Alabama State Department of Education Office of Career and Technical EducationWorkforce Development Post Office Box 302101 Montgomery, AL 36130-2101 2015-2016 Form General BIC COVER-Revised: 08/10/2015 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION Form approved by Philip C. Cleveland, Business and Industry Certification (BIC) Deputy State Superintendent General Program Introduction and Team Member Information/Certification Cover Page Career and Technical Administrator: Read carefully and thoroughly each Business/Industry Certification (BIC) standard and its quality factors. BIC documents may be downloaded from, click on Department Offices, click on Office of Career and Technical Education-Workforce Development, scroll down and click on Business/Industry Certification. In addition, review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at the same Website location. Use a management system for documentation (notebooks, folders, etc.) and verify that each checklist item on the Standards/Quality Factors checklist can be marked “yes.” Lesson plans must be available for the full year except for new teachers and new course offerings. Lesson plans for new teachers and new course offerings must be available to the current date plus an additional two weeks. Career and Technical Administrators should review teacher’s documentation for each quality factor prior to scheduled review. This page must be completed and returned (fax, scan, or mail) to the SDE Team Member, Alabama State Department of Education, two weeks prior to the scheduled BIC on-site program review. In the event the team member below is unable to participate in the review, an alternate team member meeting the same requirements should be available. TEAM MEMBER INFORMATION Your role as a team member is to thoroughly review the program. The purpose of BIC is two-fold, to validate that CTE programs across the state meet business and industry standards and comply with federal and state requirements, and to improve CTE programs so that students leave our programs equipped with knowledge and skills for success in the workplace. The process will be to review the notebook documentation in a central location; go to the location where the program is housed and tour the facilities; interview the counselor; and regroup to discuss the findings and make recommendations for certification during the exit conference. Name: Position: Current Employer/Business Name: Supervisor’s Name: Team Member’s E-mail: Business Phone: Dates of Employment: Provide Brief Description of Duties: √ I am an active member of this program’s advisory committee. √ I do not represent a vendor that could benefit financially through participation in this process. √ I am not a current employee of the system being reviewed. √ I have not worked for the system being reviewed within the past five years. √ I am not related to any of the persons (administrator, counselor, teacher, etc.) involved with the program being reviewed. √ I am employed in a field directly related to the program being reviewed or retired less than three years from a business/industry directly related to this program, with five or more years of related experience. I agree that the above statements are true and that I will conduct this review jointly with the other team member(s) in a fair and impartial manner. I will uphold the integrity of the review process and hold all program information confidential. Team Member’s Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ 2015-2016 RECAP SHEET BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION (BIC) Alabama State Department of Education Office of Career and Technical EducationWorkforce Development Post Office Box 302101 Montgomery, AL 36130-2101 Form General BIC RECAP-Revised: 08/10/2015 Form approved by Philip C. Cleveland, Deputy State Superintendent School System: WFD Region: School Name: Teacher: Report Filing Date: (SDE Office) SDE Team Member: Teacher: CTE Administrator: Review Date: Teacher: Principal: Program Name: As the SDE Team Member, I agree that Sections 1, 4, 5, and 6 for this program have been reviewed and certify that: all quality factors/checklist for these sections are in compliance quality factors/checklist items in these sections listed below to be deficient As the Business/Industry Team Member, I agree that Sections 4, 5, and 6 for this program have been reviewed and certify that: all quality factors/checklist for these sections are in compliance quality factors/checklist items in these sections listed below to be deficient As the CTE Administrator, I agree that Sections 2 and 3 for this program have been reviewed and certify that: all quality factors/checklist for these sections are in compliance quality factors/checklist items in these sections listed below to be deficient List Deficient Quality Factors DEFICIENCIES (list each deficiency on a separate line, use back of this sheet to list additional deficiencies) Describe What is Required to Clear Compliance SDE Team List Deficient Describe What is Required to Clear Deficiency Date Member Initials Quality Factors Deficiency Compliance Date SDE Team Member Initials ON-SITE REVIEW TEAM COMMENTS Needs Improvement _______________________________ SDE Team Member First year program, certification pending Accolades _______________________________ Business/Industry Team Member Document Verified by: ____________________________________ BIC Administrative Assistant _______________________________ CTE Administrator Date: __________________ 2015-2016 SECTION 1 – Standards/Quality Factors Checklist BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION (BIC) Alabama State Department of Education Office of Career and Technical EducationWorkforce Development Post Office Box 302101 Montgomery, AL 36130-2101 Form General BIC-Revised: 08/10/2015 Form approved by Philip C. Cleveland, Deputy State Superintendent (To be conducted by SDE Team Member – Desk Audit) School System: Teacher: Certificate: School Name: Teacher: Certificate: SDE Team Member: Teacher: Certificate: Review Date: Teacher: Certificate: Program: Section 1: Completed by SDE Team Member INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF THE INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF IS TECHNICALLY COMPETENT AND MEETS ALL STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION. QUALITY FACTOR: 1.1 Instructional Competency/Certification Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Teacher meets all state teacher certification requirements in the program area. Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 124(b)(3)(E) Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.03(2)(f) Section 290-6-1-.03(2)(g) Indicators of Compliance Alabama Teaching Certificate Documentation Does the SDE desk audit reflect the following? a) Certification held by the teacher is an approved Alabama certification for the program(s) being reviewed. Applicable only for teachers who are employed by the LEA. Not applicable for teachers employed by postsecondary where students are participating in Dual Enrollment. b) Teachers who supervise Work-Based Learning: Cooperative Education hold a Class B or higher teaching certificate in Career and Technical Education. Applicable for all teachers who supervise Work-Based Learning: Cooperative Education. c) Work-Based Learning: Cooperative Education teachers have successfully completed Principles of Coordination, Functions of the Coordinator, or hold an exemption status letter issued by the Alabama State Department of Education. Applicable for all teachers who supervise Work-Based Learning: Cooperative Education. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance X X Section 1: Completed by SDE Team Member QUALITY FACTOR: 1.2 Industry Certification of Teacher Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Teacher is certified to industry standards in Career and Technical Education in the program areas being taught. Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 124(b)(3)(E) Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.03(2)(b) Section 290-6-1-.03(2)(f) Section 290-6-1-.03(2)(g) Section 290-6-1-.03(2)(i) Indicators of Compliance Alabama Teaching Certificate Verification of approved program area (Specialty Area Career/Technical Certificate or Letter of Approval) Occupational Proficiency Applicable for teachers in Career and Technical Education whose program (being reviewed) requires a renewable occupational proficiency. o Aviation Technology (FAA) o Cosmetology (Alabama Cosmetology Instructor License) o Health Science (Applicable Alabama Healthcare License) o Marine Technology (US Coast Guard Captain’s License) Documentation Does the documentation reflect the following? a) Current occupational proficiency held by the teacher is an approved certification for the program being taught. Applicable only for teachers who are employed by the LEA. Not applicable for teachers employed by postsecondary where students are participating in Dual Enrollment. b) Documentation indicates teacher’s approved program area matches program being reviewed. c) Valid dates according to required timelines. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance Section 1: Completed by SDE Team Member INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION IS SYSTEMATIC AND REFLECTS PROGRAM GOALS. QUALITY FACTOR: 1.3 Program Scheduling Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Teacher’s schedule has time for preparation and program development and, if applicable, coordination time for Work-Based Learning: Cooperative Education. Program provides the equivalent of 3 one-credit career technical education courses over a two-year period from the approved Alabama Course of Study: Career and Technical Education. Class enrollment meets minimum enrollment requirements as outlined in the Alabama Administrative Code. Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 135(b)(1) Section 135(c)(3)(A) Section 135(c)(3)(B) Section 122(c)(1)(A-L) Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.05(3)(a-h) Section 290-6-1-1.01(5) Indicator of Compliance Documentation Daily Schedule(s) for all teachers (Prior year’s Daily Schedule(s), if needed to provide evidence that an equivalent of 3 one-credit courses have been provided over a two-year period.) Does the Daily Schedule(s) show evidence of the following? a) Teachers have 30 minutes or more of uninterrupted preparation time. b) Work-Based Learning: Cooperative Education teachers have a coordination period that meets the minimum requirement as outlined in the Alabama Career and Technical Education Methods of Administration Manual. Applicable for all teachers who supervise Work-Based Learning: Cooperative Education. c) An equivalent of 3 one-credit courses are taught (within a program) from the approved Alabama Course of Study: Career and Technical Education over a two-year period. Not applicable for middle level programs or Work-Based Learning: Cooperative Education. A minimum of one program must be defined and fully implemented. Other course selections must align with Regional Workforce data or upon recommendation from system/local program advisory council. d) Class enrollment meets minimum enrollment requirements as outlined in the Alabama Administrative Code. Career and technical education programs will have an average class size of no less than 12 students and no more than the maximum identified class size for secondary classes. (Contact the Department’s LEA Financial Assistance Section for current class size limits.) Class size shall not exceed the safe working capacity of the facilities, equipment, and level of supervision. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance X 2015-2016 SECTION 2 – Standards/Quality Factors Checklist BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION (BIC) (To be conducted by local Career and Technical Administrator) School System: Teacher: Contract Length: School Name: Teacher: Contract Length: SDE Team Member: Teacher: Contract Length: Review Date: Teacher: Contract Length: Program: General Directions: All pages in Section 2 must be completed online two weeks prior to the scheduled BIC team on-site program review. The local CTE Administrator and teacher(s) assure the Alabama State Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education/Workforce Development, that Section 2 was completed at the program site by the Career and Technical Administrator or the Assistant Career and Technical Administrator. Section 2: Completed by CTE Administrator STUDENT SERVICES SYSTEMATIC INTERVIEWS, COUNSELING SERVICES, PLACEMENT, AND FOLLOW-UP PROCEDURES ARE USED. QUALITY FACTOR: 2.1 Student Records Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Student records are maintained and available for the current year. Files are kept confidential. Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 135(c)(2) Section 124(b)(6) Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.04(b)(a-e) Section 290-6-1-.05(1)(a-d) Section 290-6-1-.09 Section 290-6-1-.03(g) Section 290-6-1-.04(2)(c) Section 290-6-1-.02(6)(a-e) Indicator of Compliance LEA Audit Documentation Do student records show evidence of the following? a) Records are secured and confidential. b) Electronic documentation is complete for each student enrolled in the program for the current year, showing planned coursework to complete his/her secondary path in career and technical education (e.g., Four Year Education Plan). Not applicable for middle level programs. c) There is a completed interest, skill and aptitude assessment for each student enrolled in the program for the current year. Not applicable for exploratory rotation classes. d) Safety assessments (procedures checklist, rubric, written test, etc.) address the unique needs of the program, including specific safety assessments for equipment utilized in the program. e) Safety assessments (procedures checklist, rubric, written test, etc.) indicating 100% proficiency prior to accessing laboratory equipment is available for each student. f) Students that receive accommodations and/or modifications have a Career and Technical Implementation Plan. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance Verify that all students in this program have completed records as described in Quality Factor 2.1 If no, please indicate students and documents missing. Section 2: Completed by CTE Administrator INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF THE INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF IS TECHNICALLY COMPETENT AND MEETS ALL STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION. QUALITY FACTOR: 2.2 Business/Industry Awareness Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Teachers on extended contracts obtain sixteen hours annually of new knowledge related to program area content, skill proficiency, and/or equipment. Teachers on nine-month contracts obtain eight hours annually. Indicators of Compliance Attendance certificates Letter from employer Transcript, and/or administrator verification Documentation Yes No N/A Does the documentation show evidence of the following? a) * Eight hours were completed between June 1, 2015, and May 31, 2016, for each program teacher who has a nine month contract. OR b) * Sixteen hours were completed between June 1, 2015, and May 31, 2016, for each program teacher who has an extended contract. Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 124(b)(d)(D)(i) Section 135(4)(A) Section 135 (5) c) New program content knowledge gained by teacher to be taught to students is identified on the documentation. Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.03(2)(f) Section 290-6-1-.03(2)(g) Section 290-6-1-.03(2)(h) e) One hour of technical awareness was completed between June 1, 2015, and May 31, 2016, in the area of Child Labor Laws. Applicable for all teachers who supervise WorkBased Learning: Cooperative Education. Status Compliance Noncompliance d) Documentation has authorized signature. X *Business/Industry Technical Awareness-activities provide teachers with new knowledge on content, equipment, or skills related to the career and technical education program resulting in lessons taught to students. Verify that each teacher in this program has completed his/her Business/Industry Technical Awareness hours. If no, provide the teacher or teachers name(s) below: Teacher’s name(s): __________________________________; __________________________________; __________________________________ 2015-2016 SECTION 3 – Standards/Quality Factors Checklist BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION (BIC) (To be conducted by local Career and Technical Administrator) School System: List course titles for the program being reviewed. Must correlate with titles from the Alabama Course of Study: Career and Technical Education and Daily Schedules. School Name: Course : Course: SDE Team Member: Course : Course: Review Date: Course : Course: Program: General Directions: Section 3 must be completed for each course offered in the program being reviewed during the 2015-2016 instructional year by the local Career and Technical Administrator, Assistant Career and Technical Administrator, or the Building Principal. All pages in Section 3 must be completed online two weeks prior to the scheduled BIC team on-site program review. If the Career and Technical Administrator is a program teacher for the program being reviewed, their immediate supervisor must document the lesson plan review. (LEA Review) Note: For the program being reviewed, each course must have a syllabus and lesson plans based on all content standards included in the Alabama Course of Study: Career and Technical Education. Syllabus and Lesson Plans for courses from the current Alabama Course of Study: Career and Technical Education for the course(s) were reviewed by the LEA Administrator. Section 3: Completed by CTE Administrator INSTRUCTION THE INSTRUCTION IS SYSTEMATIC AND REFLECTS PROGRAM GOALS. QUALITY FACTOR: 3.1 Curriculum Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites A Course Syllabus is provided to students by each teacher for each course listed on his/her Daily Schedule. Indicator of Compliance A Course Syllabus for each course listed on each teacher’s Daily Schedule(s) Documentation Does the Syllabus show evidence of the following information for each course on each teacher’s Daily Schedule(s)? a) Course title Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 124(b)(4)(A) Section 124(b)(4)(B) Section 124(b)(5) Section 134(b)(3) Section 134(8)(A) Section 134(8)(B) Section 134(8)(C) b) Course description Code of Alabama Section 16-B-2(d) Section 16-B-2(3)(i)(Acts 1995, No. 95-313, p 620, Section 2, Act 200-312, 1st Special Session, Section 1) g) Course outline Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.04(a)(a-e) Section 290-6-1-.04(2) Section 290-6-1-.04(3)(a-d) c) Prerequisite or indicates that no prerequisite is required d) Program name e) Course goals f) Essential question(s) h) Culminating product(s) i) Assessment procedures j) Grading scale k) CTSO l) Available student industry credential(s) as recommended by Advisory Committee and approved by SDE Not applicable for middle level programs or WorkBased Learning: Cooperative Education. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance If NO is marked for any indicator, list the related course name and beside it write the letter of the non-compliant indicator from the checklist. Section 3: Completed by CTE Administrator QUALITY FACTOR: 3.2 Curriculum Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Each teacher provides lesson plans for each course listed on his/her Daily Schedule. Indicators of Compliance Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 124(b)(4)(A) Section 124(b)(4)(B) Section 124(b)(5) Section 134(b)(3) Section 134(8)(A) Section 134(8)(B) Section 134(8)(C) Code of Alabama Section 16-B-2(d) Section 16-B-2(3)(i)(Acts 1995, No. 95-313, p 620, Section 2, Act 200-312, 1st Special Session, Section 1) Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.04(a)(a-e) Section 290-6-1-.04(2) Section 290-6-1-.04(3)(a-d) Section 290-6-1-.05(4)(a-b) Each teacher’s Daily Schedule Lesson plans covering all Alabama Course of Study: Career and Technical Education content standards in each course listed on each teacher’s Daily Schedule(s) for the full instructional year unless this is a new teacher or a new course offering. New course offerings require lesson plans to current date plus an additional two weeks. Or locally defined lesson plans’ requirements and format Recommendations Do lesson plans show evidence of the following? a) Course title b) Overview/annotation Yes No N/A Status SDE Format Compliance Noncompliance c) Background/preparation d) Materials/equipment/technology resources e) Procedures/activities/learning experiences f) Varied assessment strategies g) Provisions for individual differences allowing all students to reach their level of excellence (e.g., accommodations, modifications, enhancements, remediation) h) Estimated duration in minutes or hours and fractions thereof for the lesson Do lesson plans show evidence that the following areas are addressed as part of the course instruction? i) Safety instruction as an integral part of the program j) Teamwork activities k) Varied learning activities (e.g., project-based activities, presentations, class discussions, role playing, simulations, etc.) l) Integrated academics m) Employability skills n) Problem solving & management skills o) Available student industry credential(s) Not applicable for middle level programs. p) Essential question(s) q) Primary learning objective(s) r) Integrated CTSO experiences s) If live work is utilized, evidence is included of how live work supplements instructions of content standards t) Course/program culminating project u) All content standards for the course v) Evaluation/notations made by teacher indicating need for lesson enhancement Local Format Compliance Noncompliance If NO is marked for any indicator, list the related course name and beside it write the letter of the non-compliant indicator from the checklist. 2015-2016 SECTION 4 – Standards/Quality Factors Checklist BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION (BIC) (To be conducted by Business/Industry Team Member and SDE Team Member) School System: Teacher: School Name: Teacher: SDE Team Member: Teacher: Review Date: Teacher: Program: Section 4: Completed by Business/Industry Team Member and SDE Team Member PURPOSE THE PROGRAM HAS CLEARLY STATED GOALS RELATED TO THE NEEDS OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. QUALITY FACTOR: 4.1 Experiential Learning Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Agriscience Education is enhanced through active participation by all students in a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program. Legal Cites: Title IX: 34 CFR 106.9 Section 504: 34 CFR 104.8 Indicators of Compliance SAE student records SAE student supervision records Documentation Do the indicators provide evidence of the following? a) At least 25% of students enrolled in the agriscience program have an approved SAE program. Only applicable for agriscience programs. b) A documented record of each SAE program visit is maintained by the instructor. Only applicable for agriscience programs. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance Section 4: Completed by Business/Industry Team Member and SDE Team Member QUALITY FACTOR: 4.1 Experiential Learning (Continued) Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Health Science Education is enhanced through active participation by students in an experiential/work-based learning environment. Legal Cites: Title IX: 34 CFR 106.9 Section 504: 34 CFR 104.8 Indicators of Compliance Clinical training agreement(s) Proof of student liability insurance Approval letter/documentati on Documentation Yes No N/A Do the indicators provide evidence of the following? c) Clinical Training Agreements are available and signed by appropriate parties involved. Only applicable for Health Science programs. d) Student liability insurance is provided for all students participating in a clinical experiential/work-based learning activity. Only applicable for Health Science programs. Status Compliance Noncompliance e) Letter/documentation is available from the Alabama Department of Public Health, Division of Healthcare Services, approving the Health Science program as a certified nurse aide training site. Only applicable for Health Science programs offering CNA certification for students. f) Letter/documentation is available from the Alabama Department of Public Health, Division of Healthcare Services, approving the Health Science teacher as a certified nurse aide instructor. Only applicable for Health Science programs offering CNA certification for students. QUALITY FACTOR: 4.2 Student Organizations Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites ALSDE recognized student organizations are an integral part of career and technical education programs and shall be affiliated with the respective state and national organizations. Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 3(6)(A) and (B) Section 124(c)(4) Section 135(c)(5) Title IX: 34 CFR 106.9 Section 504: 34 CFR 104.8 Alabama Administrative Code 290-6-1-.11(14) Indicators of Compliance Program of Work Copy of check that verifies payment of membership dues (If personal check was used, must show cancelled check or zero balance/paid invoice) Affiliation verification document (member forms/roster) CTSO Minutes CTSO Officer List Documentation of CTSO Activities Documentation Do the indicators provide evidence of the following? a) Program of Work includes time lines, co-curricular activities for current instructional year, and responsibilities for each program area teacher. b) Payment was made for student memberships to affiliate with the respective state and national organizations. c) Check is dated between August 1, 2015, and May 1, 2016. d) Forms were submitted for national affiliation. e) Minutes from a minimum of four CTSO meetings during previous twelve (12) months. f) List of CTSO Chapter Officers g) Verification of Chapter CTSO activities in each activity listed below: 1) Competitive events (local, region, district, state, or national) 2) Community services 3) Local/Region/District/State/National student organization meetings/conferences/conventions (one or more required) Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance Section 4: Completed by Business/Industry Team Member and SDE Team Member QUALITY FACTOR: 4.3 Advisory Committee Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites A program advisory committee that consists of a minimum membership of five persons, convening at least two times a year and providing counsel, assistance, and information from the community served by the career and technical education program. The committee is broadly based and includes employees and/or representatives for consumer’s interest. Legal Cites: Title IX: 34 CFR 106.8 (b) Section 504: 34 CFR 104.7(a) Title II: 28 CFR 35.107(a) Guidelines IV-O Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 118(7)(A) and (B) Section 135(c)(1) Alabama Administrative Code 290-6-1-.06(1)(a-b) 290-6-1-.06(2)(a) Indicators of Compliance Minutes from last two meetings Current year’s Program Goals Roster of members Operation guidelines (Sample in Advisory Handbook.) Documentation of previous year’s program implementation Documentation Do the indicators provide evidence of the following? a) Written guidelines for the operation of the advisory committee have been developed. b) Two meetings were held during the past 12 months. c) Fifty-one percent or more of the membership were present for each meeting. d) Minutes from meeting reflects advisory committee approved the Program Goals. e) Program Goals include: 1) Timelines 2) Activities 3) Objectives 4) Committee member responsibilities 5) Alignment of program/course offerings with Workforce Development data f) Program Goals were implemented. Results provided from previous year. g) Membership consists of a minimum of five broadly based business and industry persons related to the specific career and technical education program being reviewed. h) Each person’s name, business address, and occupation/job title are documented. i) Advisory committee recommendations for student credentialing should be documented in minutes from one of the past two meetings. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance Section 4: Completed by Business/Industry Team Member and SDE Team Member QUALITY FACTOR: 4.4 Budget Preparation Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites An annual program budget is prepared by the teacher(s) and approved by the administration. Legal Cites: Title IX: 34 CFR 106.8 (b) Section 504: 34 CFR 104.7(b) Title II: 28 CFR 35.107(b) Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 321(a)(1-4) Section 135(b)(1-9) Code of Alabama Section 16-13-236 (Acts 1995, No. 95-314, p 634, Section 7) Section 16-6B-10(b)(14)(Acts 1995, No. 95-313, p 620, Section 10) Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.08(1)(a-c) Indicator of Compliance Program’s Annual Budget(s) Note: A multi-teacher program must combine information and provide one consolidated program budget. Documentation Does the indicator provide evidence of the following? a) Administrator’s signature b) State teacher allocation c) Local program maintenance funds ($300 + $3 per student) d) Additional revenue (donations, grants, program fees, live work, etc.) e) Career and Technical Student Organization (DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, and TSA) revenue (dues, fundraising revenue, etc.) f) Expenses g) Career and Technical Student Organization (DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, and TSA) expenses (national and state dues, fundraising expenses, etc.) Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance 2015-2016 SECTION 5 – Standards/Quality Factors Checklist BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION (BIC) Counselor Interview (To be conducted by Business/Industry Team Member and/or SDE Team Member) School System: Counselor: School Name: Counselor: SDE Team Member: Review Date: Program: Section 5: Interview conducted by Business/Industry Team Member and/or SDE Team Member STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES SYSTEMATIC INTERVIEWS, COUNSELING SERVICES, PLACEMENT, AND FOLLOW-UP PROCEDURES ARE USED. QUALITY FACTOR: 5.1 Student Assessment and Program Placement Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Prior to enrollment, each student is assessed to determine interest and aptitude. Results are used for recruitment and appropriate program placement of students. Indicator of Compliance Interview responses Documentation No N/A Did the counselor provide a satisfactory answer to the following statements? a) Describe how the career assessments are conducted to determine interest and aptitude of students and at which grade levels are they assessed. Comments: Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 135(c)(2) Section 134(3)(E) Section 134(b)(11) Section 124(b)(4) b) Quality Factor 5.1.b has been deleted c) Describe how students are selected or recruited for the first course for the CTE program most closely aligned to their career choice offered at this school or by the local community college or university. Office of Civil Rights Section 504 (IDEA) 34 CFR #100.3(a) & (b) 34 CFR #106.21-23 34 CFR #104.4(a) & (b), 33-36, 37(a) & (b), 42-44, 47(b) d) Describe the recruitment materials that have been provided to the guidance section for the program being reviewed. Comments: Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.05(1)(a-d) Section 290-6-1-.05(3)(c) and (d) Yes Comments: e) Describe how the recruitment materials are being used for recruitment by the guidance section. Comments: Status Compliance Noncompliance X Section 5: Interview conducted by Business/Industry Team Member and/or SDE Team Member QUALITY FACTOR: 5.1 Student Assessment and Program Placement (continued) Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Prior to enrollment, each student is assessed to determine interest and aptitude. Results are used for recruitment and appropriate program placement of students. Indicator of Compliance Interview responses Documentation Did the counselor provide a satisfactory answer to the following statements? f) Describe the provisions made for students who are economically disadvantaged. Comments: g) Describe provisions made for students with disabilities. Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 135(c)(2) Section 134(3)(E) Section 134(b)(11) Section 124(b)(4) Comments: Office of Civil Rights Section 504 (IDEA) 34 CFR #100.3(a) & (b) 34 CFR #106.21-23 34 CFR #104.4(a) & (b), 33-36, 37(a) & (b), 42-44, 47(b) i) Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.05(1)(a-d) Section 290-6-1-.05(3)(c) and (d) h) Describe how non-traditional students are recruited. Comments: Describe how enrollment priorities are given to students in Grades 1012 with maximum opportunity to complete a career and technical education program. Not applicable for middle level programs. Comments: j) Describe activities that were conducted by you and the teacher to determine appropriate student placement of course selection. Comments: k) Describe the process used to making students aware of articulated credit for CTE courses. Comments: l) Describe the process used to making students aware of dual enrollment opportunities for CTE courses. Comments: Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance 2015-2016 SECTION 6 – Standards/Quality Factors Checklist BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION (BIC) (To be conducted by Business/Industry Team Member and/or SDE Team Member) School System: School Name: SDE Team Member: Review Date: Program: Section 6: Completed by Business/Industry Team Member and/or SDE Team Member LEARNING RESOURCES SUPPORT MATERIALS ARE CONSISTENT WITH BOTH PROGRAM GOALS AND CONTENT STANDARDS AND ARE UTILIZED BY STAFF AND STUDENTS. QUALITY FACTOR: 6.1 Supplemental Materials Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Supplemental materials and technology are available and utilized in the teaching/learning process by teachers and students. Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 124(b)(2) Section 124(b)(5) Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.04(2)(b) Section 290-6-1-.10(2) Code of Alabama Section 16-6B-10(b)(1-4)(Act 1995, No. 95-313, p 620, Section 10, Act 98-320, p 544, Section 12 Indicator of Compliance Available supplemental materials Documentation Are the following supplemental materials available? a) Program-related multimedia materials (Examples: videos, films, CDs, DVDs, Internet or software, Apps, etc.) b) Program-related publications (hard copies or digital format) (Examples: magazines, newspapers, service bulletins, updates, professional journals, etc.) c) Consumable supplies d) Textbooks/technology tools (adequate quantity for enrollment) on the state-approved textbook list or other resources Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance Section 6: Completed by Business/Industry Team Member and/or SDE Team Member INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION IS SYSTEMATIC AND REFLECTS PROGRAM GOALS. QUALITY FACTOR: 6.2 Safety Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Safety is a vital component of career and technical education. Each program must set and enforce standards, provide training, and encourage continual improvement in lab and workplace safety. Legal Cites: Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.05(6)(a-e) Section 290-6-1-.04(2)(c) Section 290-6-1-.04(2)(d) Section 290-6-1-.02(6)(a-e) Office of Civil Rights Section 504: 34 CFR 104 Indicator of Compliance Facility observation by team members Documentation Does the facility meet the safety standard of the program-related industry? a) Students/teachers adhere to applicable safety standards associated with the career and technical education program. b) Students/teachers are adhering to safety standards associated with proper ventilation. c) Chemicals are handled, stored, and disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal safety and environmental regulations. d) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are in the laboratory. Applicable for programs that deal with chemicals. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance Section 6: Completed by Business/Industry Team Member and/or SDE Team Member EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS USED IN THE PROGRAM ARE OF THE TYPE AND QUALITY NEEDED TO PROVIDE TRAINING TO MEET THE CAREER OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDENT. QUALITY FACTOR: 6.3 Tools, Equipment, and Technology Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Tools, equipment, and technology reflect the program content, meet business/industry standards, are available in sufficient quantity, and are operable to teach content standards. Legal Cites: Carl D. Perkins Act 2006 Section 124(b)(2) Section 124(b)(5) Section 135(b)(2) and (3) Section 135(b)(4)(A-C) Section 504, 34 CFR, Part 104 Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.10(1) Section 290-6-1-.10(3,4) Section 290-6-1-.05(1)(a-d) Section 290-6-1-.04(2)(d) Indicators of Compliance Program equipment Written agreement for equipment that is articulated Signage Preventive maintenance schedule Technology Tools Documentation Do tools, equipment, and technology meet the following criteria? a) Tools, equipment, and technology that are necessary to teach program content and any additional courses are available in sufficient quantity according to the Career and Technical Education Equipment List. (Articulated equipment is documented per outside agency) Verify the equipment list against the equipment in the lab. b) Tools, equipment, and technology are fully functional. Ask teacher to demonstrate questionable equipment. c) Tools, equipment, and technology are well maintained and stored systematically. d) Tools, equipment, and technology operating procedures are posted, when applicable. e) Tools, equipment, and technology have approved safety devices in place. f) Preventive maintenance schedules are available that indicate procedures that will aid in minimizing tools, equipment, and technology downtime and when and by whom the measures will be performed. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance Section 6: Completed by Business/Industry Team Member and/or SDE Team Member QUALITY FACTOR: 6.4 Facilities Equity Requirements/ Legal Cites Facilities are adequate to meet the requirements for delivering the Alabama Course of Study: Career and Technical Education content and are safe for students/teachers. Legal Cites: Alabama Administrative Code Section 290-6-1-.04(2)(c) Section 290-6-1-.04(2)(d) Office of Civil Rights Section 504: 34 CFR 104 Indicator of Compliance Facility observation by team members Documentation Do facilities meet the following criteria? a) Adequate space is available for the number of students enrolled in the program. b) Safety zones are clearly identified and correctly located. c) Safety signs are posted in highly visible locations. d) Evacuation procedures are posted in highly visible locations. e) First-aid kit is in place and highly visible or documentation from the Superintendent that first-aid kit is not allowed. f) Classroom and support areas are clean and orderly. g) Emergency current interruption for power equipment is properly installed. Applicable for the following clusters: Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics; Architecture & Construction; Manufacturing; Agriculture, Food, & Natural ResourcesAgriConstruction program. h) Eye wash solution is in the laboratory and is easily accessible. i) Facility minimizes hazards to student safety. j) Instructional laboratory is clean, orderly, and replicates the workplace. k) Secured storage is sufficient. l) Space is available for seat work. m) Available area is convenient for the teacher to use as an office. n) Restroom or sink area is convenient to the learning laboratory. Yes No N/A Status Compliance Noncompliance