2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 1 Constitutive Relations (Chapter 9) “ceiiinosssttuv” an anagram by Robert Hooke (1676) ut tensio sic vis the explanation by Robert Hooke (1678) “as the tension so the displacement” It is physically observed that the deformation and motion of the particles in a continuous body are in some way related to the forces applied to the body. Alternately we can say that the strain (a measure of deformation per unit length) is related to the stress (force per unit area) applied to the body. This relationship essentially provides specific information about the characteristics of the specific material that the body is made of. 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 2 In general, the 9 components of the stress tensor [] can be be related to the 9 components of the strain tensor [E] through 81 material parameters. Due to the symmetry of both tensors ( yx xy , etc), there are only 6 independent stresses and strains and the number of material parameters is reduced to 36. For a linear relationship between stress and strain, one can thus write: xx C11 xx C12 yy C13 zz C14 xy C15 xz C16 yz yy C21 xx C22 yy C23 zz C24 xy C25 xz C26 yz ..... xz C61 xx C62 yy C63 zz C64 xy C65 xz C66 yz or 2001, W. E. Haisler 3 Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations xx C11 yy C 21 zz C31 C xy 41 xz C51 yz C61 C12 C22 C32 C42 C52 C62 C13 C14 C23 C24 C33 C34 C43 C44 C53 C54 C63 C64 C15 C25 C35 C45 C55 C65 C16 xx C26 yy C36 zz C46 xy C56 xz C66 yz In general, Cij are functions of position x,y,z. For a homogeneous material, Cij are independent of position x,y,z. For an isotropic material, Cij are independent of the orientation of the coordinate axes (i.e., properties are same in all directions). 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 4 For an orthotropic material, Cij are different in each of the 3 coordinate directions. For the simplest solid material (linear, isotropic), one can deduce from physical observation that there are only two independent material constants that relate all stress and strain components. These are E Young’s modulus (slope of uniaxial stress-strain curve) Poisson’s ratio (ratio of contraction to extension strains) These properties are typically measured in a uniaxial tensile test. 2001, W. E. Haisler 5 Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations Consider a test specimen with crosssectional area A and applied load P in the x direction as shown below. Assume a gauge length of L. P A x During the tensile test, we observe that the length changes from L to L* z and the width decreases from W to W*. The axial stress and strain in the axial (x) direction are defined to be xx P / A xx L / L ( L * L) / L and L* L y W* W t P A=W*t The strain in the transverse (y) direction (due to the axial load) is yy W / W (W * W ) / W 2001, W. E. Haisler 6 Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations If we plot axial stress vs. axial strain and transverse strain vs. axial strain, we obtain the following: yy W / W xx P / A yy / xx slope E slope 1 xx L / L xx L / L xx E xx ,where E is a material constant xx L / L ( L * L) / L and yy W / W (W * W ) / W yy xx or yy / xx (a material constant) 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 7 Similarly, the strain in the z direction is: zz xx Combining the relation defining Poisson's ratio and Hooke's Law, we can write the transverse strain yy in terms of axial stress xx : yy xx ( / E ) xx The strain in the z direction during the application of load P (which causes stress xx ) is also seen to be zz xx ( / E ) xx E is called Young's modulus of elasticity, and is called Poisson's ratio. 2001, W. E. Haisler 8 Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations Consider a test where we apply normal tractions (stresses) in the x, y and z directions simultaneously. For a linear material, we can think of this as three separate problems: yy yy zz xx xx xx = zz yy xx zz + + yy zz xx = normal strain in x direction due to xx + normal strain in x direction due to yy + normal strain in x direction due to zz From Hooke's Law, the strain in the x direction for each case is: 2001, W. E. Haisler 9 Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations xx xx due to xx xx due to yy xx due to zz 1 xx E yy E zz E or 1 xx [ ( )] yy zz E xx The stress in the x direction increases the strain while the transverse stresses causes a contraction (decrease). Doing similar experiments in the y and z directions gives: 1 yy [ ( )] xx zz E yy 1 zz [ ( )] xx yy E zz 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 10 Experiments with shear tractions will show that an xy shear stress in the xy plane produces only xy shear strain in the xy plane and NO extensional strain* (e.g., the shear strain is uncoupled from the extensional strain). Thus, we obtain the following experimental observations for the shear strains: 1 1 1 , xz ( , and yz ( xy ( ) ) ) xy xz yz E E E The term E /(1 ) 2G defines a shear modulus, G, relating shear strain and shear stress (similar to Young’s modulus, E, for extensional strain). G E /[2(1 )]. ------------------------------ * Keep in mind that if one calculates shear strains at some angle from the x-axis (Mohr’s circle), you will obtain normal strains! 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 11 For a linear, elastic, isotropic material, we can superimpose all of the six experiments to obtain the constitutive relations: 1 xx [ ( )] yy zz E xx 1 yy [ ( )] xx zz E yy 1 zz [ ( )] xx yy E zz 1 xy ( ) xy E 1 xz ( ) xz E 1 yz ( ) yz E 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations The above may be solved for the stresses in terms of the strains to obtain: E [(1 ) ] xx (1 )(1 2 ) xx yy zz E [ (1 ) ] yy (1 )(1 2 ) xx yy zz E [ (1 ) ] zz (1 )(1 2 ) xx yy zz E xy (1 ) xy E xz (1 ) xz E yz (1 ) yz 12 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 13 The constitutive equation for the linear elastic isotropic material can also be written in matrix notation as: 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 xx xx 1 0 0 0 yy yy 1 2 1 2 1 2 zz zz E 1 0 0 0 xy xy (1 ) 1 2 1 2 1 2 xz 0 0 0 1 0 0 xz 0 0 0 1 0 yz yz 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Note that only 2 material constants (E and ) are required. The material matrix [C] is symmetric! 2001, W. E. Haisler 14 Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations Important Note: Hooke's Law in frequently written in terms of the engineering shear strain . Recall, that the engineering shear strain is defined to be twice that of the tensor shear strain; for example, xy 2 xy . Hence the shear stress in terms of engineering shear strain becomes: E E E ( / 2) G xy (1 ) xy (1 ) xy xy 2(1 ) xy Similarly, xz G xz , and where E G shear modulus 2(1 ) yz G yz 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 15 For a linear, elastic, homogeneous material we note that the extensional strains and stresses are uncoupled from the shear strains and stresses. Thermal Strain. Experimentally we observe that a temperature increase, T, produces a uniform expansion but no shear and the expansion is proportional to a material constant (coefficient of thermal expansion). The additional strain due to heating is thus xx yy zz T . 1 1 xx [ ( )] T xy ( ) yy zz xy E xx E 1 1 yy [ ( )] T xz ( ) xx zz xz E yy E 1 1 zz [ ( )] T yz ( ) xx yy yz E zz E 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 16 It should be noted that the first term in the extensional strain terms above (the [ ] term) is due to elastic behavior of the material (ie, it has Young’s modulus in it). The second part is due to thermal strain. We can separate the total strain into elastic and thermal strains components: elastic thermal total xx xx elastic thermal total yy yy elastic thermal total zz zz 1 elastic [ ( )] xx yy zz . yy and zz similar. where E xx thermal T 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 9: Constitutive Relations 17 Recall, in the above, that shear strains have no thermal component. The constitutive relations for linear elastic isotropic material may be written in a compact matrix notation as follows: [ ] E [ ] (tr[ ])[ I ] (1 ) 1 2 where tr trace of the matrix, [I] = identity matrix. Similarly, for the strain-stress equations [ ] 1 (1 )[] (tr[])[ I ] E