Vital Ideas 2016 APPLICATION FORM Deadline: 5pm on Friday, October 30, 2015 Vital Ideas grants increase the effectiveness of high-impact initiatives in Toronto through one-time strategic grants. This capacity-building funding is awarded to organizations that have a solid track record of success. Its purpose is to help increase the effectiveness of an organization or a program, to position it for even greater impact in the future. It is critical that you review the accompanying Vital Ideas 2015 Application Guidelines to ensure that you are eligible for this grant stream and to guide you in filling out this Application Form correctly and accurately. Please include the following three mandatory attachments in both your electronic and hard-copy submissions: 1. Audited Financial Statements including notes. If your organization is a not-for-profit, and you have a charitable partner, please provide financials for both. 2. A list of your organization’s Board of Directors (including the terms for each, and the total number required according to your organization’s by-laws). 3. Grant request budget. SUBMISSION PROCESS By e-mail and in hard-copy: the entire application with attachments must be received by 5:00 PM on Friday, October 30, 2015. All applications received by the deadline will be acknowledged by e-mail within three weeks. 1. In Hard-Copy: One copy of the application form in hard-copy plus all the attachments. Please mail or drop off at: Vital Ideas Toronto Foundation 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 1603 Toronto ON M4W 3H1 2. By E-Mail: Please e-mail the completed Application Form in Word format (please do not submit Application Form as a PDF document), along with all other attachments IN ONE EMAIL to: Toronto Foundation – Vital Ideas 2016 Application Form 1 of 5 SECTION A: COVER SHEET – ORGANIZATION CONTACT INFORMATION Name of applying organization Charitable registration number Name of program or project seeking Vital Ideas grant Street address of organization Organization contact name and title Email address of organization contact Phone number of organization contact Organization’s website address Amount requested (up to $30,000) Total current annual operating budget for organization Total current annual operating budget for program or project seeking Vital Ideas grant Charitable partner name and address Charitable partner charitable registration number Charitable partner contact name, email and phone number Charitable partner total annual operating budget Application authorization: Name, Title: _____________________________________________________________________ (i.e. Executive Director/President/Chair, Board of Directors) Signature: _______________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________________________________ Toronto Foundation – Vital Ideas 2016 Application Form 2 of 5 SECTION B: PROFILE - ABOUT THE APPLYING ORGANIZATION AND THE PROGRAM SEEKING A VITAL IDEAS GRANT IMPORTANT: Please stay within the word limits in each section. All text beyond the word limit will be omitted from the application and will not be reviewed. Refer to the guidelines for more information about each question. THE ORGANIZATION Information provided in this section is used to assess the background and reputation of the applying organization. 1. Organization’s mission (Limit: 100 words) 2. Toronto’s Vital Signs® Report issue area(s) addressed by your organization Mark ‘x’ to the left of a maximum of two issue areas that best describe the work your organization as a whole is involved in. Arts and Culture Environment Gap Between Rich & Poor Getting Around Leadership, Civic Engagement, and Belonging Health and Wellness Housing Learning Safety Work 3. History of your organization (Limit: 100 words) 4. Accolades and accomplishments (Limit: 200 words) 5. Organization’s programs and activities (Limit: 300 words) THE HIGH-IMPACT PROGRAM Information provided in this section is to assess whether your program is high-impact and whether it’s at the right stage for a Vital Ideas strategic grant. If your organization runs only one initiative, please feel free to articulate your organizational model in this section. 6. Program name and description (Limit: 300 words) 7. Funding and program partners (Limit: 200 words) 8. Program impact and results (Limit: 200 words) 9. Best practices (Limit: 100 words) Toronto Foundation – Vital Ideas 2016 Application Form 3 of 5 10. Collaborations (Limit: 100 words) 11. Populations served and specifically targeted by your organization Mark ‘x’ to the left of all that apply. All ages Children – up to 11 Youth – 12 to 18 Young adults – 19 to 29 Adults – 30 to 64 Seniors – 65 and up Animals Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans (LGBT) Newcomers People with Disabilities Faith-based Ethno-specific Women Men 12. Neighbourhood(s) served by your programming Mark ‘x’ to the left of those that apply. If your programming is city-wide, select them all. Toronto North Toronto Central Toronto West Toronto East 13. Toronto’s Vital Signs issue area(s) addressed by the project or program Mark ‘x’ to the left of a maximum of two issue areas that best describe the work of your project or program for which the Vital Ideas grant will be used. Arts and Culture Environment Gap Between Rich & Poor Getting Around Leadership, Civic Engagement, and Belonging Health and Wellness Housing Learning Safety Work 14. Toronto’s Vital Signs® Report data addressed by program Please provide a quotation from the Toronto’s Vital Signs Report that best aligns with the issues your program is addressing. (Limit: 100 words) 15. Participant story (Limit: 200 words) 16. Volunteer opportunities (Limit: 200 words) Toronto Foundation – Vital Ideas 2016 Application Form 4 of 5 SECTION C: REQUEST - DETAILING THE VITAL IDEAS GRANT REQUEST THE GRANT REQUEST Information provided in this section will be used to assess the strategic activities to be undertaken with Vital Ideas grant funds. 17. Requested amount and summary of strategic activities (Limit: 250 words) 18. Grant impact statement (Limit: 100 words) 19. Potential to grow impact (Limit: 150 words) 20. Qualified principals (Limit: 100 words) 21. Telling the story of impact (Limit: 200 words) 22. Board List 23. Grant request budget – please ensure to follow the directions and format in the Application Guidelines ATTACHMENTS Along with your application form, please include the following mandatory attachments in both your electronic (all in ONE email) and hard-copy submissions: 24. Audited financials: Financial statements may be submitted as a separate attached document to the application. If you are not a charity, please provide your financial statements as well as your charitable partner’s most recent audited financial statements. If applicable: if you are a non-profit organization without charitable status applying with a charitable partner, you must provide a signed and dated letter or contract outlining the parametres of relationship. Please include this document as an attachment to your application. Note: we do not require annual reports, newsletters or letters of support. Toronto Foundation – Vital Ideas 2016 Application Form 5 of 5