Williamsfield Public Library District. A library patron must complete the borrower’s registration card prior to receiving a library borrower’s card, whether it is in person or through the mail.



IV. Borrowing Privileges – continued



Children who are three (3) years and older may qualify for their own Williamsfield

Public Library District borrower’s card. Children under the age of 16 must have a parent’s signature on any initial application for a library card. The application must be completed with child and/or adult signature and show proof of residency. Children with borrower’s card may select to leave their Williamsfield Public Library District borrower’s card in the library’s patron card file and reclaim it whenever they would like to use it in another library.

Individuals presenting valid borrower’s cards issued by the Williamsfield Public

Library District are eligible to borrow materials from the Williamsfield Public

Library District when the following conditions are met:

No materials which are more than one circulation period are overdue on their card.


No outstanding fines in aggregate excess of $1.00 have accrued to their card.


No materials borrowed for them from another library are overdue in any amount.

The library staff may not waive these regulations without the specific permission of the

Library Director, however, the patron may request and receive a 24-hour hold, providing there is not a list of other patrons, on the item(s) he/she wishes to check out to allow the patron to correct the situation which has resulted in loss of eligibility to borrow. If there is a list of other patron names on an item(s), the overdue patron’s name shall be moved to the bottom of the wait list and remain there until the overdue fees have been satisfied.

Individuals presenting a valid card from another public library in Illinois may borrow materials from the Williamsfield Public Library District. The card must have the name of the individual presenting it, and an expiration date in the future. The card must be either a resident borrower’s card or a system borrower’s card to be valid for reciprocal borrowing.




A. Fees and Fines

The Williamsfield Public Library District has established, in addition to the schedule for lost or damaged items, the following schedule of fines for overdue materials as well as fees for other services provided by the Williamsfield Public Library District.


Overdue Materials

1. Books: .10 per day, not to exceed the cost of the item

(This includes audio books, music CD’s & printed materials)

2. Movies : $1.00 per day, not to exceed the cost of the item

Patrons with responsibility for material in any format which is more than

$10.00 overdue are also responsible for any and all collection incurred by the library in its efforts to secure the return of the material. A receipt of payment will be given to the patron if and when the fees are satisfied. No items will be allowed to be borrowed by this patron until the overdue fees have been satisfied.

Computer use privileges will be discontinued, as well, until overdue fees have been satisfied.



1. Copies: .10 per page – double-sided copies do not cost extra

2. FAX: $1.00 per page. The cover sheet is excluded from the per page

Fee if the fax (including cover sheet) is more than one page in length.

This cost is for Faxes that are being sent or received by a patron.

3. Computer Printouts: .10 per page. This fee applies to all materials printed by

Library printers, including, but not limited to, Internet downloads, CD-ROM product information, personal work and graphics.

All payments for services for a patron shall receive a receipt of business transaction, including but not limited to, overdue fees that have been satisfied.



II. Circulation - continued


Interlibrary Loan

When patrons want material that is not available within the Williamsfield Public Library

District, we ask other agencies to provide it. This is the process of interlibrary loan.

Materials borrowed through interlibrary loan have a circulation period which is determined by the lending library, not the Williamsfield Public Library District. We are happy to borrow materials from other libraries for a patron, but we ask that the patron to respect the date by which those materials must be retuned to their home libraries. When the Williamsfield Public Library District is lax in returning materials borrowed through interlibrary loan, the library can lose the privilege of borrowing materials in that way for any of its patrons. It is crucial, therefore, that materials borrowed through interlibrary loan be returned in a timely manner. Habitual failure to do so may result in individual loss of the privilege in order to preserve the privilege for other library patrons.

If an overdue fee is acquired by a patron not returning materials in the correct time-frame, the Williamsfield Public Library District will be held responsible to pay the overdue fee to the borrowed library. It is will then be the responsibility of the Williamsfield Public

Library District to collect the overdue fee that has been paid, from the borrowing

Williamsfield Public Library District patron.


Length of Loans

The Williamsfield Public Library District circulates materials in a variety of formats including books, magazines, audio books, music CD’s and movies (DVD & VHS format). The following terms of loan are applicable as indicated:



Audio books


Music CD



Of Loan

2 weeks

2 weeks


2 weeks

1 week

F. Lost and/or Damaged Materials

#Allowed Renewals Reserves
















Materials borrowed via any mechanism are the responsibility of the library patron.

Replacement cost (not original purchase price) is the responsibility of any patron who borrows and loses any library materials. In the case of children under the age of 18, it is the parents’ responsibility to pay for lost or damaged items in accordance with the following schedule of terms:



Retail replacement cost of any item which is lost or damaged beyond repair and for which a current price can be found.

Average replacement cost for any item which is lost or damaged beyond repair and for which a current price cannot be found. Average prices as of July of this calendar year are as follows:



II. Circulation - continued

Hard Bound Books

Adult Fiction books = $28.00

Juvenile/YA Fiction = $20.00

Soft Bound Books

Adult Fiction = $10.00

Juvenile/YA Fiction = $8.00

Adult Non-Fiction = $38.00

Juvenile Non-Fiction = $25.00

Adult Non-Fiction = $20.00

Juvenile Non-Fiction = $25.00

Audio Books / Talking Books - $45.00

DVD/Movies = $25.00 Audio Music CD’s = $15.00

3. Materials borrowed through interlibrary loan which are lost or damaged are charged to the patron according to the bill provided by the lending library.

Bindery Repair = Cost is based on the current value and location the materials need to be sent for repair.

Minor Repair = In-house repairs will be done without charge. Each repair will be evaluated and determined as to what the cost may incur.


Patrons may reserve materials which are not immediately available for patron use, but have been entered into the collection of the Williamsfield Public Library District. When the reserved materials are available to the patron who has placed the reserve, the library will notify the patron via phone. The specific title of the material will not be stated to anyone other than the library patron who placed the reserve. If the patron is not available by phone, a message will be left. The date of the message will be noted and the material will be held for the patron for a period of one week. If additional patrons are waiting for the material, the next patron on the list will be called and notified of the availability of the item, and the same procedure will be followed.

If no additional patrons are waiting for the material, the material will be placed back into general circulation. In no circumstance will the library leave more than one message regarding a hold on a specific item. Relay of the message to the appropriate person in the household, and prompt retrieval of the material, are the responsibilities of the patron.





The Williamsfield Public Library District abides by Illinois Law which states that the records of patron transactions and the identity of registered library patrons is confidential material. The Williamsfield Public Library District does not make available the records of patron transactions to any party except in compliance with the law. The Williamsfield

Public Library District does not make available lists of registered library patrons except in compliance with the law.

If questioned, by the legal authorities, about patron transactions and/or identity, the

Williamsfield Public Library District will contact their legal representative and the legal consultants with the Alliance Library System.

A. Patron Requests

A patron must present either their barcode number of their patron ID number, either in person or on the telephone, before any information will be given concerning:


Items charged out


Items overdue


Fine information


Hold information (either items on hold or those awaiting collection)

When speaking to a family member and not to the patron, information about the material should be restricted as to information that does not reveal the content. Sample:


A videocassette borrowed is overdue and should be returned.


A book that had been reserved is now in and can be picked up.

If information is requested by a person other than the patron, the staff should state that they are only permitted to discuss specific information with the patron.

B. Patron Information

Address, phone numbers, or any other personal information from a patron’s record may not be given out without direct consent of the Library Director.




The Williamsfield Public Library District has long recognized that the non-medical use of controlled substances is hazardous to the health of the patrons and employees of the Library.

Additionally, the use of alcohol by patrons is recognized as both hazardous and often illegal, and the irresponsible use of alcohol by employees is detrimental to the library environment. The illicit manufacture, use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances, look-alike drugs, drug paraphernalia, and the manufacture, use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, and its derivatives as defined by Illinois and Federal statute, at any time, is not permitted at any library location.

“Library location” means in any library building, on any library premises, in any library-owned vehicle, or at any library-owned vehicle, or at any library-sponsored activity where patrons or employees are engaged in activities under the jurisdiction of the Library. This shall include any period of time when an employee is supervising students on behalf of a school district or is otherwise in library business.

Any employee who violates the term of the Library’s drug and alcohol policy may be suspended or terminated pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Library and applicable state statutes.

The Library may in its discretion refer incidents to appropriate legal authorities for prosecution when this policy is violated. Sanctions against employees shall be in accordance with prescribed library regulations and procedures. The Library’s employees, as a condition of their employment, agree to abide by the terms of this policy and to notify the Library, no later than five (5) days after a conviction, of any criminal drug or alcohol statute conviction for a violation occurring at a library location. The Library, if or when required by law, shall report such conviction to the appropriate authorities.

A patron who violates the terms of this policy may be expelled from the library location involved or any library location at the discretion of the Library, and use privileges may be suspended for a specified period of time. The Library may, in its discretion, refer incidents to appropriate legal authority for prosecution when this policy is violated. Sanctions against patrons shall be in accordance with prescribed library regulations and procedures.

The Library shall obtain and make available materials from local, system, state, and national anti-drug and alcohol abuse organizations and, where appropriate, enlist the aid of community and state organizations with drug and alcohol information and rehabilitation programs to provide information to the Library patrons and employees.

In order to make patrons and employees aware of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, notice of the Standard of Conduct imposed by this policy and the sanctions imposed for violation of this policy shall be distributed to all employees and prominently posted at the Library for patrons and employees to see. Patrons and, in the case of minors, their parents shall be advised of this policy in the same manner as they are advised of the general disciplinary policies and procedures.

The Library shall conduct a biennial review and evaluation of the measures taken by this policy to determine its effectiveness and to implement changes to the program where needed.

Additionally, the biennial review and evaluation shall determine whether or not the sanctions required by this policy are consistently in force.



The Williamsfield Public Library District has long recognized that the non-medical use of controlled substances is hazardous to the health of the patrons and employees of the Library.

Additionally, the use of alcohol by patrons is recognized as both hazardous and often illegal, and the irresponsible use of alcohol by employees is detrimental to the library environment. The illicit manufacture, use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances, look-alike drugs, drug paraphernalia, and the manufacture, use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, and its derivatives as defined by Illinois and Federal statute, at any time, is not permitted at any library location.

“Library Location” means in any library building, on any library premises, in any library-owned vehicle, or at any library-sponsored activity where patrons or employees are engaged in activities under the jurisdiction of the Library. This shall include any period of time when an employee is supervising students on behalf of a school district or is otherwise engaged in library business.

Any employee who violates the term of the Library’s drug and alcohol policy may be suspended or terminated pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Library and applicable state statutes.

The Library may, in its discretion, refer incidents to appropriate legal authorities for prosecution when this policy is violated.

Sanctions against employees shall be in accordance with prescribed library regulations and procedures. The Library’s employees, as condition of their employment, agree to abide by the terms of this policy and to notify the Library, no later than five (5) days after a conviction occurring at a library location. The Library, if or when required by law, shall report such conviction to the appropriate authorities.

A patron who violates the terms of this policy may be expelled from the library location involved or any library location at the discretion of the Library, and use privileges may be suspended for a specified period of time. The Library may, in its discretion, refer incidents to appropriate legal authority for prosecution when this policy is violated. Sanctions against patrons shall be in accordance with prescribed library regulations and procedures.




A. Computer Use

The Library reserves the right to limit, refuse, and/or ban any patron from using the library equipment and computers. Use is limited to patrons in good standing, i.e., all fines have been paid, all overdue materials have been returned, any lost materials have been paid for, and the patron has a current local library card.

Anyone under the age of ten (10) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian while using library equipment or computers. Reservations for equipment or computer use can be made at the circulation desk, and without them usage is on a “first come, first served” basis.

However, all patrons shall log in, by writing their names, beginning time and ending times, in the ledger provided by the library, to avoid conflicts with reserved times. If a user has not logged in, that user will be required to give up the usage if a patron who has logged in or made reservation is waiting.

In addition, these rules apply for library computer (non-Internet) use:


Usage is limited to ½ hour blocks


Copyright laws forbid duplication of copyrighted software.


Library software shall not be copied and must be returned to the circulation desk before use of another software product.


There is a charge of $2.00 for each disk purchased from the Library


A charge of $.10 per page of printing from a library computer.

B. Copy Machine

The public may have full use of the copy machine, whether or not, they are Library patrons, etc. Library staff may assist the patron in any copying that may need done. All copying done by the staff must be done in a discreet manner.

A payment of $.10 per page that is copied will be charged to the patron, payment will be required before the patron leaves the building.

C. FAX Machine

Staff only will be allowed to FAX materials for a patron. Patrons will be charged a fee of

$1.00 per page faxed from the Library.

Patrons may use the FAX service for items that will be sent or received. $1.00 per page will be implemented for either direction. If the Library is to receive a FAX for a patron the following information must be obtained from the patron prior to the FAX coming into the library:


The patron must have the correct Library FAX number


The library must be open during normal Library hours for the patron to pick the FAX up.


A cover sheet must accompanying any incoming patron FAX’s with the patron’s name and phone number listed on it.


It shall be the responsibility of the patron receiving a FAX to contact the library, as to whether the FAX has actually come into the Library.




The copyright laws of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) govern the reproduction, distribution, adaptation, public performance, and public display of protected material.

Under certain conditions, public libraries are authorized to lend, lease, or rent copies of computer programs and videotapes to patrons for nonprofit purposes. Any person who makes an unauthorized copy or adaptation of a computer program or videotape or redistributes the loaned copy or publicly performs or displays the computer program or videotape, except as permitted by Title 17 of the United States Code, may be liable for copyright infringement.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to fulfill a loan request if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the request would likely lead to violation of the copyright law.


To insure that all patrons may have considerate use of the Williamsfield Public Library

District, appropriate behavior is expected. Violation of any of the following rules will result in a warning and/or expulsion from the property. Whenever necessary, police will be contacted. The Director and/or supervisory staff have authority to carry out all powers of this policy.


The Williamsfield Public Library District will provide a minimal amount of space within the library for community-based, public information. Information must be for community organizational events/activities, school-related activities and any other nonprofit activities.

The following examples of signs/posters will not be permitted within the library:


For Sale signs – anything someone is trying to sell for personal profit


Help/Work Wanted signs – for other businesses or work wanted by an individual


Animal give-aways


Protest or controversial issues an/or political posters that may resemble the library taken sides of any particular political issues.

Although patrons are invited to make suggestions for themes or parallel agency activities, the responsibility for design and placement of all displays rests with the staff of the



Occasionally, exhibits from sources within the community may be allowed in the library.

All exhibits considered for space within the library must support the mission of the library and not cause disruption of the regular flow of library work and service. Such exhibits will remain in place for not longer than four weeks, with set up and removal being the responsibility of the exhibitor. The library assumes no liability for damage or

loss relating to any exhibit set up for public viewing in the library and will take no extraordinary measures to insure its safety.




Any employee having a complaint is to bring it to the attention of her/his Director. If the problem is not handled to the employee’s satisfaction, it may be brought to the attention of the

Board of Library Trustees following these procedures:

A. Initial Procedure


Upon a problem or complaint, the employee should promptly contact the

Director of the Library.


The Director appeals directly to the Board of Library Trustees.


Appeal Procedure

After the initial channels have been followed without satisfactory results, then a formal written statement may be filled with the Board of Trustees in the following prescribed form:




Statement of problem


Reply by the person(s) involved


Action taken at the conclusion of each prior step of the procedure


Statement of each action signed by the appropriate persons

Each problem should be initiated, heard, and resolved within as short a period of time as possible according to the nature or severity of the problem and the availability of essential personnel.

Most complaints or problems should be settled within 30 working days after initiation. In all matters, the decision of the Board of Library Trustees shall be final and nonreviewable.

If the matter involved discipline by either suspension or termination and the employee is reinstated by the Board of Trustees’ decision, all benefits, pay, and status lost due to suspension or termination will also be reinstated to the employees’ credit.



The Director may at any time warn, suspend, or dismiss any employee.

Except in exigent circumstances where immediate action is required in the best interest of the Library, the Director shall inform an employee of any reason or consideration for his/her suspension or dismissal and give the employee the opportunity to respond to the allegations before taking action to suspend or dismiss.



IX. Grievance Procedure Policy - continued



1. Employees having grievances arising out of their employment by the Library shall have the right to appeal to the Director.

2. Where any employee, regardless of their job, feels that their grievance has not received due consideration, they are to place their grievance in writing and submit it to the Director. The matter will then be discussed with the Director.

In the event the matter is not satisfactorily handled, the employee may then request, in writing, that the Director submit the matter to the Board. At this time, after the reading of the request by the Director, the President of the Board shall appoint a committee to investigate all phases of the situation.

In all cases, this investigation will include personally interviewing the employee concerned, the Department, and the Director. After the committee

Has completed the investigation, it will then report to the Board at the next regular meeting which follows the conclusion of the investigation. The employed concerned, if he/she so desires, may present his/her case at this meeting.


The decision of the Board of Library Trustees is final.




The Williamsfield Public Library District complies with the requirements of the Federal

Immigration Law, and for all employees hired after 1988, the Library shall have a properly completed Form I-9 which shall be kept as a part of its permanent personnel records.

A copy of Form I-( (Employment eligibility Verification) shall be in all new employee packets and once completed it will be placed in the employee’s work file. The employment file will be kept within the library for the duration of the employee’s service and held thereafter.


During the initial ninety day period of employment for the new employee, the employee is not entitled to the benefits of vacation time, accrual, sick leave time or accrual, or overtime.

However, vacation or sick leave hours will be recorded and will accrue during this period, but may not be used during the first ninety days. If termination occurs before the end of the ninety day period, the employee will be paid for all vacation time which has been accrued but will not be paid for any sick leave time which has accrued.

Each new employee will be periodically reviewed and evaluated during the initial ninety day period, and a written evaluation shall be prepared before the conclusion of the period. If the evaluation is unsatisfactory, the employment will be terminated at that time.




A. Purpose

The purpose of this policy statement is to outline the responsibilities, general objectives, and specific guidelines for management of public funds by the Williamsfield Public Library


B. Responsibilities

All investment policies and procedures of the Williamsfield Public Library District will be in accordance with Illinois Law. The authority of the Library Board of Trustees to control and invest public funds is defined in the Illinois Public Funds Investment Act, and the investment permitted, are described therein. Administration and execution of these polices are the responsibility of the Treasurer, and, by designation, the Library Director acting under the authority of the Library Board of Trustees. Investments, fund balances, and the status of such accounts will be reported at each regularly scheduled meeting of the Library Board.



In selecting financial institutions and investment instruments to be used, the following general objectives should be considered: a.

Safety b.

Maintenance of sufficient liquidity to meet current obligations c.

Return on investment d.

Simplicity of management

C. Guidelines

The following guidelines should be used to meet the general investment objectives:

1. Safety a.

Investments will be made only in securities guaranteed by the U.S. government, or in FDIC or FSLIC insured institutions. Deposit accounts in banks or savings and loan institutions will not exceed the amount insured by FDIC or FSLIC coverage. b.

Authorized investments include and will primarily consist of:

Certificates of Deposit

Treasury Bills and other securities guaranteed by the U.S. government

Participation in the State of Illinois Public Treasurer’s

Investment Pool

Any other investments allowed under State law that satisfy the investment objectives of the Williamsfield Public Library

District Board of Trustees, Library Accountant and Library

Legal Attorney.



XI. Investment of Public Funds - continued (D-Guidelines) c. Maintenance

Maintenance of sufficient liquidity should be completed in order to meet current obligations. In general, investments should be managed to meet liquidity needs for the current month plus one month (based on forecasted needs). d. Return on Investment

Within the constraints on Illinois law and this investment policy, every effort should be made to maximize return on investments made. All available funds will be placed in investments or kept in interest bearing deposit accounts at all times. e. Simplicity of Management

The time required by library administrative staff to manage investments shall be kept to a minimum.





Sick leave is a privilege to be used only when a valid need arises. It may be used when employees are incapacitated by illness; when they may need to be absent for medical, dental or optical examination and treatment which cannot be scheduled during nonworking hours; and when an employee needs to care for an immediate family member.



Full-time employees = 20 hours+ per week a.

Library Director b.

Youth/Program Directors



Full-time employees shall be entitled to one (1) day sick leave with pay for each month.

 A doctor’s certificate is required for all sick leave absences in excess of three (3) working days, long-term illness, and illness with employment implications or upon request.

Sick leave is accumulated to a maximum of 30 days (225 hours) for use during a long-term illness.

All unused sick leave in excess of 30 days can be banked up to 240 days.

Vacation time may be taken when accumulated sick leave has been exhausted, with the approval of the Library Director and the notification of the Board of Trustees. Use of sick leave during an

employee’s scheduled vacation will be considered “sick leave” not


Accumulated sick leave will not be paid upon an employee’s termination.

Employees on unpaid leave will not earn sick leave.

An employee may use his accumulated sick leave in the case of immediate family illness. (Immediate family is defined as parent, spouse, grandparent, child, sibling)

In the case of extensive illness or illness with employment implications, the employee will be required to provide a release to return to work issued by their health care provider and secure a fitness for duty release before returning to work.

The library complies with all requirements of the Family Medical

Leave Act (FMLA).



X. Leaves - continued



All employees who work over 15 hours per week earn a paid vacation. No employees with less than six months will be entitled to a vacation. No part-time employees will be eligible for vacation benefits.

a. Eligibility

Full-time employees – 20+ hours per week

Library Director

Youth/Program Director b. Accrual

2 weeks paid after 1 year

3 weeks paid after 5 years

4 weeks paid after 10 years

5 weeks paid after 15 years


Employees may request the scheduling of their vacation at any time during the

Library’s Fiscal Year, July 1 – June 30, and for any requested lengths. All

vacation time must be approved by the Library Director and other employee work

schedule before approval can be given. If a conflict should arise, work record and

length of employment with the Library shall be deciding factor. The Director’s

vacation must be scheduled with the

Board of Trustees.


Vacation days should be requested one-two weeks in advance, if possible. Except in the case of emergencies, no request for vacation leave should be made less than two (2) days before the anticipated absence. This insures that no interference with the library’s service will result.


Because the purpose of a vacation is to give an employee time away from work, vacations should be taken; no cash payment in lieu of vacation will be made,

unless otherwise required by law. Unused vacation time will be forfeited; therefore, vacation time may not be accumulated.

5. A person whose employment is terminated is entitled to and will be paid all earned

vacation credits in a prorated cash amount.

6. Termination of Employment – An employee who terminates employment after one year of credited service shall be entitled to a cash payment for unused vacation days.



XIV. LEAVES - continue


The employee’s supervisor should be notified as soon as possible when bereavement leave is needed. Each employee is entitled to may be granted bereavement leave of up to five (5) working days with pay.

Bereavement leave offers employees time off with pay to carry out responsibilities associated with the death of an immediate relative of the employee or employee’s spouse, taking into consideration the relationship of the employee to the deceased, family responsibilities, distance to be traveled, and amount of leave requested.

Immediate family includes spouse, parent, natural or adoptive child, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or legal guardian. Funerals of “step” relatives of the same relationship may be approved.


Full-time employees who are called to serve on jury duty, receive a subpoena, or are ordered by a court order to attend court or pre-court proceedings will be granted leave with pay.

1. Jury/Court – If an employee is dismissed before 12:00 noon from jury duty, they will be expected to report to work for the balance of the day. If an employee is to call prior to driving to the courthouse and the employee is not to report for jury duty, the employee will work at the Library as regularly scheduled. No travel pay will be given to employees who are attending to jury duty.

2. Voting – In accordance with the State law, an employee will be allowed enough time to vote if prior arrangements are made with the Director.


Leaves of absence without pay for military or reserve duty are granted to all employees of the Williamsfield Public Library District. Employees called to active military duty, reserve or National Guard training, or volunteering for the same, shou0ld submit copies of their military orders to the Library Director and placed in the employee file, as soon as is practicable. Employees who are reservists or members of the National Guard are granted time off without pay for required military training. Eligibility for reinstatement after the completion of military duty/training and benefit continuation/eligibility issues are determined in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws. Employees may elect, but are not required, to use any vacation entitlement for the absence.



XIV. LEAVES – continued

F. LEAVE OF ABSENCE –Paid vs. UnPaid

The term “leave of absence” shall generally refer to a period of at least 30 days duration up to a maximum of 12 weeks. Leave of absence with pay for special circumstances, for short periods of time, may be granted at the discretion of the Library Director and the

Board of Trustees Approved periods of unpaid absence of less than 30 days are simply considered approved time off without pay. The Director may approve time off without pay when the time is necessary due to unusual circumstances and such time off would not result in disruption of public service or be a hardship to the Library or co-workers.

Subject to legal requirements, requests for leaves of absence without pay will be considered on the basis of business necessity and an employee’s job performance, level of responsibility, length of service, and the reason for the request.

Leaves of absence are considered for satisfactorily performing employees on the basis of length of service, the nature of the request, and the service needs of the Library. Leaves of absence without pay for all library staff may be granted by the Library Director, and notification of the Board of Trustees. When leave of absence is granted, it is considered time off without pay. Leaves of absence of up to twelve (12) weeks duration may be requested by any full-time employee with at least twelve (12) months of consecutive service. While on leave, employees do not forfeit any accrued benefits but neither do they accrue benefits during the leave. Except for emergency situations, requests for leaves of absence shall be submitted in writing at least four (4) weeks prior to the date requested for the leave of absence.


So that an employees’ return to work can be properly scheduled, an employee on leave is requested to provide the Director with at least two weeks advance notice of the date he or she intends to return to work. When a leave ends, the employee will be reinstated to the same position, if it is available. If an employee fails to report to work promptly at the end of the approved leave, the Library will assume that the employee has resigned.

Because of the need for replacement personnel, the Library cannot guarantee that at the end of the leave the employee’s prior position, or any other position which the employee is capable of performing, will be open. At the end of the leave, if such an opening exists, the Library will offer it to the employee before filling that position by outside hiring. If another position is not found for the employee within thirty (30) days from the date the leave expires, the employee shall be deemed terminated. Any employee returning to work after the leave shall receive the rate of pay in effect at the time for the job to which he/she returned.

*NOTE: Employees may exercise their rights under the Victim’s Economic Security & Safety Act (VESSA) through the leave of absence policy. VESSA is a state law that provides an employee who is a victim of domestic violence, or who has a family or household member who is a victim of domestic violence, with up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave per any twelve (12) month period to address issues arising from domestic or sexual violence.



XIV. LEAVES – continued


1. Family Medical Leave

In accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), the Williamsfield

Public Library District will grant job protected unpaid FMLA leave to eligible employees for up to twelve (12) weeks per twelve (12) month period for any one or more of the following reasons:

The birth of a child and in order to care for such child or the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care (leave for this reason must be taken within the twelve (12) month period following the child’s birth or placement with the employee).

In order to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child or parent) of the employee if such immediate family member has a serious health condition.

 The employee’s own serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of their position.

To be eligible for a FMLA leave an employee must have worked for the

Williamsfield Public Library District for at least twelve (12) months, have worked at least 1,250 hours over the previous twelve (12) month period. With the consent of the Library Director and Board of Trustees, an employee may take leave intermittently (a few days or a few hours at a time).

An employee is required to give thirty (30) days notice in the event of a foreseeable leave. A request for FMLA leave should be submitted in writing to the Library Director and Board of Trustees. In unexpected or unforeseeable situations, an employee should provide as much notice as is practicable, usually verbal notice within one or two business days of when the need for leave becomes known, followed by a written request. If an employee fails to give thirty (30) days notice for a foreseeable leave with no reasonable excuse for the delay, the leave will be denied until thirty (30) days after the employee provides notice.

For leave taken because of the employee’s or a covered family member’s serious health condition, the employee must submit medical certification to the Library Director and/or

Board of Trustees within fifteen (15) days after requested, or as soon as is reasonably possible.

Employees granted a leave under this policy will follow the same guidelines for employee benefits as an unpaid leave.

An employee is not entitled to benefit accrual during periods of unpaid leave, but will not lose anything accrued prior to leave.



XIV. LEAVES – FMLA continued

If the employee returns to work within twelve (12) weeks following a FMLA leave, they will be reinstated to their former position or an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits status and authority. The employee’s restoration rights are the same as they would have been had the employee not been on leave.

If the employee fails to return within twelve (12) weeks following a FMLA leave, the employee will be reinstated to their same or similar position only if available, in accordance with applicable laws. If the employee’s same or similar position is not available, the employee may be released.

2. Medical Leave of Absence

Eligible employees may be entitled to job-protected family or medical leaves of absence if they are unable to come to work due to pressing family or medical concerns as described within this Leaves policy, which shall be administered in accordance with applicable state and federal laws as follows:

Employees are eligible if they have been actively employed for twelve (12) months, and worked at least 1,250 hours an average of thirty (30) hours per week during those twelve (12) month period “rolls back” from the date of leave to the prior twelve (12) month period.

Employees may request one (1) or more family care or medical leaves, however, the total amount of leave taken cannot exceed twelve (12) work weeks in any twelve (12) month period. You may request an intermittent leave or reduced schedule leave to care for a seriously ill family member or if you have a serious health condition that warrants such a request.

A family leave shall be granted upon the birth or adoption of a child of the employee, or upon the serious health condition of the employee’s child or spouse, or parent.

 A medical leave shall be granted upon the employee’s own serious health condition.

In the event of a serious health condition to the employees or his/her child, spouse, or parent, creating a need for unforeseeable family or medical leave, the employee must provide us with notice, as soon as possible, of any needed time off, and written doctor’s certificate. The certification must include the date on which the health condition occurred, the probable duration of the condition, an estimate of the amount of time you need to be off work to care for the family member or for your own health condition, and confirmation that the nature of the condition warrants you to be away from work to care for yourself or your dependent.



XIV. LEAVES – Medical Leave of Absence continued

Employees shall be required to give thirty (30) days advance notice in the event of a foreseeable medical treatment. To assist us in arranging work schedules during your absence, we ask that you give us prior notice, to the extent possible, of an expected birth or adoption, as well as an indication, to the extent known, of your expected return date. To facilitate your return to work, we also ask that you provide us with two (2) weeks advance notification of your intended return date. Failure to do so may delay your return to work.

For purposes of this policy, a child is defined as a natural, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild or legal ward. If the child is over eighteen (18), he/she must be unable to care for himself/herself due to a serious illness.

 A parent is defined as the employee’s or his/her spouse’s natural, adoptive, or foster parent, stepparent or legal guardian.

A serious health condition is defined as a disabling physical or mental illness, injury, impairment, or condition involving


inpatient care in a hospital, nursing home, or hospice


outpatient care requiring continuing treatment or supervision from a health care professional.

Leave of absence rights available to you under other sections of our policy shall be counted towards the total time off available under this section.

A Family Care Leave that related to the birth or adoption of a child must be completed within twelve (12) months of the birth or adoption.

Upon completion of a leave granted under this section, you shall be reinstated to your original position, or an equivalent one.

If, due to your own medical circumstances, you are no longer able to perform your original job, we will attempt to transfer you to alternate suitable work, if available.

You must use any accrued vacation or other accrued paid time off, during your family or medical leave. If the leave is related to your own serious health condition, you must use any accrued sick leave during your medical leave.

While on a leave of absence provided for under this policy, we will continue your employee’s benefits under the same terms as provided to other employees, for up to a maximum of twelve (12) weeks leave during any one

(1) year period.

Other accumulated fringe benefits such as vacation pay, shall be preserved at the leave accrued as of commencement of the leave, but shall not accrue further during any such leave period.

The pay allowances while on disability leave are based on an employee’s length of service, as well as the state in which she/he is employed. The

Williamsfield Public Library District’s disability leave policy will be in compliance with the laws of the State of Illinois.

Should you seek a leave of absence for reasons other than described above, the Library Director and Board of Trustees will evaluate such a request based on particular circumstances present at the time, including but not limited to your current and anticipated work responsibilities, performance, and company needs.



XIV. LEAVE – continued


The purpose of Personal Leave is to allow time for employees to attend to personal business or emergencies that may arise during the fiscal year.

1. Eligibility

Employee must be full-time

 1 personal day per quarter during Library’s Fiscal Year

Personal days will be credited only at the beginning of the next Fiscal Year towards the past Fiscal Year (July 1 – June 30)

Personal Days cannot be used until the employee has worked at the Library for six months.

Personal Days credited are lost if not used within the Fiscal Year

Personal Days cannot be used in conjunction with a holiday or extended vacation.

Except for last minute emergencies, the use of Personal Days must first be approved in writing by the Library Director.

 Personal Days will not be paid upon an employee’s termination.

If you are on an approved leave of absence for less than thirty (30) days, your personal leave eligibility will not be affected; should the leave extend beyond thirty (30) days, personal leave will not continue to accrue.




The mission of the Williamsfield Public Library District is to provide educational, informational, cultural, and recreational resources and services to all ages of people in the Williamsfield Public Library District.

The Library will provide access to the universe of information, and especially that information which is of immediate relevance and interest to the communities it serves.

The Library seeks to accomplish its mission through prudent management and development of its resources, and by providing access to materials and service to meet the present and future needs of the communities it serves.

In this effort, the Williamsfield Public Library District cooperates with other libraries, and with other educational, and governmental institutions.

Special emphasis is places on current popular materials.

The Library serves as a learning center and educational center

for all residents of the district.


Whenever people gather together to achieve goals, some rules of conduct are needed to help everyone work together efficiently, effectively, and harmoniously. By accepting employment with the Williamsfield Public Library District, an employee has a responsibility to fellow employees to adhere to certain rules of behavior and conduct. The purpose of these rules is not to restrict an employees rights, but rather to be certain that each employee understands what conduct is expected and necessary. When each person is aware that she/he can fully depend upon fellow employees to follow the rules of conduct, the Williamsfield Public Library District will be a better place to work for everyone.

A. Unacceptable Activities

Generally speaking, we expect each person to act in a mature and responsible way at

all times. If you have any questions, concerning any work or safety rule, or any of the

unacceptable activities listed below, please see the Library Director for an


Note that the following list of Unacceptable Activities does not include all types of

conduct that can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Nothing in this list alters the at-will nature of a person’s employment; either the

Library Director and/or the Library Board of Trustees may terminate the employment

relationship with or without reason, and in the absence of any violation of these rules.

1. Violation of any Library rule; any action that is detrimental to the

Williamsfield Public Library District’s efforts to operate profitably.

2. Violation of security or safety rules or failure to observe safety rules or safety

practices; failure to wear required safety equipment; tampering with Library

equipment or safety equipment.

3. Negligence or any careless action that endangers the life or safety of another


4. Being intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance while at

work; use, possession or sale of a controlled substance in any quantity while

on the Library premises, except medications prescribed by a physician which

do not impair work performance.

5. Unauthorized possession of dangerous or illegal firearms, weapons or

explosives on the Library property or while on duty.

6. Engaging in criminal conduct or acts of violence, or making threats of violence

toward anyone on the Library premises or when representing the Williamsfield

Public Library District; fighting, or provoking a fight on Library property, or

negligent damage of property.

7. Insubordination or refusing to obey instructions properly issued by the Library

Director pertaining to an employee’s work; refusal to help out on a special


8. Threatening, intimidating or coercing fellow employees on or off the premises at

any time, for any purpose.


Engaging in an act of sabotage; negligently causing the destruction or damage of

Library property, or the property of fellow employees, patrons, suppliers or visitors

in any manner.

Williamsfield Public Library District – Personnel Policy – con’t.

10. Theft or unauthorized possession of Library property or the property of fellow

employees; unauthorized possession or removal of any Library property, including

documents, from the premises without prior permission from the Library Director;

unauthorized use of the Library equipment or property for personal reasons; using

company equipment for profit.

11. Dishonesty; falsification or misrepresentation on an employee’s application for

employment or other work records; lying about being sick or personal leave;

falsifying reason for a leave of absence or other data requested by the Williamsfield

Public Library District; alteration of Library records or other Library documents.


Violating the non-disclosure agreement; giving confidential or proprietary Library information to other Libraries, patrons or unauthorized employees; breach of confidentiality of personnel information.


Spreading malicious gossip and/or rumors; engaging in behavior which creates

discord and lack of harmony; interfering with another employee on the job;

restricting work output or encouraging others to do the same.


Immoral conduct or indecency on Library property.


Conducting a lottery or gambling on Library premises.


Unsatisfactory or careless work; failure to work efficiently or meet quality standards as explained by the Director.


Any act of harassment, sexual, racial or other; telling sexist or racist jokes; making racial or ethnic slurs.


Leaving work before the end of a workday or not being ready to work at the start of a workday without approval from the Director; stopping work before time specified for such purposes.


Sleeping or loitering during working hours.


Excessive use of the Library telephone for personal calls.


Smoking in restricted areas or at non-designated times, as specified by personnel policies.


Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions.


Posting, removing or altering notices on any bulletin board on Library property without the permission of the Director.


Failure to report an absence or late arrival; excessive absence or lateness.


Buying Library merchandise for resale.


Obscene or abusive language toward any Library employee, vendor or patrons; indifference or rudeness towards an other employee, vendor or patron any disorderly/antagonistic conduct on the Library premises.


Failure to immediately report damage to the Library Director, or an accident involving another employee or patron.


Soliciting during working hours and/or in working areas; selling merchandise or collecting funds of any kind for charities or others without authorization during business hours, or at a time or place that interferes with the work of another employee on the Library premises.


Failure to use personal timesheet/timecard; alteration of employee’s timesheet or records or attendance documents; punching or altering another employee’s timesheet or records, or causing someone to alter their personal timesheet or records.

Williamsfield Public Library District – Personnel Policies


This Disciplinary Actions Policy applies to all regular employees who have completed the

Introductory Period.

This policy pertains to matters of conduct as well as the employee’s competence. However, an employee who does not display satisfactory performance and accomplishment on the job may be dismissed, in certain cases, without resorting to the steps set forth in this policy.

Under normal circumstances, Library Directors are expected to follow the procedure outlined below. There may be particular situations, however, in which the seriousness of the offense justifies the omission of one or more of the steps in the procedure. Likewise, there may be times when the Library may decide to repeat a disciplinary step.

A. Discipline Procedure

Unacceptable behavior which does not lead to immediate dismissal may be dealt with in the following manner:


Oral Reminder


Written Warning


Decision-Making Unpaid Leave/Counseling




To insure that the Williamsfield Public Library District business is conducted properly and efficiently, the employee must conform to certain standards of attendance, conduct, work performance and other work rules and regulations.

When a problem in these areas does arise, the Library Director will coach and counsel the employee in mutually developing an effective solution. If, however, the employee fails to respond to coaching or counseling, or an incident occurs requiring formal discipline, the following procedures occur.

Step One: Oral Reminder

The Library Director will meet with the employee to discuss the problem or violation, making sure that the employee understands the nature of the problem or violation and the expected remedy.

The purpose of this conversation is to remind the employee of exactly what the rule or performance expectation is and also to remind the employee that it is their responsibility to meet the

Library’s expectations.

The employee will be informed that the Oral Reminder is the first step of the discipline procedure. The Library Director will fully document the Oral Reminder, which will remain in effect for three

(3) months. Documentation of the incident will remain in the

Library’s confidential employee file and will not be placed in their personnel record, unless another disciplinary event occurs.

Williamsfield Public Library District – Personnel Policies – con.t’

Disciplinary Actions – con.t’

Step Two: Written Warning

If the employee’s performance does not improve within the three

(3) months period or if the employee is again in violation of the WPLD practices, rules or standards of conduct, the Library Director will discuss the problem with the employee, emphasizing the seriousness of the issue and the need for the employee to immediately remedy the problem. The

Library Director will advise you that you are now at the second formal level of disciplinary action. After the meeting the Library Director will write a memo to the employee to summarize the discussion and the employee’s agreement to change. A copy of the Written Warning will remain in effect for three (3) months.

Williamsfield Public Library District – Personnel Policies


On an employee’s first working day, the employee will be asked to complete employment paperwork. The Library Director will introduce the new employee to their new co-workers and office lay-out. All new employees are free to ask any questions about the Library, procedures or to have policies clarified during this time.


A full-time employee’s first ninety (90) days of employment at the Williamsfield Public Library

District are considered an Introductory Period, and during that period employees will not be eligible for employee benefits, which full-time employees are entitled to, which is described further into the Personnel Policies Handbook, unless otherwise required by law. This

Introductory Period will be a time for getting to know fellow employees, the Library Director, and the tasks involved in the specific job position, as well as, becoming familiar with the

Williamsfield Public Library District policies and day-to-day procedures. The Library Director will work closely with the new employee to help them understand the needs and processes of the job.

This Introductory Period is a “getting acquainted” time for the employee, as well as, the Library

Director, other staff members and trustees. During this Introductory Period, the Library Director will evaluate the new employee’s suitability for employment and the employee can evaluate the

Williamsfield Public Library District, as well. It is to be clearly understood however, that completion of the Introductory Period does not guarantee continue employment, as employment is always at-will. The employee is free to terminate their employment at any time, with or without reason, and the Williamsfield Public Library District may choose to terminate the employee at anytime, with or without reason.

At the end of the Introductory Period, the Library Director will discuss the employee’s job performance with them. This review will be similar to the job performance review that is held for regular full-time or part-time employees on an annual basis.

A former employee who has been rehired after a separation from the Williamsfield Public

Library District of more than one (1) month is considered an introductory employee during their first ninety (90) days following rehire.


The first day you report to work is the employee’s “official” anniversary date. The anniversary date is used to compute various conditions and benefits described in this Personnel Policies



It is required that all employees provide a minimum of 10 days notice when terminating employment. Failure to work the required 10-day notice will result in all unpaid earnings being paid at the prevailing minimum hourly wage.



Acknowledgment and Disclaimer

The Personnel Policy Section describes important information about the Williamsfield Public

Library District and I understand that I shall consult my supervisor or the Director regarding any questions not answered therein. I have entered into my employment relationship with the

Library voluntarily and acknowledge that there is no specified length of employment.

Accordingly, either I or the Library can terminate the relationship at will, with or without cause, at any time, so long as there is no violation of applicable federal or state law.

Since the information, policies, and benefits described here are necessarily subject to change, I acknowledge that revisions to the policies may occur. All such changes will be communicated through official notices, and I understand that revised information may supersede, modify, or eliminate existing policies. Furthermore, I acknowledge that this policy is neither a contract of employment nor intended to create contractual obligations. I have received a copy of this

Personnel Policies Handbook and any revisions made to it.

Date: _________________________

Signature: _________________________________________________________


In accordance with the State Statute and the Illinois Department of Labor Regulations, the Williamsfield Public Library District annually adopts and files an Ordinance which establishes the prevailing rates of wages. Certified copies of our compliance are sent to the

Secretary of State and Illinois Department of Labor. A newspaper publication, Tri-County

News, notifying area residents is also made.



Acknowledgement and Disclaimer




Disclaimer & Equal Employment Opportunity…………………….1

Open Communication & Arbitration Policy………………………..2

Confidential Information & Personal Records……………………..3

Conditions of Work…………………………………………………...4

Principal Regulations & At Will……..………………………………5

Criteria of Personnel……………………………………………......6-9

Job Descriptions…………………………………………………..10-17

Employee Benefits………………………………………………...18-19

New Employee Orientation………………………………………….20

Standards of Conduct…………………………………………….21-22






I………………………………………………Accidents/First Aid/Unsafe Working Conditions

II…………………………………………….At Will Employment

III……………………………………………Bloodborne Pathogens Policy

IV…………………………………………….Confidentiality of Records

V……………………………………………...Drug & Alcohol Free Library Policy

VI…………………………………………….Employment of Relatives Policy

VII……………………………………………Immigration Compliance Policy

VIII…………………………………………..Initial Ninety Day Period

IX…………………………………………….Grievance Procedure Policy


XI…………………………………………….Library Personnel Records Policy

XII……………………………………………Overtime/Compensatory Time

XIII…………………………………………..Performance Evaluations

XIV…………………………………………..Prohibited Gifts Policy

XV……………………………………………Sexual Harassment

XVI…………………………………………...Staff Development

XVII………………………………………….Travel & Conference Policy

XVIII…………………………………………Prevailing Wage



III. Conduct Policy

The Williamsfield Public Library District is dedicated to providing access to knowledge and information through reading, writing, and quiet contemplation, providing patrons the right to use materials and services without being disturbed or impeded, and providing patrons and employees a secure and comfortable environment. The Public Library Act provides the Board of Library trustees with the general power to carry out the spirit and intent of the Act in establishing and maintaining the library and providing library services and the specific power to exclude from the use of the library any person who willfully violates an ordinance or regulation prescribed.

Library behavior policies have been adopted by the Williamsfield Public Library District Board of Trustees to assist library staff in maintaining the peace, comfort, and security of the library, library users and library staff. Employees should exercise their own judgment and tact in interpreting and enforcing these guidelines.

A. Library Behavior Policies


The library is a tobacco-free facility. The use of any tobacco product anywhere within the facility, or in an area where second-hand smoke can enter the building, is prohibited.


Library users may not harass or bother other library users or library employees on library property.


Loud, excessive and boisterous behavior is not permitted within the building.

This includes, but is not limited to running; fighting; quarreling; swearing; shouting; rude or inappropriate remarks; and excessive displays of anger.


Library users should not engage in conversations or introduce other sounds or noise, at a volume level that is significantly above the general noise level of the library at that particular time.


No campaigning; survey-taking; soliciting or sales; or any other speech or conduct, which results in the disruption of library activities, will be allowed within the library or on the library grounds. This does not refer to librarysponsored activities.


All individuals are required to wear shirts and shoes at all times when inside the library. Discretion may be used in the case of very young children.


Lead dogs for the visually or hearing impaired and/or an animal that is a part of a specific library-related program, will be permitted into the library.


Library users may not conduct lengthy conversations on any telephone within the public area of the library. This includes cellular telephones.


No consumption of food or beverages is allowed within the public area of the library, except in designated area or with permission of authorized employees.

Individuals not conforming to this rule will be asked to discard their food or drink or leave the facility in order to consume it.


The library grounds/property should not be used as a playground. The library assumes no liability for being on the library property during hours in which the library is closed.


All parents, teachers, guardians, baby-sitters and other adults accompanying children to the library will be held responsible for the actions of the children in their charge while in the library.


III. Conduct Policy / Library Behavior Policies - continued


All Library users must conform to acceptable standards of hygiene and cleanliness in order to prevent the disturbance of other library users or library employees. Patrons exhibiting unsanitary hygiene may be asked to leave the premises. This will include the repair or cleanliness of garments. Patrons whose bodily hygiene is offensive so as to cause a nuisance to others shall be required to leave the building.


Any misconduct that disturbs library users or staff, or that hinders others from using the library or library materials is prohibited.


Individuals who require continual staff intervention or who demand continual staff attention with constant request may have their privileges reduced or curtailed if this behavior interferes with the library staff’s ability to perform their duties in the best interests of all library users.


Using wheeled devices in the library building such as: skateboards,

Roller blades/shoes, roller skates, bicycles, scooters and or shopping carts will not be permitted. (Exceptions are: wheel chairs, strollers, walkers)


Blocking book shelves, doorways, exits and general flow of traffic within the library building or the entrance from the outside of the building is prohibited.


Leaving personal items unattended or asking the librarians to watch or keep personal items in the library will not be permitted. If items are left unattended the Library staff reserves the right to search a bag, purse, etc. in order to locate the identification of the owner. Anything that is left in the library and looks suspicious or causes the library staff concern, gives the library staff the right to contact the authorities and release the item into their care.


Staff Enforcement of Behavior Rules


Policies 1-10: Any library staff member who observes a violation of these ten policies should inform our patrons immediately and see that appropriate corrective action is taken. As a general rule, employees should use the utmost discretion when initiating the first warning, since library patrons may be unaware of the policy. The initial warning should be delivered as quietly, privately and politely as possible in most instances. As a general rule, less experienced employees, should consult with the Director, when enforcing actions requiring more individual judgment and interpretation, such as

Policies 2-4.


Policies 11 : In the case of these two policies, staff should talk directly with a child’s parent/guardian and use their own discretion when enforcing these guidelines. Parents should be given a few polite, private reminders concerning these policies before corrective action is initiated.


Policies 12-14 : As a general rule, all staff should consult the Director (or person-in-charge when interpreting these three policies. The Director will generally interpret whether these policies apply to a particular individual or action.


Individuals not conforming to any of the above library policies may be given one polite, private reminder to correct their behavior first, or asked to leave immediately, depending on the severity of the situation.


III. Conduct Policy/B. Staff Enforcement of Behavior Rules - continued


Occasionally, a library patron may exhibit such obviously inappropriate behavior, that a firm and public reprimand might be considered quite appropriate. In some instances, behavior may be so inappropriate that employees may ask the customer to vacate the premises immediately. The

Director and other appropriate staff members should always be informed in these matters.


If an individual is asked to leave and refuses, the Director or staff-in-charge may call the police for support.


Staff should alert the Director to individuals who continually disrupt library service in some manner. Additional measures may be taken on a case-by-case basis.


Any person may, without prior warning or notice, be removed immediately from the library if his/her conduct on the premises poses a potential or implied threat to the security of any person or property on the premises; or, if the individual’s actions present a significant disruption to staff or patrons.


Patrons who cause repeated disturbances, violate library policies repeatedly, violate any local, state of federal law or create a significant problem at any one time may have their library privileges revoked or restricted at any time.

The Director may bar an individual from the library, based on infractions, up to 3 months. If the Director wishes to bar an individual from the library for more than three months, he will seek final approval from the Board.


Any redress for grievance regarding any actions taken by library staff to enforce library discipline and behavior guidelines must be submitted in writing to the Director. The Director may accept or reject in writing this grievance. If the patron does not accept the Director’s response to the written grievance, then the library patron may submit a written redress for grievance to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees may accept or reject this grievance with a written response. The Board decision shall be final.


If the library patron complains that a particular policy is not posted, please offer to provide them with a copy of the policy and please inform them that it is impossible to post all library policies.

III. Conduct Policy/B. Staff enforcement of Behavior Rules - continued



Library personnel will record instances in which the patron is required to

leave the library in a ledger and complete an incident form maintained by the

library for that purpose. a. Upon the third (3 rd

) verbal request and recorded instance in

which a patron is required to leave the library premises the

Director shall provide the patron with a written warning and

bar the patron from use of Library premises for a period of 10

days. (10 days will count as Library days open for business) b. A second written warning will constitute being barred from the

library for a period of 3 months. c. A third and final written warning will gain a 1 year suspension

of all library privileges through Board approval.


Once a patron has been re-admitted into the library, if the prior offenses are not addressed or there are multiple infractions of the Library conduct policies, by the same patron, the Director reserves the right to advance beyond the 2 nd

3 rd written warning without advanced warning or prior suspension.


Board of Trustees Policies

X. Confidentiality of Records

The Williamsfield Public Library District abides by Illinois Law which states that the records

of patrons transactions and identity of registered library patrons are confidential material.

The Williamsfield Public Library District does not make available the records of patron

transactions to any party except in compliance with the law. The Williamsfield Public

Library District does not make available lists of registered library patrons except in

compliance with the law.

If questioned, by the legal authorities, about patron transactions and/or identity, the

Williamsfield Public Library District will contact their legal representative and the legal

consultants with the Alliance Library System.

A. Patron Requests

A patron must present may request information, regarding their own account, at the discretion of the Librarian. Parents may about the child’s account, again only at the discretion of the Librarian that is working. When information about a specific account is requested over the phone, the patron must identify themselves and/or give their library card bar code number. Only at the satisfaction of the Librarian on duty will information be given out. The following information may be given:


Items checked out


Items overdue


Fine information


Hold information (either items on hold or those awaiting collection)


Patrons reading history list
