July 13, 2012

Regular Meeting
City Hall - City of Duncanville
203 E. Wheatland Rd., Duncanville
July 13, 2012
Board Members Present:
Board Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
Becky Hall, Sue Heigele, Bobby Cutler Hill, Barbara McComb (Vice
Chairperson), Pamela Murray, Dotti Pennebaker, Richard Raphael, Madeline
Kelley Schwoch, Gale Sliger, and Dorothy Wolverton (Chairperson),
Barbara Detmore (Ex-officio).
Angie Henley, Staff Liaison (SL); and Mary Jones, Administrative Secretary
Called to Order – 8:30 a.m.
Consider Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 1, 2012.
Board member Sliger made a motion, seconded by Board member Hill, to approve the minutes of the
Regular Meeting held June 1, 2012. The vote was cast 10 for, 0 against.
Discuss and Consider Property of the Month for August, 2012.
At Board member Hall’s suggestion, Vice Chairperson McComb recommended And Everything Nice as
Property of the Month for August, 2012. Following discussion and suggestion to consider Cake Guys
located on Big Stone Gap for the next Property of the Month, Vice Chairperson McComb made a
motion, seconded by Board member Pennebaker, to name And Everything Nice located at 208 N. Main
St. as Property of the Month for August, 2012. The vote was cast 10 for, 0 against.
Discuss and Consider Updates for the Citywide Litter Poster Contest.
SL Henley distributed a copy of the New York City Litter Poster Contest flyer as a sample for the Board
members to review. Board members will contact her with suggested changes in order to customize a
flyer for the Duncanville contest.
Receive and Discuss Board Member Reports regarding the “Litter Hot Spots.”
Following discussion, the consensus was the request regarding the Litter Hot Spots had been completed.
Receive and Discuss a Report on the KTB Annual Conference.
Board members Sliger and Murray reported on the KTB Annual Conference they recently attended as
representatives of the Board including information pamphlets and brochures, general focus of the
conference, large beautification projects of other cities, importance of volunteer participation, need for
the Board to add a new KDB project that will make a visible impact for the City, adding sustainability
as a criteria for the Curb Appeal properties, composting, and the quality of the conference speakers.
Discussion followed regarding the Board’s accomplishments and the City’s success in sustaining the
results, KTB judges’ opinion that solar systems don’t qualify as KTB projects, and the mobile
application for reporting littering.
SL Henley suggested the Board take on the task of recruiting volunteers for the City’s new playground
design and building project for Waterview Park as their new major project. The planning party is
scheduled for Tuesday, July 31, at 5:00 and construction of the playground will take place on September
29, 2012 at Waterview Park. SL Henley will discuss further with Parks & Recreation Director Gravens
and Parks/Athletics Manager Allen and report further information for the Board’s consideration.
Discuss and Consider Supporting a Ban of the Use of Plastic Shopping Bags by Duncanville
Chairperson Wolverton requested the Board consider writing a letter of support to the City Council
requesting they ban the use of plastic shopping bags by Duncanville businesses. Discussion followed
including the negative impact the discarded bags have on the environment; the use of petroleum
products to make the bags; various government entities that have banned their use; and alternatives such
as businesses providing reusable bags and/or encouraging their use by charging for the plastic ones, and
the expandable mesh bags used in Europe.
Further discussion included the importance of having research to support the request as well as
suggestions for alternatives to using the plastic shopping bags before submitting the request to the City
Council; expected resistance from businesses as well as residents; suggested areas to research including
options of other cities, contacting retailers that currently charge for the bags or accept used bags for
recycling, how the bags affect the environment, and the need for a committee to develop a business
plan. Following discussion, Board member Murray made a motion, seconded by Board member
Raphael to appoint a committee of Board member volunteers to research the issue and to develop a
business plan in order to consider requesting the City Council consider banning the use of plastic
shopping bags by Duncanville businesses. It was clarified that the current motion is only to approve
appointing the committee to do the research and that consideration to present the request to City Council
will be at a future meeting. The vote was cast 10 for, 0 against. The following Board members
volunteered to serve on the committee: Board members Raphael, Murray, Heigele, Sliger, Schwoch,
Pennebaker, and Chairperson Wolverton. Board member Sliger offered to hold the committee meetings
at her home. AS Jones will contact the committee members once the first meeting has been scheduled.
Discuss and Consider Ordering KDB Shirts.
The Board discussed various methods of ordering shirts for the members, logos available through the
school district, responsibility for cost, and need for visibility when participating in events. Following
discussion it was agreed that the item be postponed until the Board’s Annual Retreat to be held in
September. Suggestion was also made for the Board to reconsider participating in the local parades for
visibility and for it to be discussed during the Board’s Annual Retreat as well.
Discuss and Consider Arranging a tour of a Recycling Plant.
Following discussion it was agreed that the item should be postponed until the Board’s Annual Retreat
to be held in September.
Receive Staff and Committee Reports/Updates.
Presentations made by Mother Nature and Recycling Man – Chairperson Wolverton will add
discussion of the plastic shopping bags when making presentations on littering and recycling.
Information for DCEDC Board – AS Jones reported the DCEDC Board had requested a
representative of the KDB Board to attend their next meeting to give an overview of the KDB
activities. Chairperson Wolverton volunteered to make a presentation.
Volunteer Hours Tracking Sheet – The Board members noted their volunteer hours for June,
Wooden Pole at the War Memorial – In response to an inquiry by Vice Chairperson McComb,
SL Henley contacted Parks Manager Allen by text and reported to the Board that it’s a
temporary power source and will be removed and replaced with a less intrusive permanent pole
pending approval of the budget.
Curb Appeal – The Curb Appeal committee was reminded to choose their properties to be
nominated at the August 3rd meeting and recognized in the September Champion and at a
September City Council meeting. AS Jones will send a District Map to Board member Sliger.
The meeting adjourned at 9:48 a.m.