PET RABBIT HEALTH INFORMATION SURVEY General Information Please fill out separate forms for each rabbit, living or deceased, that you wish to include in the study. For those questions requiring a response of several words, begin typing in the shaded rectangle and the field will expand. 1. Name of rabbit: 2. Date forms are being filled out (m/d/y): 3. Is the rabbit: living deceased 4. If living, current situation: shelter foster home permanent home 5. Town, state/province/county, and country of residence: 6. Length of time rabbit has been (or was, if deceased) at current residence: less than one week more than a week but less than a month more than one month but less than 6 more than 6 months but less than a year a year or more 7. General health of rabbit upon arrival at current (or last) residence: poor fair good excellent 8. How large is/was rabbit’s primary living space? under 4 square feet more than 4 square feet but less than 9 more than 9 square feet but less than 25 more than 25 square feet but less than 36 more than 36 square feet 9. Is/was rabbit’s primary living space outside inside Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore 1 If inside, is/was rabbit ever allowed outdoors? Yes 10. Rabbit breed known unknown mix, known mix, unknown No (list known breed) (list best guess) (list known mix of breeds) (list best guess as to mix) Rabbit breed variety (color) 11. Gender: male female If female, has she had: no litters 1-2 litters 3 or more litters unknown 12. Spayed/neutered: yes If yes, age of rabbit at spay/neuter (in months) if known: no unknown 13. Current age (estimated if not known). If deceased, give age at death: 6 months or less more than 6 months up to 2 years more than 2 years up to 4 years more than 4 years up to 6 years more than 6 years up to 9 years more than 9 years up to 12 years 12 years or older 14. Current weight of rabbit. If rabbit is deceased, check weight at death. 1 kg (2.2 lbs) or less more than 1 kg up to 2 kg (4.4 lbs) more than 2 kg up to 3 kg (6.6 lbs.) more than 3kg up to 4kg (8.8 lbs.) over 4kg (8.8 lbs.) 15. If rabbit is deceased, cause of death, if known cause of death determined by necropsy cause assumed because of illness and/or symptoms (If rabbit was euthanized, reason for euthanization: Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore ) 2 16. Diet information. Were/are any of the following included in the rabbit’s diet? (Check all that apply and list average amount given per day) alfalfa-based pellets Amount: grass-based pellets Amount: alfalfa hay Amount: grass hay Amount: fresh greens Amount: other vegetables Amount: fruit Amount: seeds and/or nuts Amount: grains Amount: treats (e.g. papaya tablets, bread, crackers, purchased treats) Amount: Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore 3 Specific Health information Please fill out a separate form for each rabbit, living or deceased, that you are including in the study. To the best of your knowledge, did/does the rabbit ever have any of the following medical diseases/conditions (check all that apply): 1. Eye-related health problem? Yes If yes, check any of the following that apply: blind in one or both eyes cause of blindness, if known cataracts conjunctivitis (weepy eye caused by inflammation of conjunctiva) cyst dacryocystitis (thick smelly discharge from infection in duct) corneal ulcers glaucoma neoplasia (cancer/tumor) uveitis (inflammation of pigmented layer of iris) other (describe) 2. Inner/middle ear infection? Yes If yes: a) organism(s) present, if identified b) treatment: c) duration of treatment: d) did infection return after treatment? Yes No 3. EC (Encephatalitozoon cuniculi)? Yes If yes: a) was diagnosis confirmed through lab work (e.g. titer)? presumptive based on signs/symptoms? b) what signs/symptoms of EC were/are present? c) how was disease treated? d) did signs/symptoms improve or resolve with treatment? Yes e) did signs/symptoms return after successful treatment? Yes No No 4. Neoplasia (growths, benign and malignant, i.e. cancerous)? Yes If yes: a) was growth benign (surrounded by capsule) malignant (spreads and may metastasize) Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore 4 b) was neoplasm: thymoma/ thymic lymphoma) mammary carcinoma uterine adenocarcinoma other (name: ) unknown c) what parts of body were involved (e.g. skin, organ, blood) d) what signs/symptoms were present? e) how was cancer treated? 5. Abscess? Yes If yes, a) where in body? b) treatment: c) duration of treatment d) was treatment successful? Yes No If yes, did abscess recur later? Yes No 6. Broken/fractured bone? Yes If yes: a) which bone(s)? b) how treated? c) describe any permanent loss of function (e.g. limp, paralysis) 7. Dislocation (luxation) or partial dislocation (subluxation)? Yes If yes: a) where? b) how treated? 8. Paralysis? Yes If yes: a) cause b) treatment c) was paralysis: temporary permanent 9. Head tilt (wry neck)? Yes If yes: a) cause: inner ear infection EC other (describe: undetermined Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore ) 5 b) treatment c) duration of treatment d) describe any lasting effects (e.g. permanent head tilt) 10. Fur mites or other mites causing dermatitis? Yes If yes: a) was diagnosis: confirmed through cellotape or other test? presumptive based on fur loss, dandruff, other sign/symptoms? b) What mite species were present, if identified? c) What treatment was given? d) Did signs/symptoms disappear after treatment? Yes No e) Did mites return after successful treatment? Yes No 11. Ear mites? Yes 12. Intestinal coccidiosis? Yes 13. Toxoplasmosis? Yes 14. Tapeworms? Yes If yes: a) was diagnosis: presumptive based on symptoms from examination of fecal sample post-mortem (after death) diagnosis b) were tapeworms: larval form (in liver, abdominal cavity) of Taenia (cysticercosis) adult tapeworms (in intestines) of Cittotaenia other species of tapeworm (list): species unknown c) signs/symptoms present d) treatment 15. Pinworms? Yes 16. Raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis)? Yes If yes, was diagnosis: presumptive based on signs/symptoms and/or contamination of food or living area by raccoon feces post-mortem (by examination after death) 17. Myiasis (flystrike – larvae internal or visible on genital area)? Yes 18. Warbles (flystrike – individual bot fly larvae in large nodules under skin )? Yes Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore 6 19. Upper respiratory infection (snuffles/rhinitis)? Yes If yes: a) causal organism, if known: b) treatment: c) duration of treatment: d) did URI return after treatment? Yes No 20. Lower respiratory infection (pneumonia)? Yes If yes: a) causal organism, if known: b) treatment given: c) duration of treatment: d) did pneumonia return after treatment? Yes No e) did abscesses develop near heart or lungs? Yes No Unknown 21. Other respiratory ailment? Yes If yes, describe ailment and treatment: 22. Myxomatosis? Yes If yes, treatment given, if any: 23. Rabbit calicivirus disease? Yes If yes, signs/symptoms present: Was diagnosis post-mortem (by examination after death)? Yes No 24. Vent disease (rabbit syphilis/treponematosis)? Yes 25. Viral wart-like growths (Shope, Fibromatosis (viral fibromas)? Yes If yes, which? (Check all that apply) Shope fibroma (horn-like growths) Papillomas (small wart-like growths on skin) Oral papillomas (wart-like growths in mouth) 26. Gastrointestinal hypomotility (stasis)? Yes If yes: a) what signs/symptoms were present? b) list any predisposing circumstances/conditions present (e.g., diet change, move, dental issues) c) treatment: d) Did rabbit have GI hypomotility (stasis): once 2-4 times 5 or more times Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore 7 27. Acute bloat with obstruction? Yes If yes: a) treatment: b) did rabbit survive? Yes No 28. Impaction of cecum? Yes If yes: a) treatment given: b) did condition recur? Yes No 29. Soft stools? (soft fecal pellets, not cecotrophs) Yes If yes, do/did soft stools occur after rabbit ate a particular food? Yes If yes, what food? No 30. True diarrhea? Yes If yes, a) cause, if known (e.g. course of antibiotics, coccidiosis, mycotoxins): b) treatment: 31. Enterotoxemia? Yes If yes, were signs/symptoms: local (enteritis with watery brown diarrhea) systemic (GI stasis, toxic shock, sudden death) 32. Mycotoxicosis (mycotoxin poisoning)? Yes If yes: a) treatment given: b) was toxin identified by lab? Yes If yes, name of toxin: food toxin was in: No 33. Intestinal coccidiosis? Yes 34. Urolithiasis (crystals in urinary tract, sludge and/or stones)? Yes If yes, a) treatment given: b) a) were any stones present in kidney or bladder? Yes 35. Urinary tract infection? Yes If yes, a) treatment given: b) duration of treatment: c) did infection recur after treatment? Yes No No 36. Diabetes? Yes If yes, was diagnosis confirmed by: blood glucose test urine glucose test Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore 8 37. Kidney (renal) failure? Yes If yes, a) was it: chronic acute b) cause of failure, if known: c) treatment given: 38. Arthritis? Yes If yes: a) what age was rabbit when diagnosed? b) treatment given: c) Describe mobility impairment, if any: 39. Ulcerative pododermatitis (sore hocks)? Yes If yes: a) what surface is on rabbit’s primary living quarters? b) treatment given: c) did condition progress to ulcers/bacterial infection? Yes 40. Malocclusion of incisors? Yes If yes, were maloccluded teeth removed? Yes No No 41. Points on cheek teeth? Yes If yes: a) age at which points first occurred: b) how treated: c) frequency of dental work required to alleviate condition: 42. Facial abscesses? Yes If yes, how treated? 43. Atherosclerosis (buildup of fatty plaques in arteries)? Yes If yes, was diagnosis: presumptive, based on signs/symptoms definitive, based on results of diagnostic tests/procedures (if checked, list tests/procedures: ) post-mortem (examination after death) 44. Arteriosclerosis (hardening/thickening of artery walls)? Yes If yes, was diagnosis: presumptive, based on signs/symptoms definitive, based on results of diagnostic tests/procedures (if checked, list tests/procedures: post-mortem (by examination after death) Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore 9 45. Stroke? Yes If yes, was diagnosis: presumptive, based on signs/symptoms definitive, based on results of diagnostic tests/procedures (if checked, list tests/procedures: ) post-mortem (by examination after death) 46. Cardiomyopathy? Yes If yes, a) was diagnosis: presumptive, based on signs/symptoms definitive, based on results of diagnostic tests/procedures (if checked, list tests/procedures: ) post-mortem (by examination after death) b) how treated: 47. Congestive heart failure? Yes If yes, a) was diagnosis: presumptive, based on signs/symptoms definitive, based on results of diagnostic tests/procedures (if checked, list tests/procedures: ) post-mortem (by examination after death) b) how treated: 48. Hypothermia (loss of body heat)? Yes If yes, was the hypothermia in conjunction with any of the following: gastrointestinal hypomotility (stasis) acute bloat mycotoxicosis (mycotoxin poisoning) other (list) 49. Hyperthermia (heat stress)? Yes If yes, were any of the following factors present: ambient temperatures in excess of 85˚ F (29˚ C) high humidity lack of shade and/or ventilation lack of adequate drinking water excessive exercise 50. Other disease(s) not listed above? Yes If yes, describe in detail, listing signs/symptoms, how diagnosed, and treatment: Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore 10 If you would be willing to be contacted for more information on any of the diseases checked, please give your name and email (or other contact information): Return completed form to: Thank you for your participation and your willingness to help rabbits! Copyright © 2012 Lucile Moore 11