PROCESSOS DE SEPARAÇÃO E PURIFICAÇÃO DE BIOMOLÉCULAS BIBLIOGRAFIA PARA AULAS TEÓRICAS E PARA A MONOGRAFIA/SEMINÁRIO LIVROS (Biblioteca de Química ou Biblioteca de Biotecnologia (6º Piso da Torre de Química)) "Advances in Biochemical Engineering" - vol. 24 - Ed. A. Fiechter, Springer-Verlag, 1982 "Advances in Biochemical Engineering" - vol. 40 - Ed. A. Fiechter, Springer-Verlag, 1982 "Animal Cell Culture - a practical approach", Ed. R.I. Freshney, IRL Press, 1986 "Animal Cell Technology - Principles and Products", Ed. M. Butler, Open University Press, 1987 "Basic Principles of Membrane Technology", M. Mulder, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991 "Bioactive Microbial Products 3 - Downstream Processing", Eds. J.D. Stowell, P.]. Bailey, D.J. Winstanley, Academic Press, 1986 "Biochemical and Biological Engineering Science", vol. I, Ed. N. Blakebrough, Academic Press, 1967 "Biochemical Engineering", Eds. S. Aiba, A. Humphrey, N.F. Millis, Academic Press, 1965 "Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology Handbook", Eds B. Atkinson e F Mavituna., 2ª edição, Stockton Press, 1991 "Bioseparations - Downstream Processing for Biotechnology", Eds. P.A. Belter, E.L. Cussler, W-S. Hu, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1988 "Biotechnology", Eds. H. J. Rehn, G. Read, A. Pühler, e P. Stadler, 2ª edição, VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Weinhein, 1996 "Centrifugation", Ed. D. Rickwood, IRL Press, 1984 "Chromatographic and Membrane Processes in Biotechnology", Ed. A. Costa, J.S. Cabral, Kluwer Acad. Publishers, 1991 "Electrophoresis", Ed. A.T. Andrews, Clarendon Press, 1989 "Extractive Bioconversions", Ed. B. Mattiason, O. Holst, Marcel - Dekker" Inc., 1991 "Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering", vol. 2 de "Biotechnology", Eds. J. Rehm, G.Reed, Verlag Chemie, 1985 "Fundamentals of Protein Biotechnology", Ed. S. Stein, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1990 "Guide to Protein Purification", Ed. M.P. Deutscher, Academic Press Inc., 1990 "HPLC of macromolecules", ed. R.W.A. Oliver, IRL Press, 1989 "Large-Scale Mammalian Cell Culture Technology", Ed. A.S. Lubiniecki, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1990 "Mammalian Cell Technology", Ed. W.G. Thilly, Butterworth Publishers, 1986 "Membrane Handbook", Ed. W.S. W. Ho e K.K. Sirkar, Van Norstrand Reinhold, 1992 "Membrane Processes", Eds. R. Rautenbach, R. Albrecht, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1989 "Membrane Separation in Biotechnology", Ed. W.C. McGregor, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1986 "Monoclonal Antibodies - Principles and Practices", Ed. J. W. Goding, Academic Press Limited, 1986 "Monoclonal Antibodies - Production and Application", Ed. A. Mizrahi, Advances in Biotechnological Processes Vol. 11, Alan R. Liss Inc., 1989 "Monoclonal Antibody Technology - The production and characterization of rodent and human hybridomas", Ed. A.M. Campbell, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984 "Partition of Cell Particles and Macromolecules", Ed. P .A. Albertson, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1985 "Process Chromatography - a practical guide", Ed. G.K. Sofer, L.E. Nystrom, Academic Press Limited, 1989 "Protein Purification - Micro to Macro", Ed. R. Burgess, Alan R. Liss Inc., 1987 “Protein Purification Methods - a practical approach", Eds. E.L. V. Harris, S. Angal, IRL Press, 1989 "Purification and Analysis of Recombinant Proteins", Ed. R. Seetharam, S. K. Sharma, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1991 "Recovery Processes for Biological Materials", Ed. J.F. Kennedy and J.M.S. Cabral, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, 1993 "Separations for Biotechnology", Eds. M.S. Verral, M.J. hudson, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1987 "Separation Processes in Biotechnology", Ed. J.A. Ansejo, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1990 "Ultrafiltration Handbook", Ed. M. Cheryan, Techonomic Publishing Company Inc., 1986 Revistas (on line ) (para números mais antigos consultar a Biblioteca de Biotecnologia (6º Piso da Torre de Química)) - AIChE Journal ( ) - Biochemical Engineering Journal ( ) - Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering ( rent&backto=linkingpublicationresults,1:100401,1 ) - Biotechnology and Bioengineering ( ) - Biotechnology Letters ( ) - Biotechnology Techniques ( ) - Chemical Engineering Journal ( ) - Chemical Engineering and Processing ( ) - Desalination ( version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=2459750&md5=974a01ad030a4653260b9a8973102e02 ) - Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering ( ) - Journal of Biotechnology ( ) - Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology ( ) - Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering ( version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=2459750&md5=d9d48d57d0a518e7cd0397867685befe ) - Journal of Membrane Science ( ) - Trends in Biotechnology ( )