6A Social Studies: 2014 End of the Year Project! This school year has flown by and we have learned so many new things about history! The units that we have studied this year are: Early Civilizations, Egypt, Israelites, Greece and Rome. This project is your opportunity to show us what you have learned! The End of the Year Project is very similar to the “Ancient Egypt Project”. You will be able to choose from any of the topics that we have discussed this year. Your goal is to present this information to the class in an educative and creative way! I will post specific topics that you can choose from on the board. *Emails will be sent out with more information and recommendations along the way. We will also spend two class periods using books and internet for research. Rubric Description: 1)Content and Research (15 Points): The most important part of the project is the information that you are presenting! Each student must present at least 5 facts that we have discussed in class within their presentation. 2)Presentation and Neatness: (15 Points): The second most important part of your project is how you present your information! Since this is a major class project, it is important that you put in a lot of time and effort in order to make your project as great as possible! Since you have seen many different class presentations during the Ancient Egypt Projects, the expectations for creativity and effort are clear! 3) Spelling and Conventions (6 Points): You must make sure that your spelling, grammar and conventions are correct for your presentation. This means if you are speaking about your topic, you must have correct pronunciation and use your vocabulary in the correct context! (EX: “Tiber River”). Please ask a family member or Miss Ball to read over your presentation first! 4) On Time (4 Points): Your project will be presented in front of the class as a way to reinforce some of the great things that we have learned over the year. Since you were allowed to choose your due date, your presentation must be on time. 5) “End of the Year Project: Note-Taking Outline” (10 Points): will be completed in class during Research Days. The Due-Date for your Note-Taking Outline will be in May. I will grade your note-taking Facts to approve them so that you can begin your project. You must re-submit your Note-Taking Outline with any corrections on the day of your Final Presentation also to receive full credit! Total: 50 Points Parent Signature: ___________________________________ 6A Social Studies: End of the Year Project Rubric Name: _________________________ Period #: _________ 1) Topic (be as specific as possible!): __________________________________ 2) Presentation Style: _________________________________________________ Due Date: _______________________ 1 0 pts Content Knowledge Score: _______ Presentation/Neatness Score: _______ Presentation Score: _______ Final Score: 3 10 pts 4 15 pts The student did The student wrote The student is at not write something but not ease with the information on the enough to explain content but fails given topic the main points to elaborate on the required topics 0 pts 5 pts 10 pts The student demonstrates full knowledge of the content (5 facts) The project shows little creativity overall and appears to be a last-minute effort The project has The project has three or four areas one or two areas that are sloppy; that are sloppy; shows some shows a creativity but is satisfactory level lacking overall of creativity 2 pts 4 pts Neatly done; shows an excellent level of creativity & attention to detail The project has several spelling and/or grammatical errors 2 pts The project has no spelling and/or grammatical errors Spelling/Conventions Score: _______ 2 5 pts 0 pts The project has many spelling and/or grammatical errors 0 pts The project has one or two spelling and/or grammatical errors 3 pts Student does not Student presents Student presents present in front of project two + days project one day class late late 15 pts 6 pts 4 pts Student presents project on due date _______/ 40 *Remember to submit your Note-Taking Outline on the due date in May AND on your Final Presentation date to receive full credit.