RTI Institute July 30, 2007 «GreetingLine» Sample Report Example of MDT report for a student who has been verified using NO additional assessments. MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM MEETING SUMMARY Name: Sample RTI Student Gender:____ Date of Birth:_____________ DISABILITY CATEGORIES Autism Behavior Disorder Deaf Blindness Hearing Impairment Deaf Partial Hearing Loss Mental Handicap Mild Moderate Severe/Profound Multiple Impairments Orthopedic Impairments Other Health Impairment Specific Learning Disability Speech-Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment Blind Legally Blind Partially Sighted NOT VERIFIABLE X Briefly summarize the information leading to the above conclusion. Based on Student’s response to intervention, it is the team consensus that he is eligible for special education services with a Specific Learning Disability in the area of reading. Student’s rate of progress (.83 words per week) and current level of discrepancy (below the 10th percentile) are both significantly discrepant from peers. Student’s needs are currently greater than what can be provided in the general education setting. Parent Comments and Concerns: Student’s parents are concerned about his ability to keep up with his peers in the area of reading. Educational Strengths: Student is currently performing at grade level in math. In addition, his writing skills are strong. ________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT LEVELS OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE Health/Vision/Hearing Health: There are no health related needs identified in Student’s health file. Vision: Student passed the vision screening in second grade. RTI Institute July 30, 2007 «GreetingLine» Sample Report Hearing: Student passed the hearing screening in second grade. Cognitive Cognitive assessments were not necessary for this evaluation. Academic What is Student’s rate of progress compared to typical peers? Student received supplemental reading services in both Kindergarten and first grade. In addition, he was identified by both fall and winter benchmark scores to receive intensive reading instruction through the RTI process. This instruction has been in place since September of 2006. This has included 30 minutes of daily instruction focusing on decoding, fluency, and comprehension. Student’s progress has been monitored periodically using second grade AIMSweb Oral Reading Fluency Passages. In September, Student was able to read 16 words per minute while peers at the 50th percentile were reading 59 words per minute (using local district norms). In February, a significant change was made to his instruction, when his group size went from four students to two students. Currently, Student is reading 31 words per minute while peers are reading 94 words per minute. Student gained .83 words per week while typical peers at the 50th percentile gained 1.9 words per week. Student’s progress compared to peers can be viewed on the attached graph. Student’s progress can also be measured using Rigby Reading Levels. In September, Student was reading at Level 10, while peers at the 50th percentile were reading at the Level 17. Currently, Student is reading at Level 15 while peers at the 50th percentile are reading at Level 23. Student gained 5 levels while peers gained 6 levels in the same period of time. Even with intensive instruction in the area of reading, Student has not been able to make progress at a rate similar to peers. At his current rate of performance, he is not on track to close the gap with typical peers. What is Student’s current level of performance compared to typical peers? Student’s performance compared to grade level peers is reported in the table below. Parents and teachers are reminded that whenever scores are reported, they are but one piece of information about a student. Assessment AIMSweb 2nd grade Oral Reading Fluency Passages Rigby Reading Level Student Performance Percentile rank based on comparison to peers th 30 words per minute 69 words per minute <10 percentile at the 50th percentile Level 15 Performance of Typical Peers Level 23 at the 50th percentile 12th percentile RTI Institute July 30, 2007 «GreetingLine» Sample Report Student is not currently performing near the level expected compared to typical peers. What are Student’s needs in the identified area? Student currently receives reading instruction in a small group setting of two students at his level. In addition, he has a guided reading group in his classroom that also has only one other student and is presented at his level. According to his classroom teacher, Student requires a significant amount of review and re-teaching on a regular basis as he has difficulty retaining and generalizing previously learned skills. In addition, the classroom teacher reports that Student needs one on one assistance for any classroom activity that requires reading. Student was observed in his general education classroom on 3/19/07. Students were expected to work independently on a reading task. Student required a great deal of adult assistance in order to complete the activity required. His teacher reports that he is able to successfully complete tasks independently in subject areas not requiring reading. According to the Reading Coordinator, Student’s reading is so slow and labored that it is impacting his ability to comprehend what he has read. Communication There are not concerns in the area of communication at this time. Motor There are no motor concerns at this time. Social/Emotional/Behavioral Formal social/emotional/behavioral assessments were not necessary for this evaluation. Student’s classroom teacher did indicate that he is more on-task in other subject areas than he is in reading. Life Skills/Career/Transitional NA. Student is under age 14. Educational Needs Student needs to improve his reading skills, specifically decoding and fluency skills. ACCOMMODATIONS/MODIFICATIONS: Presentation of Subject Matter Assignments Directions presented orally Environment Social Interaction Supports Pacing Reinforcement and Follow Through Grading Other RTI Institute July 30, 2007 «GreetingLine» Sample Report Tests read aloud in content areas PARTICIPATION IN GENERAL CURRICULUM ___not applicable ___physical danger to students/staff/self _X_different curriculum/instruction/strategies___disruption of instruction by student _X_smaller student/teacher ratio ___reduction of distractions ___other __X_This document is inclusive. ____Supporting documentation includes the following reports: ___psychological ___occupational therapy ___academic achievement ___speech-language ___physical therapy ___functional assessment ___other MDT MEMBERS/OTHER SOURCES Name Position Agree Disagree I certify that the MDT process documented above has met the requirements of 92 NAC 51 006.30 __________________________________________________________ ___________ (MDT Chair’s Signature) MDT Chair Date