Example Consultation Survey Questionnaire

255. Consultation survey questionnaire
1. Which year group are you in?
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
2. Please tell us whether you are male or female.
3. What do you currently do before or after school? (You can tick more than one)
Attend a club at school
Attend a club in a location other than school (e.g. leisure centre, youth centre, childminder)
Stay at home
Go to another family member’s home
Hang out with friends
Something else (please write it below)
4. What do you currently do during school holidays? (You can tick more than one)
Attend a club at school
Attend a club in a location other than school (e.g. leisure centre, youth centre, childminder)
Stay at home
Go to another family member’s home
Hang out with friends
Something else (please write it below)
5. What do you currently do at lunchtimes? (You can tick more than one)
Play sports, like football
Play with school equipment, like ropes
Use playground climbing and balancing
equipment (fixed to the ground)
Play team games (not sports)
Indoor games sitting down
Sit and relax
Talk with friends
Use trading cards
Play organised games run by adults
Go to organised clubs
Something else (please write it below)
255. Consultation survey questionnaire
6. What would you like to do at lunchtimes? (You can tick more than one)
Play sports, like football
Play with school equipment, like ropes
Use playground climbing and balancing
equipment (fixed to the ground)
Play team games (not sports)
Chasing or running games
Indoor games sitting down
Sit and relax
Talk with friends
Play trading cards
Play organised games run by adults
Go to organised clubs
Something else (please write it below)
7. If you attend organised clubs in school or other location, how often is this?
(You can tick a maximum of two)
After school all or most days a week
After school 1 or 2 days a week
All or most weeks in the holidays
Part of the school holidays
I hardly ever go to clubs in school
I have never been to a club in school
8. If you have answered ‘I hardly ever, or never been to a club’ please tell us why.
9. If you attend clubs, do you usually have to pay to take part? (Tick one)
For some, but not all
I have never attended a club in school
10. If you were attending activities outside of school, would you expect to be charged to take
11. If yes, would you expect to be charged to take part in the same activities in school?
255. Consultation survey questionnaire
12. If you answered no, why not? (You can tick more than one)
The overall quality is not as good
The facilities aren’t as good
All school activities should be free
Teacher led activities should be free
I should only have to pay for activities run by outside coaches and tutors
Something else (please write it below)
13. If you attend clubs, why is that? (You can tick more than one)
My parent/s work
My friends go
I want to learn and try new things
I want to make new friends
I just enjoy being there
There’s nothing else I’m interested in
It helps towards my school work
Other reason (please write it below)
14. What do you think makes a club or activity really good? (You can tick more than one)
It helps with my school work
It is fun and enjoyable
The club leader is friendly
I learn something
I know what I’m going to be doing from
one week to the next - good planning
There is an end product like a
performance, competition or we create
There is somewhere I can carry on my
interest after the club has finished
The people in the club really want to be
The leader is really good at teaching the
The leader listens to and respects our
ideas and suggestions
Something else (please write it below)
255. Consultation survey questionnaire
15. What kinds of activities would you choose if you attended a club? (You can tick more than one)
Traditional team sports / physical
Traditional non-team sports
Adventure / Extreme / Alternative
Outdoor pursuits
Trips and outings
Talking to friends
Chilling out/relaxing
Coursework / Exam revision
Talents / Hobbies & Interests
Art (of any kind)
Computer games
Film / Digital Media
Music (Instrumental / Group)
Music (Other)
Something else (please write it below)
16. What activities would you most like to do if anything were possible to set up as a club?
1_____________________________________ 4______________________________________
2_____________________________________ 5______________________________________
3_____________________________________ 6______________________________________
17. What do you think about the range of activities on offer to you? (Tick one)
There is an excellent range of activities for me to choose from
The range is good but I think there could be more variety
The range is okay but there aren’t many things to choose from that I’m interested in
The range is quite limited and there usually isn’t anything I want to do
There is never anything I want to do but I would go to a club that interested me
There are often new clubs starting that I haven’t taken part in before
It’s always the same clubs running and I’m not interested in them
18. Where would you prefer a club to be based?
In school
Another location
255. Consultation survey questionnaire
19. What do you think could be better about clubs in school, that might make you want to take
part? (You can tick more than one)
Better facilities
Better equipment
Better quality of activity
Run by a professional coach or tutor from outside of school
Nothing. I don’t want to do activities on the school site
Something else (please write it below)
20. Who would you prefer a club to be led by? (You can tick more than one)
A teacher
An adult in school who is not a class or subject teacher
A professional coach or tutor from outside of school
6th Formers
Parents and volunteers
Any of the above
Someone else (please write it below)
21. What would put you off attending a club? (You can tick more than one)
If none of my friends attend
If the club doesn’t turn out to be what I
If activities were too competitive
Unable to get home after activity due to
lack of transport
If I had to pay
The activity is unreliable – sometimes
doesn’t run
The activity seems poorly planned
Activity leader can’t control the group
Teacher or activity leader is too strict
Something else (please write it below)
22. Do you feel that the school staff listen to you and act on your ideas and requests for new
activities and changes to activities already happening? (Tick one)
I have never told the school staff my ideas and requests
255. Consultation survey questionnaire
23. How do you let your school know what activities you would like to do?
(You can tick more than one)
I fill in a questionnaire once a year
I fill in a questionnaire more than once a
There is a suggestion box for new ideas
Through the school council
I know one or more adults I can talk to
about new club and activity ideas
Online forum / blog on the school
webpage to post ideas
I don’t know who I could talk to or where
I could go with activity ideas
Something else (please write it below)
24. How do you let your school know what you think about clubs and activities during or after
you have attended them? (You can tick more than one)
I fill in a feedback form
The teachers ask us what we think
I seek out a teacher to express my opinion
I tell my parents who contact school
The school council members ask us
Something else (please write it below)
If you would like to write something else about Out of School Hours Learning clubs and activities,
you can do it here.