Professional Experiences

Zhen Zhu, Ph.D.
Deputy Director,
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Datun Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100101, P.R.China
Email: ,
Major Research interests:
Biotechnology, Plant Molecular Biology, Genomics, GMO.
Mainly engaged in the development of efficient pest resistant transgenic rice and the
research of transgenic biosafety. At present, the pest resistant transgenic super hybrid
rice that we developed exhibits a good resistance against the target pests, which has
achieved the international advanced level in the relating research field. It has now
been approved by the concerned authority to proceed in the productive tests.
Meanwhile, his research team is also carrying out researches on plant genomics,
molecular mechanism of heterosis of super hybrid rice.
Education and Qualification
Ph.D., Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
M.S, Peking (Beijing) University.
Undergraduate Student, Department of Biology, Beijing University.
Major: Biochemistry.
Professional Experiences
2007- Present Deputy Director of Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Deputy Director General of Bureau of Life Sciences and Biotechnology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Deputy Director of Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
1995-Present Adviser for Ph.D. degree students, Institute of Genetics, Chinese
Beijing, China.
1993-Present Professor, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
1992-Present Professor, Department of Biology, Graduate School, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing, China
Research Associate and Visiting Research Professor, Department of
Botany, University of Tennessee, USA.
Research Assistant, Laboratory of Plant Genetic Manipulation, Institute
of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Professional Activities
Associate Director, Overall Research Group of "Research on Development
stratagem of Biotechnology Industry in China". National Development and Reform
Commission, China.
Chair, Subcommittee of Biotechnology, Committee of Life Science, The National
High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program)
Associate Editor-in-Chief, Chinese Journal of Biotechnology.
Associate Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Hereditas, The Genetics Society of China.
Editor, Acta Genetica Sinica, The Genetics Society of China.
Panel Member, The National Scientific Board of Boisafety and Genetic
Recent Publications
Wang Y-Q, Xu H-L, Wei X-L, Chai C-L, Chen B, Xiao Y-G, Xiao G-F, Ouwerkerk P.B.F.,
Wang M, Zhu Z, (2006), Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a monosaccharide
transporter gene OsMST4 from rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant Molecular Biology, (In
Zhou M, Xu H-L, Wei X-L, Ye Zh-Q, Wei L-P, Gong W-M, Wang Y-Q & Zhu Z (2006),
Identification of a Glyphosate-Resistant Mutant of Rice 5-Enolpyruylshikimate 3-Phate
Synthase Using a Directed Evolution Strategy, Plant Physiology 140:184-195.
Chen S-B, Li X-G, Liu X, Xu H-L, Meng K, Xiao G-F, Wei X-L, Wang F & Zhu Z, (2005),
Green Fluorescent Protein as aVital Elimination Marker to Easily Screen Marker-free
Transgenic Progeny Derived from Plans Co-transformed with a Double T-DNA Binary
Vector System, Plant Cell Rep 23:625-631.
Chang T-J, Liu X, Xu H-L, Meng K, Chen S-B & Zhu Z, (2004), Ametallothionein-like
gene htMT2 strongly expressed in internodes and nodes of Helianthus tuberosus and
effects of metal ion treatment on its expression, Planta 218:449-455.
Feng D-J, Liu X, Chen S-B, Xu H-L, Wei X-L, Xu J-W & Zhu Z, (2004), Virus-induced
PVX Coat Protein Gene Silencing and Methyiation in Transgenic Tobaccos, Acta
Botanica Sinica46(1):116-123.
Chang T-J, Chen L, Chen S-B, Cai H-Y, Liu X, Xiao G-F & Zhu Z, (2003), Transformation
of tobacco with genes encoding Helianthus tuberosus agglutinin(HTA)confers resistance
to peach-potato aphid(Myzus persicae), Transgenic Research, 12:607-614
Xie Y-Q, Liu Y-L, Meng M, Chen L & Zhu Z, (2003), Isolation and
identification of a super strong plant promoter from cotton leaf curl Multan
virus, Plant Molecular Biology 53:1-14.
8. Yu, J, Hu, S-N, Wang, J, …, Zhu, Z, …, (2002). A Draft Sequence of the Rice
Genome(Oryza sativa L ssp indica), Science, 296(5), 79-92.
9. Yu.J, Hu, S-N, Zhu, Z, and Yuan, L-P (2001). A draft sequence fo the rice
(Oryza sativa L ssp.indica) genome. Genome research, 46(23), 1937-1942.
Bao, Q-Y., …, Zhu, Z., …, (2001). Initial sequencing and
analysis of the human genome, Nature, 409, 860-921.
10. Bao, J-Y,