Ace October08 Report V2 - Field Robotics Center

ACE Project Report
October 31, 2008
Reid Simmons, Sanjiv Singh,
Bradley Hamner, Seth Koterba
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
This report covers the period from September 1, 2008 through October 31, 2008. During this
period, we began looking at the problem of tracking a moving target, in preparation for next
period’s work on doing insertions into a moving target. The foci this period were (1) developing
a mechanism for moving the task board, (2) speeding up the vision system, (3) developing a
method to track the task board using the laser, and (4) developing algorithms to track the
moving task board, using either vision or laser, and doing experiments to demonstrate how well
the tracking works.
Based on the results of this period, we are in good shape to complete our deliverable for next
period – demonstrating plug insertion into a task board moving at (roughly) constant speed.
Moving Task Board
To simulate a moving assembly line, we bolted the task board onto the back of Clifford, an
ATRV-Jr. robot on loan to us from NASA (Figure 1). The robot’s wheels are actuated and the
task board trails behind on caster wheels. Control programs had been written for Clifford, but
none were directly compatible with our software. To bridge the gap, we wrote a program that
listens for velocity commands over IPC and relays them to the robot hardware. This allows us
to start and stop the “assembly line” robot as well as the docking robot from one computer. With
a series of velocity commands to Clifford, we can simulate any time-velocity profile of our
choosing. In our work so far, though, we have commanded Clifford to drive at a constant
velocity of 3 cm/s. The velocity does vary, however, due to imperfections in the floor, the
casters on the task board, and the connection between the task board and Clifford. In one test,
for instance, we observed that the task board took 97 seconds to move three meters, for an
average of 3.09 cm/s. We believe that this variation is actually a good thing, for our purposes,
since it will force the mobile manipulator to rely on its sensors for estimating velocity, in realtime, rather than depending on some predefined velocity profile.
Speeding up Vision System
In order to accurately and responsively track the moving task board, we anticipated a need to
speed up our current fiducial pose estimation algorithm. The typical frequency throughout much
of the last year of development was approximately 3-5Hz. Our goal was to increase this to at
least 10Hz. The primary bottleneck in the pose estimation process is the fiducial detection step.
Currently we use ARTag, a third party software package, which is a closed source package.
Because it is closed source, there is no easy way to rewrite and optimize the code; therefore we
chose to improve speed by passing it smaller images to process.
Prior to our speed up attempts, ARTag was processing two full 1024 x 768 pixel images during
each iteration (left and right images). However, each image contained large portions of
uninteresting data that did not contribute to the solution. The goal of the speed up was to chop
Figure 1. Clifford, an ATRV-Jr. robot, pulls the task board.
out the uninteresting portions of the image and pass less data into the ARTag detection
function. To do this, we need some estimate of where the fiducials are in the image. Therefore,
the first iteration performs a normal full-image search during. At the end of this iteration, the
four corners of each found fiducial are stored for each image. On subsequent iterations, we use
the corner data from the previous iteration as a hint for where to find the fiducials in the current
image pair.
Due to another limitation of the ARTag library, we were not able to process a dynamically
changing window size. Therefore, we chose to initialize four separate instances of the ARTag
library: one instance accepts images at the full 1024 X 768 size; the other three instances
accept images that are integer divisions of the full image size – 1/3, 1/5, and 1/7 in each
dimension. Thus, the number of pixels to process are 1/9, 1/25, and 1/49 of those for the full
image (Figure 2-A). These sizes were chosen through empirically to capture the approximate
size of fiducials at various stages of the current scenario. At 2.0m, a typical 10cm fiducial
occupies less 1/50 of the image, thus the 1/7 size sub-image can be used. At typical docking
ranges, a fiducial will fill less than 1/9 of the image and the 1/3 size sub-image can be used.
With the corner hints from the previous iteration, we can then compute the size of sub-image to
use. We compute the width and height of the fiducial in image coordinates, choose the largest
of the two and then multiple by 1.5 (empirically determined) to ensure enough buffer to account
for motion between iterations. If the result is smaller than 1/7 of the full image, the smallest subimage is used. If not, we check progressively larger and larger sub-images. Ultimately, a subimage size will be selected and positioned within the full image. The positioning is performed by
computing the centroid of the corner hints and centering the sub-image at the centroid point.
This window is then stored as an image and passed along to the appropriate ARTag instance
for processing.
If the ARTag library does not detect a fiducial in the sub-image, it is possible that the fiducial is
occluded, or that the fiducial has moved enough from the previous iteration that it no longer
occurs inside the sub-image. To improve detection rates, we then search the next biggest subimage size, continuing up to the full image size if detection still does not occur.
This process is repeated for all fiducials that were detected in the previous iteration, whether it is
just one fiducial or many (Figure 2-B). Since many sub-windows will be processed when many
fiducials are observed, it is necessary to check that a fiducial is not detected more than once.
Given the additional buffer size that is added when determining the sub-image size, it is
conceivable that a fiducial might fall within two different sub-images (note the example on the
right in Figure 2-B). We handle this simply by keeping track of which fiducials have already
been found.
Finally, since we are processing only sub-images centered on where we saw a fiducial in the
previous image, it is unlikely that new fiducials that come into view will be detected. To enable
discovery of fiducials, we perform a full image search every so often. Currently, we do a full
search once every 40 iterations, which means that a full image search is performed
approximately every 2 seconds.
This approach resulted in a significant speed up over the original, full image search. Currently
we can achieve fiducial detection at up to 20Hz, which is the frame rate of the Bumblebee
cameras that we are using.
Full 1024 X 768
Figure 2. A. Selected sub-image sizes; B. Fiducials are shown in grey and a sub-image is shown
centered on each fiducial.
Laser Tracking
In addition to tracking the task board visually, we began developing an algorithm that uses the
laser to track the task board. In order to detect the task board reliably, we added pieces of
sheet metal to create a “laser fence” at the height of the laser (Figure 3). The fence is
approximately linear, with a few salient corners. A model consisting of points spaced every
5mm was created to replicate this shape.
Tracking with the laser requires a way to convert raw laser hits into a pose representing the
transformation from the laser to the task board. The raw laser data is initially collected as a
series of range measurements. Using the known minimum and maximum angles of the scan
range and the angular offset between each individual range measurement, we first convert the
laser data into Cartesian data. Initially, we decided to use the Iterative Closest Point algorithm
(ICP), a technique used for matching two point clouds; often the matching is performed between
observed data and a model [Besl & McKay, 1992]. ICP is a common algorithm and we found a
lightweight implementation of it freely available online. Initial tests revealed that it worked well,
but only when the offset between data and model was small, in particular, less than 5-10cm and
less than 10 degrees. Additionally, if any laser hits that did not correspond to the data were
included, the ICP match was poor. Thus, we concluded that we needed to perform some initial
preprocessing of the data, prior to using ICP. The following text describes the stages of
preprocessing that we are currently using to obtain clean data.
Figure 3. Laser fence on the task board.
The first preprocessing step is to mask out any laser returns that are in regions that we know
the task board will not occupy. The laser has a 270 degree field of view and can detect hits out
to 30 meters; since we are only interested in data within a few meters of the laser, and nothing
directly to the sides or behind it, much of this space can be trimmed away.
After the relevant data has been pared down, we then identify the points that correspond to the
task board. This is done in a two step process and takes advantage of the linearity of the laser
fence on the task board. First, we use a technique based on the well known RANSAC algorithm
[Fischler & Bolles, 1981]. We search through all remaining points sequentially, starting with the
point corresponding to the counterclockwise-most scan. Taking this point and a second point,
generated from the range measurement N scans ahead in the clockwise direction, we generate
a line (N was chosen to be 40). Next, we check the perpendicular distance to this line for all
points. If this distance is within the prescribed threshold (currently 15cm), then we count that
point as a hit on that line. By sequentially stepping through the laser data by increments of M
scans (M = 5), we generate a series of lines and the one that receives the most hits is
considered to be a line roughly aligned with the task board. This assumes that the task board is
the longest linear feature in the data, an assumption that should always hold true after the data
has been pared down, as described above. Figure 4, shows some example line fits.
Figure 4. A) Raw laser data of the task board. B) and C) two examples of RANSAC
style fitting. The line in C has more hits than the line in B, and so is more likely
associated with the task board’s laser fence.
Figure 5. Clustering result with additional clutter and people near the task board.
Once the algorithm finds a rough line though the task board, it needs to cluster the points
corresponding to the task board. We start with the two points that we used to generate the line
that had the most hits, and find a point half way between them. Starting from here, we step
sequentially in each direction from point to point, checking whether each subsequent point is
within a distance threshold of the previous point (currently 10cm). It is possible that a bad
reading might cause a single point to be incorrect, so we check at least two additional points
past the first bad point to ensure that all task board points are found. After this stage of
processing, the algorithm has found all points that correspond to the task board. In practice,
this clustering is quite robust and works well even in hard conditions, such as when people
stand near the task board (see Figure 5).
Once the task board cluster is identified, and prior to running ICP, we perform a rough
transformation to align the cluster with the model. Using all points in the cluster, we fit a line to
the data. Using this line and the centroid of the data, we can translate and rotate the cluster for
a rough fit.
Finally, ICP is performed matching the roughly aligned cluster to the model. Figure 6, shows an
example of the data and model alignment before and after ICP. Even though the data is defined
to be planar in the x-y plane, ICP occasionally introduces a 180 degree roll about the x-axis.
After being modified by other transforms in computing tracking motion commands, this flip can
cause problems. Therefore, the current algorithm is equipped to check for this flip and correct it.
In addition to this check, several other checks are put in place to reduce the possibility of
sending a bad pose to the subsequent control blocks. For example, if the number of data points
in the cluster is too small (less than 50) we do not return a pose. The assumption is that the
clustering algorithm selected the wrong group of data. Second, we perform an error check by
averaging the distance between the each point in the final cluster fit and the closest point in the
model. If this average distance is greater than a threshold then we assume a poor fit and do not
return a pose. The current threshold of 2cm was selected experimentally.
Figure 6. Top) rough alignment before ICP Bottom)
alignment following ICP.
Although the laser modeling algorithm has proven to be successful when the data is well
behaved, we have discovered at least two problems that can cause poor results. The first
problem is one of alignment. The laser fence is approximately 10cm high. If the laser is further
than 1-1.5 meters, the alignment of the laser, levelness of the floor, and weight distribution of
the robot can easily cause the laser to miss hitting the fence and strike the base of the task
board instead (Figure 7, top). Although we have see detections approaching 3m, we could not
reliably repeat detections at this distance due to variability in alignment. A simple solution is to
build a new fence that is taller, and this will be done during the next work period.
Figure 7. Top) Example of laser alignment problem resulting in laser hits on the task
board itself rather than on the laser fence. Bottom) Example of “bowed” laser data,
due to noise and bias.
The second problem is due to one of noise and bias in the laser data. At distances closer than
about 1m, the laser range measurements are very noisy and the range values are biased
towards the laser. This causes an observable “bowing” in the data (Figure 7, bottom). This
effect causes the model fitting to be noisier and often it is enough to cause the final fit check to
fail due to the average distance between cluster and model points being too large. Currently,
we do not have a good candidate solution, although it may be possible to cover the fence with
less reflective material, as the problem seems to be related to the intensity of the laser returns.
Following the Moving Task board
To reuse as much as possible of our original software architecture, we planned on reusing our
existing visual servo block to have the base follow the task board,. “Visual servo” is actually a
misnomer: this block actually takes in pose estimates of the target object relative to the robot,
regardless of the tracking source, and outputs pose commands to the robot, with the goal to
move it to a waypoint relative to the target. The visual servo block was used in the pluginsertion demonstration to align the arm’s end-effector with the target hole. Here, we have a
desired position for the base to maintain relative to the task board, with sensor data coming
from either visual or laser data, and we use the visual servo block to command the base to
achieve that desired waypoint.
In previous demonstrations, the coordinated controller program converted pose commands to
the end-effector into arm and base velocities. Here, only the base is used to follow the task
board, so we needed a different method to track the goal point with the base. We decided to
use the traditional pure pursuit algorithm [Coulter 1992] due to its simplicity and robustness.
This algorithm controls the base’s angular velocity to attract to the goal position and heading:
 is the difference between the vehicle’s angle and the goal angle; disty is the perpendicular
distance to the goal point; vtrans is the translational velocity being commanded; k and ky are
proportional gain terms (see Figure 8 for an illustration). The second term attracts the vehicle to
a line extending from the goal angle: as the vehicle gets closer to the line, the sine term goes to
zero, and then the goal angle attraction term dominates. The commanded velocity is
proportional to the x-distance to the goal. The algorithm is designed for a moving-goal scenario;
notice there is no attractor for the goal position itself. As such, in a static goal case, the vehicle
may not precisely reach the goal point. However, for our scenario pure pursuit is ideal.
Figure 8. Illustration of terms used in the pure pursuit algorithm.
To handle the moving task board, we added three new blocks in the mobile manipulator agent’s
behavioral layer, as shown in Figures 9. The “laser control” block initializes the connection to
the laser, continually reads laser data, and outputs it to any blocks to which it is connected. The
“laser tracking” block receives the laser data, looks for the task board (as described in Section
4), and outputs the task board’s position in the format needed by the (pre-existing) visual
tracking block. Finally, the “base pure pursuit” block receives a goal position and outputs base
velocity commands to steer the base to the goal.
As can be seen in Figure 9, much of the infrastructure to accomplish the task-board-following
scenario was already in place. We were able to reuse all of the visual tracking and robot
command blocks. We also had a visual servo block type, used in previous demonstrations, that
receives pose tracking information and sends out pose commands to move the robot to a target
position relative to the tracked object. Although this code was all reusable, we did need to make
a few minor modifications to adapt it to work in a wider range of scenarios.
One modification was to generalize the visual servo task, which enables and connects the
blocks used in the visual servo process. Previously, the visual servo task had assumed that the
visual servo block would always take input from the visual tracking system (hence the term
“visual” in its name). However, as mentioned above, we are now using the laser to provide
tracking information (Figure 9a). Also, the visual servo task had assumed that there is only one
possible visual servo block. However, in the mobile docking scenario planned for the next work
period, we will use two visual servo blocks simultaneously – one to move the base to follow the
task board and the other to move the arm to servo to the target hole (Figure 9c). To handle
both problems, we generalized the visual servo task by adding parameters that indicate the
names of the blocks to be used for the visual servo. Whereas, previously, the task had
Laser Tracking
Laser Tracking
Visual Tracking
Visual Tracking
Target Pose
Target Pose
Base Visual
Servo Block
Base Visual
Servo Block
Arm Visual
Servo Block
Relative Pose Command
Relative Pose Command
Pure Pursuit
Pure Pursuit
Velocity Command
Velocity Command
Mobile Manipulator
Control Block
Mobile Manipulator
Control Block
Arm Visual
Servo Block
Arm Controller
Laser Tracking
Arm Controller
Visual Tracking
Target Pose
Target Pose
Base Visual
Servo Block
Arm Visual
Servo Block
Relative Pose Command
Relative Pose Command
Pure Pursuit
Velocity Command
Mobile Manipulator
Control Block
Relative Pose
Joint Velocity Commands
Arm Controller
Figure 9. Diagram of the behavioral layer during different phases of the mobile dock. In (a), as the
robot approaches the task board from far away, the base’s visual servo block uses the tracking
information from the laser. In (b), as the robot gets closer, the executive layer (not shown)
switches the servo block to use visual tracking. In (c), as the dock begins, visual tracking is
sending information to two blocks. One controls the base to follow the task board while the other
servos the arm to the target hole.
assumed that the visual tracking system would be connected to the visual servo, one can now
specify which tracking block to use and to which instance of the visual servo block its output will
be directed.
Additional infrastructure was needed to handle the dynamic connections made by tasks.
Previously, some block connections, such as the one passing commands from the visual servo
block to the mobile manipulator control block, were made statically when the agent was started.
In our new scenario, though, a visual servo block could be connected to a pure pursuit block or
the mobile manipulator control block. When we started making the connections with the tasks,
we discovered that making dynamic connections between blocks on a single agent was
unimplemented. A task could make dynamic connections between agents, such as connecting
visual tracking from the eye agent to the visual servo block on the mobile manipulator agent, but
not within the same agent, such as having laser tracking connected to the visual servo. We
extended the skill manager, which is used to implement the behavioral layer, by adding this
case to the underlying block-connection functionality.
Tracking Results
In this section, we present results from following the task board using visual tracking and the
new laser tracking system. The first experiment compared the pose estimates from the two
systems with the base and the task board both fixed. The results with the base one meter away
from the task board are shown in Figure 11, Figure 12 shows results with the base two meters,
and Figure 13 shows results with the base at 3 meters. At shorter distances, the visual tracking
system tends to have tight clusters, but multiple of them. Figure 14 shows the visual tracking
data with lines connecting consecutive data points, to emphasize that the system does not jump
randomly between clusters.
The laser shows better tracking accuracy from farther away. As mentioned in Section 4, the
laser data is less accurate at shorter distances, so this result is not surprising. The visual
tracking system has a standard deviation of [.003, .001, .002] in (x,y,z) respectively. The
standard deviation of the laser tracking system is [.001, .004, 0]. As described in Section 3, the
sped-up visual tracking system operates at up to 20 Hz, while the laser system operates at
approximately 5 Hz.
Looking ahead, in order to accomplish reliably do plug insertion on a moving task board, we will
need the base to follow the task board as smoothly as possible. Any variation in the base’s
distance to the task board can cause the plug to lose contact with the target surface. A variation
in the base’s angle will cause the plug to slide along the surface, moving the plug away from the
target hole. The variance in tracking shown in Figures 11-14 (and note that these variances will
be worse when both bodies are moving) will cause exactly these variations in base commands.
To reduce the effect of noisy pose estimation, we apply low-pass filters. A low-pass filter
dampens high-frequency signals by averaging over past values on the signal. For a new
reading rt and a smoothing factor k, the filtered r’t is defined as:
We apply a filter both to the task board’s position in the global frame and to the command sent
to the base.
To test the capability of the entire system, we commanded Clifford to pull the task board at 3
cm/s. We ran a visual servo task on the mobile manipulator to follow the task board using the
pure pursuit algorithm on the base. The base’s target position was 1 meter away from the task
board. To test whether the tracking was smooth and accurate enough for later phases of the
project, we commanded the arm to hold contact with the task board via a constrained move task
(as described in the August 2008 report). The commanded move was null, and the constraint
was to maintain a constant force on the end-effector in the Z-direction.
We tested the base-following system using both visual and laser tracking. The commands sent
to the base are shown in Figure 15. The speed commands were mostly the same when using
the laser or visual systems, but the visual system did produce a few larger spikes. This is
consistent with the data shown in the previous figures, in which the visual system shows a
larger variance in the x-direction, forward from the base. This direction is largely controlled by
speed commands.
Based on the stationary data, we did not expect that the laser-tracking would be so bad. This
suggests there was a problem with the y-coordinate estimation in the laser, since a large jump
in the left-right direction will result in a large angular velocity command. Comparing the ycoordinate of the pose estimate with the angular velocity command in Figure 16, we do see a
correlation. However, since the system is giving commands based on the pose estimate, which
will in turn cause changes in the pose estimate, we cannot tell from this data alone whether the
pose estimate jumps are causing the command jumps, or the other way around.
Figure 17 gives us a better clue as to the cause of the bad following using laser tracking.
Control iterations are triggered whenever a new pose estimate is received. The laser is
providing data at over 10 Hz, but the tracking system outputs a value only when it is sure its
pose estimate is good. In the figure, we see gaps of up to nearly two seconds between pose
estimates. Each spike in the time between pose readings corresponds to a spike in the angular
velocity command. We conclude that the laser tracking system periodically loses the task
board, during which time the base drifts away from its target pose. When another pose is
received, the system must send a large command to get the base back on track.
The poor laser tracking for the moving case is probably caused by our small laser fence.
Imperfections in the floor, as well as pitching of the base during motion, are enough to cause the
laser scan to miss the fence, and thus get a bad pose. To get better tracking from the laser, the
easiest solution is a larger fence.
Base control was very smooth with the visual tracking system. In our tests, we found the arm
was able to keep constant contact with the task board (Figure 10). The plug slid across the
surface by a few centimeters, but it never lost contact with the board. We believe that we are
now well-poised to successfully do autonomous plug-insertion into a moving task board during
the next work period.
Figure 10. The arm keeps contact with the moving task board while the base uses pure pursuit to
Figure 11. Comparison of visual tracking (a) and laser tracking (b) with the base fixed 1 meter
away from the motionless task board. Each case shows 30 seconds worth of readings. The laser
tracking system does not detect height of the task board, so only X (forward from the vehicle) and
Y (left from the vehicle) are shown. The visual tracking system has tighter clusters, but multiple
distinct clusters. The laser system precisely locates in the X direction, but varies by more than 2
cm in the Y direction.
Figure 12. Comparison of visual tracking (a) and laser tracking (b) with the base fixed roughly 2
meters away from the motionless task board. Each case shows 30 seconds worth of readings.
The visual system again has multiple clusters, but spread farther apart than the 1-meter case. The
laser system tracks more precisely than it did at 1 meter, due to increased laser range accuracy
from this distance.
Figure 13. Visual pose estimates with the base fixed roughly 3 meters away from the motionless
task board, 30 seconds worth. The data shows the same possible range between readings as with
the shorter distances, but with none of the same clustering. Also, there are 1/3 as many data
points in this set as with the other two, indicating that from this distance the visual tracking
system finds the fiducial only 1/3 of the time.
Due to imperfections in the floor and laser leveling, the laser does not hit the fence on the task
board from this distance.
Figure 14. The same visual pose estimate data as in previous figures, but with lines connecting
consecutive data points. At 1 meter (a) and 2 meters (b), the estimate jumps only once from one
data cluster to the other. At 3 meters (c), there is no order to the pose estimates.
Figure 15. Speed (a) and angular velocity (b) commands sent to the base during two task boardfollowing missions. One test was run with the laser pose estimation system, shown in blue. The
other was run with the visual pose estimation system, shown in red.
Figure 16. A comparison of the angular velocity command to the base with the y-coordinate of the
target’s position from the laser tracking system. The data are correlated, but it is unclear which is
the cause and which is the effect.
Figure 17. Comparison of the time between pose readings and angular velocity commands using
the laser tracking system. Large times between readings lead to the base drifting away from its
target pose, following which the system must send large angular velocity commands to
[Coulter 1992] R. C. Coulter. “Implementation of the Pure Pursuit Path Tracking Algorithm.”
Technical Report, CMU-RI-TR-92-01, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University,
January, 1992.
[Besl & McKay, 1992] P. J. Besl and N. D. McKay. “A Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes.”
IEEE Transactions of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 14(2):239-256, February
[Fischler & Bolles, 1981] M. A. Fischler and R. C. Bolles. “Random Sample Consensus: A
Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated
Cartography.” Communications of the ACM, 24(6):381-395, June 1981.