Officers Report (Planning)_A4

Ref No:
Conservation Area Consent - erection of a new detached garage
Old School House, High Street, Caerwys, Mold, CH7 5BB
Mr & Mrs G Jones
Date Valid: 22 August 2013
Case Officer:
Mrs B Kinnear
Expiry Date: 17 October 2013
Consultation & Responses
Local Member: Councillor J E Falshaw No response received at time of writing
Caerwys Town Council: No response received at time of writing.
Head of Public Protection:
Pollution: I and confirm I have no adverse comments to make regarding this
Conservation: The site lies within the Caerwys conservation area, adjacent to the
Church which is grade 11* listed . The stone boundary walls are a feature of the
conservation area , the proposed demolition of part of the stone boundary walls ,
the loss of two trees ,which make a positive contribution to the conservation area
and the listed building . in conjunction the prominence of the position of the garage
on the street scene, the conservation area and the adjacent listed building , the
development is considered to neither preserve or enhance the conservation area or
the listed building, as such the proposal is considered to be contrary to the relevant
policies in the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
Since these comments were received the scheme has been amended and is now
considered not to have a detrimental impact upon the character of the conservation
area or the setting of the adjacent listed building ( see memo on file 051157, unable
to print out at time of writing due to problems printing off). It is considered that the
location of the garage on the plot and the gates now proposed are reflective of the
existing boundary treatment and materials and is generally considered to be
complaint with the above policies.
Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust: Site with medieval core area of Caerwys as such
there is the potential for sub-surface archaeology to be present and request that if
minded to approve that any consent be conditioned to provide a archaeological
watching brief.
Head of Assets and Transportation: Request that if minded to approve require
amended plans to safeguard pedestrian visibility, and a note to be added to the
submitted plan with regard to the existing crossing.
The amended details have been submitted and the highways officer has confirmed
that they do not wish to raise an objection and do not intend to make a
recommendation on highway grounds ( on file 051157 same proposal ) Highway
supplementary guidance with particular regard to Clauses 1, 2 & 3
Neighbours: No response received at time of writing.
Saint Michaels Church
47 Pen y Cefn Road
46 Pen y Cefn Road
45 Pen Y Cefn Road
44 Pen y Cefn Road
Mulberry House
Site and Press Notice
Relevant History & Policies:
0628/83 O/L conversion of school to dwelling Permit 21.03.84
0681/84 Permit 21.01 .85
98/314 Conservatory Permit 9.06.98
02/0015 retrospective 2 roof lights to loft conversion PDV
41850 Attic conversion Permit 18.10.06
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
STR8 Built Environment
GEN1 General Requirements for Development
HE1 Development Affecting Conservation Areas
HE2 Development Affecting Listed Buildings and their Settings
HE3 Demolition in Conservation Areas
HE8 Recording of Historic Features
D2 Design
AC18 Parking Provision and New Development
TWH1 Development Affecting Trees and Woodlands
Planning Policy Wales , Edition 5 , Chapter 6 Conserving the HISTORIC
Environment , paras 6.4.6 and 6.5.9
The proposal would comply with the above policies.
Planning Appraisal:
This application seeks conservation area consent for the demolition of section s of
stone wall to enable the construction of a vehicular access and the erection of a
detached single garage. As the site is within the Caerwys conservation area there is
a requirement to apply for both conservation area consent (as the proposal involves
demolition of the existing stone walls), and a planning application.
There is already a dropped kerb provision fronting the site which according to the
application served a previous entrance.
As the development is within the conservation area, and adjacent to the Church
which is a listed building , which in which the stone walls are a feature in the
conservation area,
The garage is proposed to be located on a prominent street frontage and adjacent
to the listed Church and Church yard. The loss of part of the existing stone walls ,
the loss of two trees that contribute to the conservation area and the setting of the
listed building and the prominent location of the modern garage is considered to
neither preserve or enhance the conservation area , the listed building and the
wider street scene and is considered to adversely impact upon the conservation
area and the adjacent listed Church and its grounds, contrary to the above policies.
The garage is 25m2 in its footprint and 4m high to the ridge line of the pitched roof
garage, and attains a separation distance of approx 15m from the dwelling, leaving
an amenity area of approx 264m2 which exceeds the guidance offered in Space
Around Dwellings, Local Planning Guidance Note No2 .
The garage is proposed to be constructed of a slate roof, walls of render on a brick
plinth, with a pedestrian door and window on the north elevation the rest of the
elevations are to be blank, enclosed with in the existing garden area of the Old
School House. The site is adjacent to the glebe lands of St Michaels Church, and is
set opposite a street scene comprising of linked semi detached modern bungalow
Since the above appraisal the application has been AMENDED and its relocation
further back on the plot , the gates and materials now proposed are considered to
over come the initial objection to the proposal. Although it is noted that the proposal
will lead to a loss of a number of trees, this is some what mitigated by the proposed
replanting proposed . As such the proposal is now considered to be compliant with
the above policies and is now considered appropriate.
Recommendation Code: /
Not with standing the details shown on drawing No 13-025 PL04 Rev A received 04
October 2013, all the wall elevations shall be finished in stone work to match the
existing stone boundary wall .
Reason In the interests of the visual amenity and to protect the character of the
conservation area and protect the setting of the adjacent listed building .
The developer shall ensure that a suitably qualified archaeological contractor is
present during the under taking of any ground works in the development area, so
that an archaeological watching brief can be conducted. The watching brief shall be
undertaken to the standards laid down by the Institute for Archaeologists.
The Local Planning Authority will be informed in writing, at least two weeks prior to
the commencement of the development , of the name of the said archaeological
contractor. A copy of the watching brief report shall be submitted to the LPA and the
Development Archaeologist , Clwyd – Powys Archaeological Trust, 41 Broad
Street, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7RR tel 01938 553670 within two months of the
field work being completed.
Reason To protect the potential archaeological history on the site.
Not withstanding the details shown on the drawing submitted , prior to
commencement of works full details and specification of the proposed barge boards
and rain water goods are to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and
approved in writing.
Reason These details have not been forwarded and in the interests of the visual
amenity of the conservation area and the setting of the adjacent listed building.
Prior to commencement of works full details of the proposed tree planting and its
schedule shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing
,such details shall include confirmation of the number and species of trees proposed
, their planting ratio etc , and the safeguarding and protection of the existing trees.
The trees shall be planted within the earliest planting season following the works
being completed.
Reason These details have not been forwarded and the Local Planning Authority
wishes to ensure that the tree planting scheme is appropriate to the area and its
sensitive setting.
In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights
Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic
society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention.
Notes to Applicants
Highway Supplementary Note
N13 Plans
Application form received 22 August 2013.
Drawing No 13-025 PL03 Rev A Ground plan as existing received 04 October 2013.
Drawing No 13-025 PL04 Rev A Elevations as proposed received 04 October 2013.
Drawing No 13-025 PL05 Street Elevations as existing and proposed received 04
October 2013.
Drawing No 13-025 PL01 Rev A Site and block plan as existing received 04 October
Drawing No 13-025 PL02 Rev A Block Plan as proposed received 04 October 2013.
Date of Recommendation: 29 .10.13